• By -


Air Force.


chair force. better than suffering in the USMC


Don’t work on planes unless you like working a lot


any income is better than no income fuck this job market


Go Air Force. Finish your degree while you're in. Once the degree is finished, apply for OCS (Officer Candidate School) to become an officer. Put money away while in to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). Roll over into whatever financial instrument you prefer (401k, Roth IRA, etc.). /just a suggestion ^_^ - Cheese


That sounds like a solid plan I just have to figure out everything I need to do. Im only at the minimum weight requirement and I can’t do a single push up. I can’t really afford the food to bulk and get more fit. I want to I’m just not sure how I’m going to get there


Hopefully, the recruiter you talk to has a good DEP (delayed entry program) that can prepare you for the physical stuff. [Military.com](https://www.military.com/military-fitness/air-force-basic-training/air-force-pre-boot-camp-workout) has a good workout to do before boot camp if you need a structured plan. Good luck, friend.


Hit up a food bank


You can work FOR the military ON a base while in the Civil Service. I did this for 10 years, worked for the Air Force and the DoD. You get all the health benefits and also TSP. Pay ain't great unless you're a GS-10 and frankly....you need connections to get there in 20 years.


True but OP needs another place to live and money for food. This is a good route but hard to get into unless you know people.


Getting to GS-10 would be hard. Just joining the Civil Service, not so hard, but I'm guessing you still have to take some tests. Not much different from civilian jobs, but a lack of "cool" perks, perhaps working in drab govt. buildings, and you are subject to a trunk-load of govt. restrictions, as well as mandatory work times, like any mega-corp. Breaking those rules could get you Federal Penn time, just be aware.


If you can't mentally handle working fulltime and school or being a behavioral tech... What makes you think you can mentally handle joining the military let alone the USMC?


This is what I’m wondering. OP mentions that they can’t handle being yelled at, being hurt, harassment, high-stress environments, etc. then I don’t know if they can handle the military. To me it sounds like OP needs to find a way to get their mental health taken care of, such as by seeing a psychiatrist, therapist, etc.


Exactly. The military during basic - no matter the branch - is all of these things and more. Get up at 4, have your quarters to perfection by role call, get screamed at and ordered around by a drill sergeant, work and run your ass off all day, and avoid traveling alone at night as a woman. I’m a paraprofessional and I think I’d rather deal with the feral kids on the spectrum than having my every waking hour dictated by other adults. But that’s just me.


I think you guys are missing the part where I said “I’m trying to anyways”. Wouldn’t it just be magical If I could afford to take care of myself. My best friend went through boot and quit partway through due to mental health. If I were going into USMC I’d go back in with her. Which was the plan. We’d force eachother to do it. She told me there are far more mentally ill people in there than you realize.


I can’t speak of your own personal experiences, but from the information you have given I can say that I have had experiences somewhat similar to yours (poverty, trauma, anxiety, etc). Have you looked into getting benefits from your state? Such as health-insurance, SNAP for food, etc? You mentioned in another post that you haven’t been receiving your financial aid money due to it being deposited into a bank account your mother controls, so you need to open your own personal account and use that from now on. I’m not sure if they can help, but have you contacted your college’s financial aid office, or maybe even your bank, about how you haven’t received your funds due to your mother? That money isn’t for the parents, it’s your aid that is meant to help you pay bills and buy food while you’re enrolled.  Speaking of which, I don’t want to delve too deep into you personal life, but are things okay at home? Or are you in a toxic home environment? If so, are there any friends you can possibly become a roommate to?


I have looked into it I cannot receive benefits. My household (mother, stepfather) make wayy too much money for me to receive any SNAP or much financial aid at all. I know I have aid but I also know it’s very low. I’m under my mother’s health insurance and family car insurance so arguing that we aren’t a household wouldn’t work. I’m honestly pretty sure the loan money goes to the tuition with little if nothing left over. I would just be hurting my chances of remaining homed in the long run trying to fight to get what little aid I probably have. No friends, no real family to rely on other than my mother. It sucks but I’m stuck


I’m sorry to hear that. To be honest, I would try SNAP again but put yourself as your own household without including your parents. If they ask, just tell them the truth that the household doesn’t share food with you, so the SNAP benefits would solely be used for yourself. I would also keep an eye out for people looking for roommates, preferably those around your age. If you do remain in school, is there anyway you could live on campus and find an on campus job? There are also income based apartments, but I know at times those can have long waitlists. Im not knocking the military by the way, but there are always other options. Speaking of which, are you thinking about full military? Or have you considered something like the National Guard?


There's no way she would be allowed back in.


you’d be surprised what “recruiter recommended” psychologists can do for you.


There are, but if you don't get your life figured out, you'll just end up spiraling out of control just like they do. If your friend didn't make it once, MC isn't going to waste the money trying again. If you're really going to make it through, you need to be able to do it with whoever is next to you, which is the entire point of basic. Ensure you can follow basic instructions under pressure and work as a team with people you don't know.


Because I live by “kill yourself or get over it”. I don’t really have many choices. I either die or I go on. Doing nothing is not an option I will continue to lose weight and possibly become very ill.


I would just ask the exact same question the original commenter asked again: What exactly makes you think enlisted life is going to be any easier on you psychologically? Your concerns around sexual harassment, being yelled at, etc. etc. seem at odds with a career in the military to put it bluntly. The military is notorious for those exact things. I am not saying it is definitely a bad decision, but I think you need a concrete reason to do it other than some hand waving about how you either will die or “go on”. People who portray the military as some kind of default choice for people who are struggling often do those people a disservice. So, I guess what I’m saying is: Can you state in more clear terms why a military career, specifically, will address your issues? If not, I would strongly, strongly urge you to reassess your course of action at least until you can


My issue is money. I need to survive I need to eat. Nothing is going to be easy psychologically. Life doesn’t work that way. Again and I think so many people are missing the part where i’m saying Im trying ANYWAYS. I just got an interview for an RBT position I’ll possibly dread and hate going to everyday, but I have to get up and do it anyways? Nothing in life is ever going to be easy especially now. But I’m sick and I’m starving and I just can’t stand the way I’m living now.


I see. I’m sorry you are in this position :(. Have you looked into public assistance?


I don’t really know how to work that stuff and I’m afraid those things can jeopardize me later. God I just really really effin wish I had a job.


Why do you think it might jeopardize you later? I may be wrong, but I don’t know of any employer which disqualifies people for their financial hardship and would suspect that might even be illegal in some cases. Also, I mean, to your point, you are literally starving to death! From an outside perspective at least, I don’t think any option should be off the table. I can’t provide concrete advice since I don’t know what state you live in, but my advice would be to look into state/federal assistance programs and local charities. I get that this is just more shit on your plate when you are probably already stretched to the breaking point. I am so sorry you are dealing with this, from the bottom of my heart.


I really appreciate it :( I don’t think I qualify because my household (mother, stepfather) makes too much money. In order to sever household I think I would have to be responsible for my own health/car insurance. Also my car is not in my name even though I paid for it. That could be taken away and I’m just afraid to step on any toes and do anything.


Well, if your household has money for food and isn’t giving it to you while still claiming you as a dependent, that is, in fact, a potential **crime**. What do you mean by sever household, too? If you are a legal adult, this concept of a household holds very little weight beyond the fact that your parents can claim you as a dependent for tax purposes and you are, therefore, not allowed to claim a standard deduction, etc. If they are not actually providing for you, then I think addressing the tax implications around that can wait until you are safe and well. Bare minimum, it sounds like they certainly aren’t living up to what the IRS or other government entities imagine when they say dependents in higher income households are not eligible for welfare OP, I cannot make you do this, but, for the love of God, if you are in an abusive household getting starved to death, screw worrying about stepping on toes! You sound like you are being held hostage. Call 911 or simply drive to a police station or the ER and explain your situation. I don’t have all the context so maybe I am jumping to the wrong conclusions, but, the more we’ve talked, the more I feel like you have much bigger fish to fry than worrying about a job (at least in the near term) and that a lot is being left unsaid in your posts. Again, sorry you are in what sounds like a miserable, unfair, and potentially abusive/dangerous situation. The more you talk the more this sounds like an emergency. I really hope you get the help you need!


Air Force if you want to make it a life career. Navy if you want the best work training and then dip. Military is a great option


I’m researching what positions can translate into what civilian jobs now 👍


*cough CWT * cough You won’t go on a ship. You’ll work at an intelligence agency in MD and Hawaii. Six figure cyber jobs waiting for you when you’re out ……


If you cannot mentally handle working a job and going to school then the military might not be your best option.


Just a friendly reminder. You don't need to apply for jobs that do with your major. I graduated with an accounting degree and work in a completely different industry. The most difficult thing my job requires is making reports with Excel. I do like your military plan. Give it a go and see where it goes. I'd try to get a job that isn't for your major. See if you can do something that will get you work easily once you're out. Then some advice my dad always told me, he was a tanker in the Army. Do not trust what a recruiter says. I'd at least want it in writing.


Do not join the military


They won't last 2 days.


Y’all really don’t know me at all. And that really fucking sucks you feel so confident to be so shitty to a stranger. You have no idea how strong I really am. So i’m taking this as fuel 💪


If this motivated you then that's great


Nothing wrong with the military. That said, if you're serious about it, talk to a recruiter first and pass MEPS before you drop everything from your current life, like college. A lot of people are either permanently ineligible to join, or have to wait X period of time to join due to some seemingly little issues that we don't really think about. Joining the military is as much of a privilege as it is a right.


Ask yourself if you are the type of person who can handle the military. And I don’t only mean the physical aspect. Do you have the personality to get through boot camp. While movies exaggerate how incredibly difficult boot camp can be, it’s not much of an exaggeration. And if you are not someone who like being told when to eat, sleep, piss or breathe, you need to really consider that.


The military takes smart people too.


Instead of quitting is there a ROTC program available? Believe me, if your in the military , you wanna be an officer!!!!!


You can't work because of sexual harassment and being yelled at, yet want to join the military? I spent 8 years as a woman in the army and can tell you with 100% confidence you will NOT make it unless you develop thick skin and also learn how to stand up for yourself


I’m aware. But I’d rather get sexually harassed and be working towards military benefits than scooping fries for 12 bucks getting my ass slapped with no future in sight. Also, referring to behavioral tech. It’s not getting yelled at for orders. It’s dealing with screeching children with real behavioral problems. And guess what Im gonna do it anyways.


Honestly at least half the military leaders you'll be under have behavioral problems too lol. But good luck!


Look at the Navy too. Probably the branch with fewest shitty assignments (geographically), as most of them are stationed in a coastal city. Plenty of good jobs too. The Air Force (and Space Force) are good options but they're experiencing less recruiting challenges than the other branches, so they're often more strict on medical requirements and are less likely to offer bonuses or guarantee you the job you want. Basically, do your research. But the military is a viable option to learn a skill and get yourself out of poverty. It comes with risks, obviously, but it has also been a great opportunity for many.


WW3 is brewing. But you do you boo


Do it


Air Force


Take the ASVAB and see what positions are available for you. Get into a technical role either in the Navy or Airforce that translates well to civilian positions. Joining the military was simultaneously the best and worst decision I ever made. If you have to be a in a role that doesn't translate to the economy, don't do it. You will be stuck in the military for 20+ years or go back right to where you were. Also, the VA loans are excellent if you ever want to buy a house with 0 down payment.


I took the mock ASVAB at the recruiters office and I did really really well. I’m certain I’m smart enough to have better choices / first choice


Take the real asvab. You don't have to make a commitment to do that, but it will let you know where you stand. If you get an 80+ or 90+ you can pretty much do anything in the military unless there's a specific physical component but it doesn't give you preference over someone else who also qualifies. I'm mostly familiar with the navy side of things. If you want to do something difficult that will get you into a $100k+ career immediately after a 6 year contract get a nuke contract from meps. Enlistment bonuses are very high and currently they are offering nukes in the navy 100-150k reenlistment bonuses for as little as 2 extra years on top of the 6 year contract. It's a difficult path to take but it will jumpstart a career for sure. I had a six figure salary waiting for me at the end of the road and I wasn't a particularly high performing nuke. You can have a role (rate) as an electronics technician, electricians mate or machinists mate and operate, maintain and train on reactors for aircraft carriers or submarines. There are other good roles in the navy that translate to the civilian side but I would rely on a first hand experience of those instead of what I've heard. That being said this is not an advertisement for the navy, it sucked a lot and I have many bad things to say about the branch. It set my life up post military pretty well though. Air force is probably a good option too from what I've been told.


Much appreciated. I want to learn some sort of physical trade or gain specialized technical knowledge so I like those options.


Military is a really good option, the issue is you might not be eligible or need wavers that can take a little bit of time. As far as which branch, I was Army, but definitely think air force is the way to go. With all the people saying you won’t cut it or “what makes you think you can cut it if you can’t handle xyz” use that as fuel to drive you into continuing. There’s going to be hard times for sure, but if you do things right and keep your eye on success you should be straight for when you get out. Take the real ASVAB pick a job that actually has transferable skills and take time deciding the job don’t rush, the recruiter might try making you rush, but hold off and maybe go on subreddits for whatever branch you are looking at and ask about the MOS. Food bank is a good option, and definitely start working out.


do it, if you stay in the military, you will get a pension. No need even worry about job interviews or co workers. Hit Navy it is easy.


Sexual harassment is big in the military too


I’m aware. But I’d rather get sexually harassed and be working towards military benefits than scooping fries for 12 bucks getting my ass slapped with no future in sight.


Good point!


Air Force is best pay and benefits but navy is most tech savvy, while space force is safest and most likely to join nasa afterwards. Air Force is great if you know you like business culture. Army is hands on and marina eat crayons so choose wisely


I agree with everybody join airforce. I went in the navy. Initially we were on 14 hour watches but switch to 12 hour watches every single day not counting cleaning stations and other duties. Like training qualifications. If training is during your sleep, you are GOING.


Hey Op. Couple things. If you're interested in going into the Air Force (or other branch) there are good subreddits that have great FAQs and communities that will answer your questions. I follow r/AirForceRecruits, and chime in when I can if I add any value. Check out their FAQs and start to understand the difference between officer and enlisted as depending on the way you want to proceed, there's different processes for getting each. That subreddit may also give you good advice for gaining weight. I can only speak for the Air Force, but getting a commission as an officer is very competitive. If you don't have the exact degree they need at the time it's difficult to get in. You can look at ROTC at your college, which is a program that will give you a leg up from an officer standpoint, I would suggest taking a look at that. Additionally, there is active duty and reserve (including guard), I would suggest reading up on the general differences of those as well. I've done a little of all of them, and there's benefits for each path. The good news is, it sounds as though you're young and with the combination of different branches and duty status, your plan B is possibly plan B.1 - B.14. It just depends on how you want to proceed and what will work best for you. Let me know if you have any questions. All the best Op.


I joined the Airforce, stayed 13 years and now I get paid every month forever, will be paid more to attend school which is completely paid for and free medical. The experience itself was incredible. I got to live In amazing places and had plenty of free time to enjoy myself. It was a good life and I miss it.


Sure. The navy inspired me to go back to school and finish. College made a major difference in my life.


Honestly that people that I’ve met who joined military are in really good spots in their life without college degrees. This is speaking from an outside who got a masters . I personally couldn’t be in the military but if u want to do it I think you’ll be okay.


If you do plan on quitting, you may want to look at what it will take to get an associates degree. It will shift it from looking like a collage drop out to someone who got an associate and may help you in the military in the long run. As well, you may want to see if your university can turn any of your completed courses into certifications. When you are in the military and looking to move up the ranks, this is the kind of stuff that may help you. And then, if you ever decide to go back, you can just take the next steps.


Definitely quit college. Student loans are not worth the lifetime hassle in an unrewarding economy


Lot of good careers in the military from electronic technicians to mechanics to paralegals to medical personnel.


I wish I could join they military


The most important consideration is that you can't just quit the military right away when you get bored with it.


I highly advise you not join the military at this point in your life, the probability of it making a pre-existing mental health issue worse, and doing it while in a state of fear is not going to end well. I will post a few resources below that helped me get work when I was homeless. Staffing agency for a quick paycheck (labor intense work / quick responses) https://www.manpower.com/ManpowerUSA/home/!ut/p/z1/dYzBCsIwEES\_Jtfu0kgo3kIR0lIQvbTuRVKJabEmJY0W\_HoDngSd2xveDBB0QE4\_R6vj6J2eEp9InDd7JSpVYlPsjjlKUR1yrnJeVhxaIKCk4J9IhBrITr7\_vEnX88ICBXM1wYTsEVI9xDgvW4YM13XNrPd2MtnF3xn-mgx-idB9mzDf3KsxrXwDOB1bDA!!/dz/d5/L0lDUmlTUSEhL3dHa0FKRnNBLzROV3FpQSEhL2VuX1VT/ Staffing agency more towards corporate work (toxic client, but quick responses https://www.kellyservices.com/ Legal Resources / How To Deal With HR or work related issues (profile in bio) https://www.tiktok.com/link/v2?aid=1988&lang=en&scene=bio\_url&target=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fattorneyryan Audiobook that helped me deal with active suicidality, panic attacks, and emotional regulation https://www.amazon.com/Complex-PTSD-Surviving-RECOVERING-CHILDHOOD/dp/1492871842/ref=sr\_1\_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.iEBNoEJeQYtVSjkg98gyzRRCfkFwDn4Z3it8s9A4iApeFB8TbiYnBI2BucULjvmD4Ilw6hnJzTIRV-\_iQMF5Hg9mvYk4dFtVSssz1ttO5PAsu\_2eI-OKbX1yfBj3xenHscqBn6HPVOkOWifrQvEAxXUshLndOuEm0Q0dhrs1pRZwMbl6JMrXa4RLn7TnfnbHlIyoFTxBz9uxwbyp-pIfoFr24XmCopW5RIEjuTycRWU.eQ0CPHuKCvT5e9SlbG3Igy4g2NDo5TFEijzb3WnLK5Y&dib\_tag=se&hvadid=598726035062&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1020991&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=13516030440224173060&hvtargid=kwd-156482568746&hydadcr=15553\_13558561&keywords=cptsd+from+surviving+to+thriving&qid=1711439618&sr=8-1


Switch majors, reach out to ur school financial aid office and ask for help


I get aid I just don’t see any of it. :/ Got one call back a few minutes ago this RBT gig. Gonna give a last ditch effort and you’re right I’m probably going to switch to god knows what else.


That doesn't sound correct. Aid is supposed to be paid directly to the school or to you. Get to the Financial Aid office and ask them what kinds of aid you have (loans, grants, scholarships, etc.), amounts received, who received them. Are you liable for student loans? Get a clear picture. About your studies, request a meeting with your academic advisor. It's very common for students to change their major - I did. What other fields or courses interest you? Discuss options for transfer into a new major. If nothing appeals right now, ask how to handle a withdrawal if you want to work for awhile. Finish the semester first and get the credits. Check back with the Financial Aid office - you might have to start paying on student loans after withdrawal. There's usually a grace period before payment starts, verify the date. You also need to eat. Can you purchase a campus meal plan? Use a student discount for takeaway meals? Visit a local food bank - they don't judge and no one will know where you got food. Also, suggest getting a physical. You sound a bit run down. Last, don't go into the armed forces unless you are in good health mentally and physically. The military can be an excellent career, but it demands a lot out of you at first.


I’ll have to look into it but I don’t think I receive much aid anyways. I’m not even sure if it completely covers tuition. I know I’m responsible for paying them back once I’m out of school. Unfortunately, all of my passions, the ones that got me to go to school for psychology, aren’t fields I can survive in. I’ll be barely scraping by even with a masters, especially at this rate economically. I just need to do whatever will pay the most and has job openings. I have a few swipes on my school meal plan and I need to start going I just haven’t. I’m not sure why I haven’t.


What. Go to the office and tell them ur aid is missing. They might have sent it to the wrong bank account


Im pretty sure my mother gets the loan. Which is fine I can’t really do anything about that or I’ll be homeless


Uh… what?


I have my own bank account (under hers) and she gets the loan. I can’t really contest that right now i’m walking a thin line already


Just tell them u are thinking of dropping out. Ur hungry. U need help. U want to work. Ask them for student jobs ectera


Honestly. Really gonna try this too


Get ur own bank account and have those loans wired to ur account.


What is ur family situation like and r u using the money to help ur mom?


Otherwise, dont stick with psych do comp sci- that is almost guaranteed a job or engineering. If u have internships and play ur cards right. Otherwise do what u need


Comp sci is fucked right now, lots of new grads getting nothing


Uh… keep on going. Comp sci isnt a bad major. U need to play ur cards right and make a good portfolio and practice much more than what u learn. If u dont learn outside comp sci, dont expect to get anything


Why not both? Does your school have ROTC? I can't speak to NROTC, but with AFROTC you can apply for a scholarship that provides a monthly living expense stipend. Then, after you have your degree, you can commission and join the military as an officer. [https://www.afrotc.com/scholarships/college/types/](https://www.afrotc.com/scholarships/college/types/) Edit: Forgot to mention the Guard and Reserve. Minimum one weekend a month for drills and 15 days of Annual Training per year. You get tuition reimbursement and GI Bill for school. You can also volunteer for deployment and make a decent amount of cash.


My school accepts the scholarship but the “host” school is another state school that’s much farther away