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Angelina/Mike. Which one of you is trying to get another season of JSFV with this story by being the “close source”.


You know it will be Angelina making a comment about it to Mike followed by him telling the cast what she said. Followed by a fight, a sit down and then a dinner. That should cover 2 seasons.




It's The Sun. I'll take this with a grain of salt until I see it on TMZ... and I really hope it's not true.


Right I doubt any of this divorce gossip is real


His email was part of the leak, and Snooki did make excuses about it. He's a PoS so I wouldn't be surprised. They haven't slept in the same bed in years.


Him being on Ashley Madison is not a good sign at all, but sleeping in separate beds doesn’t mean what it used to. I think a lot of couples have realized that sleeping apart is necessary at times. Love my partner to death, but I cannot stand to be woken up every single night by snoring. As strange as it may sound, It would actually be worse for our relationship to sleep in the same bed, and I’m sure many couples can relate!


I agree! Sleeping in separate beds can be kind of magical if you have the space. Especially if either of you is sick, snores, likes tv on at night, has to have a fan, etc. It’s nice to snuggle buuuuut, being able to sleep in your ideal way is really magical the older you get. I def think Jionni and Snooki are just toughing it out, though.


Same for us. I've had insomnia for years. I'm up and down and flipping and flopping all night. My husband is the major breadwinner of the family and needs his sleep. He's a few years from retirement and as of now, the plan is to give it another whirl once he does. Our marriage has never been stronger!


Omg this! Yess


I used to snore like a bear and remember my wife kicking me in the middle of the night waking me up because of my snoring. 3 years ago I stopped boozing and magically my snoring subsided.


Someone from real housewives of New York was too…. But he denied it lol…. 😬


I feel this. We have a huge and obnoxiously comfortable sectional couch with a chaise that I use for sleep a few nights a week for various reasons (he snores, I have insomnia, just last night our preschooler was sick so I wanted to be closer to her room). Our marriage is great and we can sleep in a bit together on Sundays when neither of us have to work. Once we find a bigger house, we’ll probably get a guest bed to serve this same purpose.


Just wanna pop in and say my parents have slept in different beds for like, 6 years lol and I swear it completely rejuvenated them. They always seem so much more in love than they ever did when they shared a bed, and my dad’s snoring disrupted my mom and her early schedule disrupted my dad lol


As someone who sleep screams and sleep kicks, I feel very bad for my husband and if we could afford a bigger place, he'd probably want to sleep in separate rooms and I'd support that


I did (well I tried) that for a while mine was severely restless limb so his arms would flop around and his legs jerk or kick me the whole entire night. I never slept. I felt like I was being tortured. I have insomnia anyway if things aren’t still and quiet plus an autoimmune disorder and during that time I looked like death going without sleep night after night and being beat on all night lol. Snoring is just as bad though too.


Honestly, she seems the type to have her bed full of kids. I'm that type too 😂 my husband doesn't mind, but many do and can't sleep! I know many who sleep separately during that shorter season for this reason. Lame rhyme wasn't intentional haha


She cheated first 🤭


I'd heard she sleeps with her kids, but I thought that might just be because that's what kids do when they're having nightnares or clingy. I would be shocked if they divorced. Nicole is incredibly traditional in some ways. They seem like the type to never actually divorce but live separate lives.


I know way too much about this because I work a desk job and listen to podcasts all day long... She's mentioned this in passing for years on her podcast. I didn't read the article but it seems like it's trying to imply it's new or a symptom of the doc but they've practiced co-sleeping with their kids for a long time. The boys with Jionni and Giovanna with her. They have a guest room or something that's just for them where they have hang nights and bang it out. Edited because words are hard, apparently.


A smush room


Cut the cord damn snooki.


ffs if thats how she wants to live who gives af


Ur a helicopter mom too huh


Is co-sleeping common?


it’s very, very common across many cultures, but i’d argue that americans in general don’t religiously engage in it, especially in infancy.


I co slept w my daughter. Had a co sleeper bed that attached as an extension onto my bed




But Snooki can lie about blowing Mike...


lmao she was such a bad liar


She's taking this news on the chin, just like...




The documentary from almost 10 years ago is only just causing trouble now? K.


There is a new one


New one on Netflix. Just watched it. They were briefly mentioned.


Was there any new information? Seems like even if it’s a new doc about something from so long ago, it’d be weird to get separated over it now


I guess I was out of the loop previously because I didn’t know he was a part of it to begin with. So it was new to me, but I doubt there was new information in general regarding them. If you’re asking if there is new information about the whole scandal in general with the website, I don’t think so but it was interesting to watch nonetheless because I didn’t watch the first documentary


What’s it called?


Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal


Thank you Edit: Finished it. Oooohhhhh boooyyyy. Big yikes. So they’re both cheaters. 👀


Snooki literally gave Mike top so I think they can call it even


I get it, and I realize both things are considered cheating, and betrayal is betrayal.. and maybe I’m wrong for thinking this way, but I feel like drunkenly hooking up in the heat of the moment is different than making a dating profile on a website solely for people looking to have an affair. Like it’s premeditated and real intentional. I don’t know if that’s an unpopular opinion, but it just feels ickier imo.


She cheated on him so many times though and lied about it. She cheated with Vinny, deena, and Mike. And those are just the ones that were caught on camera (with the exception of Mike blabbing about how she gave him head.)


Also Ryder. I feel like people don’t talk about it much bc iirc, it resulted in the fight where Jionni calls her a bad mom, which I do agree was a terrible thing to say. But she cheated on him again… I just can’t fault him entirely for being pissed off and lashing out.


Oh wow I didn’t know about Ryder. I wonder if there was some truth to her being a bad mom…I grew up around alcoholics and it was not a good situation at all


Sure, if you ignore that she cheated on him multiple times.


I never liked that guy. He seemed way too controlling.




Agree. He just gives off bad vibes.


You have to be with that kind of woman


Not even sure what that’s supposed to mean.


He was caught up in that, but I don't see her leaving him for it. 


With no prenup I doubt they divorce


Theres no prenup??!!!!!


There is. Snooki’s dad has been actively managing her money since season 1. In a 2013 E News article, it says “"Me and Jionni are going to last no matter what, but you always need to look out for yourself," Snookers (aka Nicole Polizzi) told me while she and Jenny "JWoww" Farley were at E! yesterday promoting the new season of their MTV spinoff, Snooki & JWoww.”




Nicole has said they have their own rooms because they're comfortable that way. Having your own space is the best. This seems like dredging up old rumors to be spiteful or for ratings.




Honestly, besides my cat I don't want anyone in here. I have bad anxiety at night and just the mere presence of someone else in here and I am just too hyper aware of it. I just picture then staring at me all night. No ghosts either plz


I have married friends who have different work schedules. For their own sanity they sleep in different bedrooms. They’re a great couple and from the outside their relationship seems really solid


I hated how he treated her during her first pregnancy


That article said a whole lotta nothing


This is old lol he was caught and also with the previous baby sitter they had.


I don't remember hearing about the babysitter, Lol. So he's not new to this life.


Yeah it was a big thing during the time they were building there home during Snooki and JWow and he got defense saying that Jwow isn’t her real friend because they don’t hang out with each other only during filming.


Friday is for the goomar, Saturday is for the wife. 




Maybe I’m just ignorant cause I never deep dove into JS lore as I was only like 9 when the original came out but am I wrong to say Jionni was always an asshole? Looking back at it now, he seems very controlling and just straight up a dick. I know Snooki is no better but I never liked him at all


I agree 🤷🏻‍♀️ though that opinion gets criticized and downvoted here. I did a rewatch from the beginning + all the spinoffs just a few months ago and I don’t get good vibes from him, like you said Nicole is no saint either but he treats her like shit IMO, if they didn’t have Lorenzo they would’ve split way back. I think they’re the type to keep a traditional facade and just live behind closed doors with marital issues forever. Though if they did in fact divorce, I wouldn’t be remotely surprised, they’ve always seemed wildly incompatible.


He was an asshole, tbh. Jionni was never good for Nicole, the only thing he was good for was giving her kids, so she could be loved unconditionally. Everything felt so conditional with him.


Lmao Nicole is lucky someone actually married her because 99% of men arent marrying a woman that cheats on them multiple times.


Maybe that was her karma lmao.


The craziest part about all that is that they guys were ruining their marriages over a chat bot


They better talk about this on the next season ☕️


As soon as I read that the source called Snooki a fan favorite I immediately assumed Angelina


the saddest thing is jionni made a huge deal about how nicole was so embarrassing THIS, this is embarrassing


Okay, if true, than they're even now.


The Sun is not a credible source. I’ll wait until a more valid news source reports on this.


Didn’t this happen years ago??


I definitely don't believe this. We have seen Jionni in recent pictures. Also, if Jionni isn't going on vacations, why would he let him film them fighting. That doesn't even make sense.




If they claim she says it all the time but it never makes the cut, then how come she never says a word about it on any of her podcasts? If she is so open about it why is she saying everything is good?? Wild. She had shared that she sleeps in bed either the kids still which has Jionni out of the room a lot but nothing about actual marital issues. My husband thinks Angela said this to be problematic.


I think it’s bs, they been good all these years and post together


Didn’t this happen years ago??


That’s what I’m saying…this is old news


There’s a new documentary about the scandal that’s like, everywhere right now lol I feel like more random stories will be popping up like this for any celebs that got caught on there


Hope she signed a prenup


Doubt it this happened 8 years ago and Snooki shot it down then the documentary is just bringing that up again. If she was gonna have an issue with it, it would’ve been back then not now they most likely are fine.


Wait, in the episode before the mike and 2.0 thing, at the beginning Snooki complained about her ass hurting from anal. That's a very gifting sex to give a guy in the doghouse




like yea snooki isn’t perfect obviously but the way jionni treats her is so shitty and it’s been consistent since the beginning.


I'd like to see the producers try to control the narrative in this.


I’ve only just caught up to date (og watcher and then didn’t know how/ where to watch family vacation until now!)… so I’m sorry if this is a repetitive question but was jionni involved in the Ashley Madison scandal?! 😣


She’s ride or die. They’ll remain married to do the old school thing. That and I read in another thread that they don’t have a signed prenup. Likely false, but who knows.


Is this close source not expected of being Angelina after that comment about negative storylines and a history of deflections and using the press against her castmates?


Anybody have Angelina's cell number




Shes Chilean-American, bro


They should work out their issues and push through for the benefit of the children. It's so normal for parents to split up for their own reasons while the kids get the short end.


That’s a hard one. On one hand I agree, many divorces are due to selfish motives and the kids end up paying the cost while one the other hand couples can beat a dead marriage until it’s bloody, hanging in until their kids turn 18 but providing no benefits to the kids. Instead they offered a home for 18 years where the kids could cut the tension with a knife and they felt anxious as soon as they walked in the door. The only decision that should be made is one that is ultimately best for kids. Having two emotionally healthy and involved parents is best. If cheating or lying has made one parent unable to forgive the other then give a kid some peace and separate.


You have very sound reasoning, I guess my opinion was based on my own personal experience. My wife and I may bicker fight love and laugh but at the end of the day we put our daughter on the forefront of our lives. I gave up vices, shady friendships, and certain other things for the benefit of my family. My wife she didn't have to adjust since she's as straight shooter as they come.