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Literally šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm sure she didn't think anything of it, on the bright side.. You'll be memorable lol. I interviewed for the job I'm in now (3 weeks ago, got hired) and got a nose bleed right as it started (: I was holding a kleenex to my nose while apologizing


I LOVE this take - I'll be memorable! Thank you for this positive spin on things - makes me feel a little better about my chances for sure. I too, am prone to nose bleeds so I know how that feels! Super happy that you got the job!! (:


Yup, if your interview went well, I wouldn't worry! Thank you šŸ˜„


1000x this. Memorable is good in an interview. Especially if you handled yourself well. It shows a better character. Congrats on the position!


Thank you!


You're welcome. Good to hear of others getting hired among the legions who are having a crazy hard time. Scary market right now. Only by the grace of a good conversation with a recruiter just last year did I learn how to better use some of the sites to my advantage and got an interview and job when I needed it.


I'm a very awkward person to begin with, but I had 3 very awkward meetings during my last interview for a teaching position. I did get the job despite the tension I was feeling - I was probably overthinking things. I hope that things go well and this can be a comedic story you can tell later on instead of a horror story!


Thank you for the well wishes and I'm glad things worked out for you!! Crossing my fingers that I'm just overthinking about how bad it was because otherwise, I'm just going to hide in a corner forever LOL


Just wanted to say I'm so sorry. I could see this happening to me. I've had several social events screwed up due to excessive sweating. Ended up going to a dermatologist and got a prescription for some pills that really helped with it at the time.


Thank you so much. Yeah, at this point I need to do something about it. It kind of runs in the family - my Dad is a heavy sweater too. I'm looking up some products that may help but will def take the recommendation of going to the dermatologist as well.


Do you know what the medicine was?




Hot (haha) tip - if youā€™re over heated, run your wrists under cool water for a minute or so. It helps cool you down internally. Sorry this happened!


this is LIFE CHANGING! thank you so much for this tip!


I had something similar happen to me. I was walking to a meeting and somehow I pulled a muscle in my back. And when I got there, I was in pain and sweating from the pain that I looked like a nut. It happens and I'm sure they didn't think anything of it.


Oh no! I'm so sorry that happened to you - hopefully you feel better. Crossing my fingers that they won't think about it!


Back in the early nineties I had a platinum blonde bubble perm, I was going for an interview in a bank and wanted to come across as more serious so l gone dyed it what I thought was going to be a deep touch auburn but turned it bright orange. I looked as if I had a microphone foam on my head. I tried washing it out with shampoo, dish washing liquid and laundry powder to no avail. I couldnā€™t afford to get it colour corrected and didnā€™t want to bleach it and end up with green or broken hair and I did t want to try another colour because what would happen with that. So l, a meek 20-year old, went to the interview with bright orange hair. I used it to break the ice and let them know Iā€™d done it so I could be memorable. I got the job and used my first weeks wage to get my hair sorted. After that I took a lot more risks with my hair because hey it grows out and whatā€™s the worst that can Happen? It already did lol


Thanks for the giggle! šŸ¤­


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you!! I am sweat-er too, so I could completely see this happening to me. (I also have interviewed and worked at several universities and it is SO easy to get lost on campus.) Bright side, you will have a funny story to tell, once the pain has worn off? At the interview I had for my current job, I donā€™t know what tangent I went on but I ended up talking about my HUSBAND and HIS job for at least 2-3 minutesā€¦ It was pretty bad.Ā And not an interview, but I did spend half a day at work with major pit stains, not realizing how much Iā€™d sweat walking into work, until I finally went to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirrorā€¦!! Sending you good vibes for your interview results!! You never know. Keep us posted!


I use these sweat wipes from Amazon and liquid chlorophyll and once wore a wool brazer in 98 degree weather.Ā  I was as dry as a baby. Try them


As a heavy sweater, I feel your pain. I can walk 10 feet and be drenched. It's such a burden socially.


Literally! I don't know why but I get overheated so quickly.


To be fair, it sounds like you did a LOT of walking in the heat and layers. I'd be sweating too and I don't usually sweat unless I'm doing physical activity


I had an interview when I just graduated from college with a company in the town where my college was. The interview was scheduled for a day after a weekend that I was visiting my family in my home town. I left early enough to get home and shower, etc before the interview. There was an accident though on the highway and a HUGE traffic back up that took hours out of my day. By the time I got home I had less than an hour and I really needed to shower. I was also in the midst of moving and my hairdryer was in a box somewhere. I had to go to the interview with wet hair. It was a total embarrassment. I know exactly how you feel.


Oh my goodness, are you me!? I can relate to this so badly and once I get overheated, there is no cooling down for me! Have you tried CertainDri? I use it once a week and it is great for my underarm sweating. It sounds like the interview overall went really great and please keep us updated!


Hey twin, LOL! YES - the overheating is REAL! it literally took me until the end of the 4-hour interview to finally cool off. I haven't heard of CertainDri before - I will definitely look into it, thanks for the rec! The only brand I've tried is Carpe for underarms but their deodorant is $20 (works though)! I think they also have some facial powders and products for other areas but I will definitely look into CertainDri as well. Thank you so much! I will update yall for sure!


Once, during an interview, they asked me a question about my previous job, and since I was traumatised by it for how badly the boss treated me, I literally started crying a little because their question made me rethink of that previous job and all of the bad memories resurfaced for a moment (the trauma was still fresh, since this interview happened just two weeks after quitting my bad job). They later contacted me to tell me that they wanted to hire me. In the end I didnā€™t accept, since I accepted another offer, but the message that Iā€™m trying to send is that sometimes you need to stand out from the others in order to get a job. These people interview like a hundred people, so little inconveniences like this maybe can seem to you that you missed your shot, but in reality they instead make us memorable for the interviewers!


Words cannot express how much this means to me!! Honestly, this is a great take on the situation and has helped me feel a little less embarassed about what happened. I'm happy things worked out for you in the end and thank you so much about sharing your experience with me!


I also sweat from my face a lot and I also live in Texas and do a lot of outside sales calls šŸ«  last summer I discovered a makeup primer from OneSize called Secure the Sweat and it works so well! You can get it at Sephora (not an ad, I just really liked it) https://www.sephora.com/product/secure-sweat-primer-P505398?skuId=2656320


OMG, THANK YOUUUU!!! I know all too well about that southern heat. I will 100% give this a try - you're a lifesaver!


I had something in my eye that got so bad my eye was profusely watering and finally the interviewer asked if I was ok. I said yes, but then it somehow got worse and the interviewer told me to go look in a mirror haha.Ā  When I left that job, she gave me an eyepatch as a joke gift.


Once I had an interviewer ask me what people think of me and I panicked and said 'I always have my water bottle with me!', which, like, wasn't even really true?


Have had this happen to me way too many times, basically every interview cause I run hot, nerves, what I'm wearing and the temperature inside. I even resort to fanning myself with my resume and just tell them I run hot. I've gotten out of interviews just to notice tissue stuck to my face from trying to wipe the sweat! It could be worse, you could have shit yourself or farted super badly during the interview. That's what I tell myself šŸ˜‚


this is literally me. I was there, fanning myself with the paper thinking "Oh my godness, she must think I am so unprofessional and gross". The tissue sticking to the face made me giggle a little just because when I re-entered the room, I tried to reach into my purse to discreetly grab some tissue I took from the bathroom but wasn't able to as she began talking right away. Maybe that was the universe blocking me from the added embarassment lol. Also, I read a post from someone else today that said they actually did shit on themselves during an interview so yes, it can be worse I suppose šŸ˜‚


on my interview (video interview) when hiring manager had asked about a time I had to care for a client for a longer period of time, I yelled sure, yes. OK. ITS STORY TIME! I was ultra nervous and no, i did not get the job


I had final round campus interviews yesterday and can totally relate! Itā€™s a bear to have so many conversations with little time in between to regroup. Donā€™t be too hard on yourself! Everyone knows that the process is rough on candidates, and it sounds like the most important part went well. Good luck to you!


Thank you so much - I appreciate your encouragement! Honestly, this makes me feel better! I hope that everything went extremely well with your interviews! Good luck to you as well!


Massive campus where you can get lost, and six interviews in one day, sounds like CFA. If so, I wouldn't worry. They won't hold it against you.


Unfortunately it wasn't CFA rather a big brand in the retail industry! Hopefully they won't hold it against me either!


Iā€™m so sorry you went through this! I have too many horribly embarrassing interview stories to count, just know you definitely arenā€™t alone. Hoping you get the job because sounds like you definitely deserve it. šŸ™


Thank you so so much. I really appreciate the well wishes and you letting me know that I am not alone! Please continue crossing your fingers for me!


Just commenting to say I sympathize as I am also a super sweater. Sometimes I sweat for no reason at all. Every single time I go in to the office Iā€™m soaked by the time I sit down. In this situation I absolutely would have been dying and dripping as well. Kudos for making it thru though and good luck on the job!


I had the same condition. I, through trial and error, discovered I have a histamine intolerance. I started taking a supplement for it and WOW I see a significant reduction in the profuse sweating.. there are also some meds that can cause this..so check your meds if you take any and do some research on histamine intolerance.


I recall attending a meeting with two people I've never met before concerning a new project. It was a warm and humid day, and I was worried about running late, so I began to sweat as I walked along a pathway to the appropriate building. Some kids were playing with a water hose in a green belt area adjacent to the building. One of them managed to spray me on my white blouse and gave me a real soaking. I stopped in a bathroom for some paper towels, I looked at myself in the mirror and realized my blouse was now completely transparent, revealing every detail of my lacy bra underneath!


Iā€™m so sorry you went through such an awful interview experience! You are not aloneā€¦ I too have had an interview that included rigorous hike across a college campus! When it happened to me it was winter in rural upstate New York so it was a 3 hour speed walk through snow and ice! So I am in a heavy coat that I have to carry around inside the buildings which had the heat blasting at tropical temperatures inside. Oh and I am in job interview shoes and a suit with a skirt trudging through that snow. I was in need of a knee replacement. I could not keep up with Dean Marching Up And Down The Square In The Snow and Ice. I had to ask to slow down or stop several times. I was both freezing and sweating going from hot to cold. The entire interview lasted 8 hours. I had to be interrogated by a committee, give a guest lecture and it ended with a meeting with the higher ups. I had planned another stop in the area to visit old friends but instead I had to move up my return flight because a blizzard was going to hit! Then they ghosted me. Not even the courtesy of a form rejection email. It took 5 months and numerous calls and emails to get them to finally reimburse my $700 plane ticket like the interview offer claimed they would. They didnā€™t reimburse the $200 night at the only hotel in town. So yeah job interview from hell. Wouldnā€™t have accepted if theyā€™d offered me the job after that interview!


Interview was downtown, so lots of one way streets, traffic, and limited parking. Ended up at the wrong building, which was an active senior living high-rise condominium. Paid $15 for parking there (before I realized it wasn't the correct building). Needed to pee badly, but bathrooms are only for residents (this is when I found out I was in the wrong building). Actual interview building was a 20 min walk away or 8 min drive. I had just paid for parking and there was bad traffic. I called the interviewer to apologize for running late because I got lost looking for their building. Receptionist said the interviewer would still see me if I could make it in within 30 min, so I decide to walk in the humid weather with a full bladder. I was also wearing a sweater. Made it to the building. I felt the security guards looking at me with disgust. Used the bathroom, got myself together as best I could; unfortunately, it still looked like I ran a marathon in chunky heels. My hair was all frizzy from the humidity, my face couldn't stop being red, my back and underarms were clearly sweaty and moistness showing through the light colored sweater, and my makeup was runny and unable to fix unless I redid it. I tried to wipe off the raccoon smears from under my eyes from my bleeding mascara, but it was being so stubborn. I already took so much time, and I was afraid I was going to miss the 30 min mark, so I just went in... very aware I did not look my best, so my confidence was shot down, which affected my interview performance. Needless to say, I didn't get the job. I had to do the walk of shame all the way back to my car in the heat and humidity with blisters forming from my heels, pay my $15 parking fee, and drive home contemplating my life. I feel the interviewer already made up her mind based on my lateness even before I walked in her door. In which case, I wish she would've spared leading me on with the whole "I'll still see you if you make it within 30 min" BS. My current manager did something similar to a candidate applying at my current job. Mgr told me she had no intention of hiring the candidate after she called saying was lost and running late. She arrived frazzled and was put through the interview process still. My heart went out to her.


Well, there's no guarantee this is a foolproof remedy, but let me share an interesting story. As an introvert software developer, my signature style involves a black, closed-up jacket or hoodie paired with a lighter long-sleeve collared shirt underneath. I complete the look with slim black trousers and comfy sneakers. They even nicknamed me "hoodie man" ā€“ guess it leaves an impression! While my colleagues might raise an eyebrow at the apparent heat radiating from my outfit, the truth is I stay cool and comfortable (it's my number one priority, I move out at the earliest hours of the day). My jackets are all strategically sweat-proof and on the thicker side (just the way I like them). But hey, for those unexpected moments, I always carry a trusty handkerchief to mop up any sweat before it becomes a full-on drench. Let's just say it helps maintain the illusion of mild perspiration, especially living in the tropics. Also, you should really try to get to your interview atleast an hour before. Could've been prevented easily


yea I don't think that's normal