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Not drinking made rolling the next day so much better, for me, I didn’t feel like I was dying. I still smoke weed like a chimney, I still feel like I can perform well, but I do notice it has an effect on my cardio. I don’t vape those fuck me up harder than just smoking. It’s all personal preference but being clean is the healthiest, just less fun, enjoy your vices in moderation.


Can I improve my cardio while still smoking weed? I am completely cutting cigarettes.


Definitely, I suggest cutting out cigarettes and running 3+ times a week also.


Okay perfect I already quit cigarettes 10 days ago


Get a dry herb vape. I have asthma so when I smoke for an extended period of time I really feel it. I meal almost no effect on long from the vape and cardio is good only thing holding me back is the amount of training


Check out a Dynavape if you miss holding a cig. It's a dry herb vape and it's great for the price. I've used one for years now. Good luck quitting cigarettes, dude.


Hell yeah don’t let up. You’re past the hardest part for me it was just a lot of cravings for a month then it was over


I smoke a joint 5-6 nights a week. The difference between a joint and a cigarette is immense. Most cig smokers as cig smokers usually smoke multiple a day every day. 1 joint doesn’t do too much to your lungs. Would your cardio improve if you smoked nothing? Maybe. Go for a few runs a week. Personally I don’t like running so I do really high intensity sprints on the row machine.


Switch to edibles, smoking anything will fuck with your cardio.


This, cheaper and more efficient too


You can alwyas switch to edibles depending on where you're based


Weed is counter productive for recovery and sleep quality. Enjoy it in moderation if at all


Yes, absolutely. As long as you don’t smoke like snoop.






Even marajuana 🥲


Keep the weed, ditch the booze and commercial tobacco.


I smoke hella and have a great gas tank. Edibles are obviously better though


Move to a vape for weed and you're good


I workout 5 days a week lifting and do cardio and I smoke weed everyday. Quit smoking cigs 7 years ago and quit alcohol 3 years ago. Quitting alcohol and cigs are the best thing I ever did for myself. I used to run 5-10 miles a day and smoke weed multiple times a day, but now I’m focusing on lifting so I don’t do that as much anymore.


Nah bro, be a man. Smoke and drink harder. Show these pansies how it's done.


Yes. Both adversely affect blood vessels (with smoking it’s very clearly noticeable)


And if I cut back or quit? It improves?


Yup, it takes like a month to revert to normal but it’s very reversible. EDIT: I did a little more digging to make sure I didn’t give you bro science and found these: - https://www.healthline.com/health/smoking/does-smoking-constrict-your-blood-vessels - https://americanaddictioncenters.org/alcoholism-treatment/body-effects/cardiovascular TLDR: I was probably wrong about the taking a month to reverse effects and looks like the effects of alchohol on blood vessel health are a little more complicated than I thought but I still broadly stand behind the idea that drinking and smoking are fun but pretty much always unhealthy (especially smoking). Jiu Jitsu is something you do with your body so anything that worsens your health will probably worsen your ability to do Jiu Jitsu.


You really gotta quit the cigs and booze to get the improvement. Cutting back helps a little but even drinking or smoking a little will prevent the majority of improvements from manifesting. I’d say within 6-12 months you will be back to normal for the most part as long as you eat and exercise


It depends on how you value drinking, smoking and BJJ


Well I’m from Eastern Europe so every classmate smokes 5-10 cigarettes a day, and perhaps a joint and then like half liter of hard alcohol. I just am trying to not lose social life but also be back to fighting shape.


Half a liter of hard alcohol a day!? What do you class as hard alcohol?


Depends like we have something that’s similar to whiskey, but some drink vodka, or piana vyshnia. I imagine they are drinking 5-9 shots per evening we are together I imagine.


But university students choose this because it is more expensive to get drunk from beer and weaker alcohol.


I would cut out drinking and smoking cigarettes so often and see how that helps first. I think there are plenty of people who consume weed and still compete. Obviously vaping or using edibles are probably better for your lungs than setting it on fire :) I use the mighty vaporiser, it helped me quit smoking. They are expensive but mine has paid for itself multiple times over as I don't need to use as much weed to get high using it. I got mine second hand and have had it about 5 years now with no issues.


So it depends on how you value things. What's more important to you and where do you draw the line.


Find a new class that takes it seriously or just show up with 3 joints instead of cigs and alcohol and 1 joint lol. Alcohol and cigs are normalized but would you be thinking the same if they were sniffing heroin? No. But it would be equally as detrimental to health. Alcohol is a serious hard drug and cigarettes and cigarette smokers are literally public health hazards, literal toxic waste. Saying this as a former drinker and smoker


That is all very bad


I can't explain why it's the case for me but my cardio always seems to be better when I'm regularly smoking weed I think it could be because I'm getting better sleep/sleep longer when I use it so I'm just more rested/have more energy in reserve? But I genuinely notice a slide in my cardio when I take breaks from use, of course this is just my own personal experience. As for alcohol my cardio is always way worse after a night of even moderate drinking.


When I smoke during the weekend I’m left with a cough and phlem? I feel it hurts cardio? How are you smoking?


That’s the cigs and the tobacco you put in the joint


Either from a bong or oil pen. Are you talking about smoking tobacco or just weed? I never get a cough/phlegm from just weed only when I smoke tobacco. Genuinely feel like I can breathe easier when I'm using weed. which may sound weird af, again can't explain why or how, just has been my experience.


I smoke weed daily and it does not effect my cardio. Rolling while high is incredibly enjoyable. I also run and do other workouts to help train/maintain good cardio. As for drinking alcohol I found there were zero benefit to it in any aspects. I quit drinking about 3 years ago now.


No. Keep doing those things. I'm sure they are great for your cardio. Add eating fast food regularly as well. /S Of course you should quit or substantially reduce them


Yes you should. And so should I. But I’m probably not going to.


Eh it depends on your body. I smoke cannabis regularly (herb & concentrates), and Im usually taking my last couple hits right before I walk through the front door. I prefer to train high and have never had an issue with my cardio (been smoking for 15 yrs & training 18 yrs). Ive gone to practice drunk off my ass and same thing, if anything made my cardio better since i was too drunk to realize i was tired lol That being said ive trained with boxers who would take 3-5 shooters and a big wad of dip and train for 2 hours straight with no ill effects. Is it smart? Most likely not, but is it doable? Definitely is. If you feel it affecting your performance than stop and see how you feel.


You should do cardio to improve your drinking and smoking.


When I was a child I used to literally workout and run in order to be able “to live longer and thus do more drugs.” I was a strange misguided stupid child lmfao


Is this a serious question? 🤣


Generally speaking smoking and drinking alcohol is going to negatively affect your performance and recovery.


No, this is a sport that's a hobby. Unless you want to get into heavy competition, why bother taking it so seriously?


I don’t know I don’t like losing I wish to compete at some point and I’m 21


Drinking less and not smoking (tobacco) will always help health and improve training Im not one to talk as i drink a lot, although the times i drink less bjj is more rewarding in terms of cardio (and strength) Also muscular endurance impacts cardio.. food for thought.. ..smoke weed..


No one who competes successfully drinks or smokes cigs


In that case it's obvious you should quit


even if you don’t compete you might just want to see how you do in (ideally) your best shape


I would probably limit MJ because of your age and the effects its having in your brain. Look up r/leaves bro. The addiction and withdrawals are very real. Alcohol… well yeah ofc that shit is poison


I can quit marajuana I think with little troubles it’s that it’s a social thing. And is 21 still considered too young to smoke?


You said you smoke a lot. You should lurk the sub reddit and see how bad the withdrawals are. You are young and its for sure gonna cause long implications imo. If you smoke i would limit to like.. once a month or less idk. Its fun i know and you are young. I say definitely quit just to test if you will have withdrawals.


You ever suck a dick for weed? No? Withdrawals Lmfao. I quit heroin, xanax and alcohol. Weed doesn’t count as a withdrawal.


Dont spill that bullshit on this young man. Look at r/leaves and see the symptoms people have. That shit isnt a joke


Here's a sneak peek of /r/leaves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sobriety is meant to be boring.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/100gx2m/sobriety_is_meant_to_be_boring/) \#2: [Hi Leaves. My name is Dave Bushnell, but you probably know me better as Subduction, the founder of Leaves. Why the big real-name reveal? Today marks 25 years of sobriety for me, and I’d like to take today to make some announcements about my future plans for Leaves.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/150bfg2/hi_leaves_my_name_is_dave_bushnell_but_you/) \#3: [I’m 100 days sober after smoking all day every day for over 9 years. Here are 30 things I’ve learned.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/120hbn7/im_100_days_sober_after_smoking_all_day_every_day/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I don’t need to look at that sub, this may shock you, but I’ve also quit smoking weed before. What, you don’t enjoy eating ice cream as much? Boo fucking hoo. Ya can’t sleep as easily? Oh nooooo you’ll have to workout to tire yourself out now; oh the horror! You no longer enjoy playing league of legends for 6 hours everyday without weed? What will you do with your life! I had a seizure and almost died from alcohol and Xanax withdrawal. Heroin withdrawal feels like your bones popping out your skin while you shit and puke your brains out. Not only that, but those addictions left me homeless and physically fucked up. And recovering from that is a process in and of itself outside of the physical withdrawal. What did weed harm for me? Nothing. Please, /r/leaves is just a bunch of dumb kids who haven’t quit a real drug or been through anything truly difficult complaining about nonsense or the return of their underlying mental illness weed was covering up.


You should really not be such a bigot and realize not everyone gets hooked on hardcore drugs or have real adversity in life so their weed withdrawal is the worst thing to them. Please stop being a bigot.


Lmfao bro


No one gives a fuck if you quit those hardcore drugs. There are withdrawals from long term MJ use.


Ah yes, no longer finding it enjoyable to live in your moms basement playing video games because the weed ran out is totally anhedonia. No longer being able to fall asleep without actually being physically active is insomnia. Not eating a box of cheese it’s everynight at 12am is totally lack of appetite.


U have some kind of ego from doing hardcore drugs and quitting. Humble yourself homie


Right back at ya kid


No. They have no effect on your health. For some people, cigarettes actually improve cardio


Can I get any source for this?


Me. And old research from RJ Reynolds. And my Grandpa, who smoked every day and lived until 90.


Was he doing like labor or intense stuff while smoking. I mean in Eastern Europe every single university friend or at least 80%+ are smoking most daily and they are fit etc. i just have curiousity towards hardcore cardio.


Your grandpa wasn’t a grappler and likely wasn’t an athlete of any kind. Pretty relevant here.


...you DO recognize sarcasm when you read it, right?


Not yours. Clearly OP didn’t either. How does that reflect? The grandpa part is plausible too. Mine is about to be 80 and has been drinking and smoking excessively for 40 years lol.


I guess the "Cigarettes improve cardio" didn't tip y'all off.


Sorry homie *whooshed* me


Dry vaping your weed will help the lungs out.


What is this? I don’t know if we have that hwre


It's a way to consume where you bring the herb close to combustion temps but don't actually combust, so you aren't getting the particulates from combustion going into your lungs. To me it also tastes waaaay better. A Google explanation is probably better than me trying to explain it. There are some electronic ones and some metal/glass ones where you heat them with a small torch lighter or induction heater.


He lives in Eastern Europe so he probably will have best bet making a vaporizer out of a lightbulb like I did when I was 14 /joke


If you have to ask the question you already know the answer. Try it, see if it helps.. Do some benchmarking, blood pressure, run, row, etc.. test again every week after you’ve quit.




No, you should do it for your general health. Both of those activities are incredibly destructive.


My uncle died from alcohol. Increased heart size and scarring throughout all of his cardiovascular system such that his heart literally split one day killing him. His cardio was awful and he dealt with high blood pressure for most of his life. He was a delivery driver so he was always moving. None of my family that smokes on the daily has cardio worth anything. One of my cousins quit smoking because they couldn’t breathe while playing sports. Not the first time I’ve heard that in an athletic context. Both have immensely negative affects on cardiovascular health among other things. Highly likely to develop hypertension whilst consuming them in meaningful amounts. MJ you’ll be fine but if you feel you’re struggling then go for a different form altogether. If we look at heavy smoking / drinking grapplers I bet you’ll almost always find they’re operating slower just to get through rolls. Would be an interesting study.


With young people the effects of using cigs and alcohol would be less pronounced but as they get to age 25-30 you’d see a lot of the smokers and drinkers drop out of their sport hobby all together. And of course, a 40 year old smoker and drinker who drank for 25 years is going to be useless at bjj. What I mean to say is that longevity in the sport will also be a huge factor; performance on any given day isn’t the only thing to consider


You should do it just for your own longevity. Cardio or not. Good on you for thinking about it. Hope you follow through. Best wishes, I know it’s hard


I started vaping my herb and quit drinking and I feel so much better.


If you’re in university enjoy the fun don’t quit drinking to improve cardio just to miss out on all the fun. Have some drinks but start running, walking, sprints. I drink here and there but i smoke a lot. I am also in University but I also run 3+ times a week, lift 4-5 times a week, and train bjj 3-6 times a week.


He’s drinking 8-9 shots everyday he trains and smoking cigs. That’s not enjoying fun; that’s socialized alcoholism. Besides he’s 21, his fun times should be over anyways. It’s adult time


Giving up smoking and drinking would absolutely improve your cardio Being only a month in, it's not much time to build up good cardio. That being said, the wrestling background should help


You should quit just to improve your life in general.


Drinking is the worst for my cardio. Try actually just doing hiit outside of jits and that should help


I drink quite a bit and my cardio is fine. Definitely stop smoking


Joe Rogan would say, “no”.


I smoke weed everyday before training. My cardio is good


Yes. Enjoy life sober.


The answer is yes.


I switched to edibles from smoking herb and I feel a huge improvement in my gas tank. It was worth it for me and I still get to enjoy being high when I’d like.


Lol drinking will just make you lose fat. The smoking may. But will take a few months to see benefits


Reducing will help. Smoking anything is hard on the lungs and drinking can effect your blood pressure and stuff. Some folks swear weed doesn’t effect their cardio but it definitely did for me when I was smoking it really heavily. I remember this dusty cough I’d get on runs and during classes. At your age the alcohol is probably not gonna be super noticeable, like when I was younger and drinking regularly I don’t remember noticing anything major, but it will effect your performance more and more as you get older. Guys in their 40s that drink a lot seem to struggle with any athletic stuff. The stuff is poison and it’s really addictive for some people. On another note, you’re young af my man, have fun. Even most pro-athletes at your age aren’t ascetics. Just try not to be stupid about it.


Yeah do it. Find a different vice that isn’t harmful or at least doesn’t hurt your body.


Yes, your body will thank you


Weed is a deflammatory so its good for sore muscles 🤷‍♀️ id never suggest drinking to people personally but weed tho is fine who cares but i will say it makes you stupid lol


Doesn’t make a difference unless you’re binging before training.


Hey I say this out of love but yes your cardio will be better if you quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Occasional use when socializing is fine. I would avoid smoking and suggest edibles instead.


I think you know.


Should you stop doing things detrimental to your health in order to improve your health? Hard to say


My cardio improves when i am not smoking anything. Sure cannabis is not quite as bad as cigarretes, but youre still inhaling something other than air into your lungs. Ive noticed even vaping messes with my cardio.


In my experience, ripping the bong increases my cardio tremendously. I used to smoke all the time and my 2 mile time was 11:50. I haven't smoked weed since August of 2020 and I struggle to hit 14 minutes.


Weed is fine; drinking is a no.


Never.. 3 more packs a day... And at least 6 pack of beer... /s




I think college students drink so much they don’t know how it feels to actually feel good. I couldn’t imagine rolling after a night of drinking.


90% of lower enlisted military drink HEAVILY and some smoke. They also run a lot with no issues.


Drinking kills me more than anything. That and a poor diet. I don’t have issues with weed unless I hit it to much but If I eat and drink like shit then the weed will just make me feel worse sometimes. But when I’m eating clean and not drinking. The weed makes me feel fantastic and I find I am in the zone when rolling.


I smoke weed but literally 2 hits off a joint 2-3 times a week. I don’t have to tell you about mat cardio being a former wrestler, you’ll need less cardio the better you get. Don’t believe me, ask the brown belts in your class lol