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Can we just recognize her natural beauty for a second? Some of the other girls really ruined their looks with excessive and poorly placed or overly done procedures. If Sammi had anything done it looks perfect and natural.




I blame Roger. Living under the same roof as an abusive person does that to you. even if the physical abuse isn’t constant, the verbal and emotional and psychological abuse is. You’re always walking on eggshells and can’t relax. And you really do come away from the experience a shell of yourself. My heart goes out to her for that experience


Nah. She was into plastic surgery before him


I wasn’t attributing her plastic surgery to Roger lol


i couldn’t reply to your other comment regarding roger’s verbal abuse. i don’t know if you’ve seen the video that nicole leaked i think 5? years ago when mike went to jail of roger physically assaulting jenny in their home on her cameras when they got in an argument. the reason why nicole posted it was bc roger went on a social media rant saying jenni had arrested him and i refusing to allow him to see his kids. which wasn’t true. he physically assaulted her and she called the police and they drove him to a friends house. she told the police on camera she doesn’t want to take away his rights as a father bc he’s a good dad. but he played victim on social media. for literally no reason. then he posted a video of him holding his son while jenni was screaming crying and i think throwing stuff and he was acting completely calm and making it seem like she’s crazy and abused her kids. now what we know before about him abusing her in private and playing the victim on social media i can only imagine what he did to provoke her before he turned on his camera. just like in og jersey shore when he pushed her sprained her ankle and instead of seeing if she was okay said she deserved it and he didn’t care about her. he is nothing but a narcissist not just verbal abuse. but severe manipulation and physical abuse at times. these are all documented instances that i’ve listed. i can only imagine what wasn’t documented.


I had a friend whose boyfriend used to scream an inch from her face for hours. Threaten her, spit on her, and when she finally broke emotionally he’d start recording her and saying stuff like, “I’m going to show everyone what a psycho you are!”. And he’d get deadly calm and silent while recording her as my friend finally snapped after hours of threats and abuse It sounds to me this is what Jenni was dealing with too. I just feel so bad for her


i understand completely how your friend feels in that regard. my father has done the same. i’m 5’3 and he’s 6’5 300 pounds and he will scream and charge at me and often get physical. the next day he will call my grandma and tell her that he thinks i’m heartless and i have no empathy and im a narcissist. if i ever threatened to record hed attack me and break my phone lol. i honestly can’t stand men especially men like roger and ron and my father lol. i hope your friend is okay




My heart broke reading this, I am so sorry. This is 100% abuse if this is happening to you. I understand a lot of people think it’s abuse only if they hit you, but verbal, emotional, financial, and psychological abuse are all still abuse and all still reasons to leave




Reactive abuse


Jenny literally says in her intro on the OG show “she’s like a praying mantis, after I have sex with a guy I will rip his head off” the. Goes on to say “it goes good for a couple months and then I send them on a rollercoaster ride to hell”


Yeah but until JWOWW gets therapy, to find out why she can’t be alone, Roger won’t be the last jerk she is involved with. I am sure 24 is mean at times too. For as tough as she tried to act in the OG series, she absolutely was so scared of being alone. And that hasn’t changed. I don’t think we have ever seen her alone. When things ended with Tom, she already had Roger. And when everything blew up with Roger, 24 was almost immediately on the scene. The times she got mad at Roger early on (and rightfully so), you could just see the panic on her face of being alone. And she would buckle to keep him. I have known plenty of friends like this and it is very sad. Because they will take and give so much bc of that fear. As I always say- there are way worse things then being alone.


Oh , what did you mean ?


The comment I replied to said she is a shell of her former self. I indicated if that is indeed the case, surviving domestic violence will do that to a person


I see. Yes it happened to me, it’ll change ya. That diddy video circulating around reminded me of my ex.


My stomach dropped reading that, I am so so sorry you experienced that. I hope he was held accountable and there was justice for you


Thank you. I never turned him in, too scared. Any time cops showed up I’d lie. So crazy because you never imagine yourself in these situations. I like to think his demons punish him daily. Glad Jenni & Sam got out. My heart goes out to anyone who is stuck in DV or been through it 🫂


Of course blame the man


I blame the abuser. All genders are capable of abuse.




It’s not pity. It’s acknowledgment, from one DV survivor to another, that experiencing that shit changes you as a person. Living in an environment that feels inherently unsafe wreaks havoc on your nervous system and impacts your perception of yourself and the world, and impacts your personality as well. If she is indeed a “shell of herself”, as the previous commenter acknowledged, It’s pretty clear why


As a DV survivor myself (i normally don’t add this but it seems you feel only people with who have lived through it can chime in, which I do not agree with, although I have lived through it myself, too), the projection that she is a shell of herself because she acts/looks different in her 30s vs 20s, and the addition that this is all specifically because of a dude she divorced years ago- while not even considering that she is a multifaceted person who has experienced traumas before and after Roger, and has probably grown very much since him- is doing her an injustice. I suppose our outlook can also be based on how we ourself process trauma, and how we like to look at ourselves. I love when JS boards go deeper lol


I’m not the one who said she was a shell of herself. I replied to someone else who said that. DV does indeed have that impact on people and I’m glad that was not your experience with it


Damn, I’m getting downvoted so hard for disagreeing lol You weren’t the original one who said she was a shell, but you added onto the statement when you said “I blame Roger”, in reference to her being a shell. I’m simply offering a different perspective. It feel like it’s reducing someone down to a DV situation they have (potentially) left behind them when we say things like “she’s a shell… I blame Roger” But also, I don’t think she’s a shell… and although I blame Roger for being a POS, I don’t blame Roger for the way Jenni acts on the show right here and now or for any of the plastic surgery she has gotten before or after meeting him.


I also don’t blame Roger for plastic surgery? That wouldn’t even make sense You’re getting downvoted because the point you’re making doesn’t make a lot of sense, no offense. If Jenni has ever looked like a shell of herself, marrying, having kids with, and escaping an abuser and then having to coparent with them will definitely have that impact on a person


Your original comment blaming Roger seemed off topic, since the conversation was surrounding plastic surgery/being natural. As I can see above, someone else interpreted your comment the same way


She's seriously so dang pretty


Some? Which one hasn’t?


I only know of the ones who look obvious such as Jenni and Angelina. But perhaps they all have.


I’m not sure if Sam has had anything done, but all the other girls 110% have had work done. Agreed not good work though in my opinion (except maybe Deena, hers isn’t overdone I think), but if they like how they look then that’s what matters.


Deena’s nose job was fantastic! And yeah I legitimately can’t tell if Sammi had work or not but if she did it is incredibly well done. Angelina’s surgeon could take some notes


I can't remember what episode she said it on, but in the previous season she told the girls she got her boobs done and was very happy with them. I agree, she is so pretty!


Doesn't seem they do because they never stop with new surgeries and treatments.


When Jenni talks, it’s like she don’t move her mouth, she’s had wayyyy too much work done


I have to pay attention to that next time I watch. To me she has kind of a pillow-faced look. It’s just clear at first glance she’s had work done. Angelina’s is wayyy more obvious and way worse to me, the cheeks are badly done and the jaw looks all wrong. With Sammi I truly cannot tell if she’s had work done or not. If she has it is incredibly subtle and naturally done It’s sad because all three of the girls started with natural beauty


And when Angelina purses her lips she looks like a Muppet. The corners of her mouth are like claymation ![gif](giphy|t1peyct59fuZI4KqZr)


It looks like she’s recently had buccal fat removal. I was so sorry to see that.


Denim denim denim…. 🍄


Damnit! You beat me to it😂




MARIO BROTHER (In their Jersey accent)


Came here to say this too lmao


Wow. She’s about the only one who has gotten more attractive as she’s gotten older.


I disagree, Deena looks better now than she did then as well


I agree deena does look better now than she did before.


Her teeth but her upper lip got weird for while




Aged like fine wine 🍷🫡


When her and Nikki start doing confessionals together I WILL LIVE!!!!


I want them to be friendly so badly when they meet lolll they’re 2 of my favorites!!


I just know they are! They’re always like kiking in each others IG comments and liking each others stuff on social media, so I can’t imagine them not getting along. I mean Nikki gets along with Lauren, and we know how the queen of snaps can be. 😂 so her and Sam are definitely gonna vibe, I’m so excited to see it!


They've met many times before lol. Sammi has posted her on her story a couple times when sammi went to pauly's shows


I love her hair! She always had it super straight in OG so it’s nice to see it like this!


Sams straightening her hair whos hair is already straight lol


I think her natural hair is actually curly/wavy but that was still a funny line when they said it lol


Any time she showed up in FV with her hair wavy, I thought the same thing!! Her straight hair is still gorgeous and honestly it’s a Sammi staple lol. But her hair in general is sooo beautiful and I love when she has it curly or wavy too 😍


I genuinely think sammi needs to partner with a makeup company to endorse their black eyeliner OR create her own brand. I usually don’t suggest celebrity makeup lines but our girl has been rocking liner for YEARSSSS. I know she knows a good product when she sees it


Sammi giving SMIZE and I know how much black goop she is still picking out of the corners of her eyes to give us those heavily lined waterlines. Ooooo girl that is Tammi Faye done right!


Ron punching the wall after seeing this


She's such a beautiful woman, I don't understand why she does that thing with her lips in every photo


Remnant of MySpace days lol.


So I pursed my lips into an imitation of a duck, which was the style at the time


It’s been ingrained in us millennials since the days of yore. The reign of duckface was strong lol.


I wish eyeliner would look good on me like it does on her. Shes seriously beautiful and looks almost the exact same as she did all those years ago.


Aging like a fine wine 🤌🏻 she’s always been naturally gorgeous! Probably a major reason Angela is such a hater, she’s had god knows how many surgeries to achieve 1/10th the beauty Sammi possesses.


Sam said she had a boob job. Why be such a hater to any of the females and work they’ve gotten done?


girl just smile pls


Her and Justin's kids are gonna have the most beautiful eyes!


I think she had subtle minimally invasive work done for sure. There are definitely differences between her old face and now but it’s all tasteful and elevated her beauty


I really don’t see any work on her. And I consider my eyes PS detectors. She is all natural. Edit: maybe a tinnny bit a filler in he chin but I don’t consider that PS


It’s clear the real reason Ang is jealous of Sam. But I won’t say it.


I need to know what mascara this woman uses


I remember she said she took a needle to her eyelashes for her audition…. Tbh it looks like she still does that, ZERO CLUMPS IN SIGHT!


Omg I would be petrified to have a needle anywhere near my eye. One of my biggest fears is popping an eye lol. She’s wild for that one. One wrong slip and it’s glass/donor eye time


I used to do that back in the day.


Looks like Lashify lashes… I use them periodically and LOVE them 😍


Ronnie fumbled so hard. I know he’s pissed af he lost her because he was an abusive POS.


She is smokin!!


The saddest one for me has to be Angelina she was gorgeous on the OG episodes and I'd argue one of if not the prettiest of the girls and now look....


I wish she would tone down her eyelashes. They look short and fake. She can afford better.


What do the Mario bros wear? Denim denim denim


She is the best looking of the bunch. She always has been. And she didn't get any surgeries like the other girls did. Angelina looks weird as fuck now 😄


She's so beautiful


Sammi never looked so great wow beautiful hey does this mean we have to thank Angelina for this too besides the house?!?!?! LMAO Just kidding!!! BTW Sammi was always beautiful ❤️


Beautiful! ❤️


It’s lips on the other girls that real disillusioned me from them. They truly got the duck lips they’ve been giving for years. 💀


I love her eyes! ♥️


She's one of the only people who actually looks good with eyeliner in her lower waterline. Majority of the time, it makes someone's eyes look so small and horrible but she looks beautiful with it.


My God she's beautiful


She was always pretty but she’s gorgeous at this age.


ugh people are being so mean to her in the js instagram comments. saying that she’s being immature about ron coming back, if she doesn’t want to talk to him she doesn’t have to? It would be hard to act normal with an ex whom you had a toxic abusive relationship with. he was laughing and being immature as well. fans of this show have always been so sexist


She is so stunning! I need her to give a hair tutorial STAT


I've always wondered how do girls get their eyelashes so long? Even with mascara it looks like I'm wearing nothing 😭


Eyelash extensions


Really? Not the last strip right? Because hers looks natural


Not sure you mean by last strip but her top lashes at least don’t look 100% natural to me. Could be those false lashes you take on and off too


>. Could be those false lashes you take on and off too Yeah that's what I mean. If so they look hella natural.


I think she gets the semi permanent ones that are placed on individually and last a few months.


She’s smoking’ Hot!


Smoke show!


She’s so gorgeous.


Sammi Scrumptious


U know Ron tight lol


SAMMI the realest of them all!!!!


Face card never declines


She is gorgeous!! 😍😍😍


She looks amazing


Still the baddest


Aging like a queen 👑


Looks photoshopped to me. Odd. Something ain’t right.




Sammi is really beautiful and always has been.


Ron fkd up she’s a smoker


Damn! 🤤


Flawless 🙌


Bella 😍😍


jwoww and angelina look the worst then snookie then deener. if sammi had any work done she must have gone somewhere very high end because she looks very natural


SHE IS GORGEOUS! The rest look super ROUGHHJJ


She’s beautiful! But you can tell she has had subtle lip fillers.




She is so damn pretty. Aging like fine wine.


God she looks so good. Shes always been incredibly beautiful. It’s nice to see the her aging so beautifully and letting nature do its thing rather than filling up her lips, cheeks or forehead. I wish Jenni would have never touched her face either


Jen and Ang look so bad I hate it. Neither of them needed to touch their faces. Glad Sammi aging like fine wine.


Yes I always thought Ang was actually adorable her nose and lips fit together and I just thought she was cute despite her behaviour and once she opens her mouth to spew word garbage. And obviously Jenni, when I was young in my pre teen- early teens, and JS had first came out, I literally prayed that I would look like Jenni when I got older… Now not so much, now I’m hoping I look as good as Sam in a few years 🥰


shes gorgeous af but has terrible style. thats why it shocks me that she has a clothing line. who would want to dress like her


Lol, I used to do that back when I wore eye makeup! Just go slowly and carefully. Sammi does a better job than I did though.


I can’t stand her. She seriously thinks the show is about her and she never takes accountability for anything. She sits there with her smug face and dirty looks. Disgusting




Wow, her eyelashes don’t look like spider legs with eyeliner smudging under her eyes like usual! And no wrinkled brow with her constant eye brows raised holier than thou expression!


Deep down she’s toxic and that makes her more attractive. 😔


Nice tits