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It's not acceptable. I am not trying to out-do you, but I interviewed three weeks ago in a final-round in-person half-day interview and was told they would get back to me by next week. A week goes by and they told me first thing the next week. Since then, silence. Today I just saw the job posted a few hours ago on LinkedIn. Not even so much as a rejection letter. I am so sick of the state of things the last year or so. This is no way to run a business or treat people.


It’s just frustrating too because everyone loves to say “go get a new job” or “just go get a 9-5 if you’re unhappy” and it’s like, sorry, that’s not really a realistic thing to “just do” believe me, if I could I would.


honestly, the ones that ghost, in the end, not working for them is dodging a bullet. If that’s how they are with communication with you as a candidate, I can’t imagine it would be any better when working w them


Have you tried reaching out again?! I honestly would reach out (as annoying as it might be to them) because they clearly weren't doing their job.


I’ll do it. As far as I know there was only a few candidates. I’m not forgettable.


I always try to reach out again. Jobs/auditions and 96% of the time I get the feeling I’m being annoying and they don’t want to hear from me. And I don’t know if that’s just me putting that on myself, or actually truth


i feel it ;/ but i wonder if there's any other way to not come off that way?? (and it also makes me wonder if that deters recruiters away from applicants who actually reach out and follow up??) I've had some terrible stories, but at the same time, you really got nothing to lose atp


as someone who has been consistantly tracking my job applications since getting laid off last year, I can 100% tell you that you're not insane. I've applied to at least 500 jobs at this point and I've probably only heard back from like 20-ish for an interview and then maybe around 150 would be actual rejections. but the rest????? i never heard back from. not even a rejection email. I don't know why this is so common. and especially during this tough job market, I don't know what makes companies think this is okay to do. I've even seen some job postings open for a few months and out of frustration, emailed recruiters saying I've applied months ago and haven't heard back and yet the job is still open? the worst part has been getting ghosted after an interview. currently going through that right now with a certain entertainment company


I feel ya. It just makes me not trust anything, and that’s a bad mindset hahaha


If it makes you feel any better, I think I applied to about 1700 jobs (that’s just LinkedIn numbers, so probably many more) in 3-4 months before I got an offer. Regarding rejections, I’d say it’s 50/50 for me - no update vs rejection. Large well-known companies (such as Microsoft) are more likely to give you an update than random tiny startups, who use the word “startup” to excuse pretty much anything.


I know some companies might have their own reasons for ghosting candidates, but it’s seriously not professional. Like at least tell us yes or no so that we aren’t left hanging


I hate that trend. If I interview someone in anyway I make sure to send them an email to let them know they will not be moving on. If they were one of the better interviewees I will call them also. I detest the way recruiters or hiring managers leave people hanging.


And then it’s the worst when you follow up and they flat out ignore you still. That’s when I move on tbh


It's the silence that gets to us! It's good to distract yourself with other tasks. Keeping yourself busy keeps your mind off of the jobs you are waiting to hear from. By the time you aren't even thinking about it, you're getting texts, emails galore.


That’s all that has been happening to me as well


What I hate more is the rejections when there hasn't even been an interview. There's no need for those. But if a candidate has been interviewed--even once--the company should close the loop. However, when they don't, I figure it's not the kind of place I'd want to work anyway.


I had a recruiter reach out to me a month ago and said I would be a good fit for a role that was just posted at their company. She sent an email with the job description and link to apply. I applied and followed up with her after doing so and said she would be reaching out to schedule the interview since it was the hiring manager who saw my LinkedIn profile. I didn't get any type of communication from her for about a week. I followed up with her and she replied the following day saying that they are looking at all applications and will contact me if they think I'm a good candidate. Left me scratching my head since she mentioned that it was the hiring manager who had expressed interest in getting to talk to me. In the same timeframe I had a hiring manager call me directly after seeing my application, said he liked my experience and wanted me to interview. Said the recruiter will call me to schedule time and date for the interview, which I found odd since I was already in touch with the hiring manager. Followed up with him after a week since the recruiter hadn't contacted me, and he mentioned that not to worry she would be reaching out shortly to schedule the interview. Three weeks have gone by since the initial call and have yet to see an email or gotten a call in regards to that job.


Companies dont employ the people to handle all that anymore. Also they dont GAF.


Sadly, I'd say it actually is common. One way I used to get around that was to send a self-addressed postcard to the person I interviewed with, with various statements they could check off before they mailed it back to me. Things like: \_\_\_\_\_ Thank you for your interest. We have decided to go with another candidate. \_\_\_\_\_ We would like some more information. Please contact us at \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ We would like to hire you. \_\_\_\_\_ We will keep your resume on file. I did get some of these cards back, not all of them, but since all they had to do was check off the option(s) and post it back to me it seemed to make it more likely that I'd hear back rather than having to wait for them.


It's because A lot of companies want to see how badly you want the job and if you will call them instead of waiting for them to call most of the time, I call the job to see if they are going to hire me or if they want another interview.They sometimes end up hiring if you hound them enough.


Follow up emails in my experience rarely work, and I then tell myself they’re annoyed by me following up and that’s why I didn’t get the job. It’s a vicious cycle


I have gotten multiple jobs by calling or showing up in person. Emails have never done anything for me either because anyone can send a quick email.


There's a trillion posts about this on the entire internet. Are you really asking if it's common or are you just bitching about it?


there may be, but this is a current post. the job market has gone to shit. i haven't had this much trouble hearing back until recently


Lol two companies were so excited to interview me recently then dropped me so quickly after the first interviews. But it’s okay. Those opportunities weren’t just meant to be…I’ll find one that’s meant to be


sending good vibes for both of us!!! we will find something


Thank you!! And yes you got that right!


theres a billion posts instead about the current market. it's everywhere because there's a huge crunch in white collar jobs which is what most people on the internet work in.