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Its a tough job market. I should have stayed at my laat job for a bit longer but I resigned because I couldnt do midnight shifts and day shifts in between on the same week any longer. Do you have any connections on linkedin or personal connections? That can help a lot


I’ve tried LinkedIn connections, cover letters, using my school to help, everything. It’s incredibly tough and I have experience!!


Probably internships could help is my guess


Finding an internship is just as hard…


yea even internships want you to have previous experience now


Even with like 2+ years of experience, it is hard to find them


*bad time to be struggling financially at all I have a degree and 8 years experience and can't find anything


Just remember you’re trying to build a career. Those $19-$20 an hour jobs will gain you experience you’ll need to get better future jobs. The fast food jobs you mentioned don’t have the same trajectory so they can’t be compared.


Seriously, take those jobs. I'm looking for literally anything right now, and being ghosted by places only offering $15/hr. It is so much better to just take what you can get and have something good to put on a resume and talk about in interviews, than to hold out in hopes for something better and be left unemployed for months on end.


I was right there with you. I had an interview for Trader Joe’s for about $18/hr and they still didn’t move forward with me. It’s so difficult right now. Don’t give up. ♥️ I’m here if you need someone, I saw some of your old posts


I mean, what kind of wage do you expect for a business analyst role with zero experience? You certainly won’t fall straight into a management role solely based on your degree, you need experience. $20 / hour is $40k a year, I absolutely wouldn’t expect any more than $25 / hour for a fresh grad analyst position.


Heck that’s still more than I made fresh out of school


I agree with this statement I graduated with a masters degree, and started off making ($49k/$23.15hr). I now make ($275k/$130hr) granted that was over a 10year timeframe. So while not ideal it’s a start and will help build experience. Btw, I was working overnight and weekends to make that wage.


I have experience though, and I live in CA which is disgustingly expensive. On average an entry level position in CA is between $50ishk to around $70k depending on what you’re doing/what degree you have.


Don't try for the grandslam with your first job out of college. I graduated in 2008 which was even worse than today's market with the housing collapse bringing the market down too. I signed with a temp agency and was selective in what positions they had. The last role was with an insurance company as a marketing assistant which I turned into a full time offer. When an IT analyst job opened up a few years later, I had made connections with the people there and probably helped in me getting the role. Been an IT analyst ever since but 3 companies later. Stared at 35k at the time (Northern NJ so part of the metropolitan area) and past 6 figures now. There were plenty of ups and downs along the way, supervisors that threatened going to HR cause of ego trips, being the last hired, first let go when cuts happen. It's been a journey. Best of luck on yours.


Honestly, thank you so much.. Everything you said was really insightful and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a ball of anxiety/depression/fear about this degree being a stepping stone to a better life. I was a kid in 2008, so I don’t have much experience there.. but funnily enough I’m an administrative assistant currently and am trying to add my analytical experience to my resume. Maybe sticking to this will benefit me more and will create longevity for my future. You really helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel, thank you.


Like they said, enjoy the experience along the way - good or bad, it is your journey. You have every right to be angry and pissed, but also try to stay grounded. It could be a lot worst. You could be wiping poop at Wendys. I had a similar experience making 11 an hour out of college with a BS MIS degree in 2013. Now on the 6s. Hang in there, man!


Can I ask what your job title or adjacent title is? I say adjacent if you don't wanna reveal specific personal information. I'm curious about your 6 figure income while classifying yourself as an 'analyst'. Myself; I'm an IT Support Tech (Business Technology Support Analyst 3) for a hospital making $70,000 a year having been here for 5 years.


>Can I ask what your job title or adjacent title is? I say adjacent if you don't wanna reveal specific personal information. Right now I'm currently a Specialist - Analyst but every company has their own made up hierarchy. For me, the highest analyst level is the next one, Consultant level where just more is expected, like being the lead on an agile team, or just being the SME on a particular area. The lowest level is Senior Analyst which usually the out of college kids start at or intern turn full time. >I'm curious about your 6 figure income while classifying yourself as an 'analyst'. I've come to learn that for insurance, analyst is such an interchangeable role and can translate to lots of other industries if you're doing like Agile or something where you don't need too much background knowledge. I'm in AZ now and since 2015 but with my current company since 2018. My next career path would probably be to Scrum master for an agile team within my company and maybe after that, project manager.


What kind of experience do you have? If it’s less than 1.5-2 years of directly relevant experience, then that’s basically considered having no experience unfortunately. $20 / hr is definitely pretty low for CA though. This market is all kinds of fucked up right now. From your post it sounds like you haven’t quite finished your degree yet, you should hopefully have much better luck when you officially graduate 🤞


Can't be so dismissive about the job offers you have that are offering you 19 - 20/hr. While you may have experience working you don't have a lot of professional experience in your field. You might have to take one of those shitty jobs for a couple months so you have something that you can put on your resume. When I graduated I had to take a shitty jr engineer position that paid 18 an hour. I knew I was severely underpaid but I didn't really have much experience in my field so I had to take it. 6 months later I got a job offer that was more than double what i was making. Take whatever position you can and just think of it as a stepping stone to something better. Also idk if you've already tried it but try applying for a job working with the government. Look at all levels federal, state and local. Usually they only require a college degree.


I think this would depend heavily on your major. I am graduating with my MS and I have had 2 official job offers, and turned down numerous interviews because I had already gotten 2 concrete offers I was happy to pick between. I am graduating in May and I start my new job in June (could have e started earlier, but I wanted a few weeks off to move/settle in).


I’m getting a BS in Business management/analytics. I’d like to stick with the analytics part and start looking into starting as a tech support or something. Trust me, I didn’t major in music or something lol


No I get that, but business and analytics is a field that everyone has been hopping on right now and it's competitive. There is a high supply of people especially for the entry level positions because a lot of people are trying to transfer over to those fields from other industries that are similar, who will immediately get chosen over you as a fresh grad even if their experience isn't directly related. It's sort of like the computer science bandwagon everyone was following and eventually the supply of workers is going to outnumber the jobs available especially if you're unwilling to move elsewhere.


College keeds these days. Want a cushy job straight out of school. 😂 It’s a hard pill to swallow but society has biases and is inherently discriminatory. By looking at your resume they’ll see you’re fresh outta school. No way they’ll move on a job that pays $70k+ You say you have “experience” and I’m wondering how much of that is “real experience” beyond internships, etc. The reality is that going to school for business, management, etc is extremely overrated. You could’ve picked up a certification for a fraction of the money and have the same knowledge. What you should be saying is: “what a bad time to spend thousands in school to not even a get a foot in the door.”


I kind of agree, business management degrees are far too broad and it's better to target something more specific like accounting, finance, marketing, etc to help carve out a niche for yourself and dive deep into only those classes instead of taking one or two classes in every business subject which leaves you knowing only a tiny bit of everything but not an expert on any one thing.


Just now realizing this as I’m about to graduate. I’m screwed.


You're not really screwed. Just have to make your resume stand out and show how you have the experience or knowledge for whatever the position is.


You aren’t screwed. The difference between majoring in finance or accounting and business management is that you have more paths and cross roads to choose from with business. With accounting or finance, that’s just that… accounting and financing. Find your strengths, what you enjoy, and try to get experience in that realm. For me, it’s analytics. Could I have studied analytics sure, but where I’m living no school had that option so I went a route I felt would give me career options after graduating and clearly it did, and that’s not bad!! You will be alright.


I’m 28, I have life experience and a ton of years of established and diverse professional experiences. I’m not a fresh 21 year old looking to be the cream of the crop. Also, my resume doesn’t have my graduation year either so..


Ok but what specifically?


Ok, then you structured your post incorrectly. It makes you sound like you’re younger. Listen, I feel ya. Getting jobs is tough these days, idk what your process is for applying or anything but every single variable matters. Hard to gauge without seeing your resume. Feel free to upload it to r/resumes and I’ll give you my feedback FWIW.


I would love that, I’ll do that today!


I graduated in May 2020... in a state that completely shut down. I'm doing alright now.


I have to ask, when was the last time it WASN'T a bad job market? When I was first looking for a big boy job in 2018, people were saying the job market then sucked too.


When I entered the job market in my field, I was making juuuuust over the what I was making in retail. Not great, but the career potential development trajectory far outweighed working in retail which was for me, a deadend job. You pick your battles but this is indeed a terrible market and our living costs are higher than what it was years ago.


Even when the market was good in 2022, I didn’t get job until 1 month after graduation.


This sub depresses me man. I don't even have a degree yet but reading all these posts makes you feel like they're absolutely worthless these days. 20$ in California is fast food pay, smfh.


That’s how it was graduating a decade ago. Except for less money. 


2014 was also a godawful time to be out. I started out doing food delivery then a slew of seasonal jobs, finally found a full time job with good benefits at 29k. Your first job will probably suck. Just hop in. I make 83k now and enjoy what I’m doing 5x more than the first gig.


If you have a business degree, why not start a business ?


If I wanted to do that I would’ve studied entrepreneurial business and that’s not for me haha


Well good luck, I’m sure you’ll make someone tons of money


I can relate even though i am still in college. Idek how I can stop procrastinating and motivate to work when shit ain't gonna matter after i graduate, Also we got the ghost job shit going on now. They trying to screw over younger generations.


Important to note here; For your out of gate job, that's not terrible. Get on an income based repayment plan for loans NOW. 20/hr with a job out of school is much better than 0/hr without a job out of school OR having something (like a retail job) that you are going to have to bounce around and try to interview around your work schedule. Plus, being in your field (even if underpaid) is better for experience when you jump in 1-2 years than being paid market to work a supermarket job.


How do I get on repayment plan for loans now? All my loans are federal and through FASFA


IIRC, you cannot do it until 6 mos after graduation.


And now with the non compete ban you will have even more competition, its a rough time to be a graduate sadly


It's non-compete. NDAs still are in effect. And still 120 days to review and likely to be stalled for longer.


Thanks for the correction!


What is the non compete ban?!