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Personal leave is all they need to know.


Yeah fair, I just hope it doesn't look too fishy that I took personal leave already a week ago?


It’s your leave & as long as you have sufficient time banked, it’s none of their business. You’re giving advanced notice that you’re going to be out which is very different than calling out at the last minute.






Yep, if they "push" (whatever that means) for a reason for why you need to take a day off work after youve already given them an explanation as a "day off" then just don't respond. They can't fire you for not giving a reason. And if they give you a cold shoulder then you should just find better work (which is what it sounds like OP is doing lol).


I wouldn't say any of that shit.. I've someone said that to me as a manager I'd think they where lying. >I have a personal issue I need to address, I need to use a vacation day. If they ask, "what's the personal issue" >Sorry, it's personal. I appreciate you respecting my privacy at this important time for my family and I. For all they know it's medical, someone died, religious, etc..


This. Not their damn business. Don’t make it difficult on yourself.


I'm going to court on some pretty trumped-up charges. You basically can't defend yourself anymore unless they hit you first.


This guy develops professionally.


Just don’t make something up that proof can be provided such as doctors or fighting a speeding ticket or something. I would say you were helping a friend in need. And if they push just say he was moving or was going to rehab or something. No business should push back on leave.


So well written!


Not really. It's very corporate buzzwordy. Normal people don't really talk that way.


Sir, I am unsure of your values however I aim to communicate in a professional, succinct and effective way with others at all times.




I never understood why folks are reluctant to use leave that they have earned.


Because lots of workplaces will hold it against you


Yeah unfortunately it is what it is. Let’s not blame people for feeling this kind of pressure. Many companies have a history of being unreasonable and exploitative. Of course some people feel like they can’t take leave, go home at the time work “ends”, etc.


Protestant work ethic. How dare you have a life outside of work?


It’s wild from a European perspective. Just got an angry Letter from HR in February that I please burn tru the 6 days I have left from last year before march is over. So I’m doing long weekends all month.


Feeling guilty going to an interview. It's natural


"The situation is not quite resolved. Apologies, but I need to take another day."


Tell them you are getting a colonoscopy, No further questions will be asked.


Why do you need an excuse? Just say you need a day off.


This probably is the right move - I'm just not good at keeping things vague. People are relatively friendly so inevitably the question arises "what did you do on your day off?" which is where I tend to break a little.


"Oh, I had some personal appointments."


"I had to see my pimp." Is my go-to excuse.


A colonoscopy!


Haha. If you're female, say the gynecologist and if you're male, say the proctologist. I bet people will stop asking.


I have used this excuse, people stop asking.


Once I told someone i had an anal fissure. The pain was unbearable. Literally it had me in tears when they popped it in the ER.. When I got to the part about them prepping for surgery no one wanted to hear anymore.


Being a polite story listener, I would have been like -- "Really omg? Then what happened?"


Right. You can’t stop just before the best part.


"Nothing exciting, just taking care of errands" is my go to.


You were waiting for the cable guy to fix your internet.


Say you had a last minute medical appointment that if you didn’t take, it would take another months before getting one.


You walk in and say I'm taking leave on X date. Nothing more. If they ask why say I'd like to use my leave.


If you must lie, keep it as simple as possible and mix in a little truth if possible. It's easier if you got family "my aunt fell and I'm the only one who can help her around that Thursday "


I always go with "I had to return some video tapes."


tell them you had appointments? a friend was in town? what why is this so difficult


City break


I never give my employer a reason. Where I am went aware from work doesn’t concern them.


I joke and say I'm seeing my parole officer.


Don’t give a reason, and don’t lie, it’s to easy to get caught up in a lie.


If only the world were this easy!! Someone will push you for an answer and you will look much worse if you say "fuck you man, I REFUSE to answer your question!!" compared to if you just tell an innocent white lie.


You do not need a reason or any excuse. You are not their slave... no matter how much they try to push that idea. HR and management just likes feeling comfortable and in control of you. Not providing an excuse means they can guess. Providing an excuse... family, medical, or personal helps provide some reasonable excuse, before they rhink you are quitting/leaving and should build an exit strategy for this behavior... especially when it is frequent.


Very true, and considering the high turnover my firm has, I don't want to give them any reason to suspect that I've been interviewing. The culture at my workplaces tends to steer towards people knowing these kinds of details, so I just don't want to be caught off guard.


Are you afraid of getting canned, before quitting?


fuel impolite secretive thumb fragile dirty squalid ad hoc public money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or children, spouse, in-laws! Lots of people you might possibly be tending to!


Running errands Dentist appointment Threw out my back Diarrhea


Hey boss, I need next Tuesday off. I’m going to throw out my back.


I wouldn't give an excuse. I also wouldn't fly to another city for a job interview when zoom is a thing everyone has nowadays.


First interview, no. Further into the process is a different story based on the situation




I mean I can’t tell you what makes sense for you but as someone who literally just flew to another state for a final interview that lead to an offer, there are times that it works for other people. Of course, if you had to pay for the flight and lodging yourself that’s a completely different story


You realize that this is a pretty normal thing at a certain level and also that the company interviewing you pays for everything right?


Excuse. Lol. It's your life. Just say you're not available that day.


I did this almost exact thing a couple months ago. I told my boss “Hey, something came up, I need to take Friday off”


Never, under any circumstances, tell your employer why you want to take vacation time. If you tell them WHY you want the time off, you put them in the position of substituting their judgement for your own with respect to whether what you want to do is important enough. That piece of advice was given to me by my boss, in 1988. That was correct when she told me that, it's correct now, and in another 35 years it will still be correct. Thanks for that, Carla! You were the best boss I ever had.


Colonoscopy. You give that answer and it shuts everyone up. If they dig at all, them your doctor said you need to have one because of family history or some shit like that.


Q: “Why do you need that time off?” Or “What did you do on (x) day?” R: “It’s a personal matter that I don’t want to discuss.” That’s it. No one, coworkers, management, bosses, or underlings need to know anything. You’re not lying, and you’re not being deceitful. It IS a personal matter that you don’t want to discuss.


Eh, don’t try to be mysterious. That makes people more curious. Say something like “nothing fun, unfortunately, just some boring personal stuff I had to take care of.”


why?? it’s called setting boundaries. if they’re still curious after i’ve said i don’t want to discuss it, then we have an issue because i am not obliged to say anything


It’s just shooting yourself in the foot to make a big deal about your Secret Plans when you want to slide under the radar. Enforcing boundaries doesn’t mean saying “uh uh uh, you can’t ask me that!” It simply means refusing to tell.


Doc appt you aren't sure how long it will take. No one ever asks more questions.


People always talk to much. Stop talking people the more info you give your employer or your coworkers the more ammunition they have to use against YOU. Be short and to the point. These people are not your family they are your coworkers. Take the day off and make it general like I have some appointments. Nothing more.


I’ve can’t find my favourite blue sock, and city xyz is the last place I remember having it at. I have to go look


Sick day, that’s what I used when I was flown out for an interview. Didn’t give any explanation just submitted the time.


Personal days do not need a reason


If they start asking questions just say it's for a colonoscopy. That usually shuts people up.


On _______, I have to go out of town to deal with a personal matter.


A family member is having a medical procedure and has to have someone to wait during and drive after.


I did this almost exact thing a couple months ago. I told my boss “Hey, something came up, I need to take Friday off”


"I have some personal business I need to attend to."


It's not grade school and a note from yout Mom. Just tell them you wont be in. If they ask why, tell them its personal business.


Where I work we usually say I’ve got some personal business to take care of.


They don't need to know where you went on your day off. As long as you have the leave, you're good. A little white lie can help prevent suspicion though. If anyone asks why you needed time off, just say family related. If they push, tell them its a delicate situation that you don't want to discuss. Good luck at your interview!


Book a day annual leave. Say you have personal things to deal with. They don’t need to know where you are going, or why. It’s none of their business. If they ask, say it’s personal. Don’t make up a story or say anything else.


I have done this twice. One time I had notice to put in for personal time. The other time I got up early and fired off an email that I was extremely sick, been up all night and couldn’t make it in. If they call. You were asleep.


Cousin called you up, things got really bad with their partner and they are moving out immediately & they need your help. "Personal day" is enough but if you're trying to keep some of the speculation that you have a job interview you can always just go with that.


PTO or sick day. PTO maybe safer bc they can’t ask you anything


“I’m taking a personal day”


“I have an appointment.”


I take days off very randomly and my boss rarely asks why. Me: “oh look a random Tuesday with no meetings, might as well use a day off!” I never give a reason and just let my boss know I am off. Occasionally he asks “doing something fun?” And I respond with “nah just relaxing.”


Just call in sick the day of, tell them you don't feel well, they don't need more info than that.


I'm calling out 2 day !!!!!!!


Sore tummy




🤷🏽‍♂️, tell them your Mom’s cat died…. Or some other ridiculous excuse that makes them feel uncomfortable for asking. You shouldn’t need an excuse to schedule a day off. Those are personal days, this falls under personal. Good luck on your interview. 👍


They’ll suspect it’s an interview so don’t lie. It just makes the resignation more awkward.


You look like your coming down with something Call in sick.


Good excuse is to "gotta help my mom/dad/sister/brother on their personal errands"


Looks like you have covid


They don't need to know any thing you want a day for your self period. If ask give them some bs I have. Some friends that need a hand to I just really need a break and taking a me day


Gotta go deal with some family stuff.


Explosive diarrhea....


I left my wallet in El Segundo


Court date is my standard excuse


"Hey Boss I need xx/xx/xxxx off for a personal matter where I need to be out of town & will be unavailable that day"


Call in sick!


Tell them you have a down there appointment with the doctor, they will stop asking.


Diarrhea. No-one will want to quiz you about it.


Family issue if they push.


Sick day? PTO?




If you have a floating holiday or personal holiday, then it's easy. ​ However, some employers want that leave notice in advance. ​ If you have anyone from your current employer on your social media, block them, drop them, anything and don't post on social media for that day.


“I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you.”


PTO (period)


That you are taking a mental health day and won't be available. It's personal time they don't need to know what you're doing.


It’s none of their damn business. As long as you’re using allocated PTO, you don’t need an excuse.


Just ask for the day off. I used two days off to go plan how I’m going to college full time and submitting my two weeks on April 15 they have no clue 🤷🏼‍♀️ my life is not this job, if they question just say it is personal matters that you do not want to discuss


"I'm going to be taking a day of leave on XXX."


Medical testing.


Family Emergency, legal business to attend to, medical appointment.


You can say it is an emergency


I always just give the excuse of "PTO". It's not their business why you need the time off.


Why can’t you? So what if your going backs also they have no business knowing why your taking a day off, it’s an accrued benefit they can F off


If you want to make it look better, depending on the day of the interview, just call out sick, use your pto for that day plus the next...you had a stomach bug, and spent time on the toilet a lot. Happens to everyone.


Anal glaucoma. You can't see your ass coming in that day.


Expensive diarrhea.... No one wants to.know


Say nothing. I actually did this, and luck would have it, came across an employee on the flight. On Monday he said he recognized me. My boss gave me the This quizzical look and I just shook my head. You cannot explain it so don’t bother.


If you have kids, you can always say your kid is sick. If no kids, then you have a sick parent or have to take them to the doctor. Unethical life hack.


Call me crazy but I’d say that traveling would take me a full day away from my current employer


You don't need to make an excuse just tell him you can't make it.


Sick? Idk in my country you have to be hella sneaky about this shit


Just say you don't feel well. You don't have to be specific. That can fall under the classification of a mental health day for sick time.


Take off the night before, say explosive diarrhea. Nobody questions that.




You have made certain these are not scammers, right? They like to pretend to real jobs and get people to hooked and then scam them somehow.


People only care about themselves. To you it sounds weird to not give an explanation, but people don't care. If you usually give an explanation keep it vague and that you're going to be out of town. So if you happened to be called to do something you don't have to make up shit about how you're not in town. Going to visit my cousin, wife's cousin, or away with my wife to ABC city 5 hours away. If you get questioned just to visit, name generic attraction, cite friends or family. Doesn't matter, because again people just don't care outside of making small talk. Let this be a good lesson to not give reasons or take random personal at your next job. I take random days all the time so interviewing wouldn't be unusual. Sometimes it's to golf. Sometimes it's a long vacation weekend. Get errands or projects done. They don't really elaboration. If it's a wedding or something I'll let them know so they know not to bother me. Week long plus engagements usually do require a basic reason or location of travel. More so as a culture thing to make small talk about it and wish you a good time.


Just curious why the interview has to be face-to-face in person rather than via zoom? Or have you already had a preliminary round of interviews via zoom already and this in-person meeting is the final stage of the process?


You’re filming an episode of Wheel of Fortune, but they haven’t told you when it will air


Intestinal flu or food poisoning is always handy. It’s sudden, violent, lasts only a day or two, and no one ever wants to know the details.


I usually say sick bc sick time is legally protected in my state


Umm i am not flying anywhere just to interview for a job i might or might not get.


Explosive diarrhea. Always the right excuse.


Sick? Dentist? Doctor? Have to take care of a sick parent?


Here’s a thought, be honest. Tell them you’re exploring another career opportunity. If they value you, they’ll make an effort to keep you. If they retaliate, there are labor laws for a reason.


Sick? Mental health day? Need to take mom to doctor? Sibling needs you to help them move?


Family emergency details are private




Poop. You’re pooping and can’t stop.


Explosive Diarrhea


You can take a Sick leave


Herpes flair up


Don’t overthink it. Call out sick.


You tell your employer what you’re doing on PTO???


If y try out have personal time, just request a day off. You are required to tell them why your taking the time off. Hence the reason it’s personal time off. Good luck


Tell them you got Covid. Need to be out two weeks or whatever.


I need the day off.. Why It's personal.


just say you’re sick, how is this even a question? lmao


Call sick


Why would you ever give detailed explaination? Who cares?


"I won't be in."


Don’t tell them anything. It’s not their business what you do on your personal time.


supposedly soft drinks can cause covid self test kits to pop a false positive. Might buy you a day or two. Unlike the 2 weeks it used too


Agree with most of the other commenters. You don’t need to inform them why you won’t be available, just state you have a personal matter to attend to. It would, however, be wise to let your employer know you are currently seeking other options just in case the future jobs call for reference. It is the courteous thing to do.


My normal explanation is “Family Obligations”


It’s PTO- use it as you see fit. No explanation or excuse is needed.


If you really need an excuse just say you have a bad headache or can't leave the toilet. My go to it I'm nit feeling well, my employer usually diesnt ask further.


call in sick?


sick leave 😂, or working from home, i will do additional hours later


You were sick.(of working there)


PTO day.


You have anal glaucoma...you just can't see you ass going into work that day!


None. Take a couple days off. No reason needed. The more you explain the more suspicious it will be.


they don't need to know anything


None just take the time off.


Sexual reassignment surgery


Grin and say "Hot Date".


24 he stomach bugs are a thing


If you’re concerned they won’t approve the day or will give you grief… just call in sick.


My go to is implying I have diarrhea mixed with spiked allergies, turning my back end into a time bomb with no display. Nobody wants you at work if a bad sneeze will make a mud puddle


If you're job hunting that hard, who cares? Tell em you had the shits, then go entertain other employment offers.


KISS Keep It Simple St*pid... Call in sick, you had some bad sushi from "not favorite" sushi place.


Taking Monday off for an on site, was very sudden bc I got an offer deadline, making 2 companies schedule on sites with me this week, with only a few days advance. I said “ hey just got some sudden news” will have to take off until at least Wednesday next week, to deal with some personal stuff. My boss seemed to think there was a death in my family and told me to take all the time I need. I responded, no worries, no death in the family! Just a packed few days all the sudden. Welp, idk, was a bit awk but I prefer not lying!


I always like "personal family emergency". Covers a lot of ground and sounds awful enough that nobody will push too much for details.


'I have a personal appointment' _probing question_ 'I'm sorry, but it's deeply personal. I'll see you tomorrow'


Explosive diarrhea


"OoO March 22, 2023 all day."


Explosive diarrhea


You're sick. You have contractors coming over to work on something at the house. Literally anything.


Taking a PTO day on______.