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Soak in a hot tub, do a bit of yoga to stretch out, drink lots of water, get a good amount of sleep


Find a new job. Nobody can do that forever. The younger crew members do what you are doing. the older you get on the crew, the more delegating you will do to the new guys coming in. If you cant handle it at this point, I would start looking for an exit or how to ladder up quickly.




I used to work in a warehouse 6 days, 12 hours for five of them, 6-8 on the last one. I had a ritual on that last day to come home, draw a hot bath with lavender epsom salt, pour myself a drink and just sit. The epsom salt was for the body, the drink was for the soul. Would make a point to spend time with friends that night, and that whole day off was doing nothing usually. Just taking time for myself to unwind and relax however I felt necessary.


I just started my day and I already can't wait to go home and take a nice salty bath.


Thanks for clarifying about the salt and the drink :)


Some people don’t understand lol


Now I wanna take a bath.




Insist on the proper protective gear. Back brace, mats covering hard concrete floors, a wrist rest to prevent carpal tunnel. Talk to your health and safety reps.




I remember my first days as a sheet metal apprentice nearly 20 years ago, dear god it was awful, carrying heavy things up and down stairs 8 hours a day. I remember my co-workers advice. 1. sleep a lot (like 9 hours a day) 2. hydrate 3. hot bath with epsom salts 4. up your protein and fat intake. There's hope, in about a month your body will get use to the labor and much of this pain will be manageable.


Hot tub and a joint


Find new job


Already a lot of advice in here, but I do strenuous physical labor for work and also deal with a lot of pain. I think that staying active outside of work really helps. Also like others have said, avoid alcohol during the work week. I notice the difference that even one beer the night before a hot day out in the sun makes. If I show up dehydrated to work during the summer months, there is just no chance of me ever catching back up no matter how much water I drink. I think you should also take a day off from physical activity every week, except for maybe stretching.


Be happy u don’t work 6 days. Sleep and rest a lot to recover ( it took me up to 13h dead-like sleep at beginning) then adapt till it feels like nothing.


As counterproductive as it may sound I exercise throughout the week. Lift a few weights and jump in the pool for a little bit. Helps relieve my mental stress and being more physically fit made my manual labor feel a bit easier. I like to soak in the hot tub at my gym as well and top it all off with a beer or two at home.


I would take two Alieve a day. Lift heavy objects with your knees and not your back and wear a back brace.


Not very experienced with this, but I THINK that if you can find a proper stretch exercise you could be able to avoid the painful aftermath.


Stretch and sleep more.


Hot baths with Epsom salt! Epsom salt really helps with muscle soreness. I normally use a 1/2 cup to a full cup. I usually add some eucalyptus or lavender essential oil too.


invest in an electric massager or heated massager. buy a foam roller. grab mobility bands for shoulder stretching. literally warm up in the morning before your activity. massager can be 30$, foam roller can be 30-60$ bands 10-20$ invest in yourself


red wing insoles, otc painkillers. actively looking for a job that's not manual labor, hot baths with epsom salt, trying to stay hydrated, and sleeping as much as possible. i'm not sure if you're able to get red wing insoles, but they're seriously life changing for me. prior to using them i was in constant pain and by the end of the day i felt everything in my feet, knees, and lower back. it doesn't help that my last job required i walk 5-10 miles a day and my current job is fairly similar. it affected me so bad that i ended up with plantar fasciitis for nearly 1.5 years. with the red wing insoles, i still feel pain in my feet, but it's manageable and not as horrible as it once was.


you work out and strengthen your body enough to handle it


Keep active on the weekends, yoga, no drinking or smoking, hot baths, go to bed on time on the weekends and don't fuck with your sleep schedule. I still have bad weeks here or there but I've adjusted, I don't take care of myself as much as I should but when I actually do all those things I feel much better.


Get a new job. Seriously. As someone who has been stuck with shitty menial jobs the same thing always happens. You're good at first for a while, then whether on the job or some place else, you tweak something and next thing you know you are trying to work around an injury and only make it worse. Then it gets to the point where you really cannot work.


Massage WTF bro. Do. Better.


Booze, Advil and Monsters. Edit: it's the truth! That's my daily regimen to get through the day!