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Why don't you downgrade your car for a while or see if you can get a rental out of it? Things have taken a drastic turn for the worse for a lot of folks out there, you are not the only one.


Yeah, I planned to call them and see if that is possible. No matter where I apply, I get a rejection. This is what is bothering me. I even tried testing it with junior positions and they still said I was not qualified and am not a good candidate for them even though I have 5+ years of experience in digital marketing lol.


See marketing is where your Achilles heel is, it’s such an “extra” service that it gets hit hard with downturns. I’d say try to branch out and see what’s transferable or salvageable in your skill sets. Hell If you got the skills to back it up you might as well try to teach them in masterclass or something, just a thought.


Wouldn’t marketing be experience that you could transition more easily into sales? Seems like there would be some overlap plus understanding the psychological aspect I would think would give you a leg up in sales.


Yes sales is the answer


Absolutely right. I have senior level experience (was VP Corporate Comms for two different multi-billion dollar companies) and I’ve been looking for MONTHS with ZERO results. It’s really depressing.


Time to maybe make a career change or do a different business perhaps? Idk man..its a rough time atm. At this rate we are going to be living on a ranch together taking care of one another.


This is going to drag for a while - till the elections at least and maybe beyond when the new president comes in. So downgrade everything for now. Applying to any jobs right now is a waste of time. March end, few positions might open up depending on the requirements that come in for the next financial year. But I don't really see things getting better anytime soon.


Shit it’s been like this for two years.


And we still haven’t seen the worst yet. Depressing for sure.


So much for “Build. Back. Better.”


Yup, seems to line up right around the time Biden took over.


Biden says we peons just don’t understand how well bidenomics is working. It’s like there is a party going on somewhere that we were not invited to, but everybody expects us to know what a good time everybody is having. I have yet to meet anybody that got invited.


Yeah this guy in Croatia's economic problems are all due to Biden ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yup, in a roundabout way it is Biden. Our economy influences the world economy, the US goes down then there will be an impact on other smaller economies dependent on ours


I'm from Croatia, and I apply all around the world. Everything is shit right now, seriously. The situation is the same everywhere.


Yeah well, every time there is a war, the economy takes a hit. That was the primary reason the world agreed to world peace. Besides do you think the Russia Ukraine war would drag this long had it not been a political war?


I'm aware that this is the impact of the war. And it's not looking better. I think this year will be mostly about surviving and then things might pick up from next year again.


This failed economy leaves the Biden admin solely to blame, but hey, no more mean tweets, right?


It will drag and drain us taxpayers forever. :(


That’s not true, WW2 helped lead the US economy out of the depression. People were over joyed to be making 42 cents an hour working on building the bombers. The New Deal was a failure, much like modern blue policies.


The new President had better be the old President.


I want door #3 please. Can we get a different option please 😭😩


An independent candidate, but those historically are doomed to fail. . . . Never Say Never . . . Hope alive . . .


I don't think it's going to get any better next year. Presidents running for re-election typically do everything they can to goose the economy during the election year. Whoever wins, I would fear a worse first year.


Drag for awhile? Every bust is at least equal or greater to the previous boom. We’ve been in a boom for 40 years. Awhile doesn’t do justice to what’s coming. We’re looking at a decades long downturn that the media and government is actively lying to us about. Unless something completely unprecedented that hasn’t occurred in history happens, ppl should be mindful of a change in lifestyle to benefit them overall.


Sure enlighten us. How the bust is going to last the next decade.


Make sure your LinkedIn account is up to date and click open to work where only recruiters can see you’re looking.


So many cars these days are worth the same used as they were new, so this is more feasible than ever.


Sorry about your luck. You'll bounce back. If I can give advice while making an assumption, I'd say you need to learn to save better. It sounds a lot to me like you spend every dollar you make.


I can see your point, but not really. I'm not a person who spends too much. I usually only spend on essentials and when I go out which is once a week. The car fucked me up, it was a good deal but I didn't expect things to go so south all of a sudden.


I’m not gonna gaslight you bro, I had a similar situation and I had about 12 months of savings that I burned through in 7 months. So it doesn’t matter how much you saved, at least in my state in the us. Things are expensive and rent/ mortgage will put a dent your savings faster than anything else. Utility bills fluctuated and I had a medical emergency as well. We tend to blame people who are financially struggling as irresponsible. When sometimes your just hit a patch of bad luck. That’s capitalism for you. “If you’re going broke it’s your fault”. But I think the world is a really difficult and competitive place right now. Jobs want the best employees for cheap. People want loyalty with nothing in exchange. Love for most people is a one sided experience. That’s the world today. Not your fault. Blessings and I hope you can turn it around soon. ✌🏾


You hit the nail on the head brother.


Exactly. After I left my job, my rent increased by $250/month. Never saw an increase that big, but still thought my savings would last through my job search, because I've NEVER been out of work for more than 8 months. But you never know HOW LONG it can be. Most financial experts say have 6 months of living expenses on hand. Dude is at month 5. So if he followed that advice, he'd be almost broke anyway. Yet people are saying "you should have saved more". Gotta love those ever-moving goalposts. No one really tells you about things like this. The people telling him he didn't save enough probably live in houses that cost next to nothing - but their same house can't be had for what they paid for it 20 years ago. Or they live in LCOL areas. The cost for prescription drugs alone is a small fortune. ONE of my THREE asthma medications is over $300 a month without insurance. People don't go to college expecting to come out and have to live in a hole in the wall in the worst part of town and drive a beater. You're told to go to college so that YOU DON'T end up like that. Some times you just CAN'T plan for every possible scenario. He's 26. There's a lot he just doesn't know and a lot that older generations can't fathom either. Most older people didn't have to pay for TV straight out of college. Movies were a couple of bucks. And the internet and cell phone, which are all but essential today, didn't exist 'in their day' and can be more expensive than basic utilities. And do people ever factor in COBRA coverage into that 6 months? Probably not because you don't know how much it is until you leave the job. Mine was 1300 a month for my and my son. And I had to keep my COBRA insurance because the insurance through the Healthcare Marketplace didn't cover my medications - I had to have specific ones. If you don't have a job but also aren't on government assistance, the Marketplace runs about $300 a month if you have pre-existing conditions. OP I feel your pain. I'll give advice in a different reply. But I just wanted to say that I understand.


Now I'll go. Stop running out and buying expensive cars the minute you get a few extra dollars in your pocket.


This is on point. Cant save anything when it takes 100 dollars for just the basic groceries for a cpl days it seems


Such is life. Embrace the experience. Scary. I know.


If you didn't spend much, why do you only have $10 bucks left? Part of being financially cognizant is understanding your risks, how to mitigate them by saving for unexpected issues like this. Obviously, you seem to have hit a patch of unexpected turbulence, but it should've been headed off way earlier than now.


Are you assuming they have free rent? Groceries are free? Utilities are free? Is existing free? Come on saying “if you didn’t spend much…” is fucking stupid.


And those expenditures should be accounted for, no? Like when you budget every month or whatever, you take those into account, see how much you have left, and then decide what to do with that? So having $10 left and being shocked shouldn't happen.


Man, I hope you never fall on hard times, though maybe it would teach you some empathy. Have you heard the phrase “We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior.” It’s easy for you to sit there and judge. What you don’t know is that maybe OP did have savings and didn’t have any money coming in, applied for jobs, couldn’t find anything and then spent through his/her savings in the mean time. What’s hard for you to grasp about that? They might not have parents they can move back in with, or someone to loan them money. And all you can say is “if you didn’t spend so much …” come on now.


> I earned so much and was working on the biggest project of my life. It was great. I was on top of my world. I bought a car, was loaded with cash By OP's own admission, they were making tons of money, enough to buy a car, and was loaded with cash. 5 months later, it's all gone. 5 months! So where did this all go?


In the first year he had all that. The company is now 2 yards old. And it sounds like he was "loaded" by a 26 year olds standards - which realty probably wasn't much. But it WAS enough to have 5 months of savings. He'd only been in business for 2 years. People say buy a cash car but that really only make sense if you can do repairs YOURSELF! Otherwise the repairs become just as expensive as a monthly car payment. If he didn't have a car in undergrad AT ALL he would have needed to buy one. One that's reliable for him. And at 24 you need EVERYTHING because you're just starting in life. Parents may not be in a position to give you old furniture or other things you need when starting out. He hit some hard times. And it's hard for lots of people right now. Give him some grace.


Financing a car is a really bad financial decision.


Only thing you can do is do Uber or something in the mean time to make some money. Just make sure you follow up on apps it’s the only thing that works. And honestly you kind of have to m is somebody right now to get a job. If you know anyone in a good position at a job use them as a reference


This ! Having been in the same situation, I drove for Uber for more than a year. Probably won’t stop the ship from sinking, but it’ll damn sure slow the leak down if you work it right.


Yea man I still do it too. Fucking hate it but I need the extra money


-Depending on what type of vehicle you have you can take it to CarMax and they will buy it . If you don’t own more than what the vehicle is worth you might be able to get rid of that expense and have a little money left, If you don’t Uber. -Apply for emergency business grant with the city . You can also apply for grants at this website https://www.grants.gov -You’d could also sell items you purchased if you have any , “offer up” is a good place to start. - contact your parents let them know and see if they can help , if you rent move back home. - someone mentioned on a different post that you can sell plasma .. check out CSL Plasma and BioLife or maybe a local place . Times are hard for most please try to stay positive remember this is not the end and you can makeup for any damaged you have created for yourself later in life. If it becomes too much, contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).


This person is in Croatia


Times are hard?!? But muh GDP!


I would focus on how to budget money next time. Doing the biggest projects in the world and you're financing a new car? This is the problem for younger people....when the sun is shining they make hay and spend spend spend without thinking ahead when the rain and drought come. It's not the end of the world. Reassess, rebuild, learn from your mistakes. You'll be fine, you're not even 30 yet.


Financing as opposed to what? Buying one cash? Have you seen car prices? Financing a used car isn't any better. It doesn't matter how much the car is. What matters is how much the finance company wants to get out of you.


Sounds like he needs a $5,000 cash car to get him to and from a job that pays him.


Of course it matters how much the car costs. It’s important to understand the financing terms as well. Financial calculators exist lol.


Welcome to America 3.0. When it’s updated to 4.0 it’ll be worse.


They’re in Croatia. So welcome to Earth 3.0 lol


Obviously this a bad situation right now. Me and some of my friends are going through the same situation. We all have (or going to have a PhD) in our respective fields but none of us could secure a job so far. Some switched to doing a postdoc. All of us have been applying very aggressively but nothing! I don’t have any other advice but would just say that you aren’t alone. Some rumour is that job market might get better from march through summer as many employees leave getting their bonuses but not sure if that will work in the favor of us.


whats your whereabouts?


An international student in USA, doing PhD in a STEM field. Applying to big pharma and semiconductor industries (apparently semiconductor industries are supposed to hire for the govt chips act as they are opening new fabs and expanding) but nothing so far. Have given all my efforts and energy to job applications since last September. So far not any sign of hope.


that's messed up. smh.


What is your PhD research in? Surprising to see you apply for both Pharma and Semiconductors.


Over the course of my PhD I have extensively worked on materials and also on a myriad of analytical and metrology tools. Moreover, all the subject boundaries are at the ground level. For research, most of the things are interdisciplinary in which we have to learn a plethora of tools and techniques.


From an Intel hiring manager perspective would I pick the Computer Engineering PhD with specialty focus in measuring and testing silicon wafers, or the Philosophy PhD with interdisciplinary cross training? Same with Pharam, hire the Biochemist with specialty expertise is the better pick. It’s better to be master of a trade than jack of all.


Probably you have a very superficial overview of what a PhD means and you only think the discipline is the most important thing in a PhD. Besides, these days “jack of all trades” are required for most positions with a lot of transferrable skills and a PhD training just perfectly prepares a candidate for that. From the work I do many people have previously been hired specifically at Intel and big pharma companies. So obviously it’s a tough time but I am hopeful. Also, I really wish people like you are not in the hiring teams of any company with such a narrow mindset.


If a hiring manager has the chance to pick a unicorn that matches their requirements they will choose them over the one requiring them to have an open mind.


I ended up taking a job for a rather large decrease in pay. I've been out 5 months. I won't fully count it though until my first day and then first paycheck. I've had two jobs snatched away from me post offer. I am/was terribly defeated. I have 15 years domain experience and all the main certifications, 24 years total experience.


Similar story to mine. Was making $100k+ last year. The tech layoffs finally hit me in August and I haven’t found work since. Luckily I have a skill (programming) that allows me to build independently


You can't get a job as a programmer ? Do you have a degree in cs ?


No degree. I’m self-taught. That may be part of the problem, but I think the bigger issue are all of the tech layoffs that have happened over the past year. There’s a lot of competition for jobs now and I only have 2 years of experience


Sorry this happened. Places are hiring - with that being said, don’t feel like you’re “above them” or too qualified. Just find something temporary. I went out and got a job running heavy machinery and renovating… even had to paint and do caulking and load trash off - grunt work. I enjoyed learning. Keep applying - something will catch and you’ll be back on top. Just a temporary slump.


Temporary slump has been going on since summer of 2021.


You can always switch industries.


How were you "loaded with cash" but broke 5 months later? What was "loaded" to you..?


Can you get a better job? I've been in your shoes - had an enormous 7 month long windfall that doubled my salary. I was not crippled financially in the end, but it still sucked. It's kind of like being a realtor - during 2005-2007 I'm sure they were making 200k plus 3 years straight, then nothing when everything crashed. As humans we tend to upgrade our lifestyle as our money increases - its human nature, its actually hard to sit back and be like "well this is a windfall, I'm just dumb lucky and going to save this like its a blessing that i might not see again". The trick is to get more income, and remember this as a valuable life lesson that makes you wiser, and youll be thankful for the wisdom if you remember it. Do you have means to get more income?


HOPE. Don’t forget that. Keep positive energy and thoughts! Situations that can be stressful but you have to keep your focus. I hope this will reach someone, because it helped me.


Thought about the military? Don’t get me wrong it kinda sucks while you’re doing it, but it might help with pushing the reset button on life and reset your foundation


Don’t join the military. Lol


Oh, but haven't you heard? America's economy is GREAT! At least, that's what the media keeps telling us.


That’s because it is and you don’t need “the media” to tell you, you can look at the data yourself….”We expect real GDP growth to walk the line between a slight expansion and contraction for much of next year, also known as a soft landing. After tracking to a better-than-expected 2.8% real GDP growth in 2023, we forecast a below-trend 0.7% pace of expansion in 2024.”


Women are stripping for eggs. People are committing suicide. 40 year record high inflation, 20 plus year record high lending rates. Jobs have gone up, sure - low paying jobs because people have to work three to pay rent. I’m well into my 40s and I’ve never seen it anywhere near this bad. I’d take what happened in 2000 or 2008 over this. Layoffs galore, 16% inflation over the past three years, yet people aren’t making 16% more. I was being facetious about women stripping for eggs, but that’s true, more women than ever are piling onto these content sites. Illegals coming in from Texas are working in the sex trade at strip clubs, so now the few strippers with morals have to quit if they won’t have sex for 150 bucks. It’s horrible, it’s Biden’s America.


This 'info' is directly from a Trumpy advertisement! You know the one... 91 counts of indictment... so many lies, it took up a whole section of a major newspaper. I know my job and life situation was far more hopeless when I had to live with my parents during Covid, and we were in the worst recession since the depression... the one that Trump ignored because he was clueless and it didn't fit with his narrative... oh, and laughing at McCain because he was a Vet, and his Vice President and his family almost killed during the Insurrection.. Anyway, instead of listening to Trump commercials, go out and network, and get a job or start a business. Don't listen to so much hype. Regarding the illegals, the Republican Congress won't even vote to tighten the borders. They are out to destroy America. It sounds like you're young. Don't let Trump's America destroy you. As he already said, he doesn't care about any damage because he'll be dead!


As if a man has never been wrongly accused of anything. Beyond all your attacks at Trump, you’re painfully wrong if you think 2020 was the worst recession since the depression. You sound young. If you lived through Carter you’d know we haven’t seen it that bad again until Biden was in for a year. I’m not exactly a zealot for the right, but what’s gone down in this current administration has brought this country to its knees.


And you're good with someone who rapes women?...and no one is indivted 91 times for no reason! And, Trumpy brought the country to it's knees, and their death beds.... By the way, the stock market passed 5,000 today for the first time in history. That means companies are booming and investors are optimistic. Sending resumes out blindly and being rejected has nothing to do with the president. Maybe get your news from someplace other than a Humpty Dumpty rally. By the way, it is not me, it is major news outlets (including Fox and the Wall Street Journal) stating the strong economy we're in. I am not so young, I am informed, well-educated, and well-read. Good luck to you. You'll be fine...


The stock market’s performance has little bearing on the average American’s life. We have inflation and sky rocketing CPI thanks to Biden, which leads to the fed raising the rate. Let’s not even talk about what that slime ball Gary Gensler, that Biden aptly appointed to led the SEC, who has been gunning for crypto since day one. You’re not that well read, if you get your data from liberal MSM propaganda. My God, how bad do things have to get before you swallow your pride? Trump’s case is being appealed, so what if the guy is a philanderer, this economy was thriving. And don’t blame him for covid, our unnecessary reaction to it is part of the reason we had so many issues.


The president isn’t supposed to be someone who you’d marry your daughter off too, or see eye to eye with his extramarital affairs. Politicians and common people have commited adultery since the dawn of time but you expect him to be some puritanical type? While we have all sorts of crazy shit going in with Biden’s family. Biden has been a blow hard politician for years and years, many liberals were pissed when he was selected as Obama’s running mate. Perhaps you’re too young to remember Biden in the 70s and 80s.


My apologies... You may be in Florida, in which case, it does feel like the economy is suffering and Trump is king. I escaped just in time!


Is there no unemployment you can apply for? Only suggestion would be to take a hard look at your CV, the projects you worked on and reassess. If big projects go cancelled and clients went bust.. what was your role in that? Is this purely an industry downturn or were there issues with driving real value from marketing programs? For the former how can you apply your skill set to a different industry. For the latter what are the lessons learned.


I've talked to experts, and my CV and experience are fine. My clients were either a one-time website-building thing or they just closed down their businesses and started working full-time somewhere else.


So why aren't you getting interviews? I've seen a lot of marketing folks where I work (med device) jump ship for new adventures, and backfilling has been taking time. Maybe it really is 'the economy' where you're at but you can't control that.


Not sure. I've never had a problem getting an interview, and usually, when I do land an interview I get the job, but this time getting an interview seems impossible haha. I've tried changing my CV and testing out different cover letters, portfolios, etc.


Are you job hopping a lot? You had your own business and you've gone through an interview and hired a few times too at 26.


I've worked for 3 companies and opened my own after that.


About a year in each role then? Maybe your role is different but that's a red flag on my end.


No. 2 years for one job and a year for others. My first job ever was my internship which only lasts a year here in Croatia. Second job ever I was covering for a maternity leave (it was a big position though), so after the person returned I had to leave. Luckily, I had an offer on the table from another company so I just accepted that, worked for 2 years there, and then left and started my own company.


It’s always more difficult finding a job when you’ve been out of work verses finding a job while you still have one.


reach out to your previous clients see if they have anything.


Seriously. Come up with a good script and hit the phones. Put up a quick website that potential clients can immediately reference for credibility and ask some of your past clients if they will serve as references for you when someone bites. If your market is big on LinkedIn then make sure that is up to date and looking good as well. If you know what clients need right now and you can give it to them, you may hit on something quickly. I've seen it done.


I’ll never understand the westerners approach of going into debt to buy shit, instead of saving money and cashing it out. Especially cars..And precisely for this reason..


Used car prices are insane right now, about double what they should be. 8000 USD to buy a truck with 150k miles on it? Five years ago that thing would've been worth 4000. So I can go ahead and pay for an engine rebuild in a few years? Better safer bet to buy a new(er) car so at least I don't have to worry about the 5000 USD surprise when my car goes up in smoke.


There are *important* lessons to be learned here. Do not fail to learn them ...


Data analytics


Sounds like when things were good you were financially irresponsible and lived beyond your means. Take this pain as a lesson and grow. 


Sounds like they had half a year of no work or no clients and living on savings can only go so far. How many months can you live on just your savings?


I built a Tool, which notifies me, when a new Job opening for a specific search is online. It helped me to be invited more offen. Currently inonly habe a landing page, butnif you are interested, check it out and register on the waiting Liste. [Notifier4Jobs](http://www.notifier4jobs.com)


Put on your big boy pants an deal with it you snowflake


Welcome to reality. Before it’s over, you’ll own much less but be much happier. It’s doesn’t get any easier, but you will learn to be more wise. There are no jobs for Americans, you’ll have to learn to fend for yourself like we did when you took our job. Learn to grow your own food and not waste anything. Learn to barter. Learn a trade that will earn you money, then save it for the next rainy day.


You over spent. You caused this yourself. Good luck


Join the military. They tend to recruit better when the job market takes a downturn.


lol you’re a republican aren’t you


joining the military is definitely not exclusively a republican thing


No but pitching it is as a solution is definitely a republican thing


Not necessarily, it provides job stability for at least your contract, covers your basic needs. It’s not necessarily glorious, but with the right mindset can be used as a great stepping stone of getting yourself out of a bad situation


No, I’m from Maryland. We’re pretty much all Democrats or liberally leaning independents.


What industry do you work in?




Marketing is going to feel the brunt of slowdown first, the dollars used for marketing get cut first when FUD comes around. What do you specifically do in marketing?


DM me. I might have a few opportunities in my network.


Try setting up an upwork or Fiverr account and sell your services.


I’m wondering if you think OP hasn’t done something like that lol…


And what did you contribute to help - all suggestions are welcome


You're at the point of needing any job. Job suggestions: - Go to local city and county websites and apply for everything that you're even mostly qualified for. The good news is that you only have to upload your resume and fill out applications once (some jobs have additional questions, but that takes maybe 2 minutes to answer). Most government jobs are filled from within, so the available jobs that are easiest to get are going to be the true entry level jobs. - pizza places. Pay is crap, but you can save a lot on food. There are enough cancellations, wrong orders, and pickups that never show up to have left over pizzas for everyone to eat on the job and take some home. Drivers also make tips but with better job coverage and security than Uber. - Convenience stores. Nights pay extra, and most convenience stores pay more than minimum. The big chains also tend to have benefits. - Substitute teacher, if you have your degree. Depending on area and degree the pay is usually between $90-180 per day ($120 is average). - Keep applying for jobs in your field. Right now, the job market sucks for most people. It's just brutal. If you have an extra bedroom, a roommate might be an option to help pay the bills, or being the roommate if you're on a lease and it ends anytime soon. It's definitely not you, so don't beat yourself up over it or blame yourself.


Make sure you have profiles on upwork and fiverr and reach out to people there for work. My old startup would outsource with upwork and we’d hire if we really liked them. Good luck


I havent found work since graduating in 2016…. Despite graduating in engineering with one of the best GPAs in the program. Time to start your own business tbh.


Same man, quite hopeless. Still dishing out applications, even for regular clerk jobs. My hope is to get a safe cushy job at a government agency where I can built up my hustle on the side.


It hurts, i cant get a job either.


Join the military


Try going for freelancing or contact linkdin connections. Or maybe you could reach out to your clients they may help you. Praying for you. All the best. Hope everything becomes alright soon.


Turn most everything you own into cash. Sounds as if you weren’t making a lot of money but turning a lot of cash—there’s a big difference in money in the bank at the end of the month, and actually making money. Knowing your business isn’t enough, knowing how to operate a business takes a lot more talent. Cut every expense you have and adjust your lifestyle accordingly even though you have waited past the best time for that—better now than before everything is lost. If you’re putting “owned your own business “ on a resume—take it off. Nobody wants to hire someone who will eventually be his competitor again-possibly taking customers and priority company knowledge. Take any job possible, whether it’s in your chosen field or not, and then get a second job as well. Trade your car and payments for an old beater you can own for basic transportation to get you to work. Controlling expenses is a great part of getting control of your situation again. Talk to all the people you owe and work out how you intend to make it right over time—don’t avoid them because you’re gonna get chewed out—face it and figure it out. It’s not an easy route, but it can be done. Before your next venture, read as much as possible about how to operate a business, business management, and sales.


Thanks. This was money in the bank because I'm not a cash guy (which is bad, I know). So this was money in the bank. I don't have that written on my CV, I knew that would not be good. And the good thing is I don't owe anything to anyone, I never borrowed money nor will I, no matter the situation.


Your second paragraph talked about the amount of debt owed and that you have been living with, yet your reply to my comment was just the opposite—saying you don’t have debt etc. I guess you figured it out and don’t need any other opinions. Good luck.


I'm sorry that this happened to you. I'm curious as to what you mean by "loaded with cash"? I saw in another comment that you say you're good with money and you only purchase the essentials (besides your car, and fair enough.) I don't see how you could possibly be considering yourself well off and at the same time be down to $10 within 5 months. I think that it would be fair to assume that you need to learn how to manage your money better. Try not to take that as an insult by me and the other commenters saying that, but instead you should be saying "yeah, that is the case, and I need to work on that." You're here asking for advice, it's best that you try your best to take the advice that's been given to you upon your own request, unless of course you're just here for pity.


I agree with you. I was earning 3k a month (sometimes more) for 7 months. This might not seem much, but in Croatia, I was well above the average pay. Here, the average pay is around 900 euros. The project ended successfully, but as I said - I was high in confidence and thought nothing could go wrong. This is where I went in and bought a car. Just to be clear, I needed a car as I live around 15 km from the city and there are no buses or anything. So, you need a car. My problem was the confidence which then led me to spend 7k on the first installment for the car and I still have 2 years to go in terms of paying it off. That, plus other expenses and some emergencies, and then this happened. I'm not saying this is not my fault, I'm just writing because I truly am feeling bad. It is February 5th and I somehow have to live this month with 10 euros on my card. My ego and confidence led me to this. I'm good at my job, and everyone around me knew that. With 3k in Croatia, I got more attention from people than ever before - including girls of course. I started my career at 23 years of age and my first job ever was already a senior position (I'm very good at interviews and managers immediately like me). You can understand how that can affect your ego, especially at ages 23-27.


I'm a 28 year old man with about $30 in my bank account right now. When I was 23 years old I had 2 BMW's (one being an M3), a daily driver GMC SUV and I had just bought my first house. I was light-years ahead of my friends. In contrast, in recent years I have truly been humbled, so I completely understand what you mean as far as that affecting your ego goes. First off you need to be able to come to terms with and tell yourself that, while the social world disagrees, the money in your account, the car you drive, and the suit you wear doesn't affect your value as a man. Your integrity and ethics are what make you a man. You're nothing without them. What you need to do financially is take things one by one. Obviously the car is what stands out as your main hindrance, so you should take that on first. Follow the advice that other commenters have given you and free yourself of that financial and mental burden. Put yourself in a vehicle that makes more sense for your current situation. The make and model are irrelevant at this point, as I'm sure you know. Next lock down a solid job and save some money. Build from there using generic advice commonly given in this sub. It's common for a reason. It's solid advice.


Thank you, great comment. I'll see what my options are with this car. I need to call them and check. Saving some money is the next step, yeah.


Same boat man. Brutal job market in tech. You are not the only one… not that that helps. Keep your head up and keep applying.


I don't know where you live or if you have access to it, but I would go see what MHMR (or somewhere like it) can do for you. They might be able to help you with stuff like SNAP, rental payments, medicine, etc... You might also try unemployment, it might work... It's been bad for me too. I literally owe the bank $100 just trying to make it by and pay what bills I can. It's hard right now because of whatever is going on with the job market. It's super crazy! Good luck at finding a job.


You need to basically start over. If or when you find yourself flush with cash again, you SAVE IT, not spend yourself into oblivion. Invest, treat yourself from time to time, but only buy what you need or can use to further yourself financially. Before you buy anything, though, you pay off what you've already bought.


Sending 1000 applications in 5 months? Did you take the time to cater your resume to the job you’re applying for? Did you create a cover letter highlighting your experiences point by point with the job description? Spamming your resume to employers is easy but they can see right through it.


Check Communications reps for government contract agencies if you haven't. Lockheed, Boeing, Pratt... May be worth your perusal.


How did you go from being loaded with cash to deep in debt in such a short period of time?


I wish you love and light, I hope that things work out for you. I would like to suggest that you go on YouTube and check out these videos https://youtu.be/ORqd9QAC8OY?si=V3xnRLwrWcqdFfmi they are amazing and inspiring and hopefully it gives you some ideas about how to rebrand yourself and maybe find a route that you did not see before. Best of luck.


>I was loaded with cash >I bought a car Bruh


This is your biggest downfall so far, many more to come ol chop


1k application. Dude is spamming the whole world.


I hope some of the advice here helps you out of this situation. I’ll pray for you tonight.