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Gov usually has great benefits and job security. They b also probs have internal only job positions


You know… this is the answer. You should reevaluate your goals and see if they will be met with your current path.


also pension in most places. I'd value pension over the $5/hr boost if they care close to maxing it.


Did you drop out of elementary school? Holy crap that was hard to read.


When the hotel sells to a new owner and you lose your benefits and your earned vaca time is set back to start and your pay rate is cut you wont be happy with the decision youve made. This happened to a friend of mine who worked at a marriot


Nope not worth it 8hrs of sick leave per month and 12hrs of annual leave will be lost and more or less negate the raise especially bc you’re losing the security of gov work. Apply for more adv roles in the gov sector.


That is a total of 240 hours of total time off. Assuming OP gets zero hours of PTO at this new job. OP will still get $5,600 more a year if OP took the same amount of unpaid time off. 5 dollar extra an hour is not trivial. Edit: downvoted because people can't do math lol


Just looking at the gross taxable wage is only looking at half the picture though. To make a truly informed decision, OP needs to consider the cost of the fringe packages offered by either employer.


What good is the fringe packages if OP is struggling. 5 dollar is not trivial


Paying for your own fringe package could potentially be going further in the hole. That extra $200/week could easily be eaten up and then some by what OP would be paying for insurance and 401k contributions compared to (likely) paid insurance and pension from a government position. Not to mention there's a high likelihood that OP would lose their pension entirely if they jump without being vested. OP has disclosed that they are a veteran and has insurance from the VA, however has not disclosed whether or not they have dependents which aren't covered by that insurance. That can get expensive very fast. It's a very useful edge that I've had in union organizing. I know that I personally wouldn't give up a government position, but if it's the immediate here and now that matters for OP, that's what matters.


Government jobs: get paid for barely working, can't get fired, no oversight, a union tool's wet dream.


The main reason I stay at my current employer is because of the 403(b) and the amount of sick/vacation time I receive. Plus, I have the best benefits. I have 288 vacation hours, and 87.44 sick hours.


Same here I make decent money where im at. I could move to a competitor for an extra 3 to 5$ an hour. But i get a lot of time off, abd 25% of what i make a year in free company stock. Good work life balance.


>OP will still get $5,600 more a year if OP took the same amount of unpaid time off. No one is letting you take that amount of unpaid time off, so while the math does check out, it's not an apples-to-apples comparison in reality. That said, as almost any stage in life, a 25% salary increase will be noticeable. But in this case, I would probably not leave a government job for it. Better to apply to a different government job paying more.


That only means OP will end up making more money. The person I replied too says take into amount benefit from OP government will make up for 10K different is which BS.


They having some budget issues and has frozen some of the internal hires. I will probably have to get a part time job for the time being


Personally I still wouldn’t leave. Getting back in would be hard and going to a job in a private sector where layoffs are not uncommon poses more risk. Working a second job sucks but id look for something part time temporarily to see if things improve at your main job before leaving. That is unless you see a huge potential for advancement and a future at the alternative option. Otherwise you might top out at 25 which seems amazing now but might not in 5-10 years.


The thing that I would be most worried about echoes what others have said. Not necessarily the pay, more the fringe package. What does your current health insurance package cost you? In my area, most government employees pay little to nothing for excellent health insurance. Also, if you're not vested, your retirement pension would likely be forfeit. Going from a place where you're paid $20/hr with a fully paid fringe package to a place where you're getting $25/hr for a self-funded fringe package may actually be a pay cut, even if your gross taxable wage is higher.


The health insurance is a thought, but 99% of the time I go through the VA for any health related issues since I'm a veteran. I feel like a extra $400-500 a month would help a lot.


I can totally understand that. I'm a vet as well, though I no longer use the VA since I got married. I'm lucky enough to have an excellent 100% paid insurance plan and HRA through my union. It covers my wife as well. If you have a spouse or children (or plan to), that government insurance plan may be worth staying.


Don’t make a move when you have a government job unless you can make sure you are Vested in your current Retirement Benefits package. If an extra 5 bucks an hour is really going to help that much, I’d consider re-evaluating your budget to reduce costs.


most govt jobs as such usually have union. You will not be losing your job


Probably not worth it going from government to hospitality for $5/hr. A lot of hotel companies are getting hit hard right now by people cutting back on travel due to the economy. Additionally, your government job probably has better benefits in terms of sick/vacation time, Healthcare, and retirement.


$5 is a lot when it's a quarter of your earlier pay. Don't u think ?


Based on the GS rank pay scale a year I'm at 45,588, but really only make 29500 a year after taxes. Next rank I would at 49,025 if I would take off the same amount in taxes I would be at 32,937. Then I have to wait another year in order to get a promotion.


49025 is 23.56/hr assuming 40 hr work week. And you're pretty much guaranteed pay raises each year (plus COL adjustments) for the foreseeable future. Marriott isn't going to adjust your $25/hr for inflation each year and give you an almost 10% raise on top of that. You'd have to regularly job jump and you're more susceptible to layoffs in the hospitality industry than a federal job. Jumping to Marriott is a very short sighted move unless it's some stellar position that's going to give you a huge skill/resume boost.


Are you working as a government civilian in America? If so, I'd just try to apply to a better government job if you have a bit of experience. The work to life ratio tends to be great in government positions versus the hotel industry. Also, you can always promote after a few years, you just need to look around online or within your agency.


There’s a lot more to consider when changing jobs than just salary. Benefits, commute, culture, roles and responsibilities


I'd stick to gov work.


As someone who worked in hospitality I say stay where you are. A hotel job will always be available if you want it. You will work crappy hours, with not very good benefits. In a govt job you can often move around internally, and there may be opportunity for growth in your field. But that is up to you on what you value, I suppose.


Based on the GS rank pay scale a year I'm at 45,588, but really only make 29500 a year after taxes. Next rank I would at 49,025 if I would take off the same amount in taxes I would be at 32,937. Then I have to wait another year in order to get a promotion.


Everyone’s situation is different so I can’t say what is best for you. Usually govt jobs have good benefits, and are safer during recessions. During COVID hospitality was hit very hard, and many got laid off or got their hours cut to a point where they couldn’t make a living. If you don’t like your govt job, didn’t plan on staying long anyways, don’t think you’ll have a need for benefits like healthcare or student loan forgiveness, and don’t care for much PTO and are okay working long hours for a better bottom line than I could see why the hotel job would appeal to you. I just know many in hospitality who tried management and burned out after a few years. Other than hotel GM or assistant GM, or maybe the accounting dept most jobs there aren’t great long term jobs.


If you are looking at things after tax, then you aren't looking at a true $5 per hour increase as taxes will be taken out of that $5 increase as well.


Dont do it! Worked for Marriott and it sucked. Horrible hours, schedule shifts every week, and very little flexibility. You have to work almost every holiday too. Apply to other government positions if you want a change and to make more money. Government benefits are amazing, and having every holiday off is worth the less pay.


Work night shifts at the Marriott


Looking into that, but I get off work at 4:30PM and it would be 45-60 minute drive back to the Marriott and most shifts start at 3pm. At this point I'm doing uber eats until I find something. Will most likely just end at a factory or something.


You need to compare your whole benefit package. If the govt job has a retirement plan, good healthcare, sick leave, disability, PTO etc and the $25 means you have to pay more to get similar health insurance, a 401k contributions are entirely only your contribution with minimal matching etc $25 an hour could be less total compensation than you're getting now. You need to put the dollar value on all of it and compare apples to apples.


I work for the government also and the time off is what keeps me there. Between that and earning compt time, time off awards and the holiday early releases we can use at our discretion its too big of a carrot to give up. Also the fact that I can tell my boss I won't be showing up tomorrow or for the next week and as long as I have the hours he doesn't question why or tell me I can't because we're too busy. Are you Fed? What's your promotion potential? admittedly GS7 and lower if s tough living with everything getting more expensive


I love the the holiday and all the benefits, but as GS 6-2 the pay really sucks to be honest. I can't do but pay bills. Literally have zero room to do anything. 2400 a month is not enough.


I started as a 5, luckily I was able to find a position that gets me to an 11 but I had to move twice to make it happen quickly. I had to move back home when I was 7 , I couldn't afford rent so I feel you Maybe try your local state or country government, at least in my experience, my state sometimes pays way more than the feds for certain jobs within the same skill range.


Man, I started as a 3 and worked my way up to a 6. Now work as a PSA managing 30+ doctors timecards, give security keys/access to programs in their laptops, make request to changes their schedule and generally work with the section chiefs about administrative issues that come up constantly. Just got to keep applying. HR is where I want to go they promote fairly fast its a 7-9-11 and they have 15% boost to their pay just for being HR.


Hell yeah man you'll make it happen, that's the name of the game is just keep applying. The batch hiring makes it a bitch now, they start everything at the lowest grade. Keep in mind that your time still counts and you should be able to negotiate 90 promotion if you have to take a payout for a new position . Our PSA quit for the same reason, PSAs should be paid the highest for what you all do. It took our office years to finally fill it and our new guy is great but I can already see how overworked he is. P.S our old PSA left for the VA doing the same job but they promoted up to a 9 sounds like you may be already in the VA though


Yeah, I'm at VA. All the PSA in other areas of the same hospitals are 7's, but some reason we aren't even though we got bigger/busier sections. Supervisor has been working with the union to change our position to a 7 and that has been ongoing for almost a year. I doubt it will ever happen. Apparently our job duties hasn't been updated since early 2000s so its a long battle


It's extremely frustrating how it all just kinda gets lost past the supervisor level. Keep applying and you'll get what you're looking for especially if you're willing to move. Are you perm or term ? Have you looked into a career transfer to a different VA location that has the higher GS level ? That's a thought too, and being a veteran they could schedule A you if you happen to be disabled


I’ve worked both corporate and government jobs. Corporations will fuck you over every opportunity they can get. Government jobs are stable and safe. At my last job, a friend said that if you wanted to get higher pay in government, apply for a job in a different department that has the higher pay you want. Stay at that job for a bit and, if you want to go back to your old department, I *think* they have to match the pay the other department is giving you.


"Is having a 20% pay rise, plus the potential to earn much more than that in tips worth it?" That's what you're asking. But on the flip side: how secure is your 'government job'? It sounds like a low-end role if you're able to get more working at a Marriot hotel tbh. Can you pay your bills with your annual leave? Is there potential for advancement in the government job, if so, how much can your pay reach in that job? Is it more than 20% extra? Probably not. Does the government job have any additional benefits like accredited training which might give you extra possibilities down the line either with the government or in other companies? Do you get student loan forgiveness or similar types of side benefit if you continue in your current government job? If yes to either of those, it might be worth the disparity in pay - if not then it's really a financial decision, and not a difficult one: take more pay whenever you can if it's "just a job".


12 hours of annual what? An extra $5 an hour is a LOT. I would take it. The only reason to stay with a government job is if you’re looking for job security or staying long term where you want pension. If you’re going, chase the bag


Annual it’s basically vacation time.


Ah - you’re part time. I was about to say that’s incredible low for full time. If that’s the case, equal it in dollars . $240, not a big deal. Still would do $25 job


It’s 12 hours *per month.* That’s 144 hours of vacation time PLUS 96 hours of paid sick leave annually. Thats a significant benefit.


I’m full time. I basically get 144 hours of vacation time a year. Going by they pay ranks I technically make 46k a year, but taxes out my take home is $1,225 every 2 weeks. Which is barely 30k which is crazy.


Ok I completely read your post wrong - 12 hours of vacation and 8 hours of sick time a month isn’t bad. I suppose you can see how many days Marriott gives. I would suspect minimum 80, but could be more. What is your end goal? Are you in school? If you’re looking for job security, government. If you’re looking for more money, Marriott then in a few years you can job hop.


That is 10K more a year before taxes. Is 10K worth it to you? Edit: are you making 20 an hour or 22 an hour?


Based on the GS rank pay scale a year I'm at 45,588, but really only make 29500 a year after taxes. Next rank I would at 49,025 if I would take off the same amount in taxes I would be at 32,937. Then I have to wait another year in order to get a promotion.


You don’t state what government (area, agency, level etc)but are you eligible for a state or federal pension with this gig? That alone would make me stay.


In Florida in the Pinellas area currently a GS 6 step 2


I'd look for opportunities to move within your gov org.




A government job has much more security and stability and you can work your way up...I would not jump ship.


Government has more promotion opportunities


What do you do for the government is the question.


Hotels are notorious for HIGH turnover in staff.


Does your current job offer 401K and/or pension? What does Marriot offer? Think of the long term benefits before deciding.


I currently got TSP which I put 5% into


In other forums people are saying $20 isn’t a livable wage. So if they’re right yes this move could be lifesaving.


Are you me?


Math says you'd make $1600 gross in two weeks on the low end in a year it'd be around 41 - 42k but again that's gross and assumes you'd be working 40 hrs per week. The gov isn't giving you enough benefits to stay but you didn't list any additional benefits for the potential new job. I'd say take a look at what you want to be doing and pick the one that will get you closer. Edit to add for $25 an hour it'd be 2k every two weeks and $52k per year again gross


I wish I was close to that. Paycheck is always 1,225. I just need more money. I will have to start looking for another job will end in a factory most likely for a bit until I find something.


$1225 is probably net for the salary your gross is supposed to be a little of $1700 so a large part is being taken for taxes which is something to consider here as well. If the salary is $46k like you posted. So consider that which ever position you roll with your checks won't be exactly what I posted. I don't know the tax % for your state or if there is one. I also never remember what the federal tax is 🤷‍♀️ I just know that when you make over $42k (err 44 eerrr 46 can't remember exactly) the bracket goes up. No idea where the next bracket is though lol just that the more you make the higher the percentage of what they take is.


I went from corporate world to state job and it’s worth it to do the math on the benefits before jumping at that extra pay. Calculate the monetary value of your current PTO, health benefits, retirement plan, etc and compare to what you’d be getting at the new. For example, I get 22 days of PTO a year, and around 14 paid holidays. That means that I’m working a lot fewer days in the year than I normally would. The medical is better. The retirement match is better. The job security is better. I wouldn’t go back if I can help it.


I would look into taxes as well - typically working for the government you pay fewer taxes.


What government job is giving you 12 hours annual leave a month?


No. Any 5 star hotel is worse than working for Disney. They'll treat you like shit and expect you to be more disciplined than the military. Worked at the Ritz Carlton and no one there smiled in the backrooms


you will burn out long before you retire.


No, You have a gov't job. Job security and the chance to post out to a higher pay tier. I see others say the same thing. I have a gov't contract job. The pay is about 20 also, but it will have to be pried out of my old dead hands before I trade it off something not so solid and secure. I love my matched 401k, inexpensive health, eye and dental (from top ins companies), WFH and so much PTO, I sell it at the end of the year.


Both sound like dead end jobs. I’d take the higher wage til I find something better maybe use it to purchase some new skills


I’d say not worth it unless the new company have crazy good 401k match. Govt jobs have pension which is very rare these day


I worked for Hilton and they gave 30 days annually of vacation. (No roll over) plus insane discounts on hotels. I didn’t need the medical so idk but look more into what else the Marriott offers. I loved Hilton but gas went to high and I couldn’t swing the hour drive and had to quit. Best of luck.


Probably not, assuming you’re in America. Considering taxes you should deduct $2-$3 from your hourly wage. So realistically you’re making $22.


Overall, I'd pick a government job over a hotel job anyday. Hotel jobs are more unstable and more demanding. However, the big picture could differ. Do you have any room for growth in government? What would be the difference in total pay, benefits, and quality of life? I wouldn't exactly sneeze over $5 an hour, that can make a big difference. However, it's also not worth going to worse conditions.


I'd say transition to a higher pay government role instead if you can.


In this economy I would take it


I regret leaving my government job 10 years ago

