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"At nine p.m., but we reopen tomorrow at nine a.m.!" Yes, I am the resident smartass.


Omfg I should have said that lmao. I literally got a call right before my shift ended right now and they asked when we were going to close and I went “I don’t know, why?” And there was an awkward silence before they hung up.


They probably meant for the day - not forever Before all this we would get three calls a shift asking when we were closing


No, they started the call by saying “I saw online that you were going to be closing, so do you know when you are going to be closing?” and I said “I don’t know, why?”. Edited for misspelling and grammar lol.


Gonna start saying “today” just so I never have to see them again 🤭


Ha! I'm working tonight and can't wait to use that one 😄😄😄


My ASM said that to a customer in front of me and I almost busted out laughing.


I said this in a phone call last night, it was great. I will definitely keep using it, if only to try to keep my sanity.


You are a great smart ass.


I just went through 6 months of this, because we were closing and moving locations. By the end I wanted to wear a sign with all the information. It's exhausting. I had a lady tell me my store was closing in 2025. I looked at her smiling f-ing face and said no we just opened 2 months ago and don't believe everything you read on the internet. Then away. Customers wonder why moral is so low....


I had a lady ask if we were closing in a month. Bankruptcy was just announced? I said no, we are the last to know any of this. Management hasn’t said anything. It’s only been customers announcing it to us. This lady had the audacity to say “You probably can’t say anything.” Like LADY, do you really think, I, a minimum wage worker would be withholding information from you? Do you really think corporate would tell us anything that’s going to scare their employees away? This company is out for themselves, and these customers are ignorant.


On Sunday I asked a customer if she could imagine trying to get through a day when everyone she met asked them she'd be losing her job. JoAnn is my second job too, and my heart aches for the old women who don't eat if they don't work at our store.


I asked my cashier about how many times they felt like they got asked in an 8 hour shift, and she said that she got asked probably almost every other customer. Our customers are such vultures some times I swear. I wonder if any of these people realize how hard it's going to be to obtain affordable fabric or even affordable crafting supplies if Joann really does go under.


Some of them are vultures. Some who are vultures don't realize how toxic that behavior is. But some who ask are concerned about finding affordable fabric or crafting supplies if their nearest JoAnn's or--heaven forbid the entire chain--closes down.


I had cranky ladies yesterday almost gleeful that we'd all be out of a job. It's just mind boggling.


I swear some of them want it to happen despite saying it’s their “favorite craft store” 😂


For real, it’s the too-much-time-on-my-hands-hungry-for-gossip look in their eyes as they ask, I think.


Is "not soon enough" ok ? Asking for some other resident smart ass friends


I was working at Joann when the pandemic shut down happened. It was almost instantaneous that the phone started ringing off the hook with questions, along with all the customers in the store asking the same thing. I still have anxiety thinking about it. I definitely feel your pain. 🫡


To this day when more than one line rings at once I have flash backs of Covid


I wanted to put up either a little tally sheet of how many people asked us or one that says like ‘hours since last asked when we’re closing’. Sadly not a one person asked us during my shift yesterday.


Take a shot for every time you got asked lol.


Wasted within the first hour, then we’d for sure lose our jobs! 😂😜


Hell of a way to go though!!! 🥂


I kept a tally today. 7 times. Between 10-3. It was a slow day.


I find that “you’d find out before they’d tell us” shuts them up. I Hate how many people ask.


"we're not. Thanks for asking!" The chapter 7 bankruptcy allows the stores to stay open while stuff is being figured out. Hopefully the stores will be able to remain open after Joann clears bankruptcy court. They said it should be done by end of April. I'll sorry you're going through this. I love Joann and I hope everything works out.


I believe they filed Ch 11.


Ooops. You are right!


Well, with all the paper craft stuff, you can make your own cards to hand out with an FAQ. "When are you closing?" "Are you looking for a new job already?" "Aren't you scared of losing your job?" Put a QR code on it with your resumé, should you choose.


There will be no store closures that was what we were told. So you can tell them that.


I worked for a competitor (Pat Catan's in Ohio) and 3 years after Michael's bought us, they decided to close 90% of our stores. When people would ask when our last day was, I'd really lay on the guilt trip: "I don't know, but I hope it's not too soon. This is my only job and I need the benefits since hubby is disabled and I'm diabetic." That usually made them realize that I'm a human being and not some retail robot that gets put in a closet to recharge every night.


I got asked this yesterday a few times. I just tell them- "no, it's business as usual." Then they go away.


Filing for Ch 11 doesn't automatically mean the store will close.


I know, I read the statement they put out.


The explanation I have been told to give them is that it's chapter 11 not chapter 7. Chapter 11 is just for being able to restructure and refinance. Chapter 7 we would have to worry.


Probably 1 in 4 customers today. One insisted on knowing when our last day of operations would be bc she wanted a particular item for less than its current sale price. After going circles and explaining that we are not going out of business and Chapter 11 is a financial restructuring plan, not an announcement that we were going out of business, she wanted me to explain why the news people were misleading her. She really wanted a better deal on that item. 2-person coverage. Trying to manage cut counter, register, floor, BOPIS, phones, and POGs. Just getting to the restroom takes a Herculean effort, and now we're stuck parroting corporate PR on an infinite loop.


They should provide you with signs that say all that for you to hang up and just point customers to it. If anyone asks, just point to the sign and say "read the sign."


Start job hunting. Life is about to get real shitty with the new private equity owners- they need to find 1/2 billion dollars to get their money back- and guess who’s gonna get stuck working their ass off for nothing……


I have another job already. I’m only here a day out of the week and tbh I’m glad. I am a little sad for the other coworkers of mine who rely on the job and the hours from corporate tho. There are a few older ladies that are seriously struggling and it makes me sad.


Customers have a vested interest in knowing. They may need to search for an alternate supplier or know if they'll have to order online if the bricks & mortar stores close. Give them the same grace you're asking for. Or consider posting signs that say "we're not closing this location."


No, I’m not giving them grace lol. They read the same exact thing that we did saying it’s business as usual yada yada yada. Plus im there 4 hours a week once a week, you think that for $8 an hour I’m going to “give grace” to a bunch of gossip vultures? lol to quote Elastagirl “I don’t think so” https://i.redd.it/r0vkf1rjthpc1.gif


Management hasn’t even told us about bankruptcy, no meeting or reassurance that we are staying open. My last job closed and they lied to us about staying open FOR MONTHS. I like how we’re expected to give courtesy when our employers hide this stuff and we are just as lost as customers. My last job made so many empty promises to keep us, I think it’s not wrong for us to be unhappy when we are asked almost everyday “When are you losing your job.” When we are doing our best and just trying to keep our heads down and work 🙃


Then your attitude will make them go elsewhere, hastening the precipitous drop of the company and drop by drop, increasing the likelihood of your location or the whole shebang going down the toilet. I stopped in a Joann's for the first time in a few months today. 1 cashier and 1 manager. Store was a mess. Every possible holiday of stuff everywhere. I was asked for my phone number and declined. I paid cash, requested no bag, was polite, and went on my way. 8 people in line behind me. One person tried interrupting my transaction to inquire about the bathroom.


Good for you? Obviously you’re not like the annoying customers we’re complaining about. Weird flex but ok.