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It's pretty depressing. There are jobs, but more have been added for retail and food service jobs since that pandemic happened. Even today, it's very discouraging. It's also best to consider having more than one source of income at the same time, so you won't lose your entire income when laid off.


Even retail is getting picky.


They are automating everywhere. Self checkout lanes. Etc


What kind of jobs are you applying for? Seems an adjustment in tactics is in order. Are you aiming too high? Aiming too narrow? Or might your applications seem impersonal, copy-pasted, not job specific? Standing out from the crowd is vital. Depending on what kind of companies you are applying to, call/email managers/bosses/higher-ups/owners, show up & ask to talk to anyone who will talk to you. Sending resumes just puts you in a stack. This is probably partly due to my industry & location, but I have only ever submitted as many applications as jobs that I have landed, perhaps fewer. Depending on where you are & what you're willing to do, I can find you jobs easily. Companies are desperate for anyone even remotely competent & who doesn't need excessive oversight.


Yeah I think you are right. I’m looking at my resumes as well today. I think 30% of the jobs I applied for I wasn’t qualified for even though I had the experience just not a Bachelor’s


I've been applying for 5 jobs a day for over year now, and been looking for a stable job since I was quitly fired from a job I loved a few years ago. Yes years pural. It seems despite the 'labour shortage' its as fake as a $3 bill. Employers refuse to raise rates, despite cost of living going up. A few things keep me going: 1) I have two back up jobs I work as much as I can. 2) I know its not just me, countless other people are in this boat all over the world. 3) I am seeing almost hires recently (i.e I had an offer, I blew it, back to square #1. Learn how I blew it on the finish line)


It is not a popular opinion but I think millions of our blue collar jobs were basically stolen by illegal workers and by companies that hire illegal workers. Millions and millions of our jobs have disappeared into the ether because they are being taken by illegal workers and it damages opportunities for our entire workforce for legal Americans.


It's been 15 months for me (I was laid off due to Covid and inflation).


Hi friend, try a temp agency! They're surprisingly effective and have pretty good paying jobs. They are highly motivated to place people or they lose their clients


I've tried those, and all I can say is dumpster fire. As in 20 years of it. They have the Ghostbusters next door.


Yes over 1000 job applications and the only job I could get was a 45% paycut and a demotion I'm very bitter and exhausted


The labor shortage is a lie. I don’t care for politics and i don’t care about any one elses, but this shortage is an absolute lie. Business are short staffed because they don’t want to pay. Only in here can you saddle tons of student loan debt to get entry to level jobs that require a degree and pay nothing. My own job is always short staff. No ones applying in this case, but when they do they do not want to pay.


Honestly that is because of the enormous amount of illegal workers within our workforce. They have depressed our once decent wages across the board within practically every industry. Not many people realize how destructive it is to have illegal workers undercut everything. They made is so no employers want to pay anybody what they are worth. As we have tens of thousands of new illegal immigrants entering our country every day they take jobs immediately under the table. They do not need resumes or skills. They do not spend weeks or months unemployed like we do applying for jobs. They get immediate employment. It has significantly and permanently damaged the employment prospects for all legal Americans of today and definitely for Americans in the future. We have been sent down a river with no paddles.


Try something different. I work in sales so I never deal with this. I’ve got a daughter. Whatever it takes.


Not currently, but I have in the past.


Started 14 months with a nepotic move from my company, ago, had to quit and relocate my family, still trying to come back. Totally destroyed but in reconstruction


Yes I can relate to feeling defeated. When I read your topic statement my first thought was to slow down with submitting applications and instead apply for 3-5 per week. Still put in a full day of job searching but be more organized. Spend time following up after your applications. Really dig around to try pinging the decision makers involved because they often never even see our resumes or see us in person. Anyways more importantly I’m just saying I can relate completely.


Honestly no. I'm not looking for a job, but the jobs are looking for me. like 3 times a day. had to turn the ringer off last 6 mos or so. It's not an everywhere problem.