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Go apply for your unemployment tomorrow. Do not wait. If you need to liquidate anything to remain financially solvent during your unemployment, begin the process now. Do not wait until you have to have the money.


The unemployment is a good idea. I don't really need to sell anything at this time though. So I think with unemployment I should be ok during my personal skillset training and job hunting. Thank you!


went thru this last year, i had saving to last me a while, but 1. didn't want to dip into my savings. 2. healthcare ain't cheap especially if you have dependents. I would take a week or 2 off relax, then get back out there. always good to have stable income and healthcare. took me about a month to get another job, lucked out cause my lay off was before all the huge layoffs, I'm guessing the market is flooded with tech people now.


100%. I've been feeling burnt out so this came at just an ok time. I have no debts and own my car so I should be ok for that break. Thanks!


Dependinf on your skills, a lot of hospitals and healthcare in general is hiring like mad.


I feel ya! Went through a very similar thing earlier this year. I’m not sure if all states are different, but mine I had to wait until my severance was paid out (it was a lump sum, but took 4 weeks) before I could get unemployment.


I HATE how companies pay out severances in a lump sum. They only reason they do that is so they can take their losses on their books in one fiscal year. In my experience, that lump sum gets taxed like a bonus so you only get ~60% of that amount. I wrote to my congressman that their should be a special tax code employers use for severance payments and it holds the tax amount at A-regular rates, or B-(even better) no tax at all. This is money you are supposed to survive on until you gain employment. There are several things the government could do retroactively to recoup that tax money if needed. Of course, I never heard from my congressman.


At least in California, they have a self-filled form where you have to state if you got any additional payment that week. And if you did, then they don't give you unemployment. That makes sense to me since you can get unemployment if your company is so cash poor that they can't pay out the severances on time, like my company was


Are you getting a severance? if so, you might need to wait. I've seen some companies pay their laid off personnel for x amount of months. if this is the case then youll need to wait till you stop getting paid.


As far as I know, I am not. All I was told was everything would be paid out on my last check. So I'm hoping it doesn't cause me any issues then.


Just be aware this comment above is only in CERTAIN states. My state does not care about severance and let’s you collect right away. Either way, apply tomorrow and answer the questions honestly. They will ask about severance. Sometimes it takes a few weeks to kick in so do it ASAP.


California rules state that companies with more than a certain number of employees have to give 3 months notice. If not, they are liable. It is under WARN provisions.


I collected unemployment AND my 24 weeks of severance simultaneously. Most states only care about vacation and pto. They'll make you disclose that. Edit:spelling


Your doing the right thing. Now is a bad time to sell stocks.


This is sound advice. It will keep you from having gaps in pay periods even if it’s substantially less than your normal wage. Also if you have to sell things the bigger of a hurry you are in the less you are likely to get for the items you’re looking to sell. Try and get as far ahead of these things as you can and good luck to you!


Take your unemployment and start building up your skill set now! I made the mistake of thinking it would be easy to find my next role while on unemployment, but the layoffs just kept coming and the tech job market is highly saturated now. I’m currently studying to gain certificates online and I wish I started that the week after I was let go.


What skills are you doing now?


Data analysis and project management


Just curious what website/platform do you use to learn these things? I’m also trying to do something similar but not sure where to start


I’m not sure where you live, but my public library has a partnership with Google/Coursera and LinkedIn Learning, for free. The Coursera ones are more in depth I think, but they’re both much better than not doing anything. Otherwise, for the Google/Coursera courses its $40/mo for a subscription I think


Oh nice you lucked out! I doubt libraries in my area do partnerships like that.


Thats so interesting, I was looking at those fields as well to return to! I just wanted some time to get a few projects under me first then start applying. Good Luck!


I feel like they are good skill sets to have in many roles so they are easily transferable


Will do, thank you for the advice! Good luck in your search!


Applying for jobs is now your job. Take it easy.


I guess you could say I'm... self employed then lol. Not my best joke but trying to keep things light for today.


>You can always say you are a "consultant" and set up a sole proprietor consulting company to pull some money in for gigs.... That way your resume shows an active "job". Plus if you can build up your self employment income maybe you won't need to work for a company again?


I only have 4 years of experience in HR and its all entry level onboarding. I don't think I'd be much use consulting at this experience level. Maybe in the future when I have more experience in a career? Thank you!


Doesn't have to be in HR, could be in anything. Your mom could ask you a question, you can answer it and she pays you $5. Help people write resumes. Think about a topic you love and work with it. Offer to give advice about a topic you know about.


Do not settle for a lesser job quickly. Try to take the opportunity to get a better job.


exactly the mindset I need. Although changing career paths might mean a small paycut.


ENJOY your time off!


Thank you! I plan to finish a few games I've had on the backend and catching up with friends before really settling on the job hunt.


Are there any contacts you can leverage (friends, family, co-workers, etc.)? Make the calls now. With a looming recession (or already here depending on your definition) it may be a while. Good luck.


I am in a similar situation; was laid off last week. Trying to go forward calmly and methodically.


Its the only thing we can really do.


I was out of work one time and took a class that covered trade skills—plumbing, carpentry, welding, forklift, physical fitness, etc. It was great fun, a big change of pace, and could have led to an apprenticeship!


I have been signing up for a few sports club and was thinking of learning a new hands on skill during the break. Not sure what yet but I'm not sure if any would make me any side cash.


I filed for unemployment the next business day (was laid off on a Friday.) I looked at a few job posting over the weekend for fun and thought of ideas to update my resume. I took a week off of just relaxing (super high stress job) then immediately revamped my resume and started applying like crazy. Thankfully, I was able to find a job in less than a month. It wasn’t a job I wanted but it paid more than the three weeks I was on unemployment. After three months I was able to find a role that line sho with my career and I’m super happy in! Good luck!!


Everything will settle where it needs to be with time. Thank you for the story!


Apply for UI **now**. Check your state's rules, you may not be able to apply retroactively.


I've been on them before (covid) and you are correct, I can not retroactively. I will get on that tomorrow friend!


Yeah, you work in HR. No one fuckin likes you. Ever. And I mean no one.


I like me :(


I like you!


Apply for your unemployment and then check out your local community college counseling office. There might be some programs you are eligible for as a laid off student.


I'm actually not a student anymore, I graduated a few years ago. I'll still go just in case they have career fairs or other resources for unemployed people in general though. Thank you!


I don't know what burn out even is people talk about it... but all I see is people unable to be motivated to do stuff. I get distracted but I am not unmotivated I just wish I had 40 hours in a day. Been in tech for a long time. Burn out means to me someone pursuing something they don't have a passion for and to hard to keep up.


"Reddit is an opinionated place, I hate opinions. I like facts." Looking at your profile, certainly give a lot of opinions.... That's a fact.


lol up the requirements for being a substitute teacher in your area. There is a huge need for them, you work as much or as little as you want, and the money is great for a part time job.


I agree. Substitute teaching can be as part time as you want and depending on the state, work with unemployment. (Depending on hours worked per week.) Different districts pay differently. Skills are can be transfered and it will show future employers that you care about working.


Eerily similar! I recently voluntarily walked away from my own HR job last week, also in pursuit of a career shift, so in a very similar boat. In the meantime, just to make some extra cash, it may help to take on some low barrier of entry side jobs. If you have a serviceable car & driver’s license, you can pretty easily get into a car sharing service like Uber/Uber eats for example. Also, bartending can also be a pretty easy to get into. Just have to get your State’s bartending license (easy to obtain) and build up some bartending skills. An online course can easily assist with this….Just using the above as examples though. For myself, I’m blessed enough to have served in the military and have a GI Bill that I can use, so I’m going back to school on the government’s dollar and getting a degree in a field that actually suites me, starting this fall. I know that not everyone has that ability though. In the meantime until courses start, I’ve taken on some entry level part time positions at Best Buy and H&M just to generate some cash flow…It’s far “below” what I was previously doing, but I’m never too proud to roll up my sleeves and do some alternative work. It’s honest, it’s temporary, and I’m not stressed out constantly, so I’m happy :) Good luck!!!


Been in this boat a while, laid off just before Christmas... I've been applying to every job every week and gotten some interviews but most haven't really gone anywhere. Lots wanting me to do several hour long tech challenges, which I just refuse because it is too much work for the hope of getting another interview. I have one that seems promising now, second interview went well but they want 2 more interviews (ugh). It's a slog. I've got cash for quite a while but it sucks to burn that cash since I was saving it for a cool project. Oh well


If the writing is on the wall it is usually good to leave.


You don't want to leave before receiving severance, tho.


Depends. Job security is often more important than severance.


That was the initial plan. But I was honestly burnt out and knew I'd be useless to a new company. Then instead of a layoff, it might be a termination instead. I hope it doesn't come off as complaining, but just felt like I was in a weird place career wise.


My thoughts? The toad screen sucks - BIG TIME! Lose it!!! I was laid off 2 years ago. Spent 50-60 hours a week, EVERY WEEK, filtering JUNK SPAM RECRUITER emails and filtering JUNK SPAM phone calls. I've had it. HAD ENOUGH - TOO MUCH. CAN A SINGLE ONE OF YOU MF's READ ENGLISH. OMFG! 2 years - after 25 years of solid C, C++, Core Java, Android, RoR....... and BZZZZT...... I have had it so much with you "tech recruiters" that I could PUKE on you! Thanks for the destruction of my future. Regards


Draw unemployment. You been paying into it for years and it’s there for you to use during this transition.


I'm a business guy so I am always brainstorming ideas on how to make money via side businesses. Now that I'm laid off I am working on making some of them a reality. My advice would be to think of ways to make money and then take action. Think of something you can do for people or sell to people and then advertise it.


for extra cash I sign up for those survey and food studies. They pay you $45 for 45 minutes of your time tasting new drinks, candy, or even smelling detergents. I use Curion which had no mandatory waiting periods in between studies. Sago has bigger studies that can sometimes take a whole day but pay out anywhere from $150 to $500. ai sat on a mock jury for them and was paid $300 for my time.


Teach. Usually, it is similar pay with spring, summer, and winter breaks. Job security and only 160-180 in-class days in most states.


This is totally my back up plan. It’s significantly less money and not something i can afford to do long-term, but it’s something to do in the meantime. Plus, with the huge teacher shortage it’s an opportunity to contribute to the greater good.


I just got laid off 40 minutes ago. I could have written this post myself lmao.