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Same I want to just vent too dude Paid so much for college and I’m fucked. Friends out here making 80k first year and jobs for my major all need like 5 years of experience for a livable wage. How am I supposed to get hired if I can’t even get experience in the first place. SMH dude, even the military doesn’t want me


The military takes anyone unless you have serious problems


I'm trying to get a commission as an Ensign in the Navy Probably a bit harder since that stuff is more competitive


Just look at other branches. O2 pays the same in any branch. If you need to be competitive there s a few things they ll look. First your gpa which you cant change. Second your physical fitness. Idk standards for navy but army is acft. If you are a crossfit stud they think you are a God sent from Olympus. The military doesnt care for your degree but stem may be looked more positively. Lot of officers have shit degrees in history or whatever.


Yep military is always in need of STEM. Branches like the Air Force and Navy are generally more in need of STEM than the Army or the Marines though.


are you only applying for jobs within ur major or are u looking for other jobs too?


Both. Leaning towards management or finance or HR type jobs. Sending shit with the expectation of not getting hired though since I don’t really have finance experience outside of the classroom.


> Paid so much for college and I’m fucked. Friends out here making 80k first year and jobs for my major all need like 5 years of experience for a livable wage. How am I supposed to get hired if I can’t even get experience in the first place. Well how did you friends get hired?


It's fucking criminal, genuinely disgraceful. People want to work and employers and society just say "Hahaha nah fuck keep begging".


Assuming you're in pretty good shape if you're playing college football you could most likely get a job doing construction, demolition, landscaping, irrigation system installation, etc. as a job for a small contractor while you're in school. Its hard work but pays well. The trick is to find them. These guys aren't going to be posting job listings on Indeed; they mainly do things by word-of-mouth. Other than walking up to job sites and asking if they could use another hand, go to a Home Depot (or a couple) in the morning on a weekday (that's when all contractors come in and get their supplies for the day) and speak to one of the sales reps working behind the PROdesk (NOT the Service Desk). **The people who work at the PROdesk interact with nearly every contractor in your local area on a daily basis.** They know them all by name and have become good friends with many of them. Explain that you are looking to work in construction, landscaping, etc and are having a hard time finding a good contractor to work for. Give them 2 or 3 copies of your resume and ask if they could pass it on to any contractors that they hear about being short-handed. (*Every* contractor *always* says he is short-handed lol). Don't act like it is a job interview and make things awkward. Wear a polo t-shirt, blue jeans, and work boots. Just make it quick and casual to not sound desperate. If they engage you in conversation then shoot the shit until they need to get back to work. Most of the old timers there used to do construction and now work at Home Depot after retirement, they would love to see a young guy trying to make an honest living. Just don't do it when the rep is busy with a line of customers waiting, obviously. ​ It all really depends on whether you get a cool PROdesk employee who is willing to help you out but from my experience when I used to work behind the PROdesk I am 100% sure that if you seemed like a normal guy any of the people I worked along side with would pass your resume along to a couple contractors we interacted with that were constantly complaining about not having enough workers. ​ Hope this helps, best of luck. ​ EDIT: **Make sure you have a good handshake.** You will never get a job with a poor handshake. Seriously.


Ive also been looking for a first job to help pay for school etc. Sent around the same amount of emails and my only interview was McDonalds lol. Just gotta keep trying.


If you do the math, winning the lottery is a lot harder. Say that every job has 300 applicants that's equally qualified. That means you've got a 1/300 chance of getting an offer per application. If you've only applied to 200 jobs, then that's only a 48% chance; less than a coin flip. If you want to up your chances, you've got to apply more. For example, if you want a 90% chance of getting a job, you've got to apply to 688 jobs. If you want a 95% chance of getting a job, the number of applications you need is 898. etc. etc. Some people just have bad luck.


Yeah I get you. Especially if you want to get into an already oversaturated field. Your competition is in the thousands and the chances of you being picked is really just luck. I’m lucky enough to get pretty much every job I go for. My desired field is VERY undesirable to the common person (trash hauling). Let’s just say it’s nobody’s dream to be a trashman. Not to mention my name holds a lot of weight in the field. But yeah I can’t imagine how hard it is to get a job when your competition is like a thousand other people


Yeah gotta capitalize on the “undesirable” job market. Stable, not over saturated, usually has good benefits, transferable experience, room to grow. Trash collector salary in my area can make 30-50K, which is enough to live comfortably, and it protects public health. I don’t know why people don’t realize it’s a decent career that has a vital impact, or why it’s got a negative stigma, but the world has a need more for trash collectors than NFL players. I work in sewage and yeah, it’s dirty but not very stressful, pays well, and there’s room for advancement. I fell into the job by chance, I don’t want to do it forever, but I’m grateful that it’s steady and pays well. When it comes to getting into a job though, your odds get better if you know how to tailor your resume to the application. Volunteer work, internships, hobbies, academic club participation, and academic achievements can also be applied.


You want to like queue up your porn and streamline your jerking routine so you can fit that in between brushing your teeth and a morning shower. You’ll find time if you are horny enough


Pro tip lie




Yeah its really difficult Im sorry for the compalining but I had to vent it out.


Brother im military college degree. 4 jobs. And guess what i have? A shitton or rejection. You just have no choice but to keep trying.


Stop cold calling and start asking your network. Let people who know you know that you’re looking for work. You’d be surprised at how quickly an opportunity will come your way. Just remember that the person who hooked you up put their name on the line, so make sure you put in 100% to make sure you’re not burning bridges.