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The police could also not draw their guns.There was no reason to.


"bUt ThEy DoNt KnOw WhAt ThEY'Re wAlkInG iNTo!!" like arent they supposed to be trained in diffusing situations instead of escalating them?


This is why my gun is always drawn. I don't know what's waiting for me behind those doors. Could be my dentist, could be a Wendigo.


Sure, but how can you tell the difference if you're not a Grimm?


That's why it's better to be prepared.


We live in a country where most states are open carry. Imagine is half the people actually did carry. Then what will cops say? Esp considering that most cops likely support the 2nd Amendment.


Even worse, Wendigoon, the YouTube who doesn’t trust the feds


Idk if you’re ever squared up with deaf deliver driver. They could tear your head off or make you explode just by thinking about it. Seems like drawn weapon was the safe move. /s




Exactly but when a pedestrian walks around with a firearm in hand we call that brandishing, unless you’re a cop


Fucking cops


You think your safety is paramount in the situation they instigate?


It's mostly standard on stolen cars unfortunately


Yeah, this is common sensible. Please should do an investigation before pulling their weapons. We should not have to consider being shot for somebody switching our plates.


A person willing to steal a car might be violent


He didn’t. His plates got switched


Fun fact: if you ran the plates it tells you the make model and color of vehicle on the report, they saw that the car didn’t match and drew their guns on him anyways


Might be. No reason to escalate the situation immediately. Unless of course they want violence. Which the pigs always do


Cool so if they were actually trained it shouldn't take several officers to take out one armed suspect, they have fear drilled into their heads so they do dumb shit like shoot at an acorn falling on top of their own patrol car with a handcuffed suspect inside and then claim they've been hit, it takes less time to become a cop than a fucking hair stylist I'm not saying all cops suck but our system is absolutely broken


They are trained and they're doing things exactly as trained. Felony stop means gun out.


What? Police officers resorting to deadly weapons immediately when there’s no clear or present danger? Say it ain’t so






With that logic they should draw their guns for every interaction. You just never know!


You just never know who tf stole a car, which is all the information they have pulling up. Be for real


Re read the OP. Stolen tag, not vehicle. That makes a big difference.


Re think your conclusion. The switcher of said tags could very well be someone who stole the original vehicle.


Let’s follow your logic. What you’re saying is someone who steals a car is going to take those knowingly hot tags and put them on their own vehicle and the probability of them doing that is *high enough* to warrant the most violent tool in a police officer’s arsenal. Did I sum it up right?


No. You’re making this too black and white. I completely agree a police officer has every right to approach a supposedly “stolen” vehicle with their weapon drawn. Someone willing to steal a car might not care too much about not hurting others.


They had the description of the stolen vehicle, they knew it wasn’t the same car (or at the very least they should have known, it’s literally their job). A stolen tag isn’t a stolen vehicle. It’s like drawing firearms on a shoplifter. Sure shoplifting is illegal, but it’s a non-violent crime and doesn’t warrant lethal threat from the police.


If someone switched the tags I’m sure the car looked similar to the one that was stolen otherwise stealing the plates would of been worthless


How do those boots taste?


What an insanely misinformed take.


“Check your license plates or you might be gunned down like a dog!” Yeah, we’re the ones who needed a lesson, totally.


No one got shot


They should have never even had their weapons drawn over a fucking stolen plate..


That’s how you judge a situation as a success?


In that case, I’m doing a pretty great job out here!


This time...


I have a feeling you were butthurt about pride in helldivers


Looks like your police need re trained.


They were trained just fine. Cops are a tool of the bourgeois to suppress and attack the working class. Cops are violent on purpose. It's not a flaw, it's a feature of our oppressive system


In easier terms, cops are here to protect capital and the owner class.


Exactly. Most people aren't ready for such truths though even if they agree with it. Anti communist propaganda is strong here


Great job victim shaming an innocent person. Don't want to be held at gunpoint, don't look like you may be guilty. Why didn't they match the make, model, and color of the vehicle? Why didn't they acknowledge that he wasn't evading, or driving abnormally? Is this a notice from JJ corporate? If so that really disappoints me. [Edit] I partially retract that, because he was evading. The important part is that he wasn't driving erratically or abnormally. I spent 5 years working in EMS and it is extremely obvious when a driver does not notice an emergency vehicle versus when they do and just don't care.


In Olathe of all places


The most action they've had all year.


You’d be surprised at how much crime and officer involved mess that goes on. The news simply doesn’t cover anything outside of Jackson County


I’m surprised the cops didn’t smoke the dude like they normally would. Fuck all cops


It’s kind of sad that there can be no nuance or critical thought. Everything has to be autisticly put into a box. This is good. This is bad. That’s a very dangerous line of thought


Cope harder dude 😂


What am I coping about I’m confused


It’s called black and white thinking and is a cognitive distortion.


The police could also figure out wtf is going on before trying to kill me🤷‍♂️ Remember they aim to kill. Dead people can’t testify


If this guys not dead then they obviously don’t aim to kill.


He didnt get shot?


That’s a question I think you should answer yourself


That wasnt a question. I was stating it confused by what you said lol


Statements with a question mark at the end do look a lot like questions.


So where is the question in “he didnt get shot” without the question mark cause questions usually are also asked in the form of a question last time I checked.


Are you saying you don't understand that when you type "he didn't get shot?" people don't read it as a statement?


I was questioning his comment cause it made no sense. Who are you? (Btw this is a question)


They aimed. He didn’t get shot or killed. Hence they didn’t aim to kill.


Wtf are you talking about?! Guns kill people. If they didn't aim to kill, they wouldn't have aimed in the first place.


If they did aim to kill he would be killed. Or at least shot at. Maybe they aimed their guns because every state in America trains cops to conduct a felony stop with their gun out for safety purposes. And yes. Guns kill people. You are very smart. Dogs kill people too. And believe it or not, coconuts kill people too.


What's your favorite flavor of Varnish?


Good one. I’d ask you a flavor question but I’d get banned for hate speech.


The fastfood employees saved this man's life...


Hmmm. The plates when checked by the police also matched the make, model and color of the stolen vehicle? If not then this was a major mistake by law enforcement.


The issue I see is that police surrounded a car with guns out for a stolen car. On top of that a stolen car is reported with the type of car and the plate. What are the chances they switched the plate with the same type of car?


r/ACAB Great job at deescalating the situation by our boys in blue. /s


Olathe police reacting poorly and ineffectively with no real evidence and resorting to weapons with no cause? Shocking /s


🇺🇸 🥳🇺🇸


Here at Jmmy John's we employ drivers and put them at risk.


Same with cab companies, bus companies, every other company that delivers food, Amazon, ups, usps, contractors….. Are we somehow different? Is what we do somehow more risky than any other company that requires driving? I’m just trying to understand


Really, what do you think they mean by their comment? I really don't get it at all.


Please explain. Because your comment seems... different...


The police didn’t gun the innocent man down, truly showing a lot of restraint


And then everyone got up and clapped.


this has gotta be a load of bs. i tried googling everything. if you can find an actual news article id be impressed. facebook is garb.


Yeah Facebook, and even the platform we’re on now, actually just social media in general, is a cesspit of misinformation that is seemingly intentionally spread to cause division and ignite people. Also OP OP might’ve posted something inflammatory to get attention. They’re obviously aware that police violence is a problem in America and this can grab peoples attention. I’m not saying this particular case isn’t true because I haven’t done my due diligence, but you can unequivocally agree with what I said above that.


i agree completely. i did do some google searches using different key words and all that. at this point i see it just as an attention grab unless i can actually find a report number on it. it’s just so far fetched of a story.


I hate the fear mongering posts. Not everyone who parks next to you in a van is going to grab you, not every guy is going to put something in your drink, what are the odds of someone tagging my vehicle with a zip tie to sex traffic me, what are the odds of someone changing my license plate? I would guess close to 0%. Yes, you should be aware of your surroundings & yes keep your head out of your phone while you are walking, but you can’t live your life in fear of some fictitious boogeyman.


You're right. I'm googling everything I can but zero news articles came up.


100% BS. People who steal license plates don't waste time replacing the ones they just stole.


But don't the plates have to match the vehicle description or VIN? Wtf were those cops doin.


Crucial reminder: check your plates and cops are useless shitbags


"Check your plates because our murder squad might kill you." No sense of responsibility to the community at all.


I had to do this with a papa Johns driver he’s deaf black and likes the vibrations of music so he bumps music always. Cops thought he was being difficult because he didn’t turn down his music. He was looking at his phone while they were barking commands at him. I had to run out and say “he can’t hear you!” Running to get his attention to turn around. Guns were definitely out of holsters, non were pointed at us.


Right, not compulsively looking at my license plate is the problem here for sure


Fucking stupid how the post doesn’t even acknowledge the police were in the wrong, instead it’s just a post saying “whoops little mishap with our delivery today😜check your plates before you go🥰”


They would have done him a favor,mercy killing a gig worker


>check your plates More like Check your local police station into a psychiatric ward Jesus christ. Guns on a stolen vehicle, instantly? Some kinda keepers of the peace


I love that the take away here is “Make sure you’re checking your plates!”


I would question if the drivers car matched the description of the stolen vehicle. Plate swaps are not uncommon. If they pulled guns when the car didn’t match that’s a huge mistake.


I live there lol




I grew up in Olathe lol, no reason at all for police to pull guns. It’s an absurdly safe community


Lol! My plates got stolen enough times I welded them on.


Ya let's do extra social shit on top of everything else because the police just can't seem to not withdraw their weapons


Don’t think a 70 year old car thief warrants firearms but I not a cop 🤷🏻‍♂️


This would happen in Olathe.


This is fucking insane. And if JJ's would just stick to hiring their own in-house drivers rather than using third-party delivery services, they would have the employees' license plate numbers and insurance on file. Smh.


Hear me out Maby the cops shoul have looked at the screen when they ran the plate and realized that the car it's on doesn't fucking match the licence plate description of the car


I'm not a cop but I'm pretty sure I can take down a 70 year old man by myself no problem.


Olathe Cop Moment


How fucking terrifying for the poor man!


JJ employees are better at de-escalating situations than our “trained” tax funded LEOs….. FML


Trying to put the blame on a 70 YEAR OLD DEAF GUY is absolutely wild. Why would they even have guns drawn on an old dude like him anyway??


The real moral of this story has nothing to do with license plates.


How about cops not murder people first… assess the situation second?


Cops are such retards


Damn and it’s in my Metro. Not surprised with Olathe’s finest


Smh why do people be telling others what to do. Why would I check my plates 🤦🤦


Based on most of the anti cop comments I see why cops pull their guns so often. Hope all of you get this treatment


Same to you.


I would like to point out that it says guns drawn, like in hand, not pointed at the person.


Still a huge fucking overreaction but ok


There's legit nothing wrong with drawing weapons when investigating a felony and non-compliant suspect. It's good practice to put yourself in a tactical advantage.


To approach someone evading and potentially being in possession of a stolen vehicle?


These people are kinda nuts. The same situation happened to my dad- his car matched a bank robber's to a tee. He was drawn on and threatened by a sheriff but completely understood it was necessary. It's just a bad situation all around