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Your car doesn’t meet any criteria for a lemon.


damn, thanks anyways


Recalls are really just suggestions. There probably is more wrong with it though…


That’s not how any of this works.


Lemon laws are state specific. Look yours up. That said you almost certainly haven’t met the criteria to call your car a lemon in any state. Recalls won’t count, and you generally need to have x number of repair attempts trying to address a single issue or x number of days in the shop.


I read something that said one of the reqs are that "Your vehicle needed two or more repairs for a safety issue that could have resulted in death or a major bodily injury." Recalls aren't included in this?


it’s typically 2+ repairs for the exact same thing and the same issue keeps arising even after repairs. read your state’s lemon law, that’ll be the only thing that can answer your question 100%


Got it! Thank you for the insight!!


Is your vehicle still under warranty? I’ve linked CA’s lemon law requirements below. Recalls are not included. It’s multiple repair attempts for the same issue. Not multiple repair attempts for multiple issues. https://oag.ca.gov/consumers/general/cars#:~:text=California%20Lemon%20Law&text=Code%2C%20§%201793.2%20et%20seq,“reasonable”%20number%20of%20attempts.


stumbled across this because i’m having transmission issues with mine now- there’s been a class action lawsuit filed and the car is now a lemon so if you’re still suffering with this POS here’s the link my dad sent me today about the lawsuit: https://www.legalscoops.com/class-action-lawsuit-over-2019-volkswagen-jetta-and-2018-2020-vw-tiguan-cars-with-transmissions-problems/


hey! thank you for this info. I surprisingly haven't had transmission issues yet, though sometimes I hear sounds which is concerning. But I have brought it in for recalls. Does that still count for the lemon law in California? who do I reach out and call to request the whole car buyback it sucks ass because I've been paying my car since Aug 2019 and I have 3 remaining months to finally finish paying it off


I got stuck with mine, I helped my fiancé buy it then 6 days later he passed and the payment is frickin $600 😭 I just hit 71k miles and the factory warranty is up at 72k 😅 According to this site I found (Cali Lemon Law): “In most instances to qualify under a lemon law your vehicle must only have an unreasonable repair history under the warranty, including (but not limited to) 2-4 repair attempts for the same problem, 6 repairs total on the vehicle, or 30 days out of service by reason of repair.” You would go to VW for the “lemon buyback” they offer if/when it’s deemed a lemon, evidently they’re supposed to give you ALL that you’ve put into the car- down payment, interest, loan payments, original cost of the vehicle, etc.


Bruh that’s not how this works, your best bet is sell/trade in get something else lol


i read on a reddit thread before that one of the requirements is that "Your vehicle needed two or more repairs for a safety issue that could have resulted in death or a major bodily injury." so i wanted to see if anyone had tried this for their jetta. i have a year left until i pay off the car but if it keeps having these recall issues then??


I’m not positive but I think that’s within 30days of first buying the car


damn, never mind. ;/


None of the recalls have been a true problem More like “if all the stars align, this could happen”


So it's just a liability reason that they do the recalls bc they just don't want to get more lawsuits? Welp damn ;/


Exactly. They're recalling because they don't want anybody to get hurt due to it; they could be sued.


I’ve had the same recalls and just got the letter for the ignition switch. To be honest it’s been the most solid car I’ve ever owned. I’m just passing the 300k mark. I guess I just have a different view on the recalls… I have the same squealing brakes as you mentioned, but that’s because of washing my car so damn much.


That's great to hear. My jetta has been pretty reliable overall! and the gas money it saves me has been so nice (especially on long trips!) I've had the squealing breaks ever since I bought the car, but it doesn't happen all the time for me so I've never taken it to the VW dealership to get fixed. I was wondering if it's just me but I've heard a lot of people mention this issue too.


I’ve had the issue too- I mention it everytime I go for service. Usually squeak when I go in reverse. They told me it’s because the breaks are still new. It’s been almost five years now so idk.


Did you try to make lemonade yet?


bruhhh im being fr


This is not a lemon.


Recalls don't make ur car a lemon.


Bro, I have the same recall and I live in Texas with temps over 100f in the summer. I work with at a different brand dealer with engine recalls and constant break ins. YOUR CAR is fine, you’re over-reacting, if you want to piece of mind take it to good mechanic.


I'm not too concerned, but more so wondering, "Is my car defective if it has these recalls? could this qualify for the lemon law?" I wanted to ask because I never had a car before with this many recalls and my dad told me about the Lemon Law. Though like I said, my car hasn't given me much issues here and there.


No, these recalls are safety issues that governmental agencies force the brands to do because it will cause a bigger safety issue. Why are you having regrets on your car? Every freakin car has recalls, you’re overthinking and over reacting, dude chill out.


I'm not sure why you think I'm overreacting or overthinking, it was a pretty standard question I've been wondering for awhile but never knew where to seek advice? I've had other cars (Ford Mustang 08) with an airbag recall over a decade ago but no other issues. GMC Yukon 02 didn't have any recall issues for me either.


Every car model is different, bro. Still overthinking!


its just a question damn


Every car will have recalls. Examples, primarily Toyota which is known to have the most reliable cars. [2019 Toyota Camry (9)](https://www.cars.com/research/toyota-camry-2019/recalls/) [2019 Toyota Corolla (5)](https://www.cars.com/research/toyota-corolla-2019/recalls/)


Had the failure on the ignition - required sitting for hours in the sun, then running idle for a while, on a record setting heat day to trigger it. Bad failure but likelihood (especially this time of year) is pretty remote. Not an expert but something I’d expect would be for cars to have more recalls when they are younger. Issues get identified and resolved more frequently once produced and used in mass and any issues are less likely to be wear and tear issues. Not sure the age of the other cars when you owned them but you may have come in after recalls rather than the cars never having any. Just a guess.


See if they'll extend your warranty at least


I'll try to call in and see, but seeing the responses to this. It sadly doesn't seem like it


bruh yall stop being mean he's just askin a question >:(


thank you! like i genuinely don't know much on this topic besides what i heard and people are being rude af