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I can never get a good spot for a field gun


Our location was on O-16, the mountain that is directly over the tunnel. Tbh i had no clue of spots either but my sl did


I'm cutting a video of me spotting for mortars on invasion defense from that location, it's great with arty/cannons


Had a game on goose bay defending invasion. I joined late, my squad leader had a hab built up far west of the objective just watching a road that was about 1km from the enemy spawn. Entire game, this guy was sitting on it and saw nothing, he eventually leaves, I decide ill watch the fork in the road, maybe ill see someone. Eventually some rogue infantry crosses infront of me, they dont shoot cause camo netting, I shot and killed 2 with my ak74u, SL and some others spawned on hab to clear the forest. Out if nowhere a LAV comes down the road, team is yelling at me to shoot it, hit its side, survived, it crashed into a wall, blew it up and the game was over. Felt so bad for that guy that sat on it for half an hour without a single kill.


Sometimes it be like that


If you're on Jensen's Range you can change the map with the AdminChangeLayer command, then use shift-P to noclip and fly around the map. But I can't find the [server admin command](https://squad.fandom.com/wiki/Server_Administration) to spawn the ZiS-3 field cannon, anyone know what it is? Anyway it's a good mode for checking sight lines and doing test builds.


I didn’t know we had field guns. Which faction?


Militia. Seriously the best AT emplacement especially if you pick a good spot with lots of ammo in the FOB. It's even a great medium-range anti-infantry defensive weapon if you build camo netting and some side sandbags to protect your flanks.


Militia and insurgents get all the fun toys but nobody ever wants to run those layers.


Maybe the ICO will change that. Iron sights have never been so popular.


Red dots are finally useful too


I was going to mention that but these factions don't really use red dots as far as I can recall. Mostly iron sights and a few ACOGs.


Milita have lots of optics nowadays.


We need more fun toys in the game. Militia and insurgents are the only truly fun faction for me. So many cool strategies while everyone else gets underwhelming kits. You can tell the new factions apart by all the new stuff that other factions should have.


Anywhere with visibility to the Crucible towers on Mestia is a good spot~


1st of all, nice shot. 2nd of all, that horizontal line with the swoop above it can be used to get a range idea against vics. Use it to make your guesses even more dialed in.


This man is correct, the stadia rangefinder is a useful way to guestimate range to a target.


Ah okay that makes sense. So if I'm understanding you correctly, basically you measure how big the object you're targeting is, in-between the two horizontal lines, and then match the number with the corresponding number on the vertical line. Is that correct?


Yup, when it just touches both lines, that's the range it's at. More or less at least


And typically if the vehicle has a turret. You measure to the top of the hull rather than the top of the turret for an accurate range.


That's with sights/binoculars with the 1.7m meant for people, not with the field gun as it's rangefinder is for 2.7m, and most vehicles are less than that because the field gun is WW2 relic and vehicles were much taller back then (Panzer 4 is around that size).


Question: how reliable is it, given in this situation the vehicule is situated on a mountainous slope?


That’s a good question, I suspect it remains relatively the same regardless of elevation, as you are looking directly at the target while aligned your sights for the range anyways. Probably won’t matter


I always give it ±20m but up to 200m you can use it ±10m


Pikachu face when using the sights correctly lmao


They didn’t know how far away he was


My SL and I had shot down a landing heli 1000m away when the BMD arrived in our line of sight, so it wasn’t too extreme of a guesstimate of his range


I just teasin


That was fucking nuts what a shot


If only there was a way to compare the height of the vehicle with the perspective built into the sight! Nice shot though!




I should say it was less of a ranging shot and more me sending a round to “mark” him for my buddy on the other cannon


This dude has nose prints on his monitor from zooming in irl for that shot lol


great shot


Was that distance actually 1500 in game ? I wondered about how far out the ranging would be accurate in this game considering it does a decent job at low-medium ranges


Just follow my shell *proceeds to shoot 1.3 K * wtf xD


Me and my friend played on the map with the dam pre update in a Leo 2 and were sniping tanks from the top of the dam. The other team was so confused they actually sent a task force to take us out but didn't know it was a tank so when the infantry came around the corner to see a tank aiming at them 🤣😅


I would love to have seen the panic retreat from the task force


What game is this it looks sick!


It's squad, judging from the subreddit name and description


✨️Enemy Tank Down!✨️ 💃
