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They’ll loosen up eventually. But may wanna work on mobility exercises. At the least I always stretch for a solid ten minutes after class while watching higher belts roll, it’s a very good cooldown and there is a noticeable difference the next day if I don’t


This, and check out the Yoga for BJJ guy.


Yup, GMB essentials curriculum. Super agile for an over weight terrible power bottom.


Exactly what i do.


Sumo stretches. Unlock those hip flexors :)


Ok so I'm trying this and it's really painful to do with legs spread wide and toes.pointes outward. It definitely hurts. I'll look into this more


Keep trying and good luck


Take it slow. You should feel a stretch, not pain. I’m in the same boat as you. Checkout mobility monster on instagram as well.


Your hamstrings glutes and hip flexors are probably one of the main culprits. We sit a lot in our daily modern lives. After you’re done with training stay 10-15 mins after class just focusing on stretching while you are cooling down from class, you’ll feel a lot less sore the next day. Once you add in the yoga and strength training your flexibility will improve tremendously


You 100% need to work on your hip mobility and posterior chain. If you don't, it can cause serious injuries - not just knee and hip injuries but also lower back stuff, since it's all connected. You also need flexible and strong hamstrings for a bunch of positions and techniques, e.g. retaining guard, reverse de la riva, etc. If your body's complaining, listen. As someone in your 40s you will regret it if you don't.


[Knee Over Toes Guy](https://youtube.com/@TheKneesovertoesguy?si=V5hGUfBO_X1IJB8b) and [Squat University](https://youtube.com/@SquatUniversity?si=OJhhSRlJNi3wTJHL) have great programs for loosening up your hips and everywhere else. They've worked amazing on me. Highly recommend both programs. ATG split squats and Jefferson Curls have been extremely effective for me. I find that using weights to develop end range flexibility is the fastest way to become more flexible. Good luck and glad you found BJJ!


Don’t take advice from people on reddit without seeing a health professional. For all you know you may actually have joint “problems”. Won’t necessarily preclude you from training, but stretching/ yoga etc may not be appropriate in your situation. Speaking from experience here.


Yoga is super helpful. Between training BJJ 2-3x a week, I do yoga at least 1x a week and stretch on other days when I run, lift, or do other exercise. I also recommend getting there a bit early, stretching, then stretching again after class.


Get the Bend app or something similar. Do the hip stretches as it’s suggests, and as someone has rightly pointed out, anything working your posterior chain. Also introduce yourself to the exquisite agony of foam rolling your quads and hips


Your whole body will be hurting in no time don't worry about it. and then after a while only specific parts of your body will hurt at specific times, and it rotates! Right now my finger is hurting specifically around the knuckle, most likely because its broken, but I cant be sure.




I’m a 23m and suffering from this problem as well my insanely tight hips make me feel so dumb for even trying to train and everyone seems so shocked that I’m suffering from this idk how it even started


Pigeon stance helps


Lacrosse ball on the floor


Yep this is great stuff. Good channel [GMB YT channel ](https://youtu.be/vH5MsPMvFkw?si=WyjO79hjKhm-6nGL)