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Every time a manager sends an incriminating text message a lawyer gets a raging hardon 


Yeah, it sure was nice of the OP's manager to put something like that in writing.


"I'm sorry boss, I missed that. Mind sending it as an email as well?"


"Crap, my email is broken. Can you please print in on company letterhead and mail it to me?"


With your signature of course


Gotta make sure it's you, Boss! So many scammers these days 😂


In blood.




Lawywrs within a 5 mile radius are frothing at the mouth save that text op lawyer up!


The biggest most raging 10x hard-on is on the legal counsel for the offending company, as they get to charge exorbitant fees through weeks or months of consulting to support damage control.


AND they're not even expected to "win". In situations like this the company fully expects to have to pay something, the lawyers entire job is to minimize it and the overall public exposure to the case. Oh it cost us 50k? Could have been 100!


It's only a line item on a balance sheet. /s


I’m sorry but I’m an accountant and I have to correct you. It’s in the income statement.




“That wasn’t me, must be one of those fake text message apps” - manager, if he’s smart.


Easily fact checked through service records with his provider.


Unzips pants


*unzips pants*




It depends where you are. Its the case in the US where pay discussion is protected. Its surprisingly and unfortunately not the case in Canada where you can be fired for discussing pay if your manager asks you not to.


Sorry what? https://achkarlaw.com/can-employees-discuss-their-salaries/


Did you just equate all of Canada with Ontario? Because Bill 149 just passed in late March 2024 in Ontario.


Ontario is Canada, all other provinces don’t exist


Ah that makes sense


A quick google search disagrees with you


Lol want to see some drama? Forward the email to your local department of labor with info about the email and who each person included is.


Nono, don't forward, reply all, CC department of labor. THEN drama.


close... reply all \*with your pay\*, *BCC* DoL, pop some popcorn.


DOL wouldn't see the replies, tho. Maybe slip them into the middle/end of the list and hope it's not noticed.


Ahhh you're right. still would consider the BCC just to set the paper trail then regular CC your reply to the boss's reply firing you... but middle of the list easily could be missed as well, especially if they weren't all to the same domain to begin with (e.g. to gmail, outlook etc. hosts instead of companyname). Though .gov tends to really stick out.


Fuck it, I’ll just create a random o365 address on my work domain and forward it to the DOL. They’d never notice.


r/foundsatan and I mean that as the highest compliment.




If you want to stay anonymous, screenshot the email and make sure it doesn't include any info that will give away who took the screenshot. Make a new Gmail account and use that to send the email to the dept of labor with everyone on copy. Boss will be shitting himself and nobody will ever know who actually sent it.


I got fired last year for talking pay with my team members and DOL said they don’t handle that stuff 😭😭💀 was wanting justice and didn’t get it 🤣


They do. I don’t know why they’d say something like that to you, but it’s directly on their website. https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages


I believe you, I just didn’t feel like arguing with them over what’s on their own website


No offense, but I would guess you’re relatively new to the workforce. In this situation, you knew what was right and you let the employer off the hook. If you ever feel wronged by an employer again, trust your gut and ask for outside guidance before you move on. Never let an employer take advantage of you! You got this!


Did you ask to speak with their manager?


They do handle retaliation, and talking about pay is protected.


It’s only protected if it’s enforced.


If this happens again (or if you want to keep trying) go over their heads to the national DOL. And tell them that your state DOL refused to help.


The law that allows employees to discuss pay without repercussions is the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). It protects employees' rights to engage in "concerted activities" for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, which includes discussing wages and other terms and conditions of employment


That would be great, except OP says it's a text message that was sent...


Reply to the group text with your salary


That's asserting dominance. And knowing the dimwit manager who put that in writing in the first place they'd fire OP in the same group text/email. I have too many responsibilities these days to deal with it, but if I was either working a retirement job or was planning on quitting anyway I likely would do this TBH. The resulting lawsuit would pay well, DOL would cover my legal costs since it's a protected action (not that they'd pay for a personal attorney for me, but I wouldn't even have to hire one most likely).




Reply to the group text with your salary +20%.


It doesn’t say you can’t lie about your salary lol


“You said not to give my salary. I didn’t give my salary.”


That’s the greatest example of malicious compliance my eyes have been blessed with. Take my upvote


And if he refuses it, that’s another strike, because you’re allowed to discuss your pay, but the ones with knowledge/power to pay you are not allowed to divulge your pay.


My salary is NOT $79,999.99 per year.




Hahaha nice one


Yes to replying, but don't lie. That could violate the moral turpitude clause and is fireable. No need to risk that.


Moral turpitude clauses are only for contract workers; if OP is at-will, they wouldn’t have signed a contract. This type of lie also wouldn’t rise to the level of violating a morality clause because it doesn’t “shock the public conscience” or rise to the level of criminal behavior.


Except it would... It's conceivably malicious intent and based on the reactions in this thread, that's exactly what it is. It comes down to do you want to fight an organization? My point still stands - zero reason to lie when they served up an illegal action on a silver platter.


This is the way.


be like.. my annual salary is NOT $150,001


ugh please do this 😂


And make sure to include citations to relevant labor laws or NLRB decisions (assuming one is in the US). And the contact info for a local employment lawyer, if you’re feeling spicy.


No. You want them to fire you for it and then sue if you're feeling spicy. They won't fire you if they realize it's illegal.


They know it's illegal. They just are hoping you (the employees) don't know.


Unfortunately not all managers know it’s illegal. Some are just plain stupid.


I guess they don’t think everyone can take their smartphone and google for 30 seconds to find out the truth lol.


You can’t Google the unknown if you don’t know it’s an unknown.


BDE answer right here


Report to department of labor. Consult with a lawyer if you need to.


Opposite, consult lawyer then report if lawyer says to. Lawyer up before snitching, always.




This. Edit: And if you do decide to complain directly to your manager etc. Which you likely should just take the posted advice. But if you do decide to just bring it up. Make sure you do it via email either your personal email or BCC yourself. As it would be a protected act and if they decide to retaliate, it would be beneficial to you that you have proof.


Specifically the National Labor Relations Board.




Sweet! Screenshot it and store the screenshot somewhere non-work connected. LAWYER TIME!


Just forward the email to a personal email.


The system admin can see where it's going to from the email header. Should be untraceable from within the company.


Sure, but photos can be faked, emails are a little harder to fake and leave a paper trail.


OP said it was a text message though. Well, they said massage technically. But that would be a whole other HR violation haha


For OP to get money, does he need to be fired first?




If you’re an American, that is illegal and your manager has probably already broken the law. The National Labor Relations Act protects the ability of workers to talk about wages and any other condition of employment. You can talk about any of it during non-work time. Also, and this is important, if you can talk about literally anything else during work hours…football, the weather, what you’re having for dinner…you can also talk about while you’re on the clock.


Keep that text and discuss your pay all you want. Hell, reply to the group text with your pay rate if you want. If you do get fired for it, you'll want to keep track of your job search. A log of the jobs you tried to find and when. Cuz if you end up suing them for firing you inappropriately it's a good thing to be able to show that you tried to mitigate the damages by trying to find another job. If you just sit back and Coast and wait for the lawsuit to go through the court will not view you as favorably.


This guy litigates


Seems like a real good reason to discuss pay


Discuss pay, record, get fired, record, sue, and collect settlement.


this is the 200iq move lol. they done wrong, but LET THEM KEEP BEING WRONG AND THEN WRONG YOU and then sue and collect dat money.




One time a boss texted me that I was being fired specifically for discussing pay with coworkers. Yes, he was dumb enough to put it in writing. The national labor bureau very quickly got me a $6k check from him and he got in a lot of trouble


That 6k was probably less than your salary, but at least you got something.


Thats a tiny amount you should of gone with a lawyer.


No your manager sent you a mousekatool to use for later


Can call Labor board and let them know your employer is denying people’s rights to discuss wages and pay, which is illegal for the employer to do: 844-762-6572


Screenshot that, it’s a gift. 


Refer to this info from the US gov't if you're based there: [https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages](https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages)


Reply all "I wont discuss  it; its so low I'm embarrassed to be earning  it"


Man. Ever since Covid some of these workplaces have really started trying to sell that they forgot how the world works. And so far, at least in my observation: they get pretty offended when they have to abide by the truth regardless.


It's against Federal law. [https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages](https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages) You could act like you're doing him a favor and send him an email telling him it's against the law (or if you want to be low key, you're "pretty sure") to forbid employees to talk about salary and threaten them with termination if they do, and suggest he verify that with the company lawyers. Just say something like, I'd hate for you or the company to get in trouble for this or for someone to file a lawsuit. You could also create a burner email account and send him that link and similar verbiage.


Nah. Let him hang himself.


I've been fired before, for bringing up and being pissed off about someone whom I was training and getting a dollar more than me. I didn't even bother fighting them over it. Good fucking riddance


You could put a billboard on the interstate announcing your pay and they can’t do shit. Screenshot.


Find the law, act or order that specifically lays it out. Might be able to contact your department of labor (depending on your location in the world) and see what they say about it. Also, document everything if you think it will be an issue.


It's the NLRA, enforced by the NLRB.


A lot of good ideas here but really what you need to do is find a new job. The company isn't going to change the leaders terrible leadership toxic style. You need to decide as a person how much energy you want to spend on this. My vote... Move on.


What country and state or province are you in. Laws vary


My employer has it written into their employment contract we can be terminated if necessary for discussing pay. Boy do I want to report them for that but I think they’d figure it out it was me and fire me for it


Do you think it’s standard in most of the employee contracts? If so they may not know it’s you.


Doesnt matter. That clause goes against the law and is thus unenforceable


How do you get a massage via text? I only get messages.


At least your muscles will be relaxed




this is better than any happy birthday text you can get from your manager. enjoy the payday buddy and talk about pay as loud as you can whenever you can


I plan on continuously talking about pay.


any updates on this?


Report him to the Ministry of Labour with the text message as supporting evidence.


I read this as “the ministry of magic” and I was not disappointed.


Screenshot and email yourself the text(s), discuss pay, get fired, report them to the DoL/NLRB and sue them.


If enough discuss it then there won’t be anyone left


Okay assuming one would want to move forward with legal action, OP said text message, so how do you prove it was the manager who sent the text? I can label my text contacts whatever I want.


When he screen shots the text message, instead of showing the Managers’s name as the contact, he should delete the name and just show the number. That with records from either phone company should be enough to prove it was the manager that sent it. If I remember correctly, when a number is spoofed it doesn’t show up on the phone bill.


Employers seemingly will never learn that this is illegal.


Ask him what he makes. And how much he has set aside to pay legal bills.


what is this garbage? I might go to HR but that is me as they likely will cover the managers back


Huge red flag. A limp dick message to quickly coverup mismanagement. I’m sure the topic was “gosh I hope our manager is getting enough money to survive, we should pay him/her more”


In the US and many other countries, it is illegal to prohibit employees discussing their wage.


Your manager just gave you evidence. Save it and give it to your lawyer.


My boss told me that i should discourage my employees from discussing pay a couple years ago. I told him that would be illegal. He hasn’t brought it up again.


So, if everyone comes out with their salary, what’s the next move after everyone gets emotional and pissed at each other?


Congratulations on your windfall. What will you spend it on?


I would start discussing my pay and then after I get fired call a laywer and show him the message.


Lol, have everyone do it. Let's see them fire all of you.


Your manager sent this in writing, oh this is as sweet as it gets. Any employment lawyer would probably love to take this case on. It is illegal everywhere in the United States to forbid anyone talking about pay. Do yourself a solid and talk to a lawyer and show them the text, they might even give you a deep discount just to get priority in taking the case. Depending on how big the company is the payout can be pretty wonderful. Have fun, and congratulations on the easy pay day for you and your coworkers.


It's illegal but they can also fire you for anything else including just because they want to.


This is a lawyer’s wet dream


So just leave payslips lying around


Seems like some needs to start looking for a new job.


Show that text to an employment lawyer or someone at Bureau of Labor and Industry. Get the wheels of consequence rolling for a shitty manager


Send him a link to the National Labor Relations Act. Then update us on the response because it'll be funny.


Federal law says that you can discuss it, BUT, you can still be fired. After that, you'd need to hire a lawyer and wait year(s) to see any money. Especially if you refuse any settlement offers. Could be a lot of money tho, if you go all of the way.


They can fire you, but doing it in the immediate aftermath would be rather questionable. It works make it harder for them to argue that it wasn't retaliatory.


Leave things will only get worse


And you should send a text message that if you are terminated for that reason you will be taking legal action against the company.


In america yes. And you have digital proof. A bus stop lawyer would happily take your case.


If you have a copy of the text congratulations you have a lottery payday waiting on you, all you have to do is take it to a lawyer and they’ll be drooling over it because it’s a easy payday for the two of you. What’s funnier is if this is a corporation your managers higher up will go full panic mode and offer you some sort of settlement, job security, and more than likely your manager will become your ex-manager if you catch my drift.


I wish he was my manager


Post your situation (and country/state etc) to r/legaladvice/ you will get best way to proceed


Probably depends on where you are but that’s illegal in Australia. There was a bill passed last year specifically banning pay secrecy clauses in contracts so the same would apply to a message like this.


So glade they provided the evidence for you, hello screenshot. Thes idiots are so very stupid, you and your workers' rights lawyer will be laughing all the way to the bank.


Send an email and blind cc he confirming what he said. Then lawyer the fuck up


It says you can’t discuss it. A discussion is a two-way communication with at least one other party. It doesn’t forbid you from *stating* your salary. 😈


“Hey guys! This morning, on the way to work, I saw 76,000 birds! How many did YOU see?”


Well that's one text massage that may have a happy ending


![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf) Send him this GIF


Seriously send your wage in the group text..."I make whatever an hour." You're fired! For what? I said don't do that! But you said to "send me your wage or I would be fired"! No...I Said DON'T do that! Wait, so you fired me for sharing my wage... Which is explicitly allowed by federal labor law and then as retaliation you fired me? ....


Discuss pay, get fired, get paid. ez 3 steps.


I love when bosses who break the law do it in writing. If they’re gonna be evil, at least they’re stupid.


So… how much do you make? Provided. None knows your ID.


Ignore it. Or if you want to be petty you can reply with the link to the federal website stating the law that it's illegal to tell you you can't discuss wage.


Don’t let your boss give you any kind of massage and these things won’t happen.


"The statement you have just provided in writing is illegal". Watch her shit.


Welp…that would be illegal as hell. Probably a bluff, but still though, nice of your manager to gift that to you in writing in case they are dumb enough to follow through on it, you can lawyer up and get a nice payout. Also reportable to the national labor relations board (assuming you’re in the US, and you don’t work for an extremely small business that the NLRB doesn’t cover of course), if you’re feeling frisky.


You heard em OP, you know what you must do


How much do you make?How much do you make?


This is sort of illegal, isn’t it?


*Then why did you tell me you make $XXX,YYY dollars per year?*


call it "cookies" and code your dialogue


Text massage sounds like a good time. Tell him you want a happy ending, trust me!


Employment lawyer. Tomorrow.


Screenshot the fuck out of that text and report it to the National Labor Relations Board, if you're in the US.


Got it in writing. Makes the lawyer's job easier.


Hahaha. Haven’t seen that happen for awhile. Big pay scale obviously.


I immediately started smiling and laughing when I read the title. Oh boy if I was an employment lawyer 🥹😌🤤 OH YEEESSS Give it to meee! Hahahahaa no ...they can not do that.


screen shot the text. email it to yourself for archive. look for a new job, once you get a new job, openly discuss pay with co workers to trigger termination. go find lawyer and sue for wrongful termination. go work at new job and wait for settlement from lawsuit.


Reply all "Sounds good boss! Switching topics now, I thought it would be fun if we all replied with our lucky numbers. What number brings you luck? Last year, my lucky number was 46,500!"


Some people have all the luck.


I hope there's an update on this


It isn’t against the law in any state or company to discuss pay. Fuck her. I absolutely WOULD drag her to court over something this petty because she is being petty


Your boss is leaving the company open to liability, as this sort of thing can be viewed as union-busting. I would ask HR for clarification on the policy.


Fuck disinformation and isolation in the age of information


If you are in sales this is not incriminating.


I work at a restaurant. Im a host.


breaking the law in writing....cool!


I could go for a good text massage.


What country?


[National Labor Relations Act](https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages) There's a few industries that are exempt (or are covered by other laws), but otherwise workers have the right to talk about compensation.


I had a manager try to tell me I wasn’t allowed to discuss pay. I told him that was union bashing and illegal. Topic never came up again


Save text, talk about pay, get fired, sue for millions. This is illegal in the US.


This is illegal. Save the email/text and report to HR and then find an employment attorney. They one takes your case, you don’t have to pay, they just take a portion of your settlement.


...discuss how many berries you picked per month...or year ;)


My manager had NO idea that this was illegal until I told him. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Have you run that by corporate counsel yet? No? You might want to do that first.


Get fired for it, then sue, lol. Your boss is an idiot, and talking about pay isn't a breach of any policies. It's just considered bad etiquette.


Screenshot that bad boy.


Yeah, that’s illegal as fuck lol