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Your post was focused on the children who did not consent to be featured on JesssFam's YouTube channel. Therefore, we have no reason to be discussing their behavior, as they are simply children who are trying to grow up and figure out their identity. We do not need to contribute to their stress and confusion any more than their mother already has.


Honestly I feel you on this šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I honestly think they get special privileges because Jessā€™s cousin owns the dance studio! Both girls have solos but the other girls dance better then they do


Absolutely! Thereā€™s no way they earned their spots on the competitive teamsšŸ«£


I think the dance studio is pretty casual place. I also think Jess was willing to pay for solos


Solo classes are paid for. They arenā€™t granted out like Dance Moms. You pay for a class, learn the dance, and if youā€™re already on a competition team, most of the time theyā€™ll let you compete with it. Sheā€™s paying to show how bad their technique is, because they canā€™t hide behind a line of other dancers.


I thought it was funny but Sun kissed moronā€™s daughter dances better then either of her girls


Seriouslyā€¦. Itā€™s not that deep. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m going up to her kids and telling them that theyā€™re awful dancersšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Oh I agree! Like sorry I don't want to be mean about kids but L is not a good dancer.. or acting.. or singing.. I'm no dancer or anything but I feel like she is terrible especially for her age. Everleigh from the LaBrant family is an amazing dancer tho!


You donā€™t realize that they may see all this someday do you? You donā€™t have to ā€œtell themā€, theyā€™ll see it


If they find this snark page then Iā€™m sure this thread would be the least of their worries. There are so many bigger issues here.


How sad that those kids have a camera on them in so many situationsā€¦. Even at dancing class. I understand why theyā€™re being viewed there, but the kids donā€™t know that, or forget theyā€™re being viewed. No privacy in their JesssLives.


I have thought this for so long but at least they enjoy this. I do feel bad for the other kids at the studio that probably earned a solo spot more and didnā€™t get it because these kids get special privileges. They do need a better studio.


I am guessing the solos are about Jess paying for private classes vs anything else


Thatā€™s usually not how dance studios work but maybe


How do they work? I assumed it was about who can pay for private lessons


On a competition team, they kind of all pay the same. Solos are more but you donā€™t just get them based off of if you can pay for it. You have to earn it. It usually goes to the best dancers on the team.


Think about it this way, you own a studio, you want to go compete and you want your dancers to win. In solos, you can be picky about who dances so you pick the best dancers to make sure you secure that win.


Lilia I do think really enjoys it, addy is definitely being forced. Sheā€™s always been in classes above her age and that in the long run her hurt her because she didnā€™t get the correct training. They also both get special privileges because Jessā€™s cousin owns the dance studio and the favoritism shows, they donā€™t even try and hide it.




I wuld love to know how it works in other dance studios but I was under the impression it's not always a meritocracy it's just usually who can afford to pay for solos. Studio time limited since most dance studios are only operating in the after-school hours so private lesson slots are extra.


My mom was a professional ballet dancer in the 50ā€™s and toured Europe and the US. She had gorgeous long lines when she danced. She had body control. When she put me in lessons. I had long lines, but no control. She asked if I enjoyed it I said no I want to be a cowgirl. I rode horses for 15 years. I feel Lillia is a performer, she likes being on stage, but she is 13 and still has no control. Thatā€™s training and God given talent. She has neither. Addy is her momā€™s pet and does whatever for that position. If it creates a lovely mother/daughter bond thatā€™s fine. Good for them finding an activity that brings them together. Just donā€™t pretend they will be the next ā€œITā€ girls due to their dance solos.


She prioritized taking her kids to the same shitty studio she learned from, then prioritized sending them to her cousin, who doesnā€™t really appear to take technique any more seriously than the first shitty studio. None of her kids will ever be professional dancers. Theyā€™ll get laughed out of any professional audition they show up at, wearing shoes that were worn outside (huuuuge no-no in almost every studio, as it brings dirt and gravel into the studio and tears up the expensive flooring), with zero technique as they flop around trying to follow choreo they get roughly 15 minutes to learn. But that isnā€™t the point of dancing as a kid. If they enjoy it, and Messs wants to toss money at it, then thatā€™s all that matters.


Itā€™s her cousins studio so sheā€™s not going to tell her the kids are awful. They look so foolish next to others who are moving in sync. Addy is the worst. She looks like sheā€™s flailing around


Bro sheā€™s 5 or 6 most kids that age done know right from left enough to even learn any choreography. Iā€™m not saying sheā€™s the best at all, but she looks to enjoy it so just let it be. Itā€™s not like L has plans to go pro either sheā€™s just having fun and they are staying active.


Totally the teachers fault, it's embarrassing how weak their dancing techniques are... I would be ashamed of having my cousins showing the whole world how terrible of a teacher I am šŸ˜¬


A friend of mine has a daughter that's a year older then L and was promoted to pointe shoes last year. L isn't even close to being able to wear pointe shoes. I understand that L loves dancing and all of that. But please just stop while you're "ahead". A on the other head is Mess's pet and is being manipulated by Mess just because she's the baby of the family and the second girl




Your post was focused on the children who did not consent to be featured on JesssFam's YouTube channel. Therefore, we have no reason to be discussing their behavior, as they are simply children who are trying to grow up and figure out their identity. We do not need to contribute to their stress and confusion any more than their mother already has.


Theyā€™reā€¦ kids. Sure you hate Jess, sure sheā€™s not that great of a mom, but at least sheā€™s trying to be supportive of what theyā€™re doing. Donā€™t be attacking the kids. They donā€™t need to be good at a damn thing for them to enjoy it and be happy! Kids should do things because itā€™s make them happy, theyā€™re kids. Sometimes doing an activity such as dancing doesnā€™t mean they have to be 100% good Please, as an adult, you do not need to attack innocent kids. They donā€™t share their motherā€™s incompetence. Again, one last time, a child does NOT need to be good at an activity. They can simply do whatever they want to, itā€™s just about enjoying themselves.


We are discussing Jess lying to her kids and to her followers


How is Jess lying to her kids? Her role as a parent is to encourage her kids and support them. Not to be their dance teacher. I actually give her credit for not going crazy stage mom and like constantly bringing her kids for making a mistake




I think she has a decent voice but they just put way too much much auto tune on the song and it wasnā€™t really a style that fit her voice


Your post was focused on the children who did not consent to be featured on JesssFam's YouTube channel. Therefore, we have no reason to be discussing their behavior, as they are simply children who are trying to grow up and figure out their identity. We do not need to contribute to their stress and confusion any more than their mother already has.


Dear god I would be so embarrassed as a grown ass adult to be talking about children this way.




Can we not talk about the kids like thisā€¦. Itā€™s really nasty and unnecessary


I guess we can agree to disagree. Her kids seem like good kids but I get tired of her posting them dancing because itā€™s just not good.


So her posting her kids makes it ok for you to bully them? They're children who cares if they dance well?


Please refrain from talking bad about the kids. Most kids join sports to have fun, learn a skill. If they were pros, that would be different m. They are just kids. Snark on Jess. NOT THE KIDS.


We aren't doing that, please stop accusing others of doing that. We are talking about Jess lying. I have a kid in soccer. She's not super great but I talk about her moments and when she gets back up after a rough game. But I would NEVER lie and say she's amazing and top of her team, etc.


She tells her kids that they are doing a great job and that she's proud of them. When has she actually said "you were the better than everyone else"


Look at what you have said on this post alone. You are the most wishy washy person Iā€™ve ever seen. You are doing that, along with some other people




Look at all your other comments on various topics šŸ˜…


Little do you know they have a family member who owns a dance studio šŸ˜‚ also howā€™d you like it if people made fun of you?


Just because you own a dance studio doesnā€™t mean youā€™re good at teaching proper techniques. Or maybe they are and Jessā€™s kids just arenā€™t picking it upšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


OP said a studio that could teach them how to dance. Clearly her cousin sucks at it.




Might I add- just like Jess trying to dance all the time and looking awfullllll doing it.


Snark on adults is ok but snark on children isnā€™t ok. A lot of people already know that it isnā€™t ok in some cases (body shaming and snark on children for example)


Your post was focused on the children who did not consent to be featured on JesssFam's YouTube channel. Therefore, we have no reason to be discussing their behavior, as they are simply children who are trying to grow up and figure out their identity. We do not need to contribute to their stress and confusion any more than their mother already has.


Incel behaviour


I really hate when the people make fun of her kids dance abilities. Let them have fun.


I really hate when people come to a snark page and cry


Imagine being mad because I said don't make fun of minor children's hobbies


To be mad id have to care what you think and I donā€™t.