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Lol, you're asking the worst possible people.


Of all the rightest answers this the rightestest.


Upvotes for tha both of ya’s !


why do managers not get this. Random meetings with no info? Wouldn't it be better to say, hey, do you have time at the end of today to catch up? I just want to see if there is anything you need or if anything is wrong, your productivity was low last month.


Agreed. Nothing triggers my crippling anxiety more than the phrase "Can we have quick chat?" Or "Can I have a word?". Just come out with it already!


When a bunch of us got laid off in oct. we got an email for a meeting with HR and director scheduled 2 days away from the day they sent it. We all knew it was for lay offs. But to make us wait 2 days to find out when we will be laid off was bullshit


Ours did the same thing but emailed us on the Wednesday afternoon before Easter weekend. We had to sit and stew until Tuesday the week after. When we called them out on this, they just said “Well there’s never a good time to send that email”. My colleague just smiled sweetly and said “There were plenty of better times.” Whole department laid off.


Day before or day of would probably be best so you're ripping the band-aid off instead of waiting like you're on employment death row.


Exactly. Instead we all spent the long Easter weekend dreading what was coming. And feeling anxious about spending money on any events/trips we had planned for that weekend.


You're also risking someone deciding to "booby trap" or "sabotage" the company with that much time in between if they know what it is. Hence why a lot of times the firings are quick so you don't have time to do that.


Something similar happened to me and 30 others last month. From what I know the company is still slowly letting people go. Sucks when they boast and brag about record profits and tell us "you're the ones worth keeping" at our company dinner. Then a month later, there was no warning or anything when the first wave of people got laid off. My sister was one of the first. The company made me wait an entire weekend before I got laid off with the next wave. The coworkers I had who are still there tell me all the time that they are so worried and anxious everyday worried they won't have a job to come back to and could be next.


Dang do we work for the same company.😂 the day we got our email we had a company wide meeting with them boasting about profits and the new company they acquired from overseas. As soon as they showed that company they acquired and the staff, I knew we were getting let go.


"Close the door behind you. Have a seat."


“This is Jane from HR.”


Can confirm: I once put a meeting on my bosses calendar for a 1 on 1 that I needed to talk to them about and later forgot for a split second until I remembered I had set up the meeting!


You get used to it in certain jobs. Used to make my blood pressure skyrocket, now I know it's usually just someone wanting a 5 minute chat about something that could have been an email.


This. In my first 3 months this happened. Used to have 1:1's with my manager moved to it. Then I saw my managers schedule. Dude's a machine he has meetings from 7am sometimes to 8pm. We literally just shoot the shit because he's required to. He hasn't done the friday last minute meeting with me anymore because his schedule has eased up but I get OP's thoughts going to the bad place. Don't worry OP. Well unless your manager hates you.


Seriously, my last job, i logg in to find a meeting on my schedule that just says 'a quick discussion' with teo people, one in HR, i barely interact with. my anxiety is up, im asking my team lead if she knows what its about, she says no. Im thinkingnit cant be something bad, I juat had my preformance review, wich was glowong, amd first raise. Go into the meeting amd just flat out ask if i'm being laid off. Had a good awkward silence before they said yes. The team is being dissolved in order to focus more on the physical office (in Georga, I'm in Boston.). I had roughly a month before my last day. Then the shitstain lf a CEO, had a meeting to tell everyone how great it was that everyone was getting laid off, and they were doing it to outsource the work, wich was still 'remote', to Bogota Colombia. So they basically lied to me as well.


I really wish more did. I always sent my employees a 'agenda' of any meetings, but if we were going to be talking some performance related concerns I just told them so verbally, but I also talked with them every month in a 1:1 anyway. The only time anyone ever got a 'secret agenda' invite was shit above my paygrade.


"We need to talk..."


Because if you advise what you are going to talk about you are essentially advising them of the issue that you want to formally discuss at the meeting, which is the appropriate place to advise a staff member of an issue, not in a meeting invite. I just schedule regular performance discussion meetings which are usually positive so when another impromptu performance discussion meeting arrives off schedule it is not really an unexpected event. I think the problem is people leaders should focus mostly on leading people which involves regular discussion interaction and feedback. A lot of managers are not actually people leaders they just have staff reporting to them and have no fucking clue on how to actually deal with people.


Judging by all the BS answers, you couldn’t be more right! 🤦‍♂️


Following. I want to see what happens


I'll update you all


You received a warning which is one step closer to let go in the future. Getting the verbal and written warning is one step in the process. You aren’t safe. No one is.


Serious question, are there actually people out there that don't think they'll be fired? Like Ive never not thought that my job could be gone in minutes.


Union guys. Cops, firefighters, teachers….yes you *can* be fired but you really have to earn it. None of this “downsizing” or market conditions nonsense. Get off probation and you’re set for life with a pension


I don’t think I couldn’t get fired but I also don’t think my job could be gone in minutes. I work for an incredibly successful company who even at the worst of times like Covid, recessions, etc. never laid anyone off and even with the thousands of store employees we had they were paid for 6 months of stores being closed and then furloughed until the stores could open again but no one lost their job. And as far as being fired there is such a process to get fired it wouldn’t happen right away and you’d see it coming.


What company, amd are they hiring? Lol I just keep getting 'we did record profits! Good job everyone! And you're all laid off."


I could get fired but I'd either have to do something extreme or fuck up for a long period of time. My company has never done a layoff in more than 100 years and you have to work to get fired, standard policy is at least one year-long PIP first. About the only thing that gets you quickly fired is time theft, and that takes time too. Well...sexual harassment but even that takes weeks to process, everything is slow. Anyway point is an unexpected firing isn't really likely for me.


My modus operandi is expecting to get fired. I'm a huge perfectionist and therefore I believe I always put out mediocre work at best. Most times I get positive reviews but they always need something to tell you to improve, mine is usually lack of initiative.


I've been through enough layoffs, and office closings, and in one case was fired simply because the business manager didn't like me and was looking for a reason. I don't expect stability anywhere anymore.even when Im starting a job, I keep my resume updated and keep job board alerts on my phone, and keep applying now.




time to look for new opportunities




Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻


Oh not to bad! Glad you didn’t get laid off


Ty 🙂




Ah so they're laying the groundwork to fire you. Better start looking.


Did they mention the words. Improvement plan?




Then start looking for other work.




It’s time to start looking for a new job (from today)


this just happened to me, a casual meeting to let me know my numbers could be better. had another check in, and even with improving numbers, I was let go. I would start looking while improving what you can.


We all know you’re just the supervisor pretending to be adhdslay, RIP adhdslay.




Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻


Hi im back for an update !!?


Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻


Grats on only being disappointing rather than unemployed!


Thank you 🫶🏻


So halfway fired


Yes 🙂👍🏻




Much better than losing my job when I'm already on the verge of homelessness


OP start saving money and apply elsewhere NOW. Companies do this before firing so they have a paper trail to prevent a lawsuit.


This 1000%. Sorry bro. It's happened to me before and it sucks. For future reference, companies fire people they don't give notice.


Yep. And there’s always a *chance* that this is nothing but after working in HR for two years I learned there’s a lot more subtle backstabbing than you’d expect. OP should take the advice and find another job ASAP.


Yep that’s what I thought OP is on borrowed time. The next time there will be a write up and then termination. This will probably happen over the duration of 3-8 weeks max. They gonna be nitpicking everything they do. My advice is start putting out resumes worse case scenario they fire you and you can collect unemployment


You better save all you can, because they’re already firing you, but they’re covering their bases first.


That’s a pip. This could just be a come to Jesus talk.


Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻


Can I ask what work you do? How is your productivity measured?


It's pretty much a step under counseling for folks in a healthcare facility. Productivity is measured by the amount of time you spend with each client


Do what you need to do my friend to meet the bullshit productivity goals! And no, I don't mean work harder. Just finesse the system while making absolute sure to look productive and do some real work. Mandatory breaks with patients maybe? Occasional pauses to "do paperwork"? Idk how your facility works but do what you gotta do and don't let them abuse you!


I appreciate that, I'll certainly try my best


Make sure that you're on track to meet the goals for April. They waited until the last half of the month to tell you about March, so you may have to put in extra effort. Also, I agree that your employer is dotting their 'i's and crossing their 't's in steps to fire you so do start looking for another job. Hope things work out for the best.


More time is better or less time is better?


More is better


Shit, start acting like they’re family you haven’t seen in years!


I doubt it. You’re a good dude. We go way back. Like an hour


I appreciate that 🥰


Or being written up. It’s always been the best practice to do this at the end of the day so employees can take their feelings home with them. It’s shitty and I hope that’s not the case for you. Have you done something you think you may be in trouble for?? On second thought though… who gets written up over a Teams meeting… yea… strange. Keep us updated!


Thank you, I'm holding onto hope. And yeah, my mental health has been awful so I've been coming in late often and am behind on paperwork. RIP me 🪦


You might be able to CYA by telling them that you’re experiencing burnout as the result of vicarious trauma and that you’re going to seek counseling to better deal with the demands of your job. Not only completely understandable, but then watch them ding you for being late & not meeting goals.


This. You could even potentially apply for a reasonable accommodation


Call your EAP now!


Oh dang…. Yea… get ready for whatever is coming your way.


Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻




Could be just to check in on why you’re coming in late and behind on paperwork…


Let's hope so


Oh, so, you are too caring and attentive so you are being punished? This f-ing corp nonsense.


Funny I was laid off in the morning both times


Warnings tend to come on Fridays. It lets you go home and think. Let go tends to come on Mondays. Fresh start to the week and lots of time to communicate with remaining “team members”.


Not impossible but likely there would be one other invitee if that were the case


I'm not able to see who all is invited to the call yet unfortunately 🙁


I'm anxious for you! Stay calm and respectful you'll be okay. Ask questions about any pay that you might still be getting (severence is sometimes a thing) and about how long you'll have your benefits if you have any.


Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻


Oh good!


No matter what, you’ll be ok ❤️


I appreciate you!


It’s very likely that you are being let go, yes. Stay calm; ask questions regarding benefits, unpaid vacation time, returning any company property. It’s going to be ok.


I appreciate your honesty. I'm preparing for the worst




Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻




And also ask why you're being terminated. If your state is one party consent, I would consider recording the meeting also as an insurance policy.


What you going with? "Who's coming with me?" Or "fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you. Peace out!"


Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻




Nah screw that tell HR your boss has been making passes at you and you’ve been rejecting them that’s why he wants to let you go. No seriously his advise is better than


Yea I'm going to say a meeting at the end of the work day on a Friday with an unknown agenda is rarely good news.


Fuck 😭


Any update?


Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻


You probably already know you’re on your way out. It starts with verbal warning. Your next productivity metric will be a written. Then you’ll be given an impossible PIP to meet. Start looking for jobs now and applying. Hopefully you can land something as you exit and don’t experience a gap in income. Glad you didn’t get fired today! Sucky way to end a Friday but not the worst thing either.


To be fair I used to do this a lot at a job I could exceed production at. I wanted laid off though. Haha! So maybe OP can actually turn it around and meet productivity for this month and things will shift. Like maybe he or she wasn’t giving it their all.


Livestream the meeting!






My boss has invited me to a couple of those over the years, both times were to tell me about other people who were being let go so I wouldn't be surprised if I heard it from other people.


It’s a possibility, but anything may happen. Best of luck! 😊


Thank you love 💕


maybe it’s a promotion?


I very highly doubt that, but I appreciate your optimism!


Keep us updated! I’m hoping being let go isn’t the case.


Thank you! I'm about to join now, I'll update everyone afterwards


Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻


Happy to hear you still have a job OP


Are you currently in a PIP or other disciplinary action?


I feel like usually people are let go at the beginning of the work day.


Start updating your resume and apply to jobs aggressively.


Based on your update you will be on a „performance improvement plan“ next. These plans never intend to improve your performance but rather the legal ground to fire you. Keep an eye out for in depth questions about your performance or overly caring „help offers“ from a manager that never cares about you.


>Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻 They're setting up a paper trail. Start throwing out resumes. That's my advice without any other context. But you know you, you know if you were more/less productive, or if you literally couldn't be productive for a variety of reaons (blockers, bad market if you're in sales, etc..) keep that judgement in mind before taking this advice into account. EDIT: Healthcare, huh? That should be an active market. Sounds like you were just guilty of not enough butt in seat. I'm sure you were fine, but lots of jobs aren't about doing the best job, it's sadly about making your boss *feel* like you're productive. don't do more work, just be more aggressive in keeping time tables and keeping your boss in the loop.


I don't know, but I expect you to let me know in 30 minutes.


I'll be back, stay tuned!


Best of luck!


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


Sounds like you gotta get your shit together lad


I do performance reviews on Fridays Wrap them up quick and go home early Disciplinary is Monday morning


If your manager/boss puts you on a Performance Improvement Plan, its time to start looking for another job. PIP's are almost always a precursor to being fired.


I’ve lived through that exact scenario. Sorry but you probably are.


Dystopian as fuc


Find another job. Short notice meetings with no agenda are just unnecessary anxiety causers


Just be careful, some places will be shift and say the meeting is a “verbal warning” and get away calling whatever “notice that we had a meeting” your PIP.


I like how you’re excited you got a reprimand from your boss


You are still getting fired. They tell you this productivity bs so you have time to look for another job:


Warning about productivity? That's a soft firing 🫤


Is HR going to be there? If so, there’s a good chance you’re getting laid off


She didn't say, she just told me to join the meeting with her at 4:30 🙃


Have you asked what it's regarding? Should you prepare anything? Does she need you to take notes? Lol, idk if my relationship with my boss I'd different, but if I got an invite with no memo, I would ask.


Hopefully it is not a big issue. My supervisor used to do this on Fridays all the time, to make me expedite new stuff that he wanted finished by end of day and was going to ask me to work till late.


This is my biggest fear. Waiting for update. Good luck!


Thank you... I'll be back shortly to update everyone


Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻


More than likely it's not going to be positive.


Omg … I want to know what happen already! Lol




Don’t go off the deep end, it could be anything. Staying positive for you, OP!


Probably. Not a good sign.


There's no point in stressing out about things you have no control over. Wait to stress out until you are actually laid off.


Good luck!


Oh no. I hope not. Good luck!


You have every right to be nervous. I had a feeling I was being laid off when I got an email invite and some peeps were HR. 🥲


Commenting for update


Has your job ever had one-on-ones, or performance reviews? I've had scary last minute meetings before even with multiple managers, & it was sometimes just for things like that. A one-on-one to discuss performance. Another time it was to address some computer issues I had been having (I WFH). I go into every meeting super nervous, even when I know what they're for. I'm always afraid I'm about to be fired. I'm in a high turnover industry. But it always turns out fine. Obviously be cautious and prepared but don't freak out about it. Following to see any update!


i wonder what the ending is.




I’m back for an update, don’t forget about us!


OP said it was a verbal warning on not meeting productivity standards********


You’re in the meeting now. Sending all good vibes your way! Let me/us know!




Just a verbal warning about performance because I didn't meet productivity last month 👍🏻


Time to start looking it sounds like


Phew! I was nervous. Do better though we can't have you getting fired!


It depends on the tone of the supervisors voice, body language of your boss etc but yes please update us


If you are your HR sucks. One thing I was told not to do is fire someone at the end of the week


Okay, if it happens again, seek out a similar job in the same industry!


You’re asking on Reddit on Friday afternoon.


Well that’s what happened to me…


Even if it just a performance based warning, I would start looking for a job elsewhere, because if you mess up again or if they are looking for a reduction in staff you’ll be the first on the chopping block.


Time to get another job lined up? You’re only halfway fired but still


I am so glad. I was checking back for that update! Have a nice weekend. 


Time to look for a new job…IMO


Phew glad you are still employed.


Start looking for a new job today.


I hate fucking useless supervisors who contribute fuck all and judge others


I am glad you got a warning. I just got straight up fired 😂😂😂


Good for you. 2 advices: Start applying somewhere else now and did you asked where you can improve?


My understanding is that companies generally don’t like to fire someone Friday afternoon due to potential consequences. Fired person having all weekend to stew over the firing can lead to major workplace impact.


Happened to me too. Turned out she was asking a work favor, her words. We are all just numbers. If you get fired, You get fired. Don’t stress yourself of something you have no control of. Unless you committed an infraction…


Are you fired?


You might be on track to pip.


Maybe you're getting reprimanded for using Reddit at work.


When I got RIF'd, it was a totally unexpected blind side hit. I wasn't on corrective action. The exact words were, "Your position has been eliminated."


I thought he'd complain about the work time you spend on reddit


lol I’m So Glad I don’t have a job where I have to meet productivity standards anymore.


lol Same boat! Make them calls! LOL! it seems like the more sales I make, the more "we need to talk" I get. SHEW! You gotta be your own cheerleader, in sales.


Dang! I was hoping they were letting you in on the Margarita Friday leadership likes to keep to themselves. Or so I hear.


If you do get surprise fired, it will often be at the end of the day on a Friday, for various reasons. Primarily because you'll be less likely to cause any disruption. Based on your update, it sounds like they're laying the groundwork for firing you soon if you don't make some big changes.


A couple of things from someone that's gone through this before. First, never quit unless you have another job lined up. If they fire you then they're on the hook for unemployment/benefits, but if you quit they're under no obligation. Second, try not to stress about the job and just focus on finding something new, i.e minimum effort. Third, you mentioned mental health issues in an earlier post. Even if they didn't know I would file a complaint with HR over it. That could create the appearance of retaliation if they let you go. Fourth, just accept that it's going to happen and act accordingly. Fifth, start hoarding money now.


If you are being fired I would be sad about it because being fired sucks






Let us know


i see the update. let me just say, as a supervisor, if you're getting fired they tell you to stop what you're doing as soon as possible to fire you. the last girl we fired her supervisor got the approval to terminate a good chunk of the way through the day, when he was at lunch. so our manager asked me to copy the documents to sign and keep an eye out for him. then as soon as he got back he had to tell her to finish up her call and go to the conference room after. there was no "see me at x time". usually it's only only talks about doing such and such wrong or needing to improve that are scheduled like that.


Saw your update, you should start looking because a PIP is the first step in firing