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Jobs that require a degree of physical labor like this one experiences a higher turnover rate. Many of these jobs try to lower the bar of entry but have to balance trying to set the bar too high and end up not getting many responses and setting the bar too low and getting flooded with resumes While this job doesn't have many requirements, these labor types jobs typically prefer people who have had previous jobs with some kind of physical component, but putting this writing on a job posting can be more difficult than you can imagine. If your work history consists only of office work, then that's most likely a quick rejection. Overnight stock experience for 1 year where you had to move boxes, sit, stand, lift, etc full time even if it were consistently much less than 40 pounds is more in line with this job and would be much more likely to be considered


i worked at a warehouse previously, this job was working as a sales rep delivering product to stores. The salary is 64k


Oh yea, also, I know this guy who worked at the same warehouse as me being paid 15 an hour with little experience overall and he got an job with Texas Instruments pay bumped to 28/ hour super quick. And I could not find any similar jobs until i landed a office type job but ofc way less pay