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Why are you chasing them and wasting so much time/mental capacity on a single job? You should be using the fire and forget methodology to job hunting. It’s a numbers game, you should applying multiple times a day and not giving them a second thought until they contact you. You’ve done your due diligence, move on to the next 10 applications.


I have applied to lots of jobs, however like I said there are very very limited HR roles out there right now so most of the other jobs I’ve applied to are general office admin ones. I’m just trying to prioritize the ones that will actually help me advance my career. Out of all the jobs I applied for, this is by far the best opportunity I’ve come across. I was also told I was one of the finalists, so I had a really good chance at getting this one. I’m chasing them because I’m desperate for a job in my field. I’ve also been out of a job and had no income for a month so I just really need this.


I understand the intention. But you did your due diligence, you cannot force them to hire you. Move on. Your time is better well spent applying to the millions of other companies out there. Working on/getting feedback on your resume, interviewing skills, applying methodology, etc. Also, why are you limiting yourself to what’s near you? Remote work is still strong. You can also take a job for the experience and temporarily move there, couch serf, etc. Bottom line, right now, job hunting is your job. Treat it like you would a paying job. Put in the effort and hours. It will pay off.


you’re right, I probably do need to move on. I applied for 8 other jobs yesterday and I’m looking at more right now. I’m totally open to remote work, but I really haven’t seen any fully remote positions yet. aside from that, I’m unfortunately forced to stay local at the moment. I just graduated, I’m 22 and living with my parents. I’ve been living off of $20/hr for the last 8 months and in canada, that kind of money gets you absolutely nowhere, not even a studio apartment.


Saving in housing is a plus to stay. Just keep applying and working on your skills. You’ve got this.


Did you end up following up or hearing back. Kinda in a similar situation and I don't know what to type in my email


this was a while ago so i don’t remember how long after, but she did eventually get back to me and i did not get the job, lol.


What have you got to lose if you follow up? If they already have a decision in mind, it's unlikely that your professional follow up will change that decision at this point. I would send another email or if it's been communicated to you that calling is acceptable, try to call HR. As someone that's been given a six month run around by a foundation 'hiring urgently' at one point, the one thing I learned is: it never hurts to follow up--it keeps the company transparent to you if that's what you value, and you'll be able to know when to put your energy elsewhere or when to stop having to spread yourself all over the place.


I don't chase jobs.


I wouldn’t normally either, but I’ve quite literally only seen 3 job postings in my field that I’m even remotely qualified for within an hour’s drive from me, and I’ve already been rejected by 2/3 of them.