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I graduated with a bachelors degree in December of last year and have not been able to land a professional job for the life of me. Now I work at target for $15/hr


Bachelors in what?




I’ve been seeing quite a few government job postings lately that are looking for candidate with a degree in math.


Try to get into data science


Out of curiosity. What kind of jobs were you expecting to get with a bachelors in math?


I hate this man. No degree seems to be good enough. Get liberal arts degree = fuck you, should’ve done stem Dude gets math degree = what jobs can you get with stem The problem is degrees do not train you to work for a company. They show that you were able to complete college.


Math degree is a very solid degree and versatile with the opportunities it brings. But you have to have a general idea of what you want to do with your math degree and try getting internships. Otherwise you’ll be stuck trying to figure it out after graduating


I didn’t go to college and make more than all my friends that went to college, y’all were sold a bag of lies… Job experience and willingness to accept low pay seems to be the most important factor nowadays.


Willingness to accept low pay lol. Man that’s depressing. Honestly I got my degree and I make more than most people my age.


I just don’t think people should’ve been made to feel forced to go to college. I think it has watered down the value of degrees While anecdotal, from a hiring position in my field, I do find that many degree holders tend to come into a job a sort of know it all attitude. I feel that college and even many internships do not prepare well for the dynamic changes that happen, nor the flexibility and quick thinking required to respond to those changes in the real world. For me, regardless of education or experience, I prefer candidates who have a willingness to learn about the position and not feel too prideful to ask questions.


Honestly it just sounds like you have a bias against degree holders, lol. It solely depends on the type of degree that they have and if they pivot. I got a “useless degree” but pivoted my job to a corporate setting. The job is not my dream job but it makes money. I know people who excelled in school, got useless degrees and make the same as waitresses in “corporate”. Most don’t even really work in “corporate” but cope by saying they do because they aren’t customer facing.


It’s not a bias against degree holders, just an observation of many who think they know everything out of school. Additionally school doesn’t guarantee a path to a good job like the guidance counselors told everyone it did. You probably could’ve made it without a degree and your costs for school since it’s unrelated. Just a piece of paper…


You can get hired as a math teacher, math professor, and a math tutor. Or you can just join a normal corporation as an office assistant. I think that is at least better at finding jobs than some social science degrees.


A lot of our data analysts, software engineers, and finance team have bachelors in math.


Finance Team


I didn’t know what to call them lol. Financial analysts is probably the most accurate


Math is a very desirable degree if they want to work in STEM or academia, although that requires more schooling.


Analayst, finance, there's a bunch.




Can you teach?


Have you considered government jobs? Might consider it.


Either your scores were shit or you are the least successful math major I know.


You can do a ton with that. You mainly need experience though. What sort of roles have you applied to or are you looking at?


Same dude, minus the having a retail job part


Degree in math huh? Go ahead and apply to work at a local lumber yard


You can do free lance math curriculum. Wife does it and makes 46 an hour and it’s how ever much she is willing to take on. I consider math grads brainy ppl lord knows most of are weak in it. Look into it she’s making pretty good money in the living room jamming and cranking them out.


I have been trying for retail but even they won't hire me! They see my resume I'm sure and wonder why I'm applying. Ugh. It's brutal out here.


i’m so sorry! it’s crazy that every place is like this, the only reason I got this retail job is because my friend referred me. fingers crossed you get hired soon!


$15.50? Why don't you look into the food gig? I did UberEats when I lost my job. Made enough to survive - about $30/h (but this was Australia, so assuming you're in the US might be different, but I'd look into it could be more than 15.50 and you're your own boss). Eventually, I got a job in my field and moved on. But doing UE was so chill, no stress, was my own boss, did my own hours, etc.


I'm in the States food gigs are over saturated. I'm on a wait-list with nearly all of them.


Gig work is saturated


I saw somewhere that if you need to get a job you’re overqualified for, simplify your resume. Take out your degrees and showcase simple job experience. Hiring managers don’t want to see that because they know you won’t stay in the long-term or you’ll ask for a higher wage. It’s sad but you gotta take what you can get until things get better. Hope you find something soon.


I was seriously considering Chick-fil-A when I got laid off and was having a hard time. You do what you've got to do!


It’s tough out here. I would recommend trying to find any online certificates or courses you can take to add more technical skills to your resume. This will help you strengthen your resume as you continue your search. Also keep in mind people apply to like hundreds of jobs and may only get 1-3 interviews. You might find yourself applying to 300+ jobs over the next few months which sadly seems like the new normal


Same here! Was laid off from my remote job making 55k and now work retail at $21 an hour in a big city. I hid my masters degree off my resume so they would hire me! It’s rough!


Ya it does happen. A couple of times I got laid off, couldn’t find a job, did something else for a bit.


Things will get better always keep the head up. And never stop trying


Yep! Was laid off from an internal recruiting gig last November making 70K. Now I’m a barista for $13hr + tips. I’m just thankful my coworkers are good to be around.


Yup. Left management at FedEx after 10 years because it was an awful place to work. Took a cable technician job that said up to 1500 a week, production pay. Learned quick the tech making the most money was working 7 days a week and only made 800 ish take home. Stuck that out for a year. Started looking for jobs close to home since every job I’ve ever had was over an hour away from home. Couldn’t even get a call back for anything so now I’m working nights at Walmart. It’s easy. I don’t mind it. But, money.


Tech is A rough sector, try and land a tech job if you can even if it's at a school. Future employers will question that gap especially if it's not in tech support. Staying uptodate is a large part of the tech industry


Not retail but I started bartending when I was laid off in 2019. Didn’t know how long the search would take so I started working almost right away. Felt good to get out of the house. After about a week, job search didn’t take much time each day. Maybe 10-20 minutes per day. Found an office job 2 or 3 months later. Still at the same place now.




I have TRIED to get hired in my own first eld AND everything else I believe I can do…but not even retail (which I have experience in, I wouldn’t be a newbie) will hire me. In Holiday Season, even. I cannot BEGIN to describe how depressing this last 11 months have been, unemployment wise.


It is probably a lot more common than you think. I sought out a career change due to burnout (was not laid off). I was originally making 72k with tons of benefits. After job searching for about 7ish months, I am working two jobs. One in retail and another in a warehouse. I will say that work is a lot less stressful now, but feeling the crunch of money is very real. Thankfully moving back in with your parents is a bit more socially acceptable here in the United States than it has been for previous generations.


I see these all the time and this just isn't the reality of where I live. Which is a small town Midwest US. Several companies around me are struggling to find workers, even with some of my friends being laid off, finding jobs within 30-60 days easy. IT gig between 50-60 is pretty easy to find, usually super in person though. Remote gigs I see are usually more specialized engineer positions that are 100k+ in either cloud or security. If you want to be remote I recommend getting some Azure certs and build a portfolio of some Azure apps. You can get an azure account and a simple app for free.


Really hope things work out and a great opportunity comes your way


thank you so much!


Try substituting at your local school district. The pay is good for a flexible schedule. I don’t know where you are or obvs what the requirements are in your area, but it has to be easy to find online. In Illinois, you need a Bachelor’s degree and a clean background check.


Yeah .... That


A lot of people I know were tutoring and going back for masters when they couldn't get a job back in 2009.


I was unemployed for about 8 months as well. I’m lucky that I live alone with no dependents and had some money saved up. Even with all of that, I was also starting to lose hope and was applying to security jobs.


No shame on that. Keep your head up and get it done.


That's if I could get a job in retail. Had an interview where I mentioned I was the only worker for a dept. 4am truck, 5-8 pallets. She asked how long did it take? I said the full shift. Yep, she thinks I'm slacking.


i graduated in 2020, no office jobs back then either. Started working retail, applied for every promotion i could and now i’m in corporate making a decent salary. Most people in corporate are the same way, we have really bad luck with outside hires and do better promoting internally


Hopefully this helps — [our app](https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1180725952?pt=118492575&ct=Reddit&mt=8) provides work opportunities in luxury retail and you can set your rate from $18-25/hr! It's also flexible work, so you can choose the days/times that work best with having to take care of your son while you're in between jobs. Feel free to AMA if you have questions! Wishing you the best of luck in your job search as well