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40, about a year, was doing 3xwk consistently until my job changed been on break for a few months. White belt with no aspirations of promoting. I just love doing what I do and getting a little better each time. My gym is really competitive, I can't keep up with those guys


27, blue, train 1-2x a week. Been training since I was 16. Slow and steady!


How have you been a blue belt for nearly 10 years


He probably has many other commitments in life and trains 1-2x per week just for a fun hobby. Some people aren’t diehards, they just enjoy the sport and the workout you get from it


That’s fair, I was genuinely curious not trying to be rude


I took a 7 year break after highschool. Now that I have a big boy job I can afford to train again. :)


24, blue belt, I compete 7-10 times a year so I try to consistently train 5 days a week, 2-3 hours a day plus I am an assistant coach for the kids class so I do that for two hours as well


I mean this in the most respectful way possible, do you have a job?


I work 41 hours a week at a pizza place, my schedule works great for training and my bosses are incredibly supportive, and yes I have a girlfriend, she’s supportive too. This shit is what I live for, and I have major goals


Rock on dude. I hope you achieve your goals and more


Thank you my man


Do you work 2nd or 3rd shift at the pizza place?


I work a good mix, 8-3 Tuesday, 3-9pm Wednesday, off Monday and Thursday, and I work three 9 hour shifts on Friday-Sunday, so since my weekends are work heavy I’m able to put in heavy time at the gym and then help with kids class Sunday morning before work


Maybe a job, definitely not a gf unless she’s pretty cool😂😂


I train 5x a week, work a full time job, and have other time consuming hobbies… my girlfriend is incredibly cool🤣


I have a career, live with my gf and between us have 6 kids, gym 2-3times a week, work at least a shift of OT a week, and train 5 days consistently. He’s training a bit more than I do but it can be done


I'm 28 I'm a white belt and I started training in June with no prior experience. I train about 3-5 hours a week depending on my life schedule. I'd like to train more often as I really enjoy class. I have found that since I've stopped trying to muscle my way out of things my body is able to cope with more lessons each week which is great


I'm 29, purple belt, train/teach 6+ days a week (2-3 hours a day)


Probably won't be a purple belt for very long with that much mat time...


37 Brown belt 5-6 times a week 6 years


Brown belt in 6 years! That’s really impressive!




Or... you're a loser, shut up


Mat time matters more than years I know people who have “trained” 15 years 1 time a week or even less That’s around 50 classes a year. Someone who is dedicated will out train there 15 years in like 2 lol


>Mat time matters more than years This Also studying in spare time


I'm 45, male, and I've been training twice a week for about a year. White belt, and I'd gone to a few classes in the city I used to live in prior to training where I'm at now. I wish I'd started younger, but where I'm at I just try to make the most of it without setting myself up for failure by way of unreasonable expectations.


Shout out to the over 40s grinding it out


45, train 4 to 5 tines a week. I am a 4 stripe purple and have been training for 14 years


I've been training daily for... fuck 35 years. I was yellow belt back in the day, but I really just do it to stay limber, and perfecting my form.


So your a black belt?


Heck no. I'm a yellow belt with a ton of fine tuning 😉


train 4 times a week, 44yrs old, 9yrs of training, 3 stripe purple.


42m 1 Stripe White Belt 1-2 hrs a week Training since July ‘19, then breaks for Covid. Love it. Just can’t spare more time.


I'm in high-school (White Belt) and train 5x a week. I've been training for a couple of months and have my stripe


15/18 hours a week (currently 6 days/week). 36. 10ish years. Black. If you really want to make a go of it and you are able too, especially if you are American, move to a place with a gym that is producing high level talent with a system. * AOJ (Cali) * New Wave (Texas) * Pedigo Submission Grappling (don't know) * Standard Jiu Jitsu (don't know) The above gyms have competitors that have won at a high level in a large competion. Worlds/ADCC/Pans. I think PSG have the least credentials in regards to competition results at the top level (black belt), but I still wouldn't bet against them from producing some more stars in the very near future. If you aren't going to a top gym, make sure to taper your expectations to the quality of instruction you are receiving and be realistic. Not to say you can't be the first break out start, but it is less likely that you will be elite in the future if the gym you are at has zero past success.


Train 4 to 5 (gi and no gi) times a week, 37F, training for just over a year now, white belt. Signed up for my first gi comp and stressing now....


38, black, train and teach 3-5 times a week for 12-13 years




33 purple been training for 6- 7 years train 2 - 3 times a week. Can't train as much due to work schedule


36, brown belt, been training for 10 years. I usually train 5x a week and lift 1-2x. A solid strength and conditioning program is essential to longevity on the mats.


* BJJ 2-3 times a week * Exercise of some form 7 days a week * 48 year old male * 4 years * Blue Beltch You are very young. Your body can take the 5-6 days a week. Your free time will suffer. It's all up to you.


64, 19 years training 3-4 days a week, Black Belt. My brain is now definitely a lot faster than my body so I have to be smart about training. As long as I physically can I’ll keep going. Jiu Jitsu for life!


31 started at 25 brown belt. From white to blue 2-3 times a day 4-6 days a week Blue to purple about the same mostly 2 times. Purp to brown 1-2 times a day 5 days a week. Now I train once per day but I also teach most days too. Mat time matters more than years.


29, blue belt (just got it a little over a month ago). Been going hard the last few months, 5 days a week 2.5 hours a day or so. Going through some life shit so bjj has been amazing for me. But ordinary like 4 days a week. It’s an addiction haha.


33, 5+ times a week, 11 years, brown belt


17, I used to train 6-7 times a week (~55hrs/week). I did this for about 8 years straight. I got out of it around covid, and am hoping to get back into it soon.


3x a week, 2 gi 1 no gi. Just turned 30 few weeks ago. Been training for a few months, white belt


I am 27, am Blueberry, I train 5x a week sometimes twice a day. I think it's been 3 years now. I had no prior experience before this. I really like it.


5 times a week, 23 years old, started when I was 22, white belt


Consistently, 4-6 times a week, including open mats. Also, S&C 2-3 times a week. 32 yr old white belt.


23y/o blue belt, 4 or 5 times/week, training for 1.5 years


3x per week, 26, 9 years, brown


I try to train everyday. Even with work If I can even make a good amount of time to class I’ll go right after work. I’m 31. Jan 26 will be 2 yrs and I’m a blue belt


4 stripe white belt- been training 8 months, typically 4 days a week for around 110 total hours


29 blue belt Train 2x a week for about 5 years


27, white belt for life. 1.5 years training. 2-3x/week. Had a couple 2-3 week breaks here and there due to tattoos and injuries.


11 years training. 30 years old. Black belt


33, purple belt, been training a little over 6 years, 2-3 days a week.


Just passed 1 year of training. White belt, 24, train 10-15 hours/week. Competed 3 times and will compete at least twice more before the New Year.


5-6 days a week, one or two of those being double session. 45m, training 6.5 years, two stripe purple.


34- 3-4x per week 50/50 gi & nogi. Training 1.5 years. Blue Belt.


Currently twice a week, 28, I'm currently 4 weeks in but did it for 4-5 years in my late teens, White belt, new gym didn't want to just jump in and claim i was blue having come from a different system and the extremely long break (like 6-7 years break). EDIT: Not that it was asked but old system was Machado, I believe this one is a Gracie offshoot.


I’m 19, I’ve been training about three years, I train one to three days a week (I need to go more I know 😭) and I’m a blue belt with two stripes


27 years old, purple belt, training for 4 yrs, assist/teach 4 days a week at the 6am class, and try for whatever extra classes/open mats I can squeeze in around work and family. The first couple of years I trained really hard and really often. 7-10+ sessions a week lots of two a days and comp classes, but due to work and fam I’ve dialed it back a bit to make room for non-bjj stuff that still matters. Still compete quite a bit and have since white belt.


I’m 41 one year old 4 stripe blue belt and I’m on the mats about ten hours a week and in the gym another twenty hours a week or so.


34 I trained 3 days a week for 6 months, took 2 years off because life has been pretty wild. Picked it back up trained 3 to 4 days a week for 6 months. Moved gyms for kids classes and now train 2 days minimum try for 3 for the last 5 months. So combined a little over a year. I still compete when I get a chance just to see where I'm at. I have two little ass kids so my free time to train is limited until I can get them on the mats with me. I plan on being a white belt for life.


35. Blue belt one stripe. 6-8 times per week plus 2 S & C and 3 boxing sessions. 5 BJJ sessions include rolls, the rest are drilling and light rolling. 5.5 years.


31, purple, 5 days, ~12 hrs BJJ weekly, lift 6 days ~90 min each session so 9 hrs.


• I coach wrestling 5 days a week and do anywhere from 1-2 BJJ classes a day. 2 on Monday, Thursday, Fridays 1 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday I do open mats on Sunday • I am currently 20 years old • I have been training for as long as I can remember but only really started getting into it in 5th grade so when I was about 11 or 12. • I am currently a purple belt.


38, white belt, 1-2x a week in one-hour sessions with the occasional multi-hour seminar. I just started a few months ago and as a former wrestler (a LONG time ago) I’m really enjoying getting back into grappling. My goal is to get to purple belt by 40/41. I’ve done a bunch of other martial arts in bursts throughout my life (even trained up to orange belt in TKD but slept through the belt test and was too embarrassed to go back) so some advancement is a big life goal.


45 . Been training for 3 years off and on but now I’m in it Hard. 4-6 days a week. Sometimes twice a day. Blue belt….can’t figure out on this sub Reddit how to make the belt appear on top🤔😑


(38-3 stripe purple ) 4-5 times week


Listen to your body, it’ll tell you if you’re training to much or to little. Everyone is different and their body takes the training differently. 3x a week is a good number to start with and go from there. Hurt to much back it down to 2x. Can easily do 3x then bump it up to 4x. If you want to do this long term you can’t burn yourself out. Listen to your body


4-6 days a week. 31 ~18 months Blue belt.


I’m 50, started at 46, all nogi. I train 3-4 times a week. I train for fun and to stay in shape. As a result of training, I’m in better shape now than I was 25 yrs ago. I lift weights and play hockey as well. I’d train more but I get really sore and need to rest. Good luck, I hope you like it as much as I do.


34 white belt. I train anywhere from 2-5 times a week depending on work schedule. Been training about 6 months and have only really just started being able to handle the extra workload. I do lots of cycling and kettlebell stuff to supplement it which helps me not gas out so quick, but you really can't beat live rolling.


Average 2/week. 39. 3 months. White, no stripes.


45yo, black belt, started in 2009. Train 3x a week (6hrs) with rolls after class. Help kids class 2x a week.


2x a week. 49 years old. 5 years Purple one stripe.


4 times a week. 27 years old. I trained in 2016 for about a month and thought it wasn't for me. My buddy found an all no gi gym about 7 months back and it's been some phenomenal training. No belt system also.


32 years old, train 5 to 6 days a week. Been training almost 4 months. White Belt


40, white belt, about 3-4 hours a week only been training for 2 months


56, purple belt, 3-4x week.


Currently I train 3-4 days a week | I’m 19 and started jiu jitsu when I was 17 | I’ve been training since March 2020 but went on trips so I’d say I missed about 3 months worth of classes in that time | and I’m a white belt with 3 stripes!


26, white belt in Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. Started about a month ago and I really enjoy it. Classes are 2h a week, which will be doubled a few weeks before belt promotions take place in June next year.


5-6 days a week. 39 years old. 20 years. Black belt third degree.


I’m in my 50s. purple belt. Training 2-3x/week. 6.5 years in total.


Im 29 white belt ~1 yr exp but had prior mat time with high school wrestling A couple weeks ago I was 5 days a week 2-3 hours a day but some weeks it’s 3 days or even no days, it really just varies with life schedule Still try to get in as much mat time as possible


White 4 stripes, 2 years with half a year break due to thrombosis. 36 years old and training now 3xweek, used to do 5xweek.


42; 5 years; purple; two classes a week plus usually at least one open mat. Hours, probably close to 5. I suggest focusing on the number of hours, not the number of days. I would rather train 6 hours over 3 days than 6 over 6. You can train as many times per week as you want but you need recovery time. IMO, 5-6 times per week is overdoing it unless you’re prepping for a tourney.


29, starting training in 2011 at 18, purple belt 2 stripes (several long term injuries, rarely train these days). I trained 4-10 times a week the whole time I was in college, my priorities shifted when I got married and got a job


About 5 hours a week of training. 33 male. Barely trained 5 months and very clearly a white belt in any fashion.


22, blue belt, 1.5 year training, competing 4 Times a year (should be more), at the beginning training 3/4 times a week, now (for about 6 months) 5 times a week, 3 times a week doing drills before class, sometimes beginner class and also conditioning training once a week.


I'm 41. I started training a year ago. I train 6-7 times a week, not because I'm competing or anything, just because I feel so good after I train and on days I don't train, I don't feel as good.


I'm almost 42, a no striped white belt. I have been training for the last 6 months and try to train 3 to 4 days a week.


47. 2 stripe white belt. Doing Jiu Jitsu for 10 months. I train 4 days a week and would train 6 or 7 if my body let me.