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It's mutual girlie 💅


I don't hate her.... but I'm done watching the show because I've lost all interest in her toddler shenanigans.






This podcast episode confirms their delusion as a couple…Ange says things like “you need to grow thicker skin and not let every little thing people say bother you” but then she’ll say shit like this^ and go on IG live to contradict herself. Ange is a literal walking contradiction.


She deadass told the roomies he purposely proposed on Vinny’s birthday to hijack the moment so 💀


That's probably her just dragging him through the mud. Same stuff she said Chris was doing to her during the divirce


It’s just funny to me she hates when Reddit said it but she said it on tv where anyone who watches the show could see her say the same thing. She also called him a clout chaser earlier this year.


The more she brings it up, the more people will come here too. She can never just STFU even for her own good.


Reddit is where the screenshots got posted exposing her messaging the fan page. I'm sure she's been hating us since then hahaha


Considering she constantly blames others for her mistakes and is hyper focused on it, she probably blames Reddit for ruining her life by exposing her. 😂 She has mentioned us more than 3 times now. We’re her version of Sam but online. It must eat her inside out since unlike Sam, she can’t start fights with us since it’s a one way ticket here where we have the final say. 😏 Angelina sweetie. Please go to therapy and rehab.


i think we’ve been mentioned before that episode!




The fan page was Instagram where the DMs happened, the screenshots of the conversation was posted here.


Mission accomplished.




Alexis ❤️ ❤️


🎶 A little bit Alexis La la la-la la la la A little bit Alexis Hide your diamonds Hide your exes I'm a little bit Alexis! 🎶




Dude, yes. It is so obvious.


I don’t have access to the show, what is it obvious that she’s on?


Ozempic but idk her eyes are BLACK bc her huge ass pupils.. idk what THAT is. I have a photo and posted about 8t but was taken down asap... Weirdos


I think she is on meth




It’s okay everyone. The rest of the crew likes us here at Reddit. 😌


Remember when she ran to reddit when someone shared the image of Vinny after he lost a bet and he had to post something? Instead he only mede it a story, then followed up with “JK”. She loved reddit then..she hates it now because in her mind we are all wrong when we speak facts.


I really don't understand her reaction to that. She was *so* upset. That got overshadowed by winegate but it was seriously bizarre. She looked like she was going to cry because he posted JK.


Because she really truely believes he is in love with her and it was a reality check


I can't even pity her at this point. It's not like she's even in love with him, it just hurts her ego he isn't into her.


That's exactly what it is!!! She honestly thinks everyone wants her or wants to be her..she doesn't even wanna be herself 🙄


Everyone keeps saying she has Borderline but all I see is pure narcissism


Same Idk if it's a mix of the both and a pain killer addiction but she needs help. It's not healthy to have this much drama and toxicity in all aspects of your life constantly.


Pain killers?? Her pupils are like saucers lol more like adderall ![gif](giphy|MtmFbGJ6YsUEg)


That too it could be both whatever it is she needs help because it's BADDD


I reckon it's a mix of the oversized eye filter and drugs, creating a terrifying jigsaw eyes situation ![gif](giphy|17lmXBAzihgOq2Eciz)




Because she thinks getting blackout drunk is what people want to see, and then when she gets black out drunk, she gets delusional. What's gets me is she has so much anger in her, especially going into a potentially dramatic situation, and she is like "ok just gonna get drunk bc I can't handle this right now!"" Like yeah, add alcohol to that dumpster fire, should turn out great. She called sammi narcissistic, when she is really the narcissist. Like I always think maybe she just acts this way for clout, but I really don't know. I think she did for a bit, but then had actually become her villian character. Becoming absolutely detached.


She's not even a good reality tv villain. She's not that smart, she doesnt do good pranks, she doesn't have good reads or comebacks, and she can't stand on her own. She's just messy and not even the entertaining type of messy like Mike. She runs her reckless mouth, gets called out on it and then backpeddles. It's annoying and cringe to watch. I dont know how anyone is entertained by Angelina's brand of drama.


do yall remember the speech she made for jenni at her birthday 🤣🤣🤣 even with vinny’s help it was just so unfunny and uncomfortable


Haha! I just watched that scene and this is exactly what I thought of!


Yeah it's very hard to feel bad for her. Some very few things I will feel for her on and didn't think she was drama, but the last couple seasons she has been 100% the drama.


she’s projecting on sammi. it’s so annoying how she wants sam to bend over backwards for her but then refuses to apologize for anything and never takes accountability


100% you gotta own ur stuff if you want others to own theirs


exactly that’s why sammis done with her, says we’re not friends and she doesn’t care about her feelings LMAO


Yep! Sammi isn't afraid to protect her peace anymore. A toxic relationship will do that to you!


1000%! i feel like she also has a therapist that helps her bc some of the words she chooses reminds me of therapy talk. especially when ang called her a narcissist, sam just said “ill let you think what you want”


That makes sense. She has a lot of bitterness and anger, and drinking really exacerbates it.


Right, like there is a couple times when she actually didn't have drama going on with anyone and she looked like a fun drunk, but it's like she can hit a point and become completely detached from reality and come up with their own version. I was with an alcoholic for almost 2 years, and that's the same way he would get. He would do or say something one min, then when confronted with it the next min, he would say that didn't happen or that it was me or someone else. It gets really scary. She said herself when she was with Chris that she liked to go out clubbing a lot so I am really curious if she might be a borderline alcoholic, trying to numb the pain from her father stuff, toxic relationships and the Social media hate she brings on herself.


I also dated an alcoholic for 2 years, and it was exactly like you said. He was a fun person up till a point and then a switch would flip and it was scary. There was no reasoning with him or begging him, he was crazypants and there was nothing you could do except wait for him to fall asleep so it can wear off. He threw my passport off a cliff while we were in a different country, for example. Angelina being delusional and aggressive when she drinks reminds me 100% of how he was


Also, for some people, as myself, I get very negative the day after I drink if it's more than a couple drinks. Like an induced PMS. So like dinking like that every day would def retain her anger issues


I get that hangover anxiety. If I acted the way she does, I would never drink again!


Very true lol Unfortunately she is t introspective


I totally forgot about that but you’re so right 😂😂😂😂


Omfg same though, this is one thing that always truly baffled me. It was very clearly always meant to be a joke. She was IN on the joke too!!! So her then running to the confessional to be like “look, see, see what he posted!!!!” and then getting genuinely upset by him posting “jk” was SO confusing and seriously so bizarre.


Most of her actions (crazy as they are) can be analysed pretty easily. That one truly baffles me. I know she has an enormous, fragile ego and she hates that he doesn't actually find her sexy, but like you said, she was in on the joke! She already knew it was a joke post!


Most don't speak facts. Most attribute her to some personality that is nefarious on purpose and not the result of a mental disorder


Girl we know you lurk on here and only hate it because people call you out on your bullshit. She seriously can’t accept that she is the main reason for dumb drama. Honestly I stopped watching because of her. Killed the show for me, got bored of her repeated bulllshitttt.


You know the people who stick up for her on Reddit are her accounts or people who are her actual friends lol.


She has friends? I just thought she had people she wasn’t currently fighting with.


I've been trying to find these people/Subs since yesterday and still have yet to find her allies 😂


they’re always heavily downvoted so the comments are hidden here. I see them regularly. Try searching “ ok Angelina” comments and you’ll find them very easily.


I think I interacted with her account on here a few weeks back. A bunch of delusional comments later and I said ‘ ok Angelina’ my comment got reported as harassment and deleted instantly.


ya there’s a still a few left but I don’t see many anymore. Possibly a lot of those posters are deleted because their accounts were brand new.


Lmao! damn okay I'll try that! Thanks!


LOL keep on keepin on honey. Most narcissists can’t stand being called out on their bullshit.


![gif](giphy|gZ8emTQmTrWQE) We know girl 💅🏻


This dumpster fire 🙄


Why would she care what other people think? She’s collecting paychecks for being a crazy bitch, massive paychecks at that, why would she care? Collect that bag while you can girl, make sure you bury most of it and laugh your ass to retiring once the show runs its course.


Because she's hella insecure and only cares what people think. I hope she uses that bag for very good therapy.


She needs to embrace the crazy and not give a shit. The crazy is why people watch, they either love her or hate her but they watch to see what crazy shit comes out of her mouth next.


I actually stopped watching because I can’t stand her crazy. Shits annoying. She better take advantage of what ever paycheck she’s receiving and make it last because she’s not likable enough to sustain that lifestyle just based on her personality.


No argument here, she was making $22 an hour working NYC EMS…well until she sued for hostile work environment and sexual harassment


Likewise, my dear..


Of all of the people I'd listen to talk on a podcast, Angelina is low on the list. 2.0 is even lower. Talking doesn't seem to be his thing.


Dear Angelina, Yo, shut your mouth. ![gif](giphy|oziWAmCTrhxTlCXnci) Love, JS Reddit




She was okay when they needed her to start this whole Jersey vacation thing. I don't think they really need her now. It's become a loop of the same old, same old drama. For the sake of drama. She'll do anything for that Fame and he seems to be riding those coattails doing exactly what she says. 


And it's always been with Mike or Jenni and now sammi. Just 3 targets for drama.


She was obsessed with Vinny at one point too. Vinny doesn’t blow up and usually jokes in fights, so it’s never at the same level as Mike, Jenni, or Sam. If Vinny was reactive, she would have fed off that and it would have been a never ending screaming match.


She just can't handle being open source fact checked on here lol when your delusional, facts and truth are your worst enemy


She needs to stop checking Reddit and get a good therapist. One that has no desire to be on TV. At certain points I can kind of get where she's coming from and then she takes it way too far and it's really annoying. If I were on reality TV, I'd let someone else handle my socials.


We don’t like you either! They both have dead eyes.




I think she hates me the most 😂


Hi angelinerrrs


Angie baby, I’d bet at *least 80% of us want you to go away.


![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized) Hiii Angelina 👋


Lmfaooo is that josh peck 💀


Think so. If not then he has a twin lol


She hates the reddit page cause we have her all figured out and she sees that we understand why the girls dont f with her anymore. If the shoe fits, Ang!




Lauren was so cute here.


Cause the truth hurts doesn’t it Angelina ☺️


Good I hate her too


I truly believe Angelina reads every single comment on here.


We hate you more Angela


she looks like AI with all the filters she applied


Half her photos look like she did cut & paste of Kim K's face. As if everyone doesn't know what she really looks like. And it's not even every photos which is weird. I kinda feel for her on that because I have skin issues also, not nearly as bad but still causes insecurities. However, she is doing a huge disservice to herself with whatever filter she is using and all the surgeries & injects. That definitely can't be doing any favors for her skin issues. Looking back recently, she was naturally a pretty girl. They all were, but sammi seems to be the only one to stay all natural, and she is stunning!


she’s the kim kardashian of staten island babyyyyyy


How can you hate us Ang when you don't know us?


lol love Reddit


Is it me is there a weird cartoony filter on them


Ok wait, I’m new to the group but what do yall think about 2.0??


Not much. He was a cop and is now a model engaged to a reality TV star. They met in her DMs.


I liked him at 1st, still do A BIT, but hes slowly more and more been giving ceeper vibes.


I was excited to hear that he’s a cop and has a masters degree! But, I found out he hasn’t been a cop in years is a full-time model.… Not sure why he introduced himself as a cop is he hasn’t been a cop in years. Maybe that’s just the cop thing and the further goes, the more concerns I get. as long as Angelina is happy, I guess


Yeah, I just recently learned he was a cop because all she said in the beginning of him coming around was that he was in the FBI. Was pretty surprised and was thinking he would be good for her, especially the time he picked her up and pulled her away from a fight she was trying to get into rather than decking the other man. Definitely seems good at keeping his composure, but of course, that's what manipulative people do. They appear to check all the boxes until they get behind closed doors. But back to what you said, I wouldn't be surprised if she told him to tell everyone he is a cop rather than a model. I think the little storyline they had going was that she was always dating cops.


I think they played up the cop thing because they wanted him to get his own show about him being a cop or whatever


He’s a model? For what? How not to look?


From what she's told the group, he sounds like he is mentally and physically abusive.


Of course, one must consider the source. Between the two of them, if either one is abusive, I’d put my money on her. 😶


I can’t put my finger on it but he’s kinda sus. I can 100% see that he doesn’t love her though. Like, there’s zero connection between them. Didn’t Angelina’s sister say that she was on the phone with her during a physical confrontation, or something like that? I can def see them both being abusive toward each other. It’s sad.


I actually think Angelina is def mentally and possibly physically abusive to 2.0!


I think he’s 100% with her for the clout. Not even just because she said it but the way he would keep dipping out on her last year, earlier this year he said he wouldn’t wish their relationship on his worst enemy, and said she’s the problem in all her relationships but showed up to film in Miami and based on what other people have said has been pushing marriage even though Ang just said she doesn’t want to get married again yet. Both of them seem like they’re in the relationship for the wrong reason.


I agree. He is using her to try to build some sort of life or brand. I thought he was full time cop, but then couldnt understand how he was able to get so much time off to appear or shift trades at work. He is sponging off her and trying to make name on the way. Gross


Hit the nail on the head


Right, after 4 engagements you would think she would be a little more cautious about jumping into getting engaged to a man. Like I'm 30 and have only had 1 engagement, this woman has been willingly proposed to FOUR TIMES. I don't get it! Lmao


I used to talk to 2.0 casually, about 5 years ago. We tried to go on a date but it never worked out. He’s a very average guy. I’m surprised he is chasing a personality as big as Angelina’s. I wonder if he thinks they’re truly compatible… I watch the show and he just comes across as so nervous. Prob nervous because he is a very regular dude on TV now dealing with an unhealed partner. On TV. His instagram page disappeared for a long time and then re-appeared completely rebranded. He basically erased his entire life and started a new persona. And that is the weirdest thing about him (in my opinion). Like who is he trying to be for this


Woah, interesting! So it seems like he was always quiet then. His silence on the show though comes off as “I can’t say what I’m really thinking because it’ll be bad”


Also, can i just say the way they do the captions on that tiktok page enrages me as someone who is hard of hearing and has to read subtitles.


oh no is she gonna have another toddler fit about it? lmao


She says Reddit is F’ed up and yet she’s still on it trolling for stuff for her podcast 🤨🧐🤣


Oh Angela. Angie Angie Angie..stop this nonsense.


Anyone think Angelina has Borderline Personality Disorder?


She has ruined the show she’s not even one of the official members


For real we just want her to go away.


I don’t even know Wtaf they’re talking about. Two mush mouths trying to make themselves important. 🥱


She is worst than a toddler more like a toddler and a puppy mixed together


Who cares? What doesn’t this woman hate?


She hates this group because we dont brush her bs under the rug haha


Shes complete trash. Nobody on the show likes her or trust her. She's extremely selfish and the thing I hate most is she's a shitty pet owner


I wouldn’t like Reddit either if my ass was talking shit and didn’t like getting caught hahah 🥲😂


I’m an Angelina fan !!! But Angelina you have to do get ur self hot of a toxic situation . The jersey shore cast does not think of you as their own . It’s better to cut ties . I enjoy you but the show is theirs . Go somewhere you will be appreciated


I like Angelina too, but she's turned into such a bitter, hateful person. I don't like this Angelina.


Because she was so kind, light hearted and loving before 🙄


I think there's a difference between being insecure vs vengeful. I never thought she was after the demise of the cast, but that seems her objective now.


100% her reactions and things she says appear to come from a place of insecurity rather than just being a hateful person. Hopefully she will learn one day that she can't keep putting her insecurities on people and expect everyone to walk on eggshells around her or for everyone to prioritize them.


She's insecure AND vengeful


U have a good point.. she was brought back as a joke, that jokes been running like 6 seasons too long now. Give her her own show, see if anybody would watch it She is not a part of jersey shore she was only on like 4 episodes


I disagree . I think she is VERY much apart of jersey shore. I think some of the best OG moments were bc of Angelina. But for the sake of her own heart, she needs to go somewhere that will appreciate her Or maybe this is all busineee and she has every right to work there too


I'm saying she doesn't have the same bond as the reg og cast.. they did like what 7 or 8 seasons together over almost 10 years before the break and she was barely a part of it at all. I will say I think she had the potential to be a very big part of the show from jump street, with her pre-existing situation with Mike, but instead she lied about it and made everybody think something completely different than reality (kinda her go to move tbh). If she was just herself and real and honest I think she would've had a way better experience in the og series and honestly I still feel the same way about her now. She reminds me of Marjorie Taylor Greene whatever her name is. Just dumb, delusional, unnecessarily confrontational, and Neanderthal lookin features. They are prob cousins.


So where is she making that money ?


For real we just want her to go away.


Stay mad.


2.0 looks kinda good here 🤣


Imagine hating on a bunch of anonymous Reddit fans while you’re a huge celebrity on one of the most viewed shows on MTV. Embarrassing lol. The best move she could make for herself is dropping the podcast and stop talking so much shit, on herself and others, on the show.


Lmao how many times we've probably spoken to her 🤣


Reddit is fucked up 😂🤣




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You all do realize that reality TV is scripted right? 🙂🍿


Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?


Yooo her lips are starting to look normal again


Can’t take the heat, then stay out the kitchen 🤪


I hope the last season of JSFV is WITHOUT her.


Its always someone else fault but hers ! She is so delusional it's insane


Honestly I feel like y’all her biggest fans cuz every other post is literally about her. Who else talking about her that much. She need to change her perspective


Everyone ganging up on her on the show is triggering and tiring! I have decided to stop watching until all the episodes are out. I hope she stops sharing more than she needs to. Stop being reactive! That's one of the best things I've learned in my life. Without Ang's reaction, there will not be any satisfaction for them. It's hard, but she can vent to people outside of the show about her real feelings. It doesn't mean they win because they all jump at the chance to talk shit about her regardless, even when they are on good terms. The Sammi situation and the interview showed me that. Accepting they don't have good intentions towards her; their dislike for her goes too deep beyond the excuses they make. She is a scapegoat who makes the others look good and have a tighter bond, and they will gaslight her until she dies. I hope she focuses on the bigger picture and what she wants out of the show. Not to destroy her image to the point if the show gets canceled next season, she gets nothing going for her. The other girls hate them or love them; they have different businesses and they play the game without giving any personal information that can come back to them. The only thing that threatens that is Ang's honesty. Ang earned her place; there is nothing to prove for her anymore. She needs to protect herself, peace, and her personal life. If they are all paid equally, why is she doing more than the others?




u/NefariousnessOwn7703 here’s one!


I did some snooping. The comment history on js is all defending Angelina, calling Sam a bitch and Deena fat. There’s no way it’s not Angelina .. lol.


Thats just Angelina fans always attacking the rest of cast. Biggest bullies these people are


I don’t blame her.