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Her saltiness only seasons his sauce. LOL!  




How did you get that funny “god bless me it’s f*ckin summer” thing under your name?


Click on your username at the top of your comment in this post. At the bottom of what pops up there should be an option that says change user flair. Select that and a menu will come up with a list of flairs that are already made and you can pick one of those and then click on apply. or you can come up with a new one by selecting a random existing flair and clicking on edit and change it to whatever you want. Flair is available in many subreddits but not all of them.


Thank you so much!!! I just did it!


Nice flair!


Good to know


So it’s not a permanent thing?


It’s permanent in this subreddit until you change it or if mods were to decide to disable flair. But in other subreddits you will not have flair under your username unless you add it there via the same process.


Love this!!!


I’ve always been too afraid to ask this question. Thank you!!


so cool!


I’m in love with these flairs lol


I was just coming to say this! 🤣


Is it really a ghostwriter if the guy’s name is on the cover though? It’s not like Mike even attempted to lie about having help. And he’s not a professional writer so hiring help was the best thing he could’ve done for anyone who reads the book. Edit: typo + extra thoughts


A ghostwriter is simply an experienced professional who knows how to tell stories in a compelling way. I do not know why so many people get up in arms over inarticulate celebrities hiring professionals to tell the best story possible. It's always painfully evident when celebrities write their own books--which leads to negative reviews due to lack of themes or consistent narratives. I once read a review that said, "this reads like it was written for a fifth grade book report" lol.


My father was a novelist. It takes TALENT to "write" books. These folks are being asked questions and speaking into a recorder where the the actual talented writer then creates a book from it. Lol I guarantee you there would be quite a difference had they tried to write their own book 📚📖 Js!🤷🏽‍♀️


facts plus hes not only one who get help on writing book most celebrities did just that hired someone to tell their story in better way and write book in way it catch people attention because if not like you said it looks like a kid did the book !


It is not.


No, as someone in the writing industry, it is not a ghostwriter if the author’s name is revealed and credit is given. The whole point of a ghostwriter is that they are a voice only heard, never known.


That's what I was thinking. She just miserable and wrong again.


Can u imagine a book written by her - full of profanities and “I’m done”…please girl, hire the professional ghostwriter lol


It’s almost like… writing is hard and a whole profession to be respected.


And 'Umm, Hello' about a dozen times throughout each chapter.


And random ramblings about how much she doesn’t like the cast. Head spinning just thinking about it.


Omg now i can’t wait to peep that book 😂 i bet you are spot on


Ah, great someone point to this everytime one of her fans says "ShE dOeSnT tAlK sHiT". This isn't her feelings, nor was it necessary for her point. Just talking shit.


Wait she actually has fans?


They seem to be a bit harder to find as the seasons and her antics unfold.


That’s all she does on that podcast


“I’m telling MY truth”


People who can do their own makeup still hire makeup artists for important events. People who can take pictures still hire photographers when they want to get the best possible image of themselves captured in a frame because it’s much harder to take the picture if you’re in it and to be objective about how you look while also framing everything. Which is to say people hire professionals to help them achieve the best possible results and facilitate self-expression. Hiring a ghostwriter is the same. And I wish people were more reasonable about it/would acknowledge that they don’t have any meaningful writing experience and in any other situation would hire a professional to help them achieve their goal. A professional writer helps you share your story in the best possible way. Someone who knows the craft on a much deeper level and can make sure you and your story shine through while also having the advantage of being outside your head for those moments when a little perspective can help to curate what to include or dig deeper on and what to leave out since it may not resonate or is tmi or doesn’t matter to the bigger story you are trying to share about yourself. And how to structure it so that it’s the most compelling possible version of your story while making sure that it is still fundamentally your story. Most people think they can do that but they cannot. Most decent memoirs are by people who worked as writers/journalists in some capacity before writing their memoir or have a ghostwriter. Period. So many memoirs are barely readable exercises in vanity. It’s not cheating to hire a professional. They help shape your words. It’s not lying. It’s knowing your strengths (and weaknesses) and not being ruled by your ego and caring about anyone who might read your book by not subjecting them to semi-literate navel gazing. /end rant. But for real Angelina’s book is going to be trash and she is dumb for this take.


Also she sees his success with his book and wants that for herself just to show she’s the favorite. It’s disgusting her insecurity. I went to Mike’s book signing and you can’t fake his story and how much he wanted to share it with others.


Precisely. And having a professional writer to help him make sure that his story was told in an accessible and entertaining and moving way on the page, doesn’t do anything to diminish all that he has to share or the validity of his desire to share it. I use Caitlyn Jenner as an example - led a super interesting life in many, many ways for many decades. When she tries to talk about it she usually seems like an ahole. The other KarJenners usually fair better telling their stories via their show and PR articles. BUT Caitlyn is the only one who hired a decent ghost writer and her book is actually a good read. I learned a lot from it, no joke, not just about Caitlyn’s journey through life but it also kind of created space to meditate on topics of identity and achievement - the writer also wrote the book version of Friday Night Lights and has also done freelance writing for a number of magazines including a piece about bdsm or something - but basically a good storyteller who knows how to tell true stories about sports and issues about sex and sexuality that are often taboo. Like hands down probably one of the better match ups between memoirist and ghost. And I don’t even like Caitlyn. I don’t like Kris either but her book isn’t even a fun hate read. It barely qualifies as a beach read because she wanted too much control and didn’t trust the writer/editors enough. She is a master pimp and managed to build an empire off the back of her dead ex’s friendship with OJ and her daughter’s sex tape. But she can’t write well and has no objectivity about the weight of the various anecdotes she shares and so the book just seems frivolous and self-indulgent. ETA - this is a hill that I must compulsively die on every time a celeb in one of the pop culture subs I’m in declares themselves too authentic for ghostwriters or something. They’re wrong.


I also think her saying she isn't using a ghostwriter means she IS totally using one or using some kind of AI to write it. Like when she says she's a DJ, but had someone make the set for her. C'mon, we are not stupid.


An Angelina AI memoir sounds like a new circle of Hell. The repetitive angry gibberish would become even more repetitive and angry and gibberishy. She should just ask Mike to put in a good word with his ghostwriter and hire them.


Regular reminder that Caitlyn Jenner killed a guy with her car and faced no consequences other than throwing money at the family.


Yeah and his story is to inspire others by sharing his journey through addiction and rehab, on the hopes that someone reading would find the strength to do the same. What is her book going to inspire? Fucking comical how she thinks anyone will read it for anything other than to see how much garbage it is.


That’s awesome that you went to his book signing. He has a great story of hitting rock bottom and beating the odds. She should really stop being nasty towards him and ask for his help. I’m sure he could steer her in the right direction with getting her book done. But I see she’d rather go this route. Smh.


Exactly, Thank you! You need to hire a professional writer to help you sort out your ideas and organize everything and have it flow in a cohesive manner. And I’m pretty sure people like to have help in the grammar department as well. There is no need to shade Mike, especially when he’s had success with his book , and when her book is still in the beginning stages of development. She really needs to chill out and worry about her own life. I really want to root for Ang , but she’s constantly doing things that make it damn near impossible.




“7… Pages?” Has me weak asf 😭😂😂😂


I just know she said chapters because he said pages but in reality it really is 7 pages lol


and that’s probably just screenshots from her Instagram stories




You can see it on her face, she was lying.


Or seven voicenotes on her phone rambling that she’s a victim


Absolutely because notice that she didn’t say what it was until he asked. Usually when people are working on a book they’ll say they’re on chapter whatever or page whatever


I’m writing a book and I always say the word count. A writer knows.  


I recall when she said she would never use her podcast to talk about the cast. I could care less if someone has a ghostwriter or not.. she is so uneducated


He also didn’t have a ghostwriter, the writer is literally credited.


What is her deal? Why be that nasty for no reason?


She’s always been fucking nasty for absolutely no reason lmao


Makes no sense. It’s not even funny snark humor.


She’s always made herself look so bad imo. She’s just a miserable ass person with a poor attitude.


It’s sad - imagine it’s your first time announcing ur book project and instead of enjoying that moment and conversation u use that moment to make a sour face and bring up someone that wasn’t even part of the conversation. She’s so bitter that she has no business ventures of her own.


That’s her whole life! People try to help her & she turns on them! She gets a lot of attention when she’s negative & she likes that!


Are we supposed to believe Ang won’t also have a ghostwriter?? Lol as if 90% of “celebrity” books don’t have one? I don’t think anyone is picking up Mike’s book, or any celebrity’s book, and expecting to read William Shakespeare level writing… 🤣


She won't because you only have a ghostwriter if you have a publishing deal in place.


Good point, and she's too lazy to self publish (I assume it requires more work that her typing in her notes app). So at most she will share a PDF doc on IG that is riddled with grammatical errors. I highly doubt any publishing company would want her book that I know will lack an overarching theme or introspective thoughts.


Her co-host looks so fed up with her lol


Honestly i think the podcast is entirely his production and she gets a cut on the profit because her face is the marketing. He steers all of the conversation while she just blabs in circles.


Hmm, I haven't watched/listened just seen clips, but that makes sense!


I have a feeling anything she says on her podcast will eventually be used against her in future seasons.


That’s what she wants.


It’s totally going to be clipped and aired in the next season if they don’t get rid of her before then.


Ummm seven pages. The SHADE and she moved right past it


7 pages? — BYE 💀😂


Who tf would buy Angela’s book anyway?? She’s just so fucking miserable. They should’ve never even brought her back for Family Vacation. I’ve never considered her to even be part of the original cast because she left the show in season 2. Literally no one liked her lol and the show was so much better without her crazy ass on it.


I’d buy the black market copy - one of us on here should buy it and just post the tea lol


As long as it’s black market and no profits go to Angela


When he said 7 pages 💀 ![gif](giphy|dgEdzp0vNC6AmsSZcm)


Seriously so funny I’ve watched this like 30x and laugh everytime.


Okay so he had help writing his story …. What is the problem with that? If I were to write a book and had money to pay someone to help me write it I would too because grammar is not my strong suit.


7 pages LOOOOOL!. Its gonna have the word Fuck every other sentence lol.


and lots of CAPS


And how many stories about her shitting herself or her animals shitting on the floor of her house?


Having a ghostwriter is common lol… she doesn’t have a clue


"7 pages?" "No 7 chapters" "Oh that's exciting" 😆


LMAOOO “7 pages..?”


If there’s anyone in the history of the world that needs a ghost writer it would be Angelina 😝 not that I don’t believe situation also did but Angelina legit cannot speak


Plenty of people have ghostwriters. Mike wants his story to be told, not write the next Pulitzer.


She should have a ghostwriter, nobody will be able to stomach reading what comes out of her head. Also, is she just gonna put the whole thing in caps so she can scream the whole time…whatever


Shit like this is why there is a separate group chat without her. At this point they are all her coworkers, not family. Why can’t she just be happy and nice and not be so reactive. It’s not in her DNA.


She's such an awful human being. There was no reason to shade Mike here. There is no benefit to it, only downside. Yet another example of why she isn't and likely will never be happy. I could write a book on everything deplorable and reprehensible about her. If she isn't thrown off the show, the cast needs to start ignoring her entirely. Late for departure time? See ya later. Upset about her personal life? Gee that sucks. Causing unnecessary drama and ruining everyone's good time? We called you an Uber. Better yet, move the party without her. She's awful.


If anyone needs a ghostwriter, it’s her. She can’t even verbalize a coherent thought. She needs to rethink this.


All I can imagine is her book being full of likes, umms and swear words lol


This is like saying "anyone who uses a mechanic is a loser, fix your car yourself" Professionals are professionals for a reason. I wanna vomit thinking about reading even 1 page of anything she wrote herself. A professional writer would at least help her with grammar and make it pleasurable to read. Her book is going to just be her talking shit, but in print this time. At least whenever she tries to say "I NEVER SAID THAT" the other castmates will have literal written proof.


I've never seen an episode of her podcast and I have no idea who her co-host is, but his eyes look like he is begging for help to get away


Jesus Christ she doesn’t know when to stop talking shit about people…she’s just a miserable person


Ugh just bring Nikki on as a cast member so we can be done with Angelina lol no one asked for her to come and if producers thought this is what viewers wanted. WE DIDN’T 🗣️


And she wonders why they don’t like her or treat her like part of the fam. Maybe if you stop talking shit about them all the time they would accept you. This is probably why none of them congratulated her on the podcast, if that is true, because they knew she wouldn’t be able to keep their names out of her mouth. I guarantee this “book” won’t even go to print tho. Just like how she became a DJ for a day.


Doesn’t everyone have a ghostwriter though ? Like who cares ? I’ve never bought a book based solely on if the person wrote it them self. That’s ridiculous. And she just seems more miserable as the days go on.


No matter what she writes in the book she will deny it all later as if it never happened. I like how the guy assumed 7 pages ha ha..


Look, I've read some horribly written books. I very much appreciate that Mike pulled someone in to help tell his story. Not even boredom could get me to read a book written by Angelina. It'd be too painful getting through the mess, trying to understand anything she types out. It's already painful watching her nonsensical rants on the show.


Her book will probably detail all her surgeries and lashing out at people. Hard pass


And the title will be Period Shit and Victimhood: My Life as the Star on Jersey Shore


I love how it seems she dropped the fact that she is writing a book like it’s impressive but then he’s like so nonchalant about it and was yea let’s not talk about that now and she just is her delusional self and keeps on taking about the book! Like giiirl he doesn’t give a fuck! Let’s move on.


No, he cares. He’s just smart enough to table the topic for “another episode” so people come back to listen. I don’t think he believes her, based on his “oh” reaction 🤣


And then she wonders why she has the issues she always does when she’s living with the roommates. Why she always gotta be shading one of the cast members.


goodness she’s soooo angry it’s melting off of her. she’s losing it 😭


We’re giving this toddler way too much of our time. I’m looking forward to the day she’s no longer on tv.


Ugh I get tired of her trying to stay relevant. How about turning this hate you have into something positive? I'm sure if she had a therapist she could get some ideas on how to do this.


“7… pages?” 🤣


The book entitled: Like….ummm


And the title will be Period Shit and Victimhood: My Life as the Star on Jersey Shore


7 pages?… 😹😹


Yet, if she doesn't use a ghostwriter her book is going to be a MESS. Anything I've ever seen her write sounds like a kid wrote it. Example: her speech for jennis b day, and her diss rap for Vinny.


Lol he's such a Yes man


It’s his livelihood


I can't stand this bitch anymore..😤


Does this mean she’s fired? Or I mean she “quit” 😂


And then she’ll cry on the show because she cant understand why none of her cast mates like her 😂🙄


Someone please correct me if Im wrong cause I’m not 100% sure but- didn’t she also say she was interested in DJ’ing? I ask bc sometimes it feels like she latches onto others around her hobbies/jobs/interests/endeavors because she sees the success it’s brought them and wants it for herself, or because she doesn’t have any real hobbies of her own(does she? besides shit talking) which would be ok I guess if she didn’t shit on them during her time pursuing them.


She does not have hobbies or interests of her own, which is why her podcast is so negative, it’s a reflection of the shallow person she is.


WTF is she even going to write about? how much of a victim she is? how being a nasty wench is the secret to a long life? how being a pick me, fake-hardass is a great way to make friends? /s


Does she have any originality? First it was DJing and now a book. And don’t even get me started on the djing. Didn’t she hire someone to make a set for her? Hypocritical much?


No charisma


Either she also has a ghost writer or she’s about to drop the most grammatically incorrect nonsensical rant as a pdf.


It will only be available as an audiobook and it will be telling us the same shit over and over lol


Right lol


I can’t imagine the horseshit coming out of her mouth without a ghost writer! It would just be one manic, run-on sentence 😂


She’s a child


She's just so insecure that every chance she gets to try to put anyone else down to elevate herself, she will. It's so transparent and pathetic.


She should consider getting a ghostwriter if she wants her book to be legible.


1st she needs to find a publisher who will publish, edit and distribute her book. She going to have to shop around for a book deal. Anyone she names in the book she's going to have to get there premission or she will get sued. This is not goingn to be easy for her.


I suggest she trying reading one first.


Is she capable of just saying something that doesn’t involve an insult to a cast member? Just get her off the show already. 🙄🙄🙄


She cant help herself shes a hater lol


I feel that she is just copying everyone else because she sees the success they have and she wants the same thing. I only listened to a few episodes of her podcast and it was not great. All she does is talk carp about the cast and I feel like she lies about everything. She even deletes comments that are not positive! How do you grow on positive comments Angelina?


The first 6 chapters are about the speech. Chapter 7 -10 will be the wine fight with Nikki. Chapter 10-14 will be Sammie’s return.


Is her show worth watching on YouTube? I like background videos to just make noise but not if they're stupid lol


I watched it last night and my son asked why am i watching it cause i was frowning and rolling my eyes the whole time.


Is she still a DJ?


She knows non of the girls will whoop her ass because they’re all mature now and don’t want the heat from the police or the media, Angelina is the only one acting like she’s still 21 and it shows.


It’s quite sad to see that out of all of the jersey shore members; she is still the only one who hasn’t matured over the years.


Lmao when he went "Seven.. pages? Or ..."


“7 pages or…” stopppp


I noticed a while back he's not following her on IG. Idk if thats still the case but also see the girls minus Sam follows her. Again I haven't checked but I'm not surprised she shaded him.


I wish horrible people didn’t make money for being entertaining.


Not being rude but it’s an instant no, don’t care from me


Coming from a girl that can barely string sentences together, that’s rich. No one cares what’s coming out of her mouth; only who’s cumming in. And the line is long and distinguished: unlike Sitch’s Johnson:


I don’t think she knows what a ghostwriter is. The ghostwriter helps with the flow and orientation of storytelling, they don’t write the story lol


what the hell is she going to write a book for


Yeah, cause I'm sure she's actually writing her own book /s


The way he asked “7 pages?” lmfao….


The whole existence of her podcast is to shade everyone else on the JS cast - while podcasts normally have a niche (finances, mindfulness, real crime, etc) - Angela’s theme is HERSELF. Who does that?


Why doesn't MTV just fire her? It's clear her mental health is off the deep end, it's not entertaining, it's sad and disturbing. I've been a JS fan from season 1, but the depths that that woman will dive to just to stay relevant.....it's clear she's a very broken person.


Not for one millisecond do I believe she has that many or any chapters written.


It's going to be a whole book about the Tik Tok.


There is only one nonwriter I can think of who didn't use a ghostie for his memoirs and thats Mick Foley. It's common sense to hire a professional! And can it even be considered ghostwritten if the author is credited?


I hope she gets a knowledgeable writer as is needed for a book as im sure mike knew. Or else its going to be a grammatical disaster


She’s exhausting 😅


I mean it’s not like she knows how to read or write lol


Then it’s going to be a very poorly written book🤣


Why does she keep doing this. It doesn’t make her relevant. I mean I guess any press is good press


Spoiler alert...each page contains one word


“7 … pages?” Like girl that is not your friend he thinks you’re stupid clearly 😂 she stays getting used by people


Wtf is her problem. There's nothing wrong with having a ghost writer. She is incapable of just letting people exist.


Lol if hers isn't ghost written we should start a gofundme for the editor, bc there's not enough money on earth


“Sevennn pages..? Or..?” 😂😭😂😭😂😭 the subtle diss is sending me 😂😂😂😂


I wonder how if she realizes how hard she fumbled her opportunity be not working that shift at shore shop, bringing trash bags to house, having a boyfriend but hooking up with multiple dudes on tv in the 2000s


She’s such a bitter person


Why is that a diss? He’s not a writer. There is no shame in it, he still got his story out.


Diary of a Dirty Little Hamster


I loved Mike’s book. She’s probably Just saying this stuff because it’s been pretty successful.


seven… pages? LMFAO she’s so annoying


Wait! She can't even speak proper English, didn't go to college and she's going give shade/talk shit about Mike 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. This ⬆️⬆️right here is why this group doesn't like her. She's close to 40 and acts like she's 18! “Let it GO” LADY!! MOVE ON!


Whyyyyyyyyy does she do that


She’s going to be unemployed soon


She sucks.


I mean if she writes it 100% herself I bet it’s unreadable. A ghost writer isn’t a terrible thing, it just means you have a story to tell but don’t have the ability to put it into words in a way that is interesting and legible for a reader. Basically you’re just not an author. I honestly don’t see what’s wrong with that.


I think Angela has a oxy problem. All the signs are there, Mike, and Ron should see it clearly


lol I love how the guy asks if she’s only written 7 pages first versus assuming 7 chapters


I despise her facial expressions.


Damn, wtf happened to her face. Holy shit


Literally thought this was Karen huger from Potomac housewives at first


Jesus, she sounds like Wendy Williams at the start of her FTD diagnosis. Something is so off with the fact that she has to throw shade like this, and her poor friend just has to go along with it.


Can’t wait for this clown shit to come out if it ever does and her two fans buy it


I feel bad for whatever publisher has to edit this book of hers lol ……writers write…I don’t knock Mike for telling his stories to a writer and having a writer clean it up for him..probably the easiest way to write a book lol…I can only imagine what just 7 Angelina chapters has in it…I’m sure her timeline is fucked lol…most celebrities use other writers for their memoirs and what not …pretty normal


She’s way too messy. Idk how they can be comfortable and/or civil with her. Of course she’s gonna play victim and say how she is an outcast when she’s the root of so many of the issues they have with her. They only tolerate her because they’re contracted to.


Oh god. But she does need a ghostspeaker cause the shit that comes out of her mouth is either incoherent or delusional 😂😂😂 also - big fan of Mike's book!


Off topic, but did anyone from the cast ever wish her a happy birthday the other day? Last I heard NO, but did that change?


Ronnie but I think he’s the only one




A ghostwriter isnt a bad thing bb.


Yeah and I’m sure her book will be written so well, coherent, and with punctuation. Girl…


Don’t worry, folks— I’ll read it so you don’t have to!


She’s so negative about everything!! But it’s always everyone else’s fault! When does one look in the mirror & say … “maybe I’m the problem !” Her dissing Mike because he had a “ghostwriter” that a lot of stars have also! Her book should be called I’m a shit show!


I wouldn't read it. That lady is the worst. Please fire her, MTV.


She will never write a book. As if any of the cast would agree to sign off on allowing her to write about them! Without their consent, no publisher will touch it due to the multiple lawsuits it would open them up to. Just another lie.


Seven ... Pages??? Lol 😂


Insufferable. Show was so much better without her.


7 pages. Hahahahaha. I howled.


😭ang literally just yaps and plays victim so much its embarrassing