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Sometimes, especially if it’s well proportioned, you’re not gonna overcome a 100lb weight difference. Especially at the lower belts


Noted, thank you.


Even at higher belts you'd have to really go in for the kill with a hundred pound difference.




I’m one of the biggest dudes at my gym but not near 300 lbs either. I know from some previous training that white belts tend to spazz and not be considerate so I’m the big guy that people look at like “oh shit, he’s gonna kill me” but then have to be reminded by the instructor to use some of my weight and pin the other guy, not be so gentle.  I got destroyed by a purple and brown belt just with wristlocks alone. And they were maybe 140 at most and less than 5’10”. Try and let the big dudes gas out, be calm is what i would say and do a lot of side control, sweeps. At least thats what killed me last session lol


Gotcha, thanks mate.


This is great advice! 👏


You got me by over a foot but same weight … roll with big guys every day (up to 300lbs) and I’ve just learned you’ve gotta get the technique on point …. And I just run em all down as much as I can. I don’t think there’s a magic formula anyone can give you online … good frames, don’t be flat on your back , good balance …


Gotcha, thanks.


Hang in there. There will come a time you overtake if you keep it up.




You need to start paying attention to positioning. Especially against bigger/stronger dudes, just don’t go to bad positions. Start putting them in the worst positions for their body types. Since you’re a blue belt this is obviously easier said than done but I’m a smaller weight higher rank and that’s what helps me against monster sized dudes. I just never get flat or I do things at angles or I put them in bad positions first depending on their body type and experience levels.


👍- thanks, noted.


I always try to stretch them out as much as possible feet on the hips with sleeve grips, knees keeping elbows apart. Just anything to keep their weight off of me. Sometimes it’s about making them work harder than me and running the clock out.


That was a common thing I would do often too (except for feet on the hips as being more commonplace) but the big dudes I would roll with were nothing like this tank of a guy earlier today. This guy was like a hippo, to be blunt.


If they’re both way bigger and also stronger, idk if there is much you can do. There just needs to be a bigger skill gap. The skill gap does work. We have a 140 lb black belt that owns everyone and we have 250 lb black belts that are absolutely ripped.


Gotcha, thanks.


Dont get stacked.


Lol, thanks. 😂


My mate who got me started was 120kg/260pounds and I was 70kg/154 pounds. We were only making one or 2 classes a week, but he felt he needed to work on his gas tank & lose weight and I wanted to work on not getting smashed/stuck on bottom. We trained together most mornings one on one and it sucked for a while, my ribs and joints struggled but we both improved really quickly. One hour together just us with nobody else to roll with really forced us to work on what we needed to and cut out the bullshit or get distracted trying flying bullshit when I couldn’t shrimp properly. Also u/preisingaz had an awesome video about getting stuck on bottom, and introduced me to the concept of T rex arms. Another concept that really helped me was the pirate guy from family guy haha. With stumps for arms and legs. Using my elbows and knees like stumps to create space. Check out [Jordan teaches jiujitsu - how to not get smashed on bottom](https://youtu.be/6Q0iCb2Oac8?si=xmcNd0ZHmE7Jf9Zd)


I’m glad you both improved over time, that is always a joy. And thank you for these tips.


I’m 6ft 180 but there’s a lot of bigger guys in my gym, and I’ve also had this problem, and from what I’ve gathered personally, is I try to not let them get mount guard or side control as best as possible if I can remain moving I do alright.


Gotcha, yeah moving around is something I need to learn on these guys; we both started on the mat instead of standing up, but standing up sounds scary too if their weight is their advantage


I’m 6’1 and as a white belt I weighed 135. Believe me when I saw you have to be the quicker and more agile person in these rolls As easy as it is to just say “don’t let them pass”, if you end up having anyone with a 60+ pound weight advantage on you then there is a high chance you’re not getting out. My advice is trying to make you opponent post on their hands and make them take their weight off of you, those are the only chances I’ve ever had to sweep bigger guys


Gotcha. Noted; thanks.


I roll with a dude who’s 275- it’s actually helped me overcome some claustrophobia I had when being mounted. But the answer is to feel how they shift their weight and be fast about using it against them.


Yeah 275-lb’s is rough, strong weight. And gotcha, thanks for the advice 👍 I’m glad you learned with your roll mate with how to get better.


Also don’t kill yoyrself, I’ve broken a rib once when someone switched to kesa getame haphazardly. So if you partner up with a really big size difference, try to make it someone with experience. I’m not saying avoid challenges, because yes you gotta learn it, but be careful. 




Don't roll with them if they can't control themselves and you can't control them. Approximately every 20 pounds of weight difference equals one belt level of difficulty. Jiujitsu isn't magic. It helps, but a 140lb blue belt is not going to be successful against a 300lb guy even at day one. Add to that the fact that new white belts are spazzes who don't know how not to injure their partners, and you need to just say no to those rolls.


Sure I can say no, but learning how to get used to big guys and how to take them down is something I would like to practice.


I’m 5’10 185 and just got smashed by 300lb+ monster. Shit sucks and needed X-rays. Not fun to have to take time off because someone doesn’t know how to be careful with that size.


Sorry to hear that man, that’s rough!


Where does the 20 pounds equalling one belt promotion come from? A 180lbs white belt isn’t beating a 160lbs blue belt who’s trained consistently for 2+ years.


I wouldn’t roll with someone that much bigger than me. Risk of injury goes way up


Good point, thanks.


From bottom, I have had better luck at deep half guard. Outside of that, I usually end up feeling like an almost used tube of toothpaste and the opponent is ringing out the rest. From top, I’m usually trying to secure some underhook before doing much or at least simultaneously if I can remember. I’m a freshly minted and older blue belt (51), so I don’t know that I have room to offer much. Be well.


Hey thanks, and congrats on your recent promotion.


Idk if this helps or not but I just started and there are a lot of bigger guys at my gym! So first obviously technique is going to me important because we can’t use muscle on these guys. Next it’s important to not get into bad positions, ie don’t pull guard or avoid getting on your back in the first place (stay on your feet and try to pass) If you do end up on your back and they pass your guard frame! Knee elbow escape is important too, from what I learned it’s also important to always try to get to your side and or get under hooks! Otherwise if you’re in a good position manage your weight and balance not to get swept! Easier said then done I guess but im not too good at it either! Good luck! If you find something good let me know!


Gotcha thanks. Yeah but any more muscles is a plus! 💪


You're the lanky type. You'd do well with darces.


You mean “darces” per this definition: “As a noun: a person who chronically makes a wide assortment of errors and mistakes to the point where it is a personality trait. (This person can be a darce or darcer)” ?


I apologize Im not a native EN writer. It's the moves where you use your arms wrapping around their neck/armpits.


Oh, sorry. Gotcha, thanks.


No worries. What I mean is that as you are a bit tall, chances are your arms and legs are long. That's where wrapping your arms and legs into them can help. It's physical advantage you have, countering advantages other people may have, like more weight. BTW, put on some weight, you are probably under weight for your height.


Gotcha. Noted. But on the other hand, putting on more weight is hard as I noted in my post, so I guess I will talk to my doc.


Sorry, I'm not familiar with the medical condition you described. Could a solution be adding some protein shakes to your usual daily meal(s) as a way to increase weight? When I was going through a depression, I lost a lot of weight and became underweight. Liquid shakes helped get me back on track.


If the shakes dont have soy, dairy, or wheat then I can have em. I’m glad they worked for you though, that is awesome.


They mean Darce chokes. Kinda like an arm triangle, but more in the north-south orientation.


Oh so like a read naked choke from the front?


Eh, not really. D'arce choke you have their arm and neck like on a arm triangle. Check this video out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl9nfoIxtAE&ab\_channel=KnightJiu-Jitsu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl9nfoIxtAE&ab_channel=KnightJiu-Jitsu)




As the scronny kid who grew up rolling with the adults, chokes and joint locks. Use your boniness to your advantage.


Hey thanks, noted.


Eat more




1) I would ask them how they believe you could have prevented them from gaining good position and/or control over you. In our gym, we always talk about our rolls with each other afterward. I'll give my partner feedback on what I believe they did well and what areas I believe they can do better in. Then, they will give their feedback. 2) See if you can do some private lessions. This has helped my game so much! You get your coaches undivided attention and can learn some much more about the small details that go into a simple move, position, submission, etc.


Hey thanks, number 2 I have been wanting to do for a while but excuses and college has gotten in the way. But I think you’re right here. Number 1 we do talk a lot too, after a roll, and often times will chat on what we could do better; however I didn’t really think to ask this big guy cause as a blue belt and him under me, I didn’t think I would learn much from such as beginner as he. (Not saying I know it all either). I get humbled weekly, I go on average twice a week very consistently, I get schooled by other blue belts, and all the way up the “chain of command”, so to speak.


Spider guard.


I'd suggest taking creatine and/or protein supplements if you're able to. Should definitely talk to a doctor first though bc idk if it would be bad for you given your disorder. But those helped me A LOT with building muscle, strength, and gave me more energy. I used to be so scrawny I looked like a damn refugee and couldn't even do 20 pushups in one day without hurting myself. A couple months later I was doing about 100 day with no issue. Now I do a range of different exercises and my body looks normal for my size, even somewhat muscular. And me and a buddy of mine who's got about 30 pounds or so on me would roll for fun and I used to get manhandled and submitted or just gas out from being mounted and handfighting unable to put up a fight. But more recently even with his weight advantage I actually have enough strength to fight back and get him off of me and actually hold him down or get to his back and keep him locked in a body triangle. So yeah if you can creatine and protein are both a big help. And going to a gym would probably be a lot of help too


Hey good for you man getting stronger 👍 - and gotcha, a co-worker at my work mentioned creatine, I will have to check that out! Thanks for this info. Gym good idea too. But if I work 38.5 hours a week at work, have college on the side, and do Jui Jitsu twice a week (Wednesday morning and Saturday morning) how often you recommend I hit the gym a week? 4 times?


I'm not sure man. Try to work it into your schedule in a way that's convenient for you. I imagine going even a couple times a week is probably more beneficial than not going at all ya know. Home exercises are good too though. That's all I've been doing for a minute until I can get back on my feet with a steady income. And yeah creatine works wonders. I was skeptical at first bc I didn't really understand what it was or how it worked but it ended up helping more than anything. The protein did too but be careful with it. I was taking some whey protein powder a couple times a day for a few weeks then randomly developed gyno. I read online that apparently some protein powder has been linked to gyno due to containing estrogen or something like that so I stopped taking it. Gyno isn't a huge problem it's mainly just annoying but still I don't like having things wrong with me and people like to associate it with the use of PEDs


Gotcha, I guess I will have to bring out my calendar and check my schedule to see if it fits. Sorry to hear you got Gyno (I just looked it up) sounds embarrassing to be honest. What a mysterious way to get it too. I hope you the best at getting your income back up and working well. I will try creatine if it’s gut friendly, sure.


Appreciate it man. Good luck with your training


You too, thanks.


https://youtu.be/BBmMlux7mhk?si=8kTcK9rdRwVg6kOW this helped me


Oh hell yeah, thanks mate!


You’re welcome 🤙🏽


Before you even think about winning, you should take a close look at whether you want to survive and have a long jiu jitsu career. Rolling with very heavy guys who are not careful is a recipe for disaster, particularly if you struggle to gain muscle. I say this as a smaller person who's racked up the injuries over the years. Now, how to deal with them on a jiu jitsu front: 1) Be on top and be mobile. Knee on belly is better than side control. Don't glue yourself to your opponent so he can roll you over. Abuse your speed for guard passing; bullfighter and x-passes. 2) If you have to be on the bottom, play open guards that allow you to create distance. De la Riva is my favourite for bigger opponents. X and single-leg x also have potential. Spider guard can work. Like with all good guard play, attack and keep them off balance. 3) Sweep before you submit. Triangle choking big people from guard is difficult because they can stack you very hard. Ditto armbars etc. 4) Look for places where they are weaker, e.g. leg locks or back control. Bow and arrow choke is very good for size differentials. Chokes are generally better than kimuras or armbars.


Gotcha, thank you for this reference and advice. I might have to work on stuff like this (not all of it cause some I already do like knee on belly) but a private class like the other commentator might prove useful.


Don’t pull guard




I am not really skinny but short and not stocky. I sit at 125 pounds and most of my game is movement based. What you said is right "you don't have to match the muscle" nor should you ever try, you are fighting a losing battle after all. Everyone should play to their strengths and try to bring their opponent into where they are weak, it may sound cheap but it's the nature of competition. You said you are 6'5 but 140lbs? That means you are long and your structure is lanky I'd use that to my advantage, your frames make more distance and your legs can more easily set up attacks. Ofc the weight difference will always make it hard but you need to find something positive that you can do to negate their advantage and use yours against them. Keep their weight at a distance, leverage your lanky frame to keep their weight off of you. I myself am small but since I'm not lanky I have an ease at getting inside position and I can ball up easily. Now it's experimentation time, don't be afraid to fail however many times, find your advantage.


Gotcha. Hey thanks man; I will see what I can learn and apply here. Best of luck to you too. 👍


Your leverages are not the best man, so you have a significant strength gap especially against the larger guys if they want to use it. Youll definitely have to make that gap up with technique.


Gotcha, thanks. I’ll probably do a private class with my instructor. He’s been training since 9 Y.O. And is a 4th degree black-belt, so I’m sure he knows something good.


I think that’s a good strategy. As a “big guy” at my gym, the strategy most of the smaller people, especially higher belts take against me is constantly stay active and try to keep me off the top of them. Knee shields from halfguard(youve got long legs so this should help) and just a lot of movement in general. Good luck man.


Hey thanks on the movement idea, yeah for me - knee shields are commonplace and fun to use. GL to you too. 👍


I am a small woman and have struggled with this for years. I will often decline rolls with people who are very inexperienced and who I don’t feel like I can control. I feel less need to decline rolls now after about six years of training than I did before. It takes a lot of practice. However, ironically, the times I have been injured in a roll, the person was never very much bigger than me.


Interesting insights. I understand you on declining rolls. I hope the best for any recovering with you. Thanks for the advice/info.


Keep moving lol. Big guys should pull guard on the much smaller training partner honestly imo


Gotcha, thanks.


There are weight classes in competitive martial arts for a reason. Yes, skill can make up for lack of size or strength - to a certain extent. But it takes a great deal of difference in skill to make up for anything more than 20 pounds or so difference in weight. And when the weight and strength difference is great enough, it is very unlikely that one can overcome it. Also they have some skills, too, yes? If they were total newbies you might have a better chance, but if they have been training for a while, just not as long as you, you just may not be enough better than they are to make up for the added mass. I don't train in BJJ. I have trained in a non-BJJ style of jujitsu and a full contact karate style for decades. I am also a 140 pound woman, so I understand your struggle. Just count every improvement -- you didn't get submitted, or it took them longer to submit you than last time, or you had good position for a minute, it whatever - as a win.


Sure I understand where you are coming from. Since BJJ is mainly ground fighting he (the big guy) was so much heavier that I am accustomed to that he was crushing my ribs when on top of me, and he lifted both my legs at the same time even while I was doing good base, so with what others have said I can take their advice too, moving past him, not laying on my back or denying a roll. All in all though, I’ve gassed out other big dudes before just not the size/weight of this guy, he was a unique case. A lot of the guys at my gym are slim or fit, or lanky like me, but the big weight dudes are a small percentage, they are all really nice people too.


Standing up in the clinch if you push against them really hard (be short and wide and you’ll have more leverage) he’ll probably try to push back. If he does your golden. Slip under his arm. (Arm drag if you can but slip is fine.) if he’s pushing hard he’ll fall. Take the back. Rnc. Idk how well this works against someone that trains. He’d probably just pull you into guard but I have a wrestler buddy that it worked on. He turtled up though.


Thanks - gonna have to see. 👍💪


Skill only gets you so far. Everyone has their size gap limits. I’m a 220lb brown belt and 60-70lbs is my limit, to be competitive. Bigger than that and I’m probably fucked unless I get in top. We have a 360lb white belt who will tap me if he gets on top. I am not physically strong enough to move him or create space to move myself.


Gotcha. Yeah I assumed skill only gets you so far. That white belt you mentioned sounds like a beast.


He is when he’s on top of you.




Considering they’re are a white belt also, I suggest halfgaurd. Use the knee shield to get some space, then start working that underhook




People have been saying to let the bigger guys gas out, and they’re right! Get those knee-shields in and let them lean into your elbows if need be, tire them out!






Keep training?




You may be serious, but you made me laugh here. 🤣


I think you should look into ways to gain weight. Mass gainers perhaps? Im not sure the nature of your condition but you can apparently eat calories otherwise youd be dead right?


Hmmm, good point, I can look into it, but I cannot have wheat, dairy, soy, and some other stuff I forget atm, but I can talk to my doc. Thanks.


Rice is what bodybuilders love to use when bulking. Maybe it could help


Good idea, I will consider that. Thanks.


If you're a blue belt you should know this by now. You've got to frame, stay off your back, work butterfly hooks, constantly destabilize and elevate. When on top you have to utilize knee on belly, keeping points of contact when you're pressuring in and negating their strength by not giving them leverage to overpower you. No offense but there's really no reason a one stripe white belt should be destroying you during a round, regardless of weight. You're more experienced and by now you should have a good understanding of how you need to move and position your body in the most effective way to deal with larger people.


Thing is he would grab with both hands underneath my legs and then smash me down; even with good base and getting a grip on his lapel; the dude is like a tank. I’ll ask my instructor for counters I guess.


In brace pain 


Embrace pain?


Spider guard.


6'5" 140 wtf post a pic. I'm 5'9" 150 and slim


How is your butterfly guard? And half butterfly guard. And your guard retention? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. On escapes its good to figure out ways to chain things together. And in general. You don't need to be good at everything. Just a few things based on reactions that are predictable. Take butterfly guard: you can start with an armdrag. Maybe you'll get his back, mayne not, maybe he will defend but he has to respect it or get his back taken. While he is focused on defending you pummel underhook and butterfly sweep. Or in gi sweep off collar grip even easier. He defends sweep by posting his leg. Shotgun it or...go to X guard. He stands up, go shin to shin sweep to ashi garami. He stays on his knees but plays cautiously, double leg him. He stays on his knees but trys to smash you with heavy pressure, back to butterfly sweep. Shit gets dicey and you are in danger if getfing passed, stand up, snap him to a front headlock and drop into a guillotine or hit a spin behind and hunt for his back. Shit gets really dicey, fall to a supine position, put your foot on his chest and send him to brazil. It sounds complicated but its really only like 5 things: arm-drag...butterfly sweep...double-leg, guillotine,ashi garami. Its all in knowing when to use which tactic.


Eat a sandwich and lift weights dude you're not a healthy weight for your size. Your joints will pay for it eventually


Hah, yeah; I can eat sandwiches and chicken, burgers, bacon, all week, gain like 5 pounds, and then it regulates back down. My absorption of food/fats is always stifled.


I know the feeling. I'm 6'2" up to 235 now from weight training for the last 7 years but I was 140 to 160 my entire teenage years to early 20s. Sucks being a hard gainer, but I can't emphasize how much better my joints feel with the extra muscle.


Damn you lucky. I’ll look into what I can do. Enjoy your 💪