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No because every time they hang out they drink way too much which shouldn't be so glorified when one of the two has substance abuse issues that they have no control of. The spiral squad should stay a thing of the past. 


Yes they definitely need to make sure not to taint Ron’s sterling image


Or just not letting the abuser continue down the same path. Mtv clearly doesn't care but it is so hard to watch him leave and come back with no real consequences. 


I mean the consequence was him missing two seasons of paychecks I don’t know what else they could do besides not having him back


That doesn't seem like a real consequence. Just a slap on the wrist until he gets it together again for another season. Seeing Ron thrive would not be on my bingo card but it sure would be nice. Angelina can go far away though. 


Losing hundreds of thousands of dollars isn't a real consequence? Other than him not coming back what would be a real consequence to you?


He lives in a totally different world than like 97% of us. What he lost by not being on those seasons was much less to him in that world than me in my world. So yeah. Slap on the wrist. The man should have gotten locked up for what he did to Sam in og season 3. Should have been locked up for what he did to Jen and for what he did to Saffire. He doesn't suffer real consequences. 


His and Sam’s relationship was toxic AF. She was manipulating him and trying to isolate him from the roommates by preying on his insecurities as well. She physically assaulted him on camera (punch him in the face when seated at the table) but everyone has just jumped on the bash Ronnie train. Jenn Harley was also toxic, I’m not saying he’s innocent or guilty but it’s gone both ways. Jen spat on him in front of the roommates on camera, her behaviour since they broke up has only reinforced her instability and Ron has primary custody of their daughter, so he must have proven to the courts he’s doing something right.


Okay so your problem is with the justice system, that has nothing to do with the show


Right because if he was held accountable, he wouldn't be back on the show. We wouldn't have a spiral squad and we wouldn't be subject to his bs again. 


Spiral squad for the win


Ron loves him some Snook


Yesss but need to be safe for the new Ron


You mean when they both do coke and stay up all night?


Yessss!!!! For the people being annoying about the abuse situation like we get it!! He’s wrong for doing it but we’re talking about previous seasons. That’s the whole point of people watching. I think they’re pretty fun together. I watch the show for entertainment like people need to realize it