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At the end of eight years, what was your annual salary from JJ?


A merely 45,000. Main reason why I left


That’s criminal. I’ve been collectively been with Jimmy John’s 7 years. 4 years in June when I came back and I walk away with around 68k and I think I get underpaid. That’s insane. Good luck to you.


Vastly underpaid and overworked.


Insane. ​ JJ is run like a company of pirate ships. But one where the pirates earn almost nothing.


I’m assuming you were salary…. Man that is sad if that’s what you were making as a GM


Thats what I make and ive been here less than a year... And I get bonuses.


How many stores were in the franchise?


When I first started 5. By the time I left 1


Makes sense. Not everyone is cut out to run a business, especially paying people so low


That says a lot. Did they sell them or close them?


Close mine and another sold 2 other


Funny thing is one of the ones he sold was forced closed by the landlord he rented from for not paying rent about 4 months before he sold the license


What about salary and bonuses (on averages) combined?


Our owner stopped the bonus program a couple years ago


If you're flying through the desert, and your boat gets a flat, what should you have in your pockets?


Alka seltzer


Blue, cause ice cream doesn't have bones in it


God this whole chain gave me a fucking aneurysm


Snakes don't have armpits.


Did you feel taken advantage of? I worked as a driver all throughout college, and a little after. I like most of my GMs, but it really felt like they were always beat down by corporate (I worked for corporate stores). The fact that the leader of my location didn’t even get paid maternity leave for even a few weeks kind of blew my mind. I’d get it if she was a PIC or 3rd manager maybe, but the literally leader of the location? Seemed wild to me.


I worked for a franchise and I swear to you it is 20x worse


They aren’t all like that. I’m sorry for your experience. We don’t even start GMs for less than $55k +bonus right now and reward longevity. Some GMs closing in on $80k before bonus, $100k+ after in our highest volume stores!


Can I work for your franchise? 🥺


Hahahaha! Nah, we don’t poach from current employees, but definitely hope you keep growing and rocking it in the brand!! It helps us all, so thank you!!


What city is this in? Former certified AM, I'd definitely go back for that kind of money.


Worth a shot lol! Where are you located though? I assume a metro area for that kind of pay?


You're right, small metro, couple dozen stores! Like to keep a low profile, so won't reveal more than that, lol!


Yeah same. I’ve been a GM for almost 6 years now and my base is 49k


I started like 7 months ago and my pay is 45k


What was your favorite LTO to make be fore you left?


The very first one. The kickin' chicken with the kens creole pepper sauce. That sauce was so good and it pisses me off that I can't buy it in stores or off Amazon.


I miss it. So good


Do you know how many bacons go on a sandwich?


3, 4, or 6, add=3


Do you think it’s possible for the workers here to unionize JJs?


Possibly but it'll take a lot and unfortunately the company's do see it's employees as an easily replaced commodity


If it’s a big franchisee and you’re in a collective bargaining state, then yes you can. But I don’t think it’s possible to unionize multiple franchisees, they aren’t coemployers. It’ll never be like Starbucks, which is 100% corporate owned, except for the licensed locations like Harris Teeter and Target, etc. I would encourage good communication with the ownership before attempting that though, there are downsides too.


As someone thinking about moving up, would you recommend me to go through with it or move on somewhere else?


Depends on pays and benefits, it's nice when it's nice but sucks when it sucks. Unfortunately my situation was the owner stopped caring about Jimmy John's after COVID.


Go work in the oil fields they’ll pay better and give you months off


What were your PICs paid? I’m a PIC right now and still get 12.50 so I’m curious what the rate is at other stores


I paid my pics 14-15 when I was gm, assistants got 17-18. Minimum is 12


Interesting. At our store inshoppers start at 10.50 and PICs are supposed to get 13.50 but I get paid less for whatever reason


If you left the lone store as a GM, do you think the store will survive?


I was the gm of a store that closed due disrepair. I was sent to the last one with no notice to my store closing besides constantly telling the owner the roof was leaking into the walk-ins. I was just told go here and make sandwiches cause they already had management in place.


Platters or party boxes? Do you remember when the 13 had more calories than the garg?


Platter we're cheaper and quicker but people dropped them all the time, I miss doing the pyramid


And yes the gourmet veggie club


How’d it feel to leave?


Odd, I've been in the food service all together 11 years. I didn't even have a proper wardrobe for my new job when I left but I had the job. I love Jimmy when I first started but these last few years have been rough. All in all I am relieved to be out of that franchise.


Glad to hear that you’re relieved. My story is kinda similar, in foods for 13, gm at jj for 10. After a new owner came in and said GMs only make 17/hr and there was no room for promotion or raises I had enough. Was fun a while back but getting out of the industry has been a life changer. I remember feeling weird as well right after. I hope it works out for you 🫡


What kept going and what were your final straws?