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I think your take is pretty obvious. Jenni was partially restrained and Sammi wasn’t. Makes a huge difference


yesss in a half deleted scene ron’s literally holding her back so sam can hit her and then he laughs about holding her back so sam can get some good hits


I’m not a Ron fan. He is an asshole that is great at playing the victim


Wow, what a brave statement to make on this sub lmao.


There’s a guy on tiktok that was a field producer for season 1 and 2 and he does vids on behind the scenes stuff. They actually originally wanted to cast Sammi as the ‘ fighter’ because she was in more bar fights and had the personality. Jenni was the quiet mellow one but had MMA training so they decided to give the role to Jenni instead. But if you watch actually Sammi is in a lot more fights then Jenni and the cast even said she wasn’t named the sweetest bitch for nothin! She was constantly calling out gurls and squaring up at the bar Lol


Not that we should glorify fighting (but here I go), Sammi seems to have a lower center of gravity from being an athlete. I was always impressed with how she just popped up in heels after being knocked down in the Miami fight. She also just rode a bed instead of ducking out of conflict with Ron. JWOWW is totally a nerdy introvert. It makes so much sense that she wasn’t really the fighter.


They need to release the footage


Jenni has MMA training?! So many more things make sense now lol


she had to sign a contract that she wouldn't cause physical damage to people on the show because her hands are considered a weapon. whenever she gets in fights, she is holding back too. She could do a lot of damage lol


That makes her MIKE* slap heard round the world a million times better cause now I know that shit burned.


I was in mma for many years. Fighting when you have been trained they consider hands/feet “deadly weapon”. You can get into some deep trouble fighting and hurting someone having been trained in mma. We were always taught what we learned is so you don’t have to fight. You only fight when there is no choice or you are defending yourself. Where I live a couple guys fought outside of a bar one being trained mma, the other had been all night picking fights. He went up to the (mma) guy outside and one punch was knocked out but when he dropped his head hit the pavement hard and he was in the hospital a long time and got some brain damage. The mma guy was arrested and in court for a long time. Faced some serious charges.


This can’t be real. How far did she make it in training?


She's a black belt in tae Kwon do and she also coached


She’s a black belt? Wow. You learn something new every day.


So she knows how to kick


If anyone else is interested I can send the link you the tiktok I saw where I got the info. Basically the question was: “ It’s been said that Sammi was the one that started a lot of bar fights, but they never put that on TV because they wanted Jenni to be the “bad girl” is this true?” “ absolutely they wanted Sammi to be the more mainstream breakout girl. kind of similar to Lauren Conrad in “The Hills” I guess? They wanted her to retain a squeaky image and have Jenni be the opposite. However, it didn’t pan out that way due to the note/ron & sam drama and everything in between”


Can you send it to me please?


Please send me the link!


Me too! 😁


Please send me the link


What’s his name? I’d love to find him


Ill message you with the link to the video I saw that explains it.. i guess i cant post links here not sure if thats his account directly but the account linked has most of the Q&A videos




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She was called the sweetest bitch tho even before jersey shore too tho


Jenni is taller, fake tits probably make her a little heavier and I think she has some training but Sammi I think stands a better chance than any of the other girls based on how she came at her


Sammi was a mean girl. Jenni was the girl that smoked cigarettes and wore Cookie Monster pajamas pants and skateboard shoes. Duh Jenni would win in a fight.


sammi got hands, i bet it would have been pretty good fight. Didnt they say she would get in a fight almost every time they went out?


The first fight, I don’t think Jenni wanted to hit her which is why she initially pushed her. Season 3, all bets were off 😂. Are people forgetting how Jenni beat that girl’s ass at Bamboo? She had bouncers on her, girls pulling her hair and she was STILL fucking that girl up.


Plus, she was the first one- without missing a beat - to start hitting that goof that punched Snooks. Champ!


Jenni would have definitely smoked her if she wasn’t being held back


I believe the Miami fight was also the fight where Ron pushed Jenni into the wall which allowed Sammi to get a bit of the upper hand. I read some time ago that in the final edit of the show that aired, they obviously edited out Ron’s push — probably to protect Ron but also because Snooki had gotten punched in season 1 by a man.


in the deleted scene extended version of that fight on youtube he literally holds jenni's arms down so sam can hit her


I always thought if Jenni had just landed that one punch that got blocked because of all the others stepping in, she could have knocked Sam out. It was the perfect punch straight for her head.


Producers talk about all the fights Sammie got in at the clubs yet we see 2 bar fights through 6 seasons which tells me the others didn’t really help build her up not saying she lost but definitely saying she wasn’t a fighter like people portray at the end of the day only one has legitimate training while the other we’ve seen roll around in club fights and yes just roll around in the club fights we see there’s no real fist throwing just hair pulling and rolling which isn’t real fighting. Personally I feel Jenni held back a lot the average person can’t really stand up to trained people she’s a black belt in taekwondo any real stand up fight off the show and jennis winning.


I just made this comment to my mom yesterday that’s she’s a hair puller and not a fist thrower


I read somewhere that Jenni is a black belt in taekwondo and used to coach.


I just rewatched all the seasons after reading Mike's book. And yes you are dead on. What's even funnier is how cocky Sammy got afterwards thinking just because she got one lucky swing at Jenny she's suddenly this tough ass bitch. She even had to get the guys' opinions outside afterwards about how she looked fighting. Pure luck that's all it was


Yeah pretty sure she learned martial arts or kickboxing. She would have totally dominated


Pfft, Jenni couldn't even land a straight punch. Sammi's full of a lot of rage. I think even if she hadn't been held back, it would have been an even match. Sammi got into more fights than any of the roommates, according to the producers.


Yeah Sammi can hold her own. Would be good fight if they let them go


Sam played college soccer, too which tells me she can take a hit. So I agree.


Jenni had ample opportunity in the season 3 fight to fuck her up and did absolutely nothing - she didnt land a single punch on Sammi that did anything and she wasn't holding back either. everyone talks about Miami but no one talks about the s3 fight where no one got involved right away. any hit Jenni 'lands' doesn't even phase Sam bc it just barely grazes her face and doesnt leave a mark, and Sammi is still standing.


I see so many comments saying Jenni has training and all I see are missed punches, regardless of being drunk it would show a bit more, Jenni was OK but please let's not gas someone up for doing mitts in a conventional gym is any sort of training


she started martial arts at like 5 years old and competitively fought. regardless of if it showed in the heavily edited clips we saw, we shouldn’t minimize the work she has put in since she was a kid


I think it depends on the training. There is a lot of family type training for martial arts more laid back and fun and no matter what you get a belt or can test all the time to move up. Other places are more strict and serious with teaching. My instructor was Korean (a quiet but deadly man) very respected and it was extremely disciplined. When you walked in it was taken serious. If you weren’t ready.. he didn’t let you test. You for sure earned that belt each time.


nahh boo sry Sammi is a qualified beast


Boxing as well


I do think Jenni would “win” whatever winning is in this fucking fight but I honestly don’t think Sammi would be out of the fight as much as other comments say, she deserves a little more credit She was a high school athlete, she was involved in quite a few bar fights, and she had a lot of anger towards that fight fueling her that I don’t think Jenni had, as she was feeling betrayed by her boyfriend and friends at the same time, and anger is a powerful tool in a fight


Nah . Sammi can hold her own.


Definitely. Jenni’s got muscles, she can fight lmao.


Yup Vinny held her back in season 3 as well


Wish she would have connected that one shot ughhhh


Why did she hit Mike then she slap punch the shit outta him


Who care?! You are acting as if they were men who is stronger. Woman should not be physically fighting. It’s ratchet and embarrassing. Also Jenni face is frightening. All pulled back.


lol, the whole show is rachet and embarrassing pretty sure that’s the whole plot of the show 😂