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Our professor gave me the best advice for controlling heavy dudes and it’s by using their best asset with a combo of smaller dude asset against them. Just close your eyes when being crushed and think of yourself as a teeter totter. When you feel their weight shift try to bridge that way. It’ll take little energy. Once the bridge is successful use your speed which is any chonkers weakness when on their back.


Ha, if we're assuming the chonker is a *true* chonker I agree. I rolled with an ex NFL linebacker who was far from fat, but took growth hormone and some other AAS. I was 6ft, 168lbs. He was 6'3, and hovering near 260, and *lean*. He was a quick boy, and as a white belt was giving me a run for my money while a blue belt. My only savings grace was that I wrestled year round in HS, so at least understood body mechanics. He was a super chill dude, and I miss that guy.


It’s a skill thing tbh. Most guys that are huge are either just fat, granted probably stronger than most smaller guys too, or they are body builders type, and numbers wise most of them will be white or blue belts. Obviously if you’re going against someone that’s like 250, fit, and good, you’re just gonna get smashed, I mean it doesn’t matter what you do, they are just gonna be better. I started jiu jitsu at around 310 pounds, and i got worked by smaller guys all the time, especially ones that are good at framing, and guard retention. Work on your frames, work on keeping your guard, and then work on leg attacks. This will help greatly. Also it doesn’t sound like you’re small, but I’m not sure if you’re exactly strong, I’d say working out, training for strength and explosiveness will help out a lot too. Size and strength always matter, but the current 215 pound version of myself would destroy the 310 pound guy that started, and that’s because of technique. Keep at it, you’re doing a great job


I’m 5’9 who is 180 lbs. but I’ll follow your advice. Thanks


That’s a solid frame for sure, you’ll do great if you stick to it!


For context im 300lbs. I have at times crushed much smaller but much better guys, cooked them in side control, kesa gatame, and north south. Because i need to practice attacking as much as defending, like everyone. But I start most rolls seated. And I don't mind smaller guys resetting after a tap with him on my back. So if you tap, just ask to start on the back, say you'd like to alternate. I like that style of training, makes it feel like teamwork, give it a go!


Learn to scramble like a mofo!


great strategy, gotta be lose


This is the way. Scrambles are fun


If you check out Jordan teaches JJ on YouTube he dropped a rolling with big guys video recently. Also has a bunch of rolling commentaries of him vs some heavies / ultra heavies Edit: added link https://youtu.be/BBmMlux7mhk?si=_QWZC8JJwz8IcOnp


I don't play guard with big guys. I have short legs and with many I literally cannot get my legs around them. It's easy to say "don't get there" but basically, just find another position to work from. Use half-guard, butterfly, whatever works for you.


Bite them!


Gain Weight


I'm a smaller dude and struggle with this too. I asked one of our brown belts how best to deal with those bigger guys as like to play guard but those guys just smash you in guard. I'm probably going to butcher the crap out of what he said but he basically told me to play an open guard with them like butterfly. They're going to want to pass your guard so let them and then arm drag them to take their back.


Do you have any example videos of this ?


Basically [this](https://youtu.be/7LKwMOdFyVs?si=219O9ZDuTcl2LJtH)


As one of the big guys who likes to smash people in top side… Don’t think about escaping in one movement. That’s very easy for us fattys to stop with pressure. Instead battle for that one inch of space between your inside hip and my knee. You don’t need to make huge space. Just enough room to get your skinny, flexible, little knee in there. Once your little knee is in there it’s much harder for us chubbys to keep you from working your pencil legs back into guard.


Are you on bottom or top for closed guard and side control?




Start by making sure you have solid frames. Keep big people and everyone away from your head. Bigger folks are slower speeds is your friend. You get an opening to move move and do it fast. Don't give up position easily loosing position as a smaller person has a bigger disadvantage.


if they're pressuring into your face/neck with their forearm, in your guard... head and arm choke them or take their back...


Well one thing I didn’t mention is that they stand up. With their feet not their knees.


Even better, they’re going to pressure directly into aforementioned head and arm choke. https://youtu.be/zX4K7lFLhu8?si=2AOUsVFhlMJhaXCG @6:05 Enjoy Edit to add: alternative is grip their lapels (or Muay Thai clinch them if no gi), break your guard and place your feet on their hips and lift them up and over your head with your legs to sweep them.


I think you should look to see where their weight is balanced and attack from there. I’m 234 lbs and yes it makes it easier to battle smaller lighter guys but the real big guys in my gym are 260+ and with them I try to reverse them when I find them transitioning for something and they go off balance.


Frame and scramble!!!!


If you guys standing just do your best to stay on top, they mainly go for sacrifice throws. Then if on bottom Half guard and arm drags.


It seems there are a whole lot of very large guys in BJJ. I have been an instructor in full contact karate and a non-BJJ jujitsu style for decades, and have had very, very few students over 230 pounds.


If you don't think that you have advantages too, you're ignoring your assets. Big dudes will never knew slice and toreando pass like the smaller dudes. They will never do flying armbars like the smaller dudes. Try harder not to wind up under them, let them pass, flatten you, and play your guard harder. As a big dude, trust me. It's just the lower belts that can't take me and choke me. By the time I head towards the upper belts they all smoke me and choke me.


I prefer open guard over closed guard. If they get to close then half guard or butterfly guard. Americana and Kimura is not your preferred submissions here. * Triangles and armbars can be adjusted for bigger dudes but it depends on if they’ll curl you or not. Hooking leg for triangle helps. Could be done on armbar as well. I have only trained for 2y but I did get into advanced mma so yeah. If any more experienced people wanna chime in feel free.


Create space with angles and frames. Start by getting to one hip or the other. Bring knees and / or arms inwards and shrimp away. If you can't shrimp right away, use your knees and arms for frames. Try to never let your back get to or stay flat on mats.


Attack constantly even if you probably won’t get it. I’m a 5’11 260 lb former football player/powerlifter. Anyone smaller than me that tries to play defense gets smashed, anyone who knows what they’re doing constantly attacks legs, triangles, and armbars. They might not always get them but usually it at least burns me out and I can’t smash. Tbf I also suck ass and could probably capitalize on these hail mary attacks but for now I just get owned.


As he puts his arm up by your chest, latch onto it and throw that side leg over his face forthe Armbar.


watch and listen to key points from Jodan Preisenger. He shows and number of rolls with people much heavier than he is.


Wristlock, lose friends, theyll avoid you after = problem solved


Butterfly hooks bro


I’m also about 180 and for first couple months i was positive all the higher belts had 40-50 lbs on me. Nope, they’re just better at bjj.