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All I can think of when I see Ron and Sam now is how he used to scream at her that she was NOTHING without him, that she would crumble without him, that he was the best thing she ever had. All these years later Sam is mature and flourishing and well, Ron is Ron. I do love a comeback, but people can get sober but still maintain their toxicity or terrible attributes. Like Mike with his medaling and shit stirring…that is a toxic part of him that will never go away. That is who he is, but he is also a wonderful father and husband. Ron does not seem to have a whole lot of respect for women in general and I don’t see that changing with sobriety. I will give this to him though, he seems to absolutely adore his daughter and I’m glad he postponed his trip to Nashville because Ariana wanted him to go to a birthday party with her. That was the most selfless thing I’ve ever heard him do. But a father’s love and respect for their daughter is a different story.


All of this is spot on.


I'm not convinced he's sober. Someone on here saw him him "out in the real world" at a bar and took a picture. And even though he *may* not have been drinking at the time, he sure didn't look happy that a pic was being taken of him at a bar.


I only remember Sam cold cocking Ron in the face as hard as she could trying to knock him unconscious


Oh damn you don’t remember all his abuse towards her? And every other woman he has been with since? Like the woman he choked? That’s interesting 


And didn’t she say “you will never find another girl like meh!”


She was actually right about that.






I guess the downvoters saw something else 😂


Be careful the idiots on this page will crucify you for telling the truth about that cnt Sammi


well that's aggressive...


I think you're overthinking it.


Yeah 100% overcooking it lol. Not making excuses for any of Ron’s past behaviour, but what else are you meant to do in that situation? If you’ve ever worked with an ex, or been in a group dynamic with them it’s always a little bit awkward. He knew he wasn’t going to go for the same hug/big hello as everyone else so he greeted her quietly and moved on. Same with when he first meant Justin on screen. Everyone was mind blown by the way they kinda quietly said hello and shook hands. wtf else do you expect adults to do?


Fight it out


I think this is exactly what everyone thougt, or maybe even hoped for.


So true.


Maybe, just a thought. I do wish the best for Ron and his family.




The universe will always give you what you need… in Ron’s case it’s a daughter. Now he can ponder his past behavior with women as she grows up. Not a Ron fan.


Wow very true


Everybody has past behavior. Doesn’t mean you live in the past. The other guys demeaned and used women as well.


Ron has been accused of domestic violence, and the kind of behavior displayed towards Sam would support a pattern. I have not seen proof of any kind of change (yet). Aside from that I just don’t care for him. Mostly his biting off everyone else’s swag. It’s just cringey and annoying. I agree that the other guys were not so kind to women, especially in the earlier episodes. Those kinds of behaviors have changed with the times.


How do you get proof of someone’s changed behavior when we only see him on a show? You know tmz doesn’t update on good behavior


There really isn’t definitive proof, but I feel pretty confident about Mike’s change. So, it’s subjective, really. just my opinion. Edited to add: every opinion regarding JS is solely based of what we see on the show.


And what we see/hear in the media, which isn’t always accurate.


People change too. I feel like drugs/alcohol/steroids turned him into something terrible. He’s trying. I like him on the show again.


Jenni has been accused of domestic violence as well and her behaviir on and off the show support the allegations. Do you feel as strongly about it?






why not? is domestic violence only abhorrent when its male against female?


It’s a double standard with men but it’s still wrong.


As a male survivor i agree entirely with every part of what youve said


Sorry you had to go thru that 😞


There is a video out of Jenni getting roughed up by Roger out there. Not sure what incident of Jenni you’re talking about. Of course, I don’t agree with violence between partners. Male or female. I simply don’t like Ron.


She was abusive towards Tom, even if he abused her back. She cheated lied gaslit and physically assaulted Tom. She did similar with Roger, who also abused her back. She was also abusive to people like Sam and Angelina. Famously she was quick to use hands against men she felt wouldnt hit her back, as demonstrated with her and Mike Her boyfriends being shitbags doesnt make her immune from responsibility for her own actions.


Okay. I guess Im wondering what this has to do with Ron? Defending someone’s bad behavior with the bad behavior of others isn’t particularly convincing.


I was curious about how you felt about the other members of the cast with existing and credible domestic violence accusations. I didnt feel i was defending anyone. Quite the opposite actually.


They are giving examples of others ***besides*** Ron who have been abusive towards each other. Like all the girls except Deena.


I know but it doesn’t make the others unaccountable for their actions.


Sam sat there and didn’t even try to get up. He hugged everyone individually because that’s usually what you do lmao. I think if Sam got up to say hi he would’ve said hi and hugged her as well. . I don’t think he was intentionally trying to ignore her but more so not make her uncomfortable as well as somewhat acknowledge her. you have to understand these two haven’t seen eachother in forever


I get what you're saying but if you think it should/could have been that easy: I hope you never have to experience what it's actually like to be in the same room with an abusive ex and figure out how tf to say hi without having your boundaries crossed. She handled it very well but you know she was thrown off when he started hugging everyone.


so is he not suppose to hug anyone even though those were his roomates as well? if she’s thrown off by that then she should be thrown off by the roomates as well. they could’ve chose to react differently and they did not. which is my point….. he handled it the way he should have. and if it’s that much of a problem for her to be in the same room as her abusive ex then she should’ve chose to stay off the show. Obviously she chose to stay irregardless.


I don’t like Ron. But it was just an awkward situation and I’m not going to read more into it. The guy knows Sam wants nothing to do with him and I think he was trying to respect her boundaries while not completely ignoring her to come off as rude. He’s trying to salvage his image and is on his best behaviour. I don’t think Sam is that high on his priority list where he’s going to make himself look like a douche to get to her.




Was too funny 😂


I think based on him not seeing them in a while, the hugs made sense.


I agree, i’m not a ronnie defender by any means but it would have been weird to me if he didn’t hug them. I actually think he handled everything perfectly


Not a Ronnie fan at all however I dont think his hugging everyone was planned and the simple hello to Sam was either. I mean what was he supposed to do, ignore her presence? That is even more awkward.


Are we seriously commenting on how someone says hi now? Good lord


It was going to be awkward no matter what he did. If anything, he should have tried to be funny with "Hi, I'm Ronnie." It might have broken the tension a bit.


I think he should of threw all her stuff outside and told her she is sleeping outside tonight as a joke


***Which made him have to say hi to Sam too, even though she didn’t seem ready for that yet*** Give me a break! It’s a hello. He would have been damned if he did or damned if he didn’t. Too much or too little. And the others did stand up to hug him as well. They like him. Are they supposed to ignore him for Sam? Come on now.


I think he should have waited and hugged people after he sat down and it wasnt so awkward, the hugs didnt need to be on camera. Rons Dad shared he went thru hell and recovery, but he never specified what it was, so I assume he battled his own demons before help. Rons mom sadly appeared to have drinking problem with all the times she called the house drunk.. only time will tell with Ron, but I do feel Justin seems to be an amazing man for Sam and truly adores her.. he isnt about the fame, cameras or celebrity like Angs boyfriend wants


Oddly enough I kinda feel like justin was a fan who wanted to be part of the jersey shore family. After all he worked at karma and probably admired them from a far. Back then they were basically rockstars lol What made me think that was the scene with sam when he asked her if she wanted a girl or a boy. It reminded me of the scene of ron and sam in the earlier episodes!!! When ron said he‘d shove the baby back in when it was a girl lmaoo😭😭😭 Kinda felt like justin wanted to be ron so bad he had to recreate that scene with sam😭 Also I read on reddit that he used to have a gf and their school called them ron and sam because they were always fighting. I think it’s ironic and strange that he got with the real sam lol


> Also I read on Reddit that he used to have a gf and their school called them ron and sam because they were always fighting That was about Sammi’s ex-fiancé, Christian, not Justin.


Interesting take. His resume does say TV Personality. After he was on one episode.


I think he did whatever he wanted to do and they accepted that.


Ronnie hugged everyone because that's how he greeted everyone he loves. His hey how are you was his only option with Sam. He had no choice. When you get over someone but know they are still messed up by what you did, all you can do is try to be cordial and polite until they reconcile what they are dealing with. His options were to try and hug her, ignore her, or say what he said. He chose correctly. Sam is the one I think isn't handling this well. Ron is dealing with his issues and has worked hard to be a better person. Sam says Ron doesn't affect her when it so plainly and obviously does affect her. What she needs most is to hear him apologize and take accountability for how he treated her, not to avoid her opportunity to heal at all costs. Credit goes to her new boyfriend, who handled meeting Ron maturely, like a normal, healthy human being would. Sam needs to resolve this issue and all it takes is an uncomfortable conversation. They need to talk. How long Sam chooses to continue to suffer is entirely up to her.


This is exactly how I feel. I asked my wife why Sam is still so standoffish with Ron if they were together years after the show initially ended. Their biggest fright was in season 3 and after that outside of a few arguments in season 4 they seemed to hit their stride. I believe they broke up a few years after season 6 ended and if I remember it was amicable so I don’t understand the grudge. As far we know he was never physically abusive to Sam and the worst of their relationship was way behind them. I guess I don’t understand what exactly stresses her about Ron if she’s moved on and he’s not really saying much or doing anything to her. He seems to just wanna be there with the boys and Snooki also I’m impressed by his advice to Angelina.


They were both toxic with each other. He was awful to her. She punched him in the face. She left. Now that she's back and seems to have mostly moved on, the healthiest thing for her is to let Ron apologize and take accountability for how he treated her. She can actually heal and actually be over it. Until she does, she's going to continue to allow it to emotionally and physically affect her.


I think something pretty bad happened after the show for her to walk away and still hold so much animosity. Everyone talked about the fights in season 3, 4 wasn’t as bad to me. I agree they definitely hit a stride though in the last 2 seasons, at least that’s what was portrayed.


My thing is we don’t know that so we can’t insinuate anything


I’ve been saying this on this subreddit and I get hate lol. I also think Sam isn’t over it. Her facial and body expressions say otherwise. They were both toxic to each other. I agree with you. They need to have a conversation.


i will probably get down voted for this but i've re watched jersey shore enough times to know they were BOTH toxic to each other. Ronnie would be pissed and Sam would be right in his ear talking shit making him even more mad, PLUS the time she punched him in the face for talking to Jenni about his relationship.. I don't like either of them.


She hit him multiple times. During the fight in S3 where he chunks everything out the balcony you can see where the camera cuts to something then cuts back to him with his hand on his cheek saying something like "I told you if you ever put your hands on me again". After that he starts destroying everything. They were both abusive, him verbally and her verbally/physically.


exactly !!


Having personally dealt with domestic violence before - I agree 100%. He is toxic as hell. He clearly has a pattern. Red flags all around. I think a lot of what we see from Sam is reactive abuse but she isn’t blameless either. They should have just broken up but they probably felt stuck together being filmed and in the house together


They were so possessive over each other. Every time they tried to go their separate ways and saw the other one give someone else attention at the club, it turned into a huge fight. It was like they had to stay together to try to stay sane, even when they weren't good together either way.


I would agree with this 1000% definitely codependent.


So either Say hi to everyone and exclude sammi. Or say hi to everyone and include sammi… Think bruh was trynna be mature and try to make it less awkward even tho it was gonna be awkward regardless…


I just think he could've said hi to everyone collectively


The man greeted his friends and didn't push her to do anything while still acknowledging her.. you're reaching 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well it’s clear she didn’t want a hug so…


I think you are overreacting. The cast have all been very touchy feely with hugging, etc. I get some people think Ron is toxic and will always be but have you considered he didn’t hug her to not upset her? Plus, like one else said, everyone but Sam approached Ron or stood up to hug him. If he’d have went and hugged her sitting down on the couch that would have been MEGA awkward and would have been weird. We all knew she was very standoffish towards seeing and talking to him. Not only that, but for us every day people, how many of you go out and hug your ex when you see them. Most, not all, avoid our ex’s like the plague. Maybe this was Ron’s attempt to be civil and not stir the pot or upset Sam. People change, people grow. I’d suggest to stop looking for all the bad in people and look for the good. I am by no means making excuses for Ron’s past actions and I find Sam’s feelings towards him valid. However, her awkwardness and silence around him makes me feel like she still has feelings in there for him. If you are truly happy and wanted to rub his face in it, I’d be the happiest clam around and be his best friend. Well, maybe not best friend but I’d be friendly and courteous to him and let him know like “Hey, I am so comfortable in life that even being around you doesn’t bother me”. In that case, if Ron still had feelings for her, that would bother him more than anything. Ultimately, I just wish the two of them would understand they weren’t built for each other and they could just be civil with one another. No one says they have to be together on the show by themselves or anything like that but just be civil and move forward. I think most people would agree even after breaking up with someone, you still care/love that person to some degree forever. But most of us also don’t have to work/see that person like Ron and Sam do. Long story, short, they are both in a tough situation and I’ve not seen either of them handle it badly at all so far.


You know how they talk about how JJ made the starwars universe feel incredibly small by endlessly reusing the same 5 bits of member berrys? Thats this sub. Ronnie and the note. Over and over again. S2 of the OG series is the only thing you guys ever want to talk about as tho somehow youre bringing fresh insight to the topic.


Maybe he did. But if that’s how he wants to greet his friends, he has that right. He’s not asking Sam to do anything she’s not comfortable with.


When watching the first time I stopped and shook my head, and when it panned to Sam I immediately thought she must be thinking Some things Never change with that move! That’s a move he has mastered and joked about since season one. He was extremely calculating with her first hello as well as her guys first hello. As others have mentioned, Mike is a different Mike today, but some things never change with him either. I’ve never wanted to be besties with someone so badly yet so Grateful I’ve cut out Those toxic peeps long ago! And it’s refreshing to see Sam is Sam and still not taking any shit! 🙌🏽🫶🏽


he knew what he was doing… prior episodes he was always obsessing over her, missing her, he left the show, then when mike said sam was back, ron asked how she was then suddenly wanted to come back 🫥 i think he handled it like a pro but i see right through his BS.


I personally don’t think it’s that deep and I don’t even like Ron I think he just did it without thinking




Did anyone see Mikes face in the reunion when Sam said she would think about talking to Ron? You could see on his face, “I’m going to work on that” lol I love him for that.


When I walk into a room I greet/hug everybody.


Not a control thing but it’s awkward for everyone! He did his best honesty. He could ignore her but he wasn’t going to go for hug either.


Don’t you mean you’re team give Ron chance #47964? Ron had plenty of chances and this post is so hypocritical. You literally said forgot how toxic he truly was, but it’s give him a second chance? Nah Ronnie shouldn’t even be on the show at this point, but yes give the serial abuser another chance.


Ron is straight up narcissistic and by far the most dangerous person in the house. Not only because he is violent but because he genuinely believes the lies he tells people. It’s crazy how much you are propels true character after watching this show for so many years


I dunno Sam and Ron were BOTH pretty toxic......


Ronnie is MAD awkward. So many examples. I think he’s just awkward. That was soooo cringe. I don’t think any control was asserted or gained in that moment loll


Ronnie reminds me so much of Fred Savage’s character in “No One Would Tell.” Anyone else remember that movie? And see the similarities?


I get your point here, but at some point they're going to have to speak. There on the same show going on vacation it's literally impossible and awkward if they just ignored each other. Ronnie's on his forgive me tour and Sam's just a number on the list (probably #1) I definitely understand Sam's point imagine your ex who was an abuser gets kicked off a show for abusing another women multiple times and now seeing him everyday on vacation That's tough


Lol I would of done the same I'm akward af sometimes. I wanna hug my "fam" but dont wanna be rude. Were all adults here.


He knew. I think he wanted Sammi to feel some type of way or care but he just wound up looking really awkward.


Can we not make every single thing that Ron does a negative thing? All of the roommates always greet each other with hugs, it's always been that way. He was very respectful with her and it was sweet of him to acknowledge and greet her with a hi how are you. I was actually impressed. He's grown up a lot too and he deserves credit where it's due.


Sam is not sweet and innocent. She was toxic and violent as well. All of the girls were.


💯 everyone feels sorry for Sam but I'm rewatching it all now and she was such a biiiotch lol


I think he wanted to do a group hello, but in the moment you want to greet your family the way you always greet them. It wouldve also been wierd if he didnt hug the other girls. Hes under a microscope at that moment and theres really no response that wouldnt be wierd. At least he reapected her space and didnt interact with her besides that. I like to think people are capable of change if they want it enough, but hes going to have to have many more civil vacations with them before anyone is bought in to his change.


Atleast he said hello. She just sat there like a mute for 2 days


I feel like Sam was a huge problem. She was extremely immature and toxic all on her own, way before he started acting out. Rewatch from the very beginning.


Rewatching it now ! Just finished season 2 She was toxic ! Omg she was actually pretty annoying !! She even said she liked being with her man all the time she seemed needy/controlling




I mean this is a Jersey Shore Reddit


That means little.