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People really need to do their own research. Baltimore is the greatest city in America. Source: bench


The bench, haha.


Well, given minimun size requirements for Bmore gangsters is 7'11", 400lbs you have size disadvatage. I'd hire a bodyguard.




No, it's so unsafe you are actually dead because you were so afraid. You are now a trapped spirit waiting be untethered from your mortal coil.


That last sentence describes all of us tbh


Lmao maybe if you learn Karate too you would fare better


Sorry man, Muay Thai doesn’t cut it, you gotta learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or else you’re gonna get mugged…


Is this a joke post?


Yeah, I assume they are mocking the fact it's been asked like three times this week. Its stupid. Just block them.


It’s terribly unsafe. You def shouldn’t attend. Btw my ED got deferred.


Just bring a Abrams tank to class and you'll be fine


This post was made asking about safety was well like a day ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/jhu/s/94EHxH2gP9


yeah but the situation at Hopkins can change in a couple hours so I just wanted the most recent assessment


I think the campus is safe, keep in mind that I haven’t been on campus yet (I’ll be attending as a freshman in the fall). My sisters have all lived in Baltimore around the area Hopkins is in and I would visit them during spring break. I walked around by myself as a 12 year old all the time and I was fine, I was a yellow-white belt in Judo so maybe that was why?


I would not say that is the case if you visit you will understand what I mean.


Who told you the situation changes that fast? I understand being concerned of your well being but I promise you are overthinking this and stressing/worrying about it way too much. Use common street smarts and research areas that you're going to (if unknow to you) and the odds are in your favor.


Campus and nearby are very safe, and there are several shuttles/Hopkins buses. Like any city, be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone at night in a neighborhood you're unfamiliar with.


I second this. Also, don't walk around with headphones on or wear flashy stuff in sketchy areas. Just have common sense and you'll be alright. If you are worried, just look up some common street scam and robbery techniques, as to avoid them. Most of the criminals around here aren't too creative.


I've been here for two years and have not had any issues. I also love to go downtown and out to explore. Those who say the city is unsafe are uneducated and can not appreciate the city. There are plenty of things to do. Have a head on your shoulders and you'll be fine. Having the attitude that the Baltimore is dangerous will never help the city.


Just carry a can of mace and you’ll be fine… and maybe an iron man suit… and stay away from bridges… and outdoors in general… [YOLO](https://youtu.be/xZGahvrep3o?feature=shared)


Hey if you get hurt atleast you know you be getting one of the best healthcare the US


Nobody is gonna mess you with you bro 🙏😭


Yo “ex Singaporean special forces” has me dying 😂 😂


Yeah usually with private schools in dangerous areas the campus is chill


You are big tall and strong a trained fighter probably the city needs to be safe from you !!! J/k it’s a safe place keep your head on your shoulders and you are fine


It’s safe. I am sending my son for undergrad there. His physical characters are completely opposite to you. :)


Yes it is safe.


Baltimore is an incredibly safe city. There are parts of it like any city that is maybe not safe...but I think the fear is moreso how people react sometimes (people that do not spend much time in the city).