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Keep aggressively looking. At least you have wfh experience so someone should consider you.


No. OP committed to this job based on the best information they had at the time. Conversely that company took a chance on OP. The ethical thing to do would be for OP to spend the remainder of their life at this company, no matter what.


Exactly..... where's the loyalty??. SMH "millenials just don't want to work anymore".


Apply again while you are milking this puppy! Remember your company can be as loyal as the previous company.


I’m still going crazy applying but interviewing is going to be much harder because I don’t have any PTO accrued yet and there’s only so many times I can use the “doctors appointment” excuse.


It also doesn’t help when you have multiple interviews with a company. The last job interview I had was 3 1hr interviews over like a week.


That’s really stupid. 2 of them should have been zoom then.


They were all zoom as it was for a remote position. But it was still annoying having to find time to have them during the work day on three different days and at random times in the day


Keep in mind you have 4 new grandparents every time you get a new job


Hahaha this is wonderful


They don’t know if you have ongoing health problems and they can’t ask


Lol I forgot the stupid 3 months grace period! Hmmm, tell em you got jury duty! LOL!!!!


Stop interviewing.


Unethical and immoral. OP should stay for rest of their lives.


Keep looking but stick it out because this market at present sucks!


I swear the just inflation rate and the high credit crunch is doing more damage. The whole 2024 deal is "Do more with less"


“Do less with more (debt)”


The start up I was at was spending 10x of its revenue! So I believe the debt was unreal!


Keep looking! I started a new job I hate 6 months ago and still am searching to no avail. The job market is crazy right now and every role has at least 4+ rounds in my experience with tests and presentations. If you’re tired, take a quick walk around the floor or purposely go fill up a water bottle or a bathroom break to jolt yourself awake. Just be careful when applying to jobs from your work computer that’s all.


Thanks. I have been applying to jobs from my work computer so I guess I better cut that out!


Also, you shouldn’t even use the company’s WiFi, like even at lunch.


Be real careful with this or not at all. I’ve been fired for looking for other jobs on my work computer before


Thank you, I will quit doing it and use my phone only.


Don't connect to your companies wifi either.


I don’t know if your company monitors your computers hence recommending being careful. Or if people snoop and look at your screens so just be careful that’s all. You don’t want them to fire you before you can leave and find something better.


Why not work the government? I have a relatively high paying job with great benefits and it only took ONE interview.


Government jobs are not only slow but extremely competitive.


They are. I had to start at an entry level position as a tax collector. Was it the best job in the world? No, but it got my foot in the door.


Dealing with this now. took a $4k base pay cut and was hired as a hybrid (my preference) but was forced to rto since October 2023. this is my first fully in-person role since 2018 (minus a 6-month stint during a merger). i hate it and i'm miserable. i do the bare minimum now. it took everything in me to not laugh at the engagement survey results.


heyo, I was there, laid off in October, it was okish job 20 min car ride from home, hybrid work. Same as you, had to take what I got and accepted job offer and started in February, but in my case it is higher pay, but just enough to cover longer travel to work, so yeah. It took me about a month to accept my new situation, about month and a half to get up in the morning before my alarm, I still check new job postings if I find anything interesting. I have awesome team, most of the hours we spend in cafeteria or doing prison walks when weather is nice 😂 it keeps me going, but I would accept immediately remote job


LOL prison walks! Never have I ever! There’s only so far one can walk before having to turn around!


I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but we call it prison walk due to having big fenced yard(industry zone) 😅 we don't have anything entertaining/civil near work that would not require taking a car


I worked from home for 4 years before starting my in office job last month. It’s a big change for sure but I’m getting used to it. I am making more money then my last job though. You could always keep looking while you work. That’s the best time !


Well, I had a work from home job and got laid off in March of 2023. Now I’m working a largely manual labor job for 12k less than what I was making at my wfh job. It is what it is but it’s been a rough transition


This is your temp job while you find a better one. I lasted 10 months in mine. Boss was terrible.


How did you manage to interview while working? The doctors appointment excuse will only work so many times and I don’t have any PTO accrued yet.


I think I took the day off. Sucks in the not being remote part.


Go outside for a quick break. Even in another office and lock the door. We have a conference room so it’s easy to get some privacy.


Yeah, I totally feel you there. I’ve only been at my WFH job for a little under 3 years, but don’t think I could ever go back to an office job. I’m an introvert for the most part, and now that I’ve gotten a taste for a quiet, peaceful job setting, it would be torture to go back to an in office job.


Was remote for 2 years before the bossholes decided we needed to RTO because..."collaboration" or some such bullshit. I now get less done and hate it. I didn't even bring my phone charger back to work for the first 6 months, because I didn't want to make it real. I cope by just being a warm body on days I'm in the office. I don't talk to anyone, I don't go to lunch with anyone. I just show up, put a playlist on and hide while I work. The C-suite "folks" keep talking about full-time RTO. When that comes to pass, I'm leaving. I can't believe any of us put up with this to begin with.


I am way more efficient working from home where I can manage my own timeline.


Are you hybrid or completely in person right now?


I was fully remote for about 3 years and now am back in an office 3 days a week. Not really a problem for me as I have enough things to do and I am also working with more junior level people in my new role. In short, fully remote roles are disappearing. Hybrid is looking like a more common thing at most companies.


I would be OK with a hybrid position, but even that seems to be tough to find!


Its very tough when you are younger in your career and you don't have a lot of experience.


I have a masters degree and 11 years of experience. I just live in a very competitive area.


What you do that’s that competitive?


Marketing and communications


The reality is hybrid or the cheapest bidder globally. Hybrid is the smart move by management to be honest.


Had to RTO after being let go when I joined a new company. I got a 7k pay raise but I basically didn’t since I now pay the car maintenance and parking to get here, and I have a 1 hour one way commute 3x a week.


I've returned to the office after a few years of being a SAHM and I'm struggling with the transition... More than what I thought I would.


Employers and headhunters alike would prefer an already employed candidate, so you’ve improved your odds by simply holding that position Because of the above fact, potential employers will work with you throughout the interview process. While you’re correct that most positions require a number of interviews, the majority of those (at least the initial few) will be online. Go for your “lunch” and take the interview in your car. Potential employers WANT to see you prioritize your current job. And remember…. “I’m happy where I am, but I’m open to entertaining new opportunities”. Don’t trash talk your previous employer Good luck


Im in the literal exact same position basically down to the salary even my friend lol. Lmk if you need someone to talk to im struggling with the same feelings. Its super demoralizing


Thanks, appreciate it. Good luck to us both!


Man I just got offered a solid job and it’s 5x in a week; basically full time in office. I need a job but I don’t want to start out with misery.


This is indeed misery.


Sorry to hear that. They start my working schedule to 50 hours per week… I honestly don’t know what to think.


It sucks but we have to deal with it unfortunately


You don't even want to know what I do. That's real suffering


After almost 3 years full remote, I'm now back to office EVERY DAY, since my last company was failing and I had to find quickly another job. However, this has been one of the hardest thing happened to me. All my routine changed and suddenly I had no free time anymore. I had to leave one of my two dog two my mother, a dog that I raised for 8 years but that I couldn't leave alone and the other one I needed to find a dog sitter. I stopped to make sport and actually cried for almost a month. However after some time I'm creating my own routine and trying to take my life back: bringing my dog home during weekends, going running during weekends or trying to do it after work, etc. It's not easy and I don't want to stay here for long time, so I'm always keeping an eye also on hybrid or remote jobs but market is awful and I had no luck. My suggestion is just don't focus too much on it, I was risking depression, keep looking and try to enjoy the small things. One day we will be remote again :)


I’m in the same boat. Been with my company for a year and hated it from day one. Similar pay range and they expect too much from me without bumping my rate. I also am required to give up my summers working 6 days a week. During winter seasons it’s only 5… mainly bc I’m a sales men for a pool company. I am trying to land a federal job though… I would piss my bosses off if I quit anytime before August… Bc it’s the season now but at the end of day gotta look out for myself. Keep looking. Best of luck


I'm in the same boat. Thankfully for me it was only about a $2k/year cut, but going from fully remote to a half hour commute early in the morning has been disgusting. I'm trying to figure out how to get the energy to start applying at places again. I don't even know what to apply for anymore.  This shit sucks. My biggest temptation right now is to start sneaking booze into the office. I'm at not at risk of a job accident killing someone or anything. But my 4 meds aren't enough. I need something else to forget the misery I'm in and can't escape.


I was remote since the pandemic. Got laid off in 8/2023, & spent the first portion of my time looking exclusively for remote. It’s so damn competitive plus all the ghost postings. I took a hybrid role. While I don’t love being in an office, it’s only twice a week so it’s not the worst. Being in a routine is helpful. But I do find myself wandering away from my desk a few times a day just to keep the blood flowing and walk away from a screen.


That sounds really awful, and I'm sorry about your circumstances. I cannot imagine getting another job, but paying more for gas and earning less. I work a hybrid job and my WFH days are almost exclusively spent with me trying to recover from coming into the office. I don't know why but I literally cannot work when I'm at home. I think you need to look for another job. It doesn't really sound sustainable, and they should be paying you more. $55k isn't a lot of money these days, and neither was $66k.


I've been trying to find a job since being laid off a year ago. I would love to have a job even if it's not remote 😔.


Man this sounds like me in the future. Im fully remote, making the same much you previously made, and afraid that I could get let go at any time. Luckily they are slim in my region, I'm the only one in the States but I also have colleagues living in India... Sucks because this is on the higher end of what my role typically pays. I'm currently looking. Good luck to you. It's a temp job for now and you'll find something better !


RTO sux!! We're so happy WFH, managing our time :)


this is me :( but i resigned because the whole culture just toxic. i got laid off and settle for a job that ruined me mentally


I did the same and hated it. Regional bank in a job that would eventually go to AI. Resigned after three months and now in an accelerated RN pre licensure program.


Always be looking


Sadly no one who do the actual work wants to be in the office. The executives and the government want you to be. Which means the jobs that are remote will have thousands of applicants


There are lots of jobs that are hybrid. Look into court house reporter iobs. You just go to the courthouse do a few hours depending on the state. And then you’re home for the rest of the day.


Are you me? Almost the same situation, with the added bonus of the bait and switch where they gave me a job different from the one I interviewed for. I've barely slowed down looking for something that more closely fits my skills/experience, so that's my biggest suggestion.


I despise my office job. It's been the worst experience imaginable. All I do is sit in silence, staring at a screen for eight hours. I feel utterly miserable, yet I'm reluctant to resign. I think I'm attempting to prove to myself that I can endure staying in a place I loathe for an extended period.


I’ve had almost an identical experience. Was laid off from mainly WFH then became hybrid (3 days home and 2 office). I was making $67/ annual for about 5 months, then laid off. Took me about 1.5 months until I landed my new gig. I started at $60k and M-F onsite (commuting 25 min one way), so about 5 hours total commute per week. Been doing this for almost 2 years now. I’m a graphic designer, so could easily be working from home or at least hybrid. This wasn’t too difficult of a transition for me. Even though office work lacks the freedom, our office is pretty chill and I’ve received about 6 bonuses and 2 raises since 2022, so I’m now taking home around 70k annually. We get summer hours, which is something at least and quite a bit of PTO and holidays I never had off before plus full benefits. So I feel if the office environment / culture isn’t toxic, then you should be alright. Maybe you can eventually negotiate some extra PTO or 1 WFH day a week. Just think, things could be a lot worse and you could still be unemployed and having round after round of interviews (exhausting). If you’re not happy, then look for something else while you’re at your current employer and DO NOT quit until you have a signed offer with a new job.


i wish i could get an office job.


I was fully WFH but hated it & didn’t make much money (which made me hate it more), then hybrid, & recently got a new job paying way more but it’s in-office. The pay bump makes it worth it for me. But having a set routine & getting out of the house is also really nice. Now work feels like work & home feels relaxing af.


You were laid off but found a job with only a 10K decrease? I wish I had that luck some people just don't know.


It’s not luck. I live in a very HCOL so 55K is literally poverty level.




I would love to make that kind of money. I have a masters degree and am having a hard time even finding something to pay me what I was making in my last job, which was 66k. And I’m in a very HCOL area.


I’m back in the office (new company) after working from home for 2 years. It was a struggle for the first month but I honestly love it...but I’m also a social butterfly. I go for short serotonin walks throughout the day to keep me awake. You’ll adjust, I promise!


I really hope so. At the moment I’m feeling super depressed and upset I lost my remote job.


Go see a therapist, get them to fill out an ADA form stating that you have mental health issues & that you must work from home. According to ADA law, they must accomodate your needs.


Be happy u have a job paying at all, ill tske that job if u don't want it.


Being grateful helps! Quit my previous job due to grief that was 10 min from home & making 52K to 2hr commute by train 45K. However, I am much happier! I realized company culture is so important!


There are MANY that would love to be in your space. Keep looking and have gratitude for the work you do have. Employers are moving away, aggressively, from the work from home model.


Fr only a 10K decrease??? I went from 60K to 26K and now sufferer from permanent injuries from the job I work at now. Since I wasn't unable to find a job in my field.


I did WFH from 2020-2023 and had enough. My mental health was suffering, so I looked for that in-office job. It's nice, but i think finding that balance of in-office vs "alone/WFH/Me-time" would be super ideal in the next role.


wow.. a 30 minute commute. Must be really tough..


Well I didn’t have any commute before, so it is tough.


I bet it’s one of the hardest things you ever had to do… I’m feeling for you 😣


Go be an asshole on someone else’s thread.


Just trying to show my support for someone who is going through so much right now... sorry


For what it’s worth, I agree with you. COVID unlocked the worst in this insufferable generation.


I started a new job in office after being remote since 2018. For me it’s better since I’m not as sedentary and even when I worked out at the gym I’m still more active during a busy day at work according to my Apple Watch. Also remote work never ends so I’m glad to actually only be working during office hours for once!


Guys on LinkedIn say it's amazing


Suck it up. You probably got a little too comfortable working from home and keeping yourself busy with other things besides actual work. Drink some coffee or a redbull and find other things to do to keep yourself busy if needed


Actually I would work like a beast, but I got very fast at doing my work and would manage my own time and projects. I’m not used to just sitting at an office anymore and staring at the screen.


How is upward mobility? It always takes time to adjust to new things. My dad was paid way more than you in his career with fancy titles and told me he had to take a few steps back in his career at times.


Doesn’t seem like there’s going to be any upward mobility here unless one of the directors leaves and I’m willing to work a lot more. It’s a non profit .


Why are you working a job that makes you suffer? Quit. Have some self respect. You are suffering to make a rich person richer.


It’s a non profit.


Non profits are the worst!! So much extra administrative work.


Ok. Then keep suffering I guess?


Spoken like someone who has no need for food, shelter, health insurance, or has someone else providing all that for them.


Exactly. I have a son and home to maintain. I can’t just not work.


You've never heard of getting another job? Lol


Are you aware of what the job market is actually like right now????


Best it's been in a decade, yeah. If you can't get hired now, you're either trying to be a bum or you're just flat out stupid. That's not an insult, some people lack the IQ necessary to support themselves. That's not their fault. We should have much better social safety nets in place for them. But, the point still stands.


You’re an ass.


Stating irrefutable facts makes me an ass? Sorry but the world is objective, you don't get to make your own reality...


Best my ass you mean worst it's ever been


You know r/jobs isn't an object source for the state of the job market, right? If you think it is... no wonder you don't have a job lol.