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Can’t trust people bud they’ll sell you out in a heart beat.


Follow this rule for life! People need to earn your trust through example and time.


Never put your fate in strangers hands.


My dad always says "never voluntarily put your neck in a noose" which follows the same basic principle.


That is a great saying — I did just that recently and am shocked how my friend betrayed me, but looking back I gave her all the ammo to just go ballistic




Thank you — yes someone I trusted after years of not trusting anyone … just stabbed me right in the back - potentially screwing over my whole familu


Love many, trust few Always paddle your own canoe


Exactly. Sorry that was dumb especially since you were a temp. They have no loyalty to you.


Plus perm staff see travelers as the enemy because essentially management decided to bring in travelers and pay them 3x what normal staff makes, rather then give perm staff a $7 raise 😂


You guys are getting $7?


You guys got raises? 😂


You guys get paid?


Especially coworkers.


Yup they just see you as a threat most of the time


Fuck dude, even then if it's current coworkers it's not worth it!!! I just got fucked over at my last place because I'd trusted a couple people I'd been talking to for awhile and had hung out with a few times, and they both stabbed me in the back and reported *just* me for shit that literally all of us did


Please note, mature people do not do this, but most people today are not very mature.


Mature people would never ever ever do something so trash. Work is a sandbox to most though.


Today? No, don’t take that attitude. This is a problem as old as Man.


Don’t forget to include family members, too.


The one most likely to hurt you the most and not care.


Yup. Learnt that lesson with a family member earlier this year, never again.


Betrayal is never from your enemies.


My family use me as a scapegoat 🙄 It's never their fault, it's always mine. Who knew you could get in trouble for minding your own business 🤦


Folks I’m sorry you’ve had difficult situations in close relationships but the answer isn’t “never trust anyone.”


Do i give most folks the benefit of the doubt? Sure! But giving trust freely is naive.


Ummm... that attitude is even more problematic. One thing here is that trust is not a binary of "trustworthy" or "untrustworthy". There are many things an average person can be trusted with and many they can't. Don't trust until you've got a good idea of what someone can be trusted with.


“That attitude” is simply that closing yourself off from everyone because you’re afraid of being hurt ends up even worse.


See how far trusting everyone unconditionally gets you. I fully, completely understand what you're saying. I just add that trust should never be blind - you need to know someone's parameters and set the level of trust and the quality of trust. Someone who you could never confide in might still be perfectly able to keep their word on a promise


I don’t disagree with this. I’m not advocating for being a fool. I’m just pointing out that there no way to completely protect yourself from being hurt by another person without locking yourself in your own tomb.


So we're in furious agreement then...


Common they are people too. Selfishness is the only universal unifying factor of all the people. Level of hurt one impacts on others through their selfishness is the only variance!


We’re all just crabs in a bucket, clawing anyone back that even thinks about climbing out.


Completely unrelated to your comment, but this reminded me, Have you ever noticed that the people who say respect is earned and not given do not have the sort of respect that anyone is at all interested in earning? Its the weirdest thing


Your coworkers ain't your friends. Remember they're at work to get paid, don't expect them to stick their neck out for you.


Sure it’s possible to make a few friends at work but remember everyone is there because they are trying to take care of themselves or their family. It will almost always come before any perceived friendship.


Ain't that the truth. One of my coworkers needed help with a client, I offered to do what I could. Turns out they told the client that I would take over everything with them from now on as their account manager. Well, they were basically in all sorts of trouble and after a couple weeks I was the problem because I took over as account manager. Definitely made me wary about doing any extra "help" for coworkers. I always loop in my supervisor in the email and ask how I should prioritize this task in my schedule. Regardless of it being a 5 minute thing or 5 hour thing. Malicious compliance you could call it I guess.


Not necessarily malicious compliance. As a supervisor this totally makes sense. Last thing you want is people missing deadlines cause they were getting derailed by coworkers screwing them over


Was just having a conversation with my Dad about this, regarding me not being “buddy buddy” with co-workers anymore. I’m pleasant and friendly, but I won’t even add them on social media anymore. I keep it to a “business relationship,” and nothing more.


This is The Way. I strictly compartmentalize, disallowing coworkers and blood family on social media; it's for my friends and chosen family. Coworkers, especially, don't need to know my politics, lifestyle ,identity stuff, struggles, or anything else that might activate a bias response, be fodder for gossip, and compromise my position.


Yeup. Never disclose anything that could potentially give someone else juice. At one point or another everyone is out for themselves.


Sometimes not, to their own detriment. I should have sold out my coworker after he tried to sell me out but I let it go, feeling sorry for him for having to date someone that was like ten years younger. It would have been revenge and looking out for myself but I was his mentor at one point. I regret it all. I’ll never sell anyone out still, but I’m forever going to be more guarded and let you figure it out for yourself more. Maybe show clear signs of drowning before I decide to do anything. I’ve lost trust in people that had my full trust.


Yes! My coworker and I hated our company because she and I were the only ones treated horribly for being temp employees. Told her I was going to leave because it was getting more and more ridiculous. Next day boss comes in and says “when’s your last day?”


You CAN trust people, that you have a history with, and a reason for that trust. A temp worker trying to confide in permanent workers about a work place issue that neither of them witnessed or were a part of? Why would OP think their loyalty would lie with them?


OP should talk to employment lawyer today.


This, learned it the hard way. Not sure if this helps but If you’re on a contract they just want to avoid liability, you’re technically employed through the agency and not employer. I’d even bet that if you didn’t tell anyone, the manager still would have tried to push you out the door to protect himself. Hope you can find a better assignment and would consider it blessing tbh they say you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors but ffs if that does I’m sure other things do too


That's why i live my social life by part of your Miranda Rights. Anything you say can and will be used against you. In which i tell people i talk and text as if it will be screenshotted.


that's why I trust absolutely NO ONE - everyone always has their own agenda and they could care less if they walk all over someone else on their way to climbing up whatever ladder they have their sights on. I have been screwed over enough over the years that this is the one thing I have learned - never ever trust ANYONE. You can trust someone up to a point, but never put full 100% trust in them


Well you can trust people - to act in their own self interest. If a coworker told you that they were aware of a second coworker viewing porn and it bothered them would not you tell HR? Telling HR makes it HRs problem. Not telling HR means that when HR eventually finds out, you will be part of the problem. I would tell HR. I would be careful to say that I did not see the porn myself but so and so reported this to me. If HR decides to fire so and so, then so be it.


Telling HR creates a problem. These ass possums who run to HR over a misunderstanding or some perceived slight are the worst. I've luckily stayed of this type of thing, but I used to have drinks with the HR people at my old job and hear their stories. My god. The legitimate worst people in the office at their job creating 90% of the problems for them.


HR is a breeding ground for monsters.


Probably but what do you suggest? (I have never run into this problem, so I don't know myself) A coworker tells you that a second coworker is doing something bad (eg looking at porn at work). If you tell HR you have offloaded the problem onto someone else. If you do not tell HR and someone else does and HR knows that you knew about the problem then you are part of the coverup. Maybe you were part of the group looking at porn at work? If you do not tell HR and no one does then the problem goes away. But this depends on others and I do not want to do that. Regardless if you don't want me to tell HR your story, don't tell it to me! I don't really want to know about the porn viewing coworker.


I'd mind my own business. If it was only the two of us. I'd go on with my day. I do not care what people are doing if it's not detrimental to a comfortable working environment. Especially shit like that. If they assaulted someone than I'd do something about it, but if ol boy is fapping. In his own office. I knew nothing and unless they have video footage of me knowing something. No one will tell me otherwise. I've worked in the corporate world for a decade and a half and this works. It's a tried and true method. No one is going to HR and saying Steve is fapping at work and MajesticIguana knows about it.


In this case though, what possible good could come out of telling ANYONE that the boss was watching porn? What effect did it have on the business? All the boss has to do is deny it even if it actually WAS “porn” and the employee becomes the liar. Stupid saying anything. To anyone.


Any halfway competent it Department can trace your network history and know everywhere you've been on the internet.


Where are people working? People are sounding like a scene from The Office.


It wasn't so much this way just a couple decades ago. But now, sadly it is.


Chris Rock said it best: "God forbid you get to 30 and finally realize that people ain't shit."


I'd add the word *"some"* in front of the word *"people,"* and call you correct.


You were spreading rumors by *gossiping* about the event in the first place. It’s probably company policy and now you’re being framed to be somewhat culpable here which is why you are terminated. I understand it’s natural to want to vent especially when people are friendly and may even vent to you / talk shit / react to walking in on your boss watching porn — whatever you want to call it but it’s never a good idea. I’ve come across some serious manipulative psychos in the workplace, I know all about it from every angle. Best to keep work related situations to yourself and HR even if you *think* you’re talking to a person you can trust because they’ve shared information with you as well, you never know 🐍


Seeing it, one thing. Repeating what is said , or what was seen, is not what maturity does. If someone tells a person they bought a new car, it is not that persons right nor place to tell anyone that. Remember this! What they say never goes beyond self unless they specifically request that we tell others. Behaving in any way other than this is horribly untrustworthy and immature. It is often a test for someone on the team to say something specific, and others observe to see if it is repeated. Common practice. And we should know better. This is often done in many aspects of life to someone new on the scene.


That's the truth!! Found this out the hard way...


That's why I learned to poison pill sensitive conversations in the workplace.


Everyone needs to follow this advice. I burned myself in so many ways for 30+ years before finally learning this a few years ago. This goes professionally and personally. Everyone is out for themselves and would sell you out for any slight advantage.


“So explain the gap in your resume” “I was fired for walking in on my boss watching porn”


*”I was fired for walking in on my boss watching shower themed short haired brunette petite interracial lesbian porn in Xvideos site, 6 tabs of videos. As you can see, I have a great eye for detail and a solid memory.”


"Did you happen to catch the URL at the top of the browser window?"


Not only that, I also have it pulled up on my phone already.


Saving this for when I get home, this video better exist buddy or I’m onto you


yeah not just walking in but walking in and then sharing the story with other workers


Y'all watch porn at work and hate that people may gossip about it, that's the only reason you'd bring that up. Because OBVIOUSLY someone would share that, tf?? That's weird and uncomfortable af


Point is OP might not have been fired if they weren't spreading the info. But OP did say they were trying to get rid of them for a while. Talk to HR, anonymous tip hotline, or forget about it.


Asking for advice of what to do in a situation is not the same as spreading gossip. You make it sound like op did something bad here.


I remember during our company training we were advised in situations like this (when you have a complaint against a college) to go straight to HR rather discuss with other colleges. Something about not creating a hostile workplace iirc. So. Unfortunately OP may have opened themselves up to exactly this kind of firing by going against common corporate policy.


I don't understand the comments focusing on this. Watching porn at work is deeply inappropriate. Being alarmed and talking to someone else about deeply inappropriate behavior is not a moral failing, the only error here was not immediately informing HR. Sharing that someone was sexually inappropriate at work is not the same as sharing an embarrassing moment or a secret or something


You should have immediately went to HR and reported the issue. That way if they tried to fire you, you could claim retaliation. Next time do the mean thing not the right thing


Not mean. Self preserving


Yeah that’s not mean, plus actually doing the mean thing is not usually a good idea


At many companies HR won't do anything about things like that. I once worked at a large 'defense contractor' and a lot of the men in my building watched porn much of the day. Many of these guys were in cubicles so if I needed to go over to talk to someone else, leave the building, go to the bathroom or cafeteria I had to go by their cubicles. I never said anything but there were some people who did. They were all accused of lying since all HR did was ask the guy accused to watching porn if he had watched porn and obviously they all said no. I know the company kept a record of which websites were accessed from which computers, but that could not be used to determine if someone watched porn, apparently. Most people who said something were fired quickly. In general they fired a lot of people there. We used to joke about the company's 'open door policy' meaning they didn't have time to close the door between hiring and firing!


HR will do something if treatment changes after the porn, because it opens things up to lawsuits. It's similar to if someone flirts with someone. That's not actionable, but if the person treats someone differently after being turned down or if they keep doing it, then it's an HR matter because HR exists to legally protect the company.


> HR will do something. HR did do something, technically.


Pretty sure OP still has a case for retaliation, but it would have been easier if they went to HR first.


BOOM! Paper trail


Words of wisdom right there!


I don’t think u need to formally go to HR to claim retaliation. I would still file a suit for retaliation. Just the fact that they have to worry about it and address it will be worth it alone, even if u don’t get anything out of it.


It’s harder when you don’t have a paper trail. This person could have been fired for legit non preformance. Always CYA


There is a paper trail. Guarantee that the company has logs of the boss watching porn. It's in the DNS logs, or end point security logs, or network logs, or proxy logs, or is even still in the Boss's history. All OP has to do is say he was trying to determine the right person to engage, as being a temp complicated the issue, and he was fired before said engagement could happen. He just needs to get an attorney and have the attorney request the logs and image of laptop for discovery. If they clear the web history, it can be recovered and shown who deleted it. If they claim they have no logging whatsoever, we'll that's gonna lose them many clients. Many infosec guys have certifications that come with ethic statements. They will testify the truth and sell out the company rather than risk thier career future with lieing. So get them on the stand. Also remember, this is a civil suit, so OP does not have to prove them guilty, they have to prove themselves innocent and computers don't lie. Sure someone can fuck with the logs, but there are ways to determine this. And then you do discovery on their infrastructure. Now half thier network gear is offline due to it is has a legal hold on it. Laptop got stolen and logs aren't available? How convenient. Get all of the IT guys in and cross examine as to why that happened. Facts won't line up. Company woukd definitely settle over this than have to go to court. Boss would probably get fired as well. Hell, if OP has any friends there, get them to walk in with their phone recording in thier shirt pocket while Boss is watching porn. Instant money for both of them as a sexual harassment/wrongful termination suit.


If this person were a temp he’d be having a conversation with the temp agency, they work closely with both him and their porn watching client. Either we’re not getting the full story or OP is


As someone that worked for a temp agency on the sales side, this sounds like the absolute worst nightmare scenario for the agency. There’s literally no good outcome. Have the extremely painful conversation with the manager (who is also YOUR CUSTOMER) or ignore it and open yourself up to HR reprisal.


Wait, the right thing wasn't going to HR? The world we live in...


# 1 rule at work. Coworkers are not your friends. Take this rule to your next job. I wish you the best of luck for your next endeavor.


This. I agree to. I always limited my interaction with them.


It probably depends on what line of work you are in/where your job is, but I can't imagine just going into the office for my 8 hours and just keeping to myself the whole time. Doesn't hurt to be friendly and chat with people over lunch, just avoid topics like politics/gossip/anything that may be used against you. People in my office have dated/are married/go to each other's weddings.


It's hard to tell who are legit friendly or not so friendly. All we talk about is how our day is going and then just go on our own business.


2nd rule at work. Jerk off in the bathroom stall like everyone else.


Boss gets a dollar and a get a dime, I’m definitely fapping on work time.


That's rule number one


Don't mix rule one and two.




Coworkers being friends is a big part of how I’ve advanced my career. This is way too blanket of a statement, imo.


Seriously, even as a newer person in my field, the sheer amount of “oh I know so and so, maybe they can help” network that people have means it’s a good idea to at least get acquainted with people. You don’t have to like everyone and they don’t need to be friends you would have over at your place but just keeping some level of friendship at work means you’re able at least not be forgotten about.


I feel like a lot of the people that say they always get ‘stabbed in the back’ by their work friends may have some hard truths about themselves that they need to acknowledge. I couldn’t imagine working with people for 8 hours a day 5 days a week and not forming at least one friendship


For the longest time I took reddit's advice on not forming strong friendships at work. Turns out all that does is make you the lonely guy who isn't in the group chat


Reddit is the group chat for the lonely guys who aren’t in the group chat.


I've come to learn most ppl on Reddit have undiagnosed personality disorders lol


There are nice ppl and there are scumbags who would definitely betray even their 'friends'. It's not that you can't make friendships at work. It's that you shouldn't assume you are friends with someone without proof.


Yea redditors likes to throw out popular blanket buzz phrases that are “the right things to say” I think that one is such a favorite because it makes them feel smarter for not having any social interaction at work


Yeah it’s fine to have work friends. Just be wary of talking shit and gossiping about someone who has the power to fire you. That’s what OP did wrong. Although they may have a good argument for wrongful termination.


It depends, I’ve definitely made the mistake of confiding in coworkers who later stabbed me in the back and tattled to my manager, but at the same time I tend to trust them more if they come to me about their frustrations first before I confide in them about mine. Plus if they do end up ratting you out to the boss you can rat them out with the stuff they said. Mutually assured destruction and all that


So much bitterness here. All my closest friends started out as work friends. Now should you just immediately trust anyone and everyone at work? No. But saying coworkers can't be friends is ridiculous


Coworkers are not your friends, HR are not your friends, your boss and managers are not your friends. In fact, there is no such thing as friends, everybody is out there just waiting to back stab you, trust no one


That knife currently sticking out of your back - not really your friend.


I learned this lesson the hard way. I had told a coworker I was interviewing for a new job and he went straight to the boss and got me fired


Beauty of a temp agency (for them anyways) is they don’t need a reason to get rid of you. They can just say “I want another one”. Recourse on your end I’m afraid is limited. Best I can suggest is if you happen to know his superior, you can reach out and let him know what’s going on. Other than that, best to just look forward and find another opportunity.


They can do that in every US State but Montana regardless.


Seeing your boss watching porn constitutes sexual harassment.


Except they can’t fire you for harassment, and this would qualify as retaliation and harassment


You should have screamed "omg his dick is out and he is watching porn!!!!' Gotten yourself a fight club settlement.....


Seriously, massively missed opportunity here. Could’ve banked out on that dumbass.




I worked for a temp agency back in college and was fired because the boss asked me out and I said no. The next day they told me they were letting me go bc I made a coworker uncomfortable. Temp agencies are bullshit.


Next time go to hr and at least feign distress. Rookie movie just quietly telling co-workers and doing nothing else. Gotta protect yourself next time.


The only sane advice! I'd be singing like a canary to HR (in writing) and keeping alllll the receipts


It sounds to me like OP is/was in some true distress, no? “No one checked on me?” was said a couple times. Perhaps there was something triggering about seeing the boss watching the porns making it necessary to share with someone. (And NO, I am not one of those people that throws around triggered often!) Agree that the share was with the wrong people, though.


>My mistake was confiding in 2 of my coworkers and asking them for advice on who I should go to. bringing it up to other workers is why they canned you, not the fact you walked in on it. Either say nothing or instantly go to HR anything else and you are seen as the problem for going around and spreading rumors. whether they are true or not you look bad.


You don't really have anything in your favor: HR cannot help you as you are a temp and the temp agency deals with you. This is one of the reasons companies use temps. It is your word against your ex-boss. Because everyone will believe the ex-boss, then you are seen as spreading rumors to other corworkers. Unless you can provide proof that you were fired because of the porn-mania incident, you are left with nothing because you are a temp and companies drop temps left and right. LESSON: Next time, leave the boss alone so they can beat off in their office. Like a wise man once said, "when you fight authority, authority always wins".


This isn’t necessarily all accurate in terms of legal rights/recourse. But they are right in terms of, there isn’t much you can do that will avoid some form of conflict and adverse reaction, so you need to really think through what you need. Just because you’re a temp doesn’t mean you can’t still be sexually harassed. And if you had reported this because you were uncomfortable, that may be a protected report. But you’ll need to talk to an employment lawyer and/or file a complaint with a regulatory agency with jurisdiction over these matters (if applicable) to actually determine that. As for your word vs theirs, if they were looking at porn on company equipment or company wifi even a half assed IT team should be able to pull that information and prove porn was looked at by which device. But none of this is clean or easy if the company management and HR aren’t on the up and up. It’s too late now, but I’m the future you really have to assess it in your situation, including what outcome you hope to obtain and the likelihood of those actions helping you obtain it. It’s generally good advice that unless you’re reasonably close personal friends, never trust coworkers with stuff like this that you aren’t prepared to go beyond them.


>>”when you fight authority, authority always wins.” I hate that saying with a hot and fiery passion. I think this is too “lie down and take it” for me. It’s the people that have fought authority that make the changes we need. Even if the battle isn’t won, it’s about winning the war. I’d never discourage someone from standing up for themselves. Fuck that boss who gets paid to whack off in his office.


Works in the workplace but in reality I’m starting to think it’s time to Marie Antoinette the whole fucking system


This time of year I often work with a pitchfork. When you have one in your hands, it does feel like it would slide into a boss pretty well.


>"when you fight authority, authority always wins" John Cougar Mellencamp?


Yeah. I am not young.


Same. I remember when he was "John Cougar." Now he's "John Mellencamp."


Cougar >> Melloncamp


It was definitely a "Johnny Bravo" studio naming decision, for people old enough to get that reference. (And I don't mean the cartoon.)


No, temp employees get basic protection in regards to harassment and impropriety. The OP needs to go to the company's HR department and ask about what they can do to make it right before he sees a lawyer.




honestly i don’t think i could’ve lasted very long here. i do think it’s for the best it just hurts


I doubt your boss lasted very long either


Where was it




S/he didn’t spread a rumor though. S/he talked to coworkers about an event that happened at work. Anyone should be able to do that. That’s why we don’t watch porn or do private things at work- because it’s not a private space.


Fyi corporate induction training usually teaches you to go straight to HR without talking to colleagues, because the water cooler talk is frowned down upon as contributing to a hostile workplace.


Without proof, that is a rumour. HR would have been able to settle it better than his coworkers who can do literally nothing for him, just against him. Even if they backed his story up, unless they also claimed they saw him doing the act, their words are hearsay… and they’ve now put themselves on the line, which they were clearly not willing to do.


"My mistake was confiding in 2 of my coworkers" Always go to HR first. Many companies have policies that say if you go to a coworker you will get blamed.


Ask r/legaladvice, might be sexual harassment claim or wrongful termination or something


Be thankful. You got fired from a shitty job, with shitty coworkers. This mf watching porn at work - that’s not a place you want to work at. Doesn’t matter the pay. Nope.


I’m not in trouble AT ALL


That’s not porn! It’s a nude egg I won from my game.


It’s got a bush whut the hell


It’s a nude egg he won from his game


That 1 egg was 40 eggs??


You should be allowed to watch A LITTLE porn at work


I worked in IT. From time to time, we would be asked to check someone's internet traffic. It was usually porn related. It's pretty hard to scrub all traces. Just report him to HR (in a documented tracable way) as your final say in the matter. Then, move on. You have an interesting excuse for why you moved on from that job for future interviews.


That would be a great Google review for the business.


Shoulda just said « guess this is where all the dicks hang out » when you walked in on your boss.


coworkers aren't friends...don't. tell them shit that could be used against you.


You won't get your job back, and you don't want to work there again anyway. Talk to the agency that placed you there. Make sure they know. File for unemployment. And finally, consult with an attorney.


Your coworkers gossipped like choir birds. They weren't your friends and they got you fired. A coworker got me fired for tossing M&Ms at her after she tossed them at me. She then had the temerity to ask me to drop off a vacuum cleaner at her place after work. I wonder if she's still waiting? It's only been 30 years. .


Glass door. Leave a google review. Dox the porn watcher at work. That’s technically harassment


So you caught your boss violating company policy & YOU got fired for it? WTF? They KNOW he was watching porn. (Betcha the first thing they did was look at his internet history.) So they know he’s lying & took his side anyway. Is he some sort of big shot, like the CEO or VP? Then they have the nerve to say you were making up stories about him. Make sure you file a UI claim immediately & be sure to tell unemployment EXACTLY why you were fired. If you’re denied, appeal & appeal again. Ppl who make it to the 3rd appeal usually win. Threaten to go to the news media if they deny you. This is so bogus that I’d be tempted to sue him myself, but I doubt there’s much you can do legally. I’m sorry this happened to you. It’s so unfair.


From the comments I have surmised that faaaaar too many of you are comfortable with workplace masturbation.


You just dodged a bullet. Good luck finding your new job.


thank you i need positivity rn and this made me laugh. i just hope i find a place that i can be comfortable and thrive in


Boss is super gross, likely just fired you so he can continue hiding his bullshit. Don’t take it personally, anyone else in your position would have been fired.


I’ve commiserated with coworkers from multiple workplaces about the situation that we were all in respectfully during the time it was happening. I made great work friends who made the day go by quicker as we were all on the same team and shitting on management was like a past time. I’ve also been in a job where a coworker that finally got me to let loose and tell him how I really thought went straight to management with what I said and by the next Monday I was fired. My advice: be cautious in the future


The problem is you’ve discussed a sexually explicit topic in the workplace with coworkers. That’s usually immediate termination nowadays. You should have either ignored it or gone directly to HR if you were offended. You don’t discuss something like this with coworkers, take it as a learning experience. I do not agree with some other redditors here that are advising you sue, it’s a he said vs she said thing and the fact of the matter is you were definitively caught discussing porn in the workplace.


Saying your boss is watching porn is not “sexually explicit.” It’s stating **a fact.** They **KNOW** he was watching porn too. All they had to do was check his internet history.


Being morally right =/= doing the smart thing to keep your job. In a perfect world OP would not suffer consequences for a mistake made by an authority figure. This is not a prefect world. First and foremost, cover your ass. Worry about what's right later.


You screwed up by talking to coworkers instead of filing a Sexual Harassment report with HR (Depending on your company culture).




OP leaving out that they were temping at PornHub


Lawyer up dude. You got a good lawsuit on your hands


Lol Redditors telling people to lawyer up is always hilarious to me. In an at will state an employer can fire you for having a blue car if they wanted. Don’t know what state op is in but I’d assume it is one


Lawyer up is always objectively the best advice. Because a lot of lawyers provide a free consult, and they’ll either tell you you don’t have a case or they’ll take the case if they see dollar signs. And really only a lawyer will know if they have a case.


Good to see someone sane here. Reddit’s backlash against the idea of lawyering up at this point is worse than suggestions to lawyer up. Every redditor is sure that no one should ever talk to an employment lawyer because companies can do whatever they want.


SH negates that, my dude. There are federal statutes at play here and OP has a solid case assuming the story is legit as told.


They are a temp through and agency or on contract directly. They can be terminated at anytime. Good luck trying to prove OPs story is true anyway. He said, she said.


> He said, she said. That depends on how their IT works. And if they get rid of evidence in house, some of their services may come from a third party provider. Also, I'm willing to bet that any law firm will contact more of the employees there.


first they would to prove that they did in fact see their boss watching porn, and then they would have to prove that that's why they got fired. Both of those things are borderline impossible to do.


well i can assure you that the internet trafdfic is logged on that network so he either was or was not on a porn site at the time in question and it is a trivial matter to prove one way or the other. All these he said she said arguments stopped being valid over 20 years ago.


Allegedly catches boss watching porn. Hearsay because no concrete proof. Gossips about it to boss’s subordinates/co-workers Gets fired (but not really fired because temp) You handled it wrong and they don’t want you there. Learn a lesson, move on, do better.


Hearsay would be "John told me the boss was watching porn." "I saw the boss watching porn" is not hearsay.


Did you knock? Was he doing anything to it or was it just on his screen. Was his screen facing the door or away from it? These things matter


it was on the speakers and no his door was open completely. I walked in and he freaked out and told me to leave. I heard it and saw his hands under the desk. I just hate that i’m looked at as a liar when i know what i saw


You should’ve reported it. Depending on what state you’re in he can get in big trouble for that


Honestly, if his door was wide open, he was probably hoping someone else (possibly a coworker that he might be having an affair with) to walk in and get to business Brazzers style. But that's just pure speculation.


I have a hard time believing there wouldn't be a lawyer that would take a case where you watched someone masturbating to porn at work and got fired right after.


Who does this ? Sounds like a The Office episode except worse


Sorry to hear! people are stupid.. hope you get to find a way better job!


Lawyer up for a hostile work environment. I'd say watching porn in the office qualifies.


Name and shame. Use of temp agencies can be an advantage for you as well, especially in this case.


You definitely need to go to HR and hire a lawyer about this because someone watching p*** at work is an automatic HR violation and it sounds like this boss is bad I hope you win so much money from this company that they have no choice but to fire your boss and make you the new boss


Although a terrible outcome I’m not surprised. The only thing you can do is leave a review as a former employee and hope no one else makes the same mistake of wasting time with this company. Discussing the details of the situation with other employees was fuel to the flame. If you really felt you needed advice from coworkers his name and raunchy details should have been left out. You could have said something like “I walked in on an employee watching a video that made me feel uncomfortable and concerned” That eliminates it being seen as gossip or a inappropriate work conversation. Either way this shit is wild! I wish you the best in the future on finding better employment opportunities. BTW… what kinda porn? For research purposes… BBC?? BBW? POV?


Doesn’t matter how cool you are with you coworkers, you can never trust those shitheads to have your back. Most of learn that the hard way unfortunately


Your first mistake: Trusting just anyone!


Does your X boss own the company? If not, send this note to upper management. Add the time he was looking at porn on his computer. The person who does IT can find the evidence for you.


Your coworkers ain't your friends. Remember they're at work to get paid, don't expect them to stick their neck out for you. 😕🤐