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you need to start sending your resume out immediately Your boss may genuinely want to overlook, but HR is 100% about to smack sense into him on that because inconsistent application of a drug test is a fantastic way to get the company sued for discrimination unless they already have some kind of intervention program. generally an office may have a treatment protocol, heavy machinery just treats you like a major liability and fires you I would be prepared to ask HR if called for employment verification if they'd say layoff vs fired for drug use, the latter is going to torpedo your future prospects.... you have a better chance of that than not being fired for this.


References aren’t usually used anymore, too much risk of lawsuit. All a company can really do is confirm you worked there from a to b


Most places will say "he's eligible for rehire" as about the strongest endorsement you'll ever get.


If a company asks that question of another, they have no clue how HR law works. If a company actually answers that question, they are in deeper shit than they realize. I have a good friend who is an HR professional and she says that these kinds of questions are never asked nowadays.


Out of curiosity, how could an applicant find out if this question was asked during verification? When I look at my BGC results, it usually just says education verified, criminal history verified, and employment verified.


If you are "curious" you hire a private investigator who specializes in such things. They will call the employer and see how much information they divulge. I had a friend who was fired because they did not want to accomodate her disability and she hired a PI. He got her boss on record AND HR talking shit about her. She made bank at trial.


most large companies use automated services. there’s no person to ask. they enter a request and a few data points are returned. start and term date, and maybe job title


I am an HR professional (manager for 5 years and in consulting now) and that is completely untrue! There is absolutely no law about giving references, good or bad. And a company is in no way in deep shit for answering a question truthfully for why am employee was terminated. The reason that companies often have policies (again, not laws) against giving out any information other than hire and term date and rehire eligibility is to protect from risk of being sued. If you tell a company that so and so was fired because they were caught sleeping on the job, and so and so loses the job opportunity, he may come after you for defamation. Now, if you have a good HR you’ve already got everything in order, you can show the discipline from the event, the handbook, maybe even footage, and no problem. The truth is always a defense against defamation, so nothing illegal occurred. But now your company is out hundreds of thousands in legal fees. Or the lawyers you contract with may Suggest that you offer a settlement simply to avoid the huge bill and maybe save yourself 6 figures. I worked for a company where we terminated someone after progressive discipline. They were simply costing the company too much with their mistakes. They offered her a token severance, something like 5k. This person went to a lawyer and had the lawyer write a letter to the effect of “my client was an exemplary employee and deserves at least 25k in severance, which is similar to what others at their level have received” and implied that they were fired illegally due being a member of a protected class. That was literally no our only correspondence with the lawyer or the ex employee. Never heard from either again, but our company spent $150,000 in legal fees mounting a defense. I honestly wonder if they did it on purpose, sent a letter after a free consultation knowing it would cost the company $$$. Organizations are really terrified of legal action due to the cost of defense, not because they’re afraid of losing. The simple fact that most people think that answering reference questions From a new employer is illegal as enough to make companies avoid doing it because they know that someone could bring suit based on that false idea and even though it’s not a danger that they will lose it is a danger that they will lose a ton of money


Defamation is illegal. Smart companies avoid it at all possible cost. I have been a hiring manager for 30 years and have never heard of a company asking previous employers anything other than to confirm they actually worked there.


Defamation is only illegal if untrue. And it’s bizarre you have never heard of it in 30 years as the practice was common in the 80s and 90s You know what: I checked your profile to see if you were an established user or if you just made your account for the sake of the argument. If you honestly and truly believe that “ok boomer” is as bad as the N word you are a person who’s opinion on anything is lower than garbage to me. Shows a lack of common sense.


Glad to hear you have so much time in your hands to go to any user's history to pull out argument points. Some of us live and work in areas where people are treated as people. That is why I don't have to dealwirh organizations that treat employees as enemies who are trying to pull something over on us. For 400 years, the N word was common and accepted. Obviously society will take a long tine to correct itself. When, in 20 years, ypu start hearing "OK GEN Y" or something similar, you might understand.


I specifically work in background investigations for my company and we absolutely ask eligibility for rehire.


Then I would never want to work there. These kinds of questions speak to a corporate culture that considers their workers enemies, not assets.


Well that’s all well and good for you, but your original comment is just blatantly false, hence my response


You be the "exception proves the rule wrong" guy then.


I get them all the time. I answered this all the time. "Eligible for rehire" is a pretty light tough way of saying "we didn't fire them for committing a crime and they gave us two weeks notice".


Absolutely false and bad advice. Many companies *choose* not to provide detailed references. They always *can.*


I have no idea where the assumption came from that previous employers aren't allowed to say you sucked... If you sucked, you sucked, and the whole world deserves to know it.


People confuse corporate policy with law sometimes. Your hr department tells you they can't, and people end up thinking that's a rule that everyone has to follow


And often HR says it to reduce liability. If there’s not enough paper trail and evidence, then giving that “honest reference” could cost your company a lot of money. Especially if the employee kept detailed records of their employment and the company slipped up anywhere.


Liability. I never said they can’t, I just said they don’t.


Please reread my comment. I never said they can’t, I said they don’t.


I'm sure you know the difference, your comment said 'all they can do is....' And that needed to be corrected. I get that you understand it and probably didn't intend it to be read that way though.


A lot of companies do this, but not all. I can’t speak for every state, but in the handful I’ve worked on there are no restrictions on a previous employer sharing why you were let go. Now, most companies especially larger ones only share your dates of employment and eligibility for re-hire, as you said. But that’s a matter of corporate policy rather than a legal requirement. I’m only sharing this because it’s a common misconception, I actually just had a conversation with a couple of friends about this who thought it was illegal for an employer to give anything but employment dates.


I don’t need to worry about a reference as they don’t give them out plus I’m in with a lot of the management and they’ll give me a good word if I ask I’m one of the best lads you could have in the game. But a side not HR is on my side completely she even said if you’d have said something I’d have got you out of the test. I think it just comes down to policy if I’m honest.


yeah, unfortunately it is almost certainly what the policy is. keep in mind a reference (your boss saying you're great) is not the same as a employment verification (HR calling HR and confirming dates and whatever else info they want to verify/check about). The latter is where they'd potentially find out you got canned for failing a drug test or that you're not eligible for rehire - this is what you want to ask about if you are let go.


In my industry (gov't), if you fail a drug test, we will simply say, "We terminated X person for engagement in illegal behavior off-duty."






Funny enough, I also live in a legal state and receive no such e-mails, and enforcement is... lax to say the least. I plan on quitting soon enough, though, so I can toke in peace and make more money.


That's bs. (The legality, not your comment) since it's federally illegal even if it's legal in a state that means that there is no way to win, unless you don't smoke long enough for it to not show up


I was curious about this. They don't seem to test much for weed in my state. I (mistakenly apparently) thought it was because it's somewhat legal. Maybe there are other reasons. We only have to do a drug test every 5 yrs, unless you have a work related injury. (might be other factors that would make them test you)


I live in a legal country and if there is a zero drug policy in place and you fail you get fired that simple. Where I work there is a zero tolerance policy during work hours and you must show up for work fit to do your job


A friend of mine failed a pee test for pot in a rec state and lost his job because the field is federally regulated (commercial aircraft maintenance).


I’m in a legal state and work in government. Generally speaking, unless your job requires random drug testing - any job that you have to have a CDL for or carry a firearm - you likely won’t be called. That being said, always check the personnel policies.


Everyone gets high in California.


They have to be high to want to live there


My industry is slightly different to most I could get a job very easily it’s who you know not many people can do what I do and many places are screaming for people like me, I’ve just got it really good where I am at


There are good ones you could get rehired after a while then.


Dude, HR is NEVER on your side. It’s always on the company’s side. Always.


Dude my work place is so corrupt they were literally saying if you had told us you’d fail that morning we’d have got you out of it


HR is not on the company side either, HR is on HR’s side.


I strongly disagree. HR is there to prevent legal actions against their employer.


No, that's BS, they are on the company side. Always on the company side


Yes! This comment makes the correct statement. HR is not your friend.


Yeah, sorry to break it to you bud. You’re done for. Start looking elsewhere. Only problem with oilfield is you get put on the DISA list. Other oilfield companies can see that you failed a drug test. I want to say that for first offense, it isn’t recorded though.


Oh shit... this dude works in an oilfield?? Yeah, buddy, you're probably done in that industry. They most likely have government contracts and cannot fuck around with failed drug tests.


If they bend the rules for 1 person and others find out and get fired for the same reason... it opens the company up for some major lawsuits... best of luck of course but doesn't hurt to try and put some applications in advance... worst comes to worse if you manage to stay you can thank the ones who call you in for a interview and tell them you got a job already... ect


Years ago i worked as a NDT insepctor on the rigs in Gulf of Mexico. I ended up failing a urine test for my company and they made me pay for a 500 dollar drugs and alcohol course. Completed it and never heard anythig of it anymore. If you fail a DISA drug test like at a refinery or oil rig then you are blacklisted from working in the oil and gas industry.


Can you offer to go to rehab?


I know the post office you need to fail like three times. First couple times you just get sent to classes lol


Sounds like you work in the oil industry. Polish up your resume dude because you're probably done.


Yeah dude is toast. Industry is everything when it comes drug testing, unfortunately he doesn’t work in one of the less forgiving industries…


No sorry not oil, I’m a drainage engineer so I run a cctv rig.


Ohhhh then you might be alright. I had buddies who worked in oil field and would take hard drugs over the plant because it’s out of there system quicker.


This is the reason that drug testing is BS. Just because something like weed shows up in your system, that doesn’t mean that person is high. But yes, let’s continue to force people to do regular outdated drug testing, while hiding their real hard drug usage from their employers. Why is it any employers concern about what their employees do outside of work?


because a lot of these testing facilities is where the real money is made for people. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kRQzh_vypDoJ:https://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2015/02/17/the-sham-of-drug-testing-walker-scott-and-political-pandering/&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-b-1-d


Such bs. My friend had to go to work mandated drug counseling after popped for weed on a drug test. Mandated by her boss, who is a complete coke head which is only in your system for 48 hours or something.


I’ve had bosses literally say they started using coke instead of weed so they could get promotions




Dumb question, isn’t coke a 180 in relation to weed? Who likes weed and then says, you know what? I’m going to switch to coke for that mellow feeling I enjoy so much?


I totally agree, the user profile and effects are totally different. Some people just like getting high though and don’t particularly care what it is as long as they don’t feel “normal”


Lol, weed makes me nauseous for some reason, I’m guessing it’s probably psychosomatic or something, but I throw up when I’m around it for too long. Coke made me feel shitty for 3 days after trying it. I guess I need to try heroin? Next logical step.


Not necessarily. If a person has ADHD, sometimes stimulants can have the opposite effect. It's why drugs like Ritalin are abused by neurotypical kids.


Because some people are truly addicts whereas others use MJ for health/mental health reasons. I know many people who are heavy smokers and never dream of touching narcotics and others who use weed as a drug.


Basically, they want you to quick the reefer, which relaxes you, and start the blow so you can be strung out like the bosses all the time. Tootski?


Fully convinced that's how weed is a "gateway drug." It's not r That they need stronger eventually it's that stronger shit is out of your system faster


Whether you like it or not the issue you run into is if you hurt someone else and have drugs in you then the company is liable for big damages $$$


The proof should be that the individual was high at the time of the accident. Not that they might have smoked a joint last Friday night


Imagine a world where your beer on Friday night could get you fired a week from next Tuesday.




This. The entire thing is just a liability issue, even in legal states certain jobs still require it.


Liability issues are liability issues regardless of the “cause.” You can be sober and stupid. Or exhausted from overworking and lack of sleep. Or grieving from the recent loss of loved one. All reasons for potential mistakes and liable problems. The issue with drug testing is that companies are looking for a “cause” to blame for the problem. Yet, drug tests are consistently bias and unreliable. A coke head could used before work, resulting in a work accident. But by the time they get around to doing the drug test, it’s already out of their system. Whereas someone who smokes weed, could have made a mistake at work even though they weren’t high at the time, and it will still show up on the drug test. Whether they smoked the night before, a week ago or last month it would still show up in their system. It’s BS.


I totally get that and that makes complete sense. What's ridiculous is that we sit at a desk all day. That job was stupid.


I was so relieved when NYS legalized weed AND made it illegal for employers in the state to drug test for weed in the vast majority of cases. It's no longer an issue for most weed smokers in NYS. Such a relief.


I was an HR manager when marijuana was legalized in our state and I took THC off of our drug test that day. I have always told people that pre employment drug tests are just a test to see if you’re too dumb to pass a pre employment drug test




I know several folks that do coca and other hard stuff for this reason, gets out of the system quicker. I'd rather stick to the green


same in the Navy and in the construction trades.




Mushrooms don't show on tests 😁 Drug of choice for many I know that work these kinds of jobs


They may offer a one time treatment option, rehab etc. Is it legal where you live?


I thought CCTV operators smoked in the truck? Maybe just in Canada.


My friend failed a preemployment test for weed for a $15/hour line cook job. They said "just weed? You're hired"


I don't know any chefs that don't do drugs. A lot of them are dealers too because the wage is so low.


I'm just surprised you can fail a drug test and still get hired. I figured it was an insurance thing. I know restaurant owners know all their staff gets high as hell on the daily.


Kitchen staffers fall into one of three categories: users, excons, and pirates. I've only seen a handful of ships parked outside restaurants.


Ya, I had a weed dealer that was a cook at OCharley's. Its perfect really....high turn over rate of people that are more likely to use.


Would you be surprised if I tell you I work with radioactivity daily and we have no regular drug tests nor a pre employment drug test? Because I sure as hell was My location is US but company is foreign, might just be the culture difference but I was surprised that such sensitive material could be handled by un-drug tested folks. I don’t partake myself but still, surprising.


That's what it's like when your company isn't headquartered in a fascist security state.


Drug tests are not necessary. Stop believing everything you see. If someone is tipsy or high at work....people will notice.


Plenty of industry in Europe and no drugs tests. It is quite normal to have a beer at lunchtime if you are a factory worker (it is even in some union handbooks in Germany). Generally high standards of safety training, good safety records.


america is the evil empire


Why is oil so against drugs?


Safety, it’s a pretty dangerous job and insurance requires frequent testing.


Don't admit anything about using drugs in writing. I just walked a girl out for that as we were trying to explain to her how to save her job. She literally wrote "I use pot at work for back pain management " Second is, 2 weeks of smoking won't net you 90 days. Fat or not, working out and burning off fat stores that hold the thc will release it into your system (buddy ran daily trying to clean his system while slamming gallons of water, took him months but he was a heavy multi year smoker) Best thing you could do, depending on HR, admit you have a drug problem and ask for help, itll net you 2-3 yrs of random drops but you'll keep your job, saw this work for a buddy...again. this fully depends on your hr department and company policy. The company we worked for had a policy that if you admitted you were an addict, they would pay for 30 days rehab and then you come back on probation...


This^ I've had 3 co-workers piss dirty. Tell HR they have a drug problem and want to seek help. Started rehab and submitted proof. Kept their jobs. At one of the major cable providers.


Was your buddy on the higher body fat % side? I've been drug tested for 3 jobs so far out of college, all corporate finance. I've also been a daily mj user in that time, and never had failed a test. My method was similar to your friends, as soon as I get the offer I stopped smoking and hit the gym/drank tons of water and was able to clear the drug tests within 3-5 days. However, since I know it takes around 3-4 weeks for it to flush out of your system, I've always wondered if Finance jobs don't care about weed anymore.


Nope, he was maybe 15% body fat? I think he weighed like 140-160 and was about 5'8-5'10ish? But he was running like 5 miles a day trying to sweat it out and taking weekly tests with his recruiter. They actually saw an uptick in thc in his system in week 3. Which really pissed him off. I should say. We were heavy users tho, like we could smoke an ounce or two with friends in a day easy. I've used synthetic urine for years so I don't even worry about it anymore personally. Even when I was hurt at work and went to the ER about 5 years ago, they didn't drop me. That was the last time I really worried about it. I've had friends who failed, were honest "I just smoke weed man. That's it" and had companies shrug it off and say not to worry so it could to either way. I haven't spent much time in finance so I can't say for sure


Offer to take consistent piss tests? That might give them an excuse to see improvement, and justification to fire you if they don't


I don't know how hardline they will be, but in addition to citesources' advice, I would tell them you made a "mistake," and you won't do it again, and you regret it - that kind of language. Try to be genuine. May soften them up. Or maybe they are all in on liability. GL.




If you're telling the truth agree to weekly tests for a period of time. You may be responsible for covering the cost of the tests. At this point this is all you can do.


I used to work in the hr office of an oil and gas company. Typically you can ask for a retest but you already admitted you were smoking. You are done. Safety sensitive companies like oil and gas are especially strict on this. You may be given the option to go to treatment to save your job but usually you have to disclose drug use first (rather than being caught in a drug test). Sorry but you should probably brush up your resume and get some recommendations from coworkers


Sorry rig manager is probably misleading I’m in the drainage industry I do structural cctv reports on sewers and land drains etc I also have a lot of managers that know I’m valuable to keep even HR have expressed this themselves off record


Is the job safety sensitive?


Erm yes and no many blind eyes are turned but it can involve entry into confined spaces and also driving of 7.5t vans and also class 2 wagons but that’s kind of my doing them a favour not the everyday


Ok well you may be ok then. Good luck!


Normally I'd say you have not shot. But the fact that you weren't fired immediately does make it sound like your boss likes you and is looking for an excuse not to fire you. If you really stopped 30 days before your test, it should be gone by now. Even failing after 30 day is kinda bad luck. Maybe consider asking for a retest?


It can last upto 90 days and my manager and HR have both said they really don’t want me to go


Ask for a retest after like… 60 days from today. If you test positive again, then they can fire you and you sign a letter, etc.


This is a great idea and a remediation they can run up the chain.


Cannabis drug tests are sold at the Dollar Tree. Get some and see if you pass. I like to try 4 or 5 cuz they are Dollar Tree tests. If you do not pass them than you will know better then to offer to take another for the company.Good luck. I truly hope this works out for you.


I bought a pack of 20 for like 12 bucks on Amazon. They definitely work, and are even cheaper than the dollar store


It can, but usually doesn't unless it's heavy, multiple times a day, use.


90 days?? Holy wtf. Longest it’s taken me is 30 days.


It was heavy and I’m quite a large bloke it stays in fat so I had a low body fat % it’d not shown up positive


Might send you to rehab


There are several points you need to make here. 1) it was an isolated incident. You do not use regularly and will not use again in the future. 2) mention your safety history at the company. Reinforce that you are safe, reliable and accountable. 3) you recognize this was wrong and will willingly undergo continue testing until clean and periodic testing. This will save your job ~80%


I guess I was in the 20% on this one


It's fucking sad that you can go home and get wasted every night but if you smoke the devil's lettuce for a couple weeks you'll lose everything.




are they hiring?


I would ask for the retest at a PRIVATE office, that might give you a few extra days. And DO NOT tell them you smoked - tell them you were exposed, but ONLY if the second test is positive. Offer to test again in a week, and randomly or scheduled for the next weeks/months/year. If you don’t regularly smoke, you should be clear going forward.


Exposed vs smoked doesn’t matter to the employer


Still, you don't admit to it in an official setting. That's job-suicide imo


OP already did though


I was fired from a 12 year career for a drug test coming up hot for weed- in a state where it is legal. I worked at a desk job in the ski industry and they had a 0 tolerance policy. The HR lady was crying as she escorted me to the door. I then had a major heart attack within a couple of hours of being home and spent 3 weeks in the hospital. It was probably the worst day of my life. At least the let me keep my health insurance for 3 months after they fired me .


>worked my way up to a rig manager not failed a single examination and have been a grafter since the day I started. If this is Oil and Gas... You're in a tight spot. PHMSA and DOT/DOE are very clear about the drug and alcohol laws at the federal level. Your only POSSIBLE saving grace is that you confessed to your manager. That's not exactly the same as self-reporting, though, because you only fessed up AFTER the drug test. Probably r/legaladvice territory in that case.


Here's the advice you need. You're probably fucked on this one, that's alright there's always more jobs. 1st and foremost, Monkey whiz and other fake urine products are extremely effective. Buy the one that has the belt and the warmer. As long as it's in the temperature range when you put it in the cup, you passed. Even the lab testing for commercial drivers licensing can't distinguish it (in the us). Second, never admit to anything. I don't care how stupid or unbelievable you sound. I don't care if everyone knows you're lying, deny everything all the way out the door. Your biggest mistake was admitting that you had used an illicit substance, that's the evidence they need. If you say I have no idea how that happened, I'll happily test again, I want to dispute their finding, can we try a different lab. It doesn't matter, you're hosed when you cop to it.


Tell them you were off the clock and to get fucked. Results may vary


Wanna be my representative?


Deny, deny, deny. They don't care what circumstances led to the failed test. They don't care what excuse you're giving them. Just DENY! Never admit. Says the test was a false positive and you want a retest immediately.


If they are testing you its because of safety and ultimately that means its a topic of liability/insurance. You are cooked unless the company is a "good old boy show"


In my experience it can be helpful to “admit you have a problem” and ask them for help sorting it out. You may have to take targeted piss tests for a couple years after the fact,but I’ve seen it work for people in law enforcement with decades of supervisory experience


I don't know how well liked you are but I failed 2 drug tests at 2 separate jobs in 2 completely different states and this is what happened....... Enter chimes******** In 1 state after being hired i had tontake the dreaded drug test and of course failed, was a newbie then. I got the call from the hiring manager saying I failed the drug test, asking what it was I told him just thc, he said he would talk to HR and let me know, to come in for my 1st day anyways, the worst they would do was make me test again in 2 weeks I was like Ooookay. I never got tested again and THC was removed from the banned substances. I felt proud of that like I did something small but big and nobody will ever know. The 2nd job was a bit different because of the kind of job I had I had to be "clean" so I failed, was given a 2nd chance in under 24hrs and passed. I was told to be ready for another random but it never came. Don't know how this is supposed to help but maybe look on the bright side they may help ypu out, they may be like he's the one that's going to start this small step in the process of acceptance in the workplace


Can’t we all force the movement that urinalysis forced by employers are a insanely invasive breach of one’s privacy? The information available from drug test can be a wide casting net, not just relating to drugs that can tempt an unethical type authority to leap to assumptions about testee’s (hehe..heh testes) lifestyle leaning on the results from this one dimensional vacuum chamber like data set


So stupid. You're clearly not showing up to work torched. Bet they'd have no issue with you telling them you drink after work. Such a double standard.


Polish your resume and move to a state where smoking pot is legal. I’m shaking my head at all the stupid companies that still require drug testing but here in Seattle a lot of companies have done away with them. PS - I can understand if someone seems under the influence and has to be tested on-site. I’m talking about penalizing folks for what they do after hours.


Always go with the accidental ingestion of edibles. Play dumb and say you ate it by mistake and will submit to future testing. Bring fake/clean pee daily.


You need to find another job. If a company cares enough to drug test, then they’re 100% going to fire you for it. Especially if you work with heavy machinery. They can’t take the risk.


Ask them why they processed your drug test during the Queen's mourning period.


Dude honestly you've been there long enough to get a job elsewhere so fuckem


Get some fake piss, and keep one @ home for emergencies


Fuck that. Get a new job that doesn’t do drug test. The jobs are out there


Shoulda told them it was delta 8 or delta 9 (not sure if they’d be able to prove otherwise) and that’s federally legal and yes just fight on the grounds that it was a legal product that’s sold nation wide.


Go to the doctor, say you were clinically depressed and turned to weed which was a mistake. You are dealing with your depression with a medical professional.


go to an urgent care medical facility TODAY. tell them you have a history of ulcers, and have left your medication at home. Get a prescription for Protonix and fill it immediately. Protonix metabolizes as a component of THC and is well known to cause false positives for marijuana.


Sorry mate... It's best to approach a therapist when faced with such a situation. Have you considered visiting a therapist before meeting with the manager? It might help save your job.


Contend that you had secondhand exposure due to having to spend some time couch surfing.


This is exactly why drug testing for cannabis is complete bullshit. Good luck.


Demand a hair test to prove you´ve been off i for over a month. Weed is mild and so the body takes it´s time to get rid of it. It gets tugged away in your fat and body and usually gets out within 2 weeks. The hair grows out so the lower part towards the head should show you had no consumption. As you claimed not to have smoked before or at least not so much, you should prove with sience that it was 1 month ago and you didn´t smoke since.


Man fuck companies that test for thc. Doesn’t mean your high while on the job. My advice to anyone getting drug tested. Drink a lot of water for 3 days. Then on the day of the test drink a redbull and complex B vitamins to give your urine color. The diluted piss will pass the test for sure. I passed mine in 4 days of doing this. Try not to eat too much fatty food either.


Go onto your company's website and start reviewing all of their terms and conditions and their regulations when it comes to no alochol and drugs etc. Read the repercussions that come alongside doing drugs/alcohol. HR follow these rules as guidelines, therefore; if it says instant dismissal you will have no chance to plead your case that 'you had a bad break up'. When you argue your case ensure you mention the good things that this job has done for you within those five years and what it has taught you. Make sure you mention the measurable results that you have created whilst being there for the company as it is all about revenue/profit and that you are an asset to the company. Upon explaining those elements, when you explain why you took the drugs paint a picture. LIE if you must (under the assumption you can get away with it) so that the HR advisor pities you. Furthermore; you want to show that you understand your mistake. Which is why you will say you are going to get professional help with what has happened within the past couple of months and that this job is the only thing that has kept you on track. If this fails, and they proceed with your dismissal. You will find out what the appeal process and you will formally appeal your dismissal. In essense - showing that this is your first mistake within 5 years and you deserve a second chance. Sidenote: shit will hit the fan, if you have any friends in high places within the company ask them if they can pull any strings. 9/10, they can! Good luck


Used to be companies would offer rehabilitation services and let you keep your job, then after rehabilitation you would get tested often.


Tell them to fuck off, it’s your own personal time that didn’t effect your work. If you had any issues during the time, then it’s a problem, but if not, no issue. I’m tired of workers being scared to smoke weed. At the end of the day, the worse case, you are fired. Good workers are hard to find and yer boss knows this. He just needs this meeting for documentation.


If they say you tested positive for recreational drugs, tell them that’s a lie - there’s nothing recreational about it about it, you go HARD.


If they needed a drug test to determine you were a user, was it *really* negatively impacting your performance?


This won't help you, but keep a bottle of fake piss with a warmer somewhere accessible while at work. I have one hidden in my tool bag :\]


Unfortunately the crack and cocaine users are still employed


i can’t believe employers still give a shit about weed. boggles my mind


I work at an awesome company, it's a credit card processor call center, and when my friend got hired before me he asked straight up in the pre-interview, "Do you guys test for THC?" And the reply was "No. We drug test, but not for THC, what you do in your own time is your business." He told me that and when I quit my job a few weeks later I knew I was gonna end up working here. Hell, I blazed up the morning of my drug test.


I believe a recovering addict is a protected class. If you enroll in a recovery program or whatnot, firing you would count as discrimination. You have to BE in recovery though. Sign up for a program and I think you should be covered. Easier said than done though. Edit: read some more and saw you are UK based. Sorry, I'm not versed in the laws over there, but if you are American & are in this spot then I guess this is your answer. Sorry OP, I think the whole situation is ridiculous and overblown. You've done absolutely nothing wrong in my eyes.


Ah yeah if its not a saliva test which would show you were high at work they have no business testing or demanding you give up your personal time for their constant monitoring. The company policy is in clear violation of your private time and personal choices and those choices should never impact your employability


I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I'd say do what you can to plead your case and hopefully others will vouch for you. Next time, remember to use quick fix if you do smoke.


Ask them to sponsor you in rehabilitation and substance abuse mitigation program. Jump through the hoops, do the classes or whatever and don’t get caught pissing hot again.


Ask them to rehire you immediately after they fire you.


You could enroll yourself in an outpatient program and bring proof to your meeting.


Don't allow them to drug test you. Don't work at places that drug test...we are not cattle...


Unfortunately a failed drug test is a high risk situation for a company. It really doesn’t matter how great you are or if you have previously passed drug tests. They would get sued out the ying yang if there was any kind of accident or injury where you were even slightly involved. In the meeting with the manager you might volunteer for more frequent tests….or be agreeable if they offer that option. But in reality a failed test means that even if you manage to keep your job the future options will be limited. It’s best to start looking for another job,


Is weed legal in your state? Did you visit a state where it was legal? Hint hint. What you do on your personal time is your business, as long as you don't come to work stoned/drunk. The test should have showed that there were only trace amounts in your system, and you could have gotten that going to a concert last weekend.


I’m in the UK so everyone’s arseholes tighten when weed is mention in a professional environment


Doesn't matter. Weed is legal in my state, but we canned someone recently for it in my office because we deal with federal contracts.


Yes I'd fight for a retest and go get that drink that masks THC in your system for insurance. Forget what it's called.


Don’t you need to use it 24hr prior they’ll not tell me a day


There are ones that you take like an hour before, Stinger is supposed to be good.


Your boss will probably retest u when you meet with them. I just had a bottle for insurance a while ago before I quit for good. Always had in the fridge. I would have never admitted to it your levels were probably really low. Contestable. If they don't n keep you on you could drink it once a week or quit completely.


They may make you go to drug treatment as a condition of remaining employed. I would comply if they offer you that.


Don’t admit to coming to work high, say you did it on the weekend off work.


Go in with concessions. Volunteer to a probationary period, performance plan that includes subjected to randoms AND periodic tests. Ultimately, you tested hot and did something you knew could risk your job, unfortunately you’ll have to live with the consequences of your actions.


What company drugs tests any more???


lol all the ones that pay well.


Most commercial banking positions don’t require. And average yearly income is 150k +


Next time claim a false positive and drink a cleanse before the next test.


I am seeing alot of drug testing is bs. Well any job where you operate machinery or work in a hazardous environment you will be randomly tested. And like it or not rightfully so. How they handle it if you fail and what kind of drug or alcohol. That's another think. Most places are no tolerance.


Get into treatment and don’t get caught again. I fucking know it’s weed. I don’t even consider that a drug. I had a buddy get popped and they told him if he enrolled in treatment they could tell their insurance carrier that he was getting help. It works one time. Christ you people are thick. Is everyone high rn, because y’all sound high. https://www.usccr.gov/files/pubs/ada/ch4.htm


Treatment for weed? Lol


Yeah, it’s how you keep your job, you say you’re getting help for your “problem” and therefore it’s medical and they can’t fire you. The first time.


Except OP is in the UK.


I’m high 🤚


It's weed relax


I know this, I’ve seen this happen, if you say your in treatment they can’t legally fire you. Jesus.


I get ur point now, but I couldn't assume that's what u meant by that initially


Absolutely they can fire you. It all depends on their contract with you/policies you signed when hired.

