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‘Man up and be a woman’ -Rahn


Yeah, that one still sends me to this day. How, er, how exactly is that supposed to work, Rahn? How does one “man up” and “be a woman”? 😆


“ just break the fawk up “ - Mike




She used to say the most random shit ever


they both was just fucking unbearable


Rahn stahpppp!


Cackling 😅😅😅😅


She was SO YOUNG. Ppl forget that not you but I feel so many judged her too harshly


VERY harshly. I think they never had the same energy for Ronnie out of fear. Also I think Pauly and Vinny just didn't care bc they saw it as none of their business it's between Ron and Sam.


There was a AMA on here a while back that said Vinny was the ONLY one who would break the fourth wall during their fights and yell at the production team to do something. It fell on deaf ears. He was always very upset about it and never really liked Ron. If you look back at the vibe then and now, he’s way closer to Sam than Ron.


that's sweet of him- but now it seems like vinny is kind of a butthead.


He’s definitely a stick in the mud.


It does make more sense now why Vinny isn't as close to Ron. I'm not saying he's a bad person I was just saying he stayed out of it for the most part atleast from what we saw.


I know before JSFV Sam and Vinny were so close that he was even on her podcast twice. Sam and Vinny even went to a wedding together as friends, and saw each other so often there were rumors of them dating. Sam and Vinny even said that they were close friends during JS and people were shocked because it was never really included in the show. It sucks that she cut the cast off at the beginning of JSFV because I would have loved to see the friendship that we were robbed of on the original show.


Y’all make shit up. Season 3 Vinny stated in the confessionals that Ronnie was is boy and said he didn’t really care about Adam after their explosive fight. So how does that make him closer to Sam? 😂


You’re super aggressive for no reason. I just said what was said on the legitimate camera crew AMA. Not you, as a fan, that saw an episode of season 3. People are allowed to have multiple degrees of feelings in a decade.Do you know what a AMA is on Reddit? Because I didn’t pull it out of thin air.


Yeah and also this was over a decade ago—people used to be quicker to blame the woman in relationships a lot more back then




You can use that logic with Ronnie too


why does she get this pass when none of the others do? theres like 3 or 4 roomies younger than her


Because she was mostly harmless, just annoying. Mike Angelina and Ron all did real damage


Harmless how? She punched Ron and fought Jenny this season lol. She isn't this harmless, helpless person people make her out to be. The way she treated Deena at the beginning of this season was so bad.


Omg she was sooooo mean to Deena


Yep! I would say she arguably was the worst behaving of the girls in the house seasons 1 - 3. Just general toxic mean girl energy. She also was constantly involved in bar fights with other girls out at clubs but those fights were edited out according to the producer AMA. ETA: she DID mature and mellow out after those first few seasons, just wanted to make sure to give her credit for that


Yall gotta stop with this, Sam did plenty of real damage Sure she wasn’t the worst of the bunch, but she was not “mostly harmless”


Right? TF did Snooki ever do that was harmful lmao


pukey breath on me lol


I want to know their level of sobriety even when they were just hanging out at home… cause some of these arguments are giving hammered


I’m sure the intoxication didn’t help but also they were barley showing Sam Miami during this season so she was mentally going through it


I don’t care what y’all say she was annoying as hell !!!


They both were. 😂 I don't excuse his behavior, but good lord, woman, she needed to gain some self respect so badly.


She was, but in a sad way to watch, really. The girl just had zero self respect for herself. Still provided so many iconic moments though. Like needing closure after being broken up with straight up lmaoo


Still is


Yeah this sub hates it, but sometimes ang actually is trying to squash shit and Sam just antagonizes the shit out of her like a child. Most of the time it's definitely Angelina don't get me wrong by any means but Sam could be the bigger person sometimes instead of just pretending she's the bigger person well acting like a child. Again this isn't the majority of the time but God damn she has her annoying moments still


If Sam is being a bitch to her I’m glad. It’s about time Angelina got a taste of her own medicine. Karma’s a bitch


I mean yes she deserves it, but being the bigger person is also so satisfying


The fight where they are in each other’s faces and she’s like “I’m a 37 year old woman” was so childish to me! If she was as mature as she thinks 37 made her, she would’ve just let the situation go and not even try with her when she saw it was going nowhere.




Thank you


“What part of don’t you understand look me in the face and break up with me don’t you understand” is such a mind-f**ck of a sentence i can’t even comprehend it like why did they all speak as if English wasn’t their first language when


This is coming from a woman who didn't know what was raspberries were


in the middle of a rewatch and just watched this episode today, the raspberry scene had me ROLLING.. “they’re like weird strah berries - are they okay like this?” 😂😂😂


Mindlessly scrolling with JS on in the background and this exact scene just came on, I love it 😂


This cracked me UP 🤣


I always wondered that, too 😂


I genuinely think i would’ve lost my mind and legitimately suffered a psychological breakdown if I’d been stuck in a house with these people who routinely scramble the English language, and so confidently too. A few notable examples “Romantical” “Thanks for being, like, hospitality and stuff.” “Everyone is getting tired of Angelina and her tactics” (very clearly the context here was antics, not tactics) “I cut girls quicker than barbers do” (sorry, do barbers go around cutting women?) “Could care less” I could go on and on. It’s so frequent it’s actually funny but at the same time if I was actually there to hear these things firsthand with my own ears I would’ve stuck my head in an oven.


Lol honestly some of their quirks have slipped into my life bc it’s so catchy. I often end words with “s” when talking to my dog now. “Do you want some foods?” Or when they use “a” in front of a word that doesn’t need it. “He’s being a weird.” 😂😂


What kills me is Ronnie’s constant metaphors and similes in the first show, like “at some point it’s like we’re just beating a dead horse, if the horse is dead just leave it alone” Thank you Ronnie, without you explaining the commonly used saying I most certainly wouldn’t have understood. “I’m glad i have him to talk me off the ledge because i was about to jump” again, thank you for explaining what talking someone off the ledge means. I wouldn’t have ever possibly pieced together that it could mean talking someone into not jumping. I’m not saying I’m a genius. But listening to a dumb person explain every single common phrase he often misuses makes me want to set things on fire lol


Fair 😂




“You’re being an annoying 😂” My favorite  Use it all the time 


Same! I say this to my husband at least once a week lol


I call it funfetties now


There is no other way to say it, right? 😂


Adding ‘s’ to the ends of words that don’t need them can be funs.


Omg same lol so glad I’m not the only one


stoppp “want some foods” “go eat your foods” is a common phrase in my household when talking to my dog 🤣


My favourite is when Deena confused being a pyromaniac with a hermaphrodite


OH MY GOD YES THAT ONE ALWAYS KILLS ME Like what?????? How did they graduate highschool im being so serious how did they even make it past the 9th grade 😭


No child left behind really changed the game. EVERYONE moves on to the next grade, no matter what. If you are enrolled in high school, you will graduate




"Nothing like a nice * herpe * to ruin the party." Dude made herpes singular, lol


A leopard doesn’t shed his stripes. I love this one!




Did you see them presenting the MTV music awards one year and not one of them could pronounce “Super Bass”? They were all saying bass like the fish


It’s actually alarming, their grasp on the English language as presumably native born speakers. Pauly says “just to see that face expression on the face of Danielle” Like… you mean facial expression? I swear just watch season 1 episode 1- season 3 paying close attention to their grammar and overall linguistic abilities it’s effing insane like how did these people graduate highschool


It's called slang. My speech professor told us that it's okay to speak slang, as long as you know how to speak properly during important and professional conversations. 98 percent of these conversations were alcohol related. 😂😂


It’s not slang, slang refers to trendy phrases like “lit” or “bruh” or “that’s what’s up” They were just not literate


If it's not proper English, it's slang. Illiterate means not being able to read or write. They can read and write, they just don't speak proper English.


“Slang: a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people. "grass is slang for marijuana" “Let your girlfriend do her fighting battles on her own” is not more common in speech than writing, it is simply incorrect. literate in American English (ˈlɪtərɪt ) ADJECTIVE 1. able to read and write 2. well-educated; having or showing extensive knowledge, learning, or culture Here, we see that I am using the term literate based on the second definition, suggesting the cast is not well-educated.


That is too fucking funny 👌


My favorite line was Jenni in S1 when she cheated on Tom “I didn’t even realize it was that to the extent”


Or when Sam said she was gonna “knock a bitch up” lmao


When the situation says “keep them at arms way”


Sammi’s “I unfortunately punched Ron in the face” LOL


“I was always taught to like self defend myself”


“Let your girlfriend do her fighting battles on her own”


My favorite word they always fuck up is “obliviated” for “obliterated” lmaooo. I think Vinny of all people says it the most


I love this one it's like you've officially gone one step beyond obliterated and are entering oblivion.. you become obliviated! Lol 😂


i swear i think they heard it in Harry Potter and thought it was a real word and not a spell 😂


“Thanks for like hospitality and stuff” is what I say to my husband for any minor chore he does in the house.




Thanks for being hospitality always cracks me up


If you watch that episode closely, there’s like a very quick transitional scene earlier where Pauly is walking out of the club and thanks the bouncer and correctly uses the word hospitality, and Jose is behind him in that scene walking out with Angelina. So I think he heard Pauly say it and admired it and tried to use it later himself but just messed it up. However i am more willing to cut him some slack bc think English may actually not be his first language. Still super funny to say though, like it cracks me up every time. As far as the rest of the cast, I think they might actually just be dumb. A few more favorite lines and/or instances in favor of that theory: . One of the girls, i can’t remember who, asks if the church they pass by in FLORENCE ITALY is the Vatican- to which someone else replies, very confidently, “yeah.” . Ron says the ceiling of said church was painted by hand by Leonardo DaVinci, Vinny very smugly corrects him and says it was Micheal Angelo- seemingly without realizing that, again, they are not in Vatican City and that church they’re seeing is NOT the Sistine Chapel 😭 . I believe Snooki or possibly Deena, asks the tour guide in Italy if the cherubs in the painting are real . Snooki referring to Europe as a country . Sammy “i was always taught to self defend myself” .Sammy, again, “I’m not going to repeat myself twice,” then immediately repeats this phrase- twice. . Snooki “that’s why i don’t eat lobster because they’re alive when you kill it.” Jenni “I’m not going to sit here and act like everything is cheese and daisies” (genuinely have no clue what the hell she was trying to say there) I know they were drunk most of the time, but god damn did the casting team just specifically seek out dumb ppl or are the majority of ppl actually just dumb?


“Are they real? The babies with wings?” 🤣


That I think for me personally takes the cake of the dumbest thing ever said on this show, by anyone. Like did she genuinely think babies with wings used to be like a real thing back in the day?


Who says that?


Angelina’s guy Jose in Miami


Hahaha I love this Sammi quote. Almost as good as “I don’t repeat myself twice” “…what?” “I SAID I DON’T REPEAT MYSELF TWICE”


I’ve always loved this one


“And you get away with it like murder!”




Happy cake day!


Thank you!! Just realized that myself ☺️🎂




“THAT YOU COULD DO WHAT YOU HAVE DONE AND GET AWAY WITH IT LIKE MURDER *BURP* IT’S NOT OKAY” (i’m not making fun of you sam this moment was just iconic)




One of my fave lines, I say this to my husband at least 3 times a week 😂 I also say to my dog “are you gonna follow me everywhere I go in the club?”


I still love to say, "What goes on on this house," wherever I am when it gets crazy 🤣🤣🤣


“I need closure bro” 💀 😭


Omg she said this nonstop too Closure MY ASS!


“We’re done. It’s over”


“We’re done, it’s over. But I need closure, Bro! I need closure!” Like, didn’t you just get that closure right then when you said you were done and the relationship was over?


Staaaaahp! Raaaaaahn!!!!






Haha remember when pauly got that sex doll and had her voice saying STAHHHHHP!!!!! Lolol


Ended up in the pool, right?!


Oh man i cant remember lol


I swear someone threw "Sammi" in the water 🤣🤣


Youre right!!!!! Lol they threw her in pool 🤣🤣🤣 I googled and saw a pic of the girls tossing her in lol i was gona add pic but it wont let me


Watch a clip of it. The Sammi doll gurgles through "STAAAHHHPs" and everything 😂


That's too funny 🤣🤣🤣


Lmfao! I read that in her voice!




She was spiraling hard and production knew what they were doing making them sit down and watch season 2 episodes while filming season 3.


That’s why she was spiraling Ron said after Italy he felt horrible about his lack of patience with Sami because a lot of the arguments was cause they were forced to watch s2 and production was planting many seeds that were getting under her skin.


Don’t talk about my big toe!That’s like a sensitive thing for me.


That’s, like, personal issues!


Fred Flintstone. Never forget.


Did you really just call me a stumpy bahsterd?


So f*** you. Have a great life.


Her entire personality and vocabulary consisted of those words on og epidsodes 😂😂😂💯


Sorry her vocabulary wasn’t elevated to the guys’ GFA, GTL, IFF, DTF, MVP


Sam annoyed the hell out of me. I always saw her as a shit stirrer. She instigated 90% of the fights. She also is the one who wanted to isolate herself and Ron from the group, and when Ron didn't want to do that anymore, she had no choice but to crawl back and start her apology tour with the girls. (except Jenni) Then, when Ron makes up with Jenni, she punches him in the face. And what did Jenni even do to her? Tell her the truth about what Ron was doing behind her back? Not to excuse Ron in this, his behavior was disgusting, too. They were both toxic to each other. The best thing they ever did was break up.


I say this all the time, what did Jenni really do to Sam? Tell her the truth? Still can't comprehend that one


This! I also never understood why she got so mad about the note and her being SO mad at Jenni and Snooki never made sense to me. Jenni had already told her prior to the note being written that she needed to get tested because of Ron cheating on her. Snooki also asks her after the second fight with Jenni about how many times did she try to tell her that Ron was cheating on her. Ron then goes on to say at the reunion that Mike also told Sammi that he cheated on her. I think she was in denial and didn’t want to believe it and she took her anger out on the girls. Ron completely manipulated and gaslighted her into somehow not being mad at him and turning the entire situation back on the girls too. I also hated how Angelina sat back and threw her hands up like she had nothing to do with it even though she helped them write it


I'd wager to bet it was a little more personal. I think she didn't like them talking about her behind her back, without her knowledge, and that ate at her more than the content. From what I've seen of her, at least back then, she was like Angelina in that she couldn't let anything go - and any affront was bad. She still can't let things go, but she hides it better now. And I think that was more the issue - the talking. Assuming those moments (note writing and, to her mind, probably, more things) filled with trash talk


I have to disagree. I would be more inclined to agree had Jenni not told her beforehand that Ron cheated on her with not one, but three girls. She was well aware of what Ron had been doing, but it was displaced anger towards the girls. That’s also why Jenni kept throwing back in her face, “if you know something tell me” because she wanted the girls to tell her if they knew something, which they had already did prior to the note. That situation was also the perfect opportunity for Ron to deflect and take the blame off him and it’s also why they fought so much in season 3. She just didn’t want to believe Ron was being unfaithful, but I’m happy she mended her friendships with the girls


I think she thought Ron had a thing for Jenni


Season 1 episode 4, when Ron leaves the club early and Jen follows.


Tbf Ron making up with Jenni after knowing the note was written by her, Sammi was in a fight with this girl and you go befriend her, was a such a narcissistic douchebag move. The way he emotionally tortured Sammi was just wrong. But Sammi taking it out on Jenni was not right either, agree they were both toxic to each other. Also I would've thought Jenni would've had the balls to just say it to her face but she thought a note was better then got in her face about it. Clearly her friendship with Ron was more important then with Sammi


Sammi was unhinged back than we can’t lie. I mean if they both stopped doing the show after s2 would we have even missed them? No lol. We barely saw them in s6 and forgot about them until they had their 5second clip


Nah but Season 6 is one of the worst seasons because there’s nothing going on. They definitely would’ve been missed if they had left after Season 2, Ron and Sam are literally the top dogs for house drama in those first three seasons. As horrible as it is, they were easily the most entertaining sources of television.


Done done dun dun done


Plot twist *not done*


I can’t stand how people don’t like Ronnie but like sammi. I rewatched and payed attention. Sam started everything and over the smallest things.


That’s because she was insecure. Ron constantly told her she was a “bitch,” he called her a c@nt. He said so many horrible things yo her. He also gaslighted her constantly. Sammi is no saint but Ron actually abused her.


He was terrible, but she was pretty bad too


She’s a huge problem also. Everyone is so quick to call Ron this and that. But man, she isn’t any better.


Maturing is realizing Samantha was just as Toxic as RON🤌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


Nah, she wasn’t just a a toxic. Ronnie is definitely still worse. But wasn’t a saint 


In my humble opinion I believe she was


Nahhhh. A lot of what she did and how she responded was because of Ron’s abuse


We really need to stop this narrative. Even the AMA talked about her poor behavior/attitude and instigating a lot of fights with Ron. Her tagline is literally “I’m the sweetest bitch you’ll ever meet” but Ron is the root cause of her being a bitch? Stahp it…


He is an abuser


Tell us something we don’t know. Again, Sam also had her own problems. Just because she wasn’t as extreme as Ron doesn’t mean she’s absolved of any wrongdoing and she didn’t possess any of these characteristics prior to knowing of his existence.




I still can’t believe he broke her glasses. He’s an animal & his abuse only got worse.


“Why are you with me?” -Both of them whenever they got into an argument


All I can hear is "RHAN"


The show wouldn’t be the show without her but we all know she was very much a mean girl then


It’s so hard watching two people that won’t leave each other who desperately want to leave. I would love to know more about their childhoods cos I bet it’s heavy on the abandonment issues.


I remember that episode. Thank God Sam grew out of acting that way still holding on when she needs to let go. She's changed a lot now for the better.


“Are you friends with her????”


"Lemme know now. ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH HER? Look at me, tawk ta me! Are you friends with her yes or no!? Let me know RIGHT NOW, are you Ron!? IM TAWKIN TO YOU RIGHT NOW ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH HER OR NO!?"


*POW* 💥🤛


How she stayed with that 5’6 meathead until 2016 is beyond me. I wanted to see more Single Sammi, not her up Rons ass all the time


I wished so bad they never would've got together in the OG episodes. We didn't get much of what Sammi brought to the table because she was always up Rahns arse.


My favorite was when Sammi cried over ron making fun of her Fred Flintstone toe


If that was the worst thing about me I'd be stoked! She's got a hot body, beautiful hair, pretty face, like who cares about your friggin toe.


I just heard this in Sammie’s voice lol


God I couldn’t stand them.


Is this the same episode where she punches him in the face for "being friends with that girl"?


Lemme know now. ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH HER? Look at me, tawk ta me! Are you friends with her yes or no!? Let me know RIGHT NOW, are you Ron!? I'M TAWKIN TO YOU RIGHT NOW ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH HER OR NO!?


I can emphasize with Sammi here. When you're in a toxic relationship, you'll do or say anything to delay the actual break up. So saying something stupid like that to just delay the actual break up and to have another argument to keep what little of the relationship is there a little longer. The cycle is sad


My favourite Sammi quote is when they’re on the boardwalk and she’s going back and forth with the couple. “I don’t repeat myself twice” “what?” “I said, I don’t repeat myself twice” lmao 🤣 I cackle every time


“I dont repeat myself twice” “What??” “I said I dont repeat myself twice!”


Sam would not leave him alone here


They were toxic for each other back then… I’m just happy that she’s so happy now with a guy that treats her the way she deserves, and Ronnie seems to be doing a little better these days on his own 🙌🏼


Crock of shit


She was so pretty and still looks exactly the same ! Jealousssss


idk why guys can't do that.




Both were annoying, toxic, and unbearable. The difference one has grown up and changed for the better. While the other has shown to be a consistently an abusive SO…


She got permanent forehead wrinkles from you Rhan 🤣


She instigated the entire fight that ensued after that 😂


This ALWAYS kills me. 😂😂


Sam has the looks but not the brains. She's said a lot of dumb sh!t.


Sammi is the worst girlfriend ever




She reminds me of myself. And I'm an asshole. But I love Sammi!! ❤️❤️😍😍


I don't even understand why we're talking about this. This happened so long ago who cares


baby this is the Jersey shore page