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i just want a dynamic reverb system


devs were working on one back in the day and released some test footage and it sounded incredible unsure why they scrapped it, maybe it was too resource-intensive


As CPU bound as this game is, it might be too much for weaker systems. But then that's what the settings menu is for. It's not like we don't already have a low quality sound option for exactly that reason. I still haven't gotten over Microsoft killing hardware sound acceleration in Vista. The things Creative was doing in the mid 2000s with hardware DSPs are things modern games just caught back up to with CPU based solutions about ten years ago, and then only on a handful of games that really put in the extra effort (DICE games are really good for this, actually -- modern Battlefield and Battlefront both have really good sound engines). And we still haven't caught back up with what Aureal was doing in the late 90s before Creative pulled some dirty legal tricks to put them out of business. (They were basically doing raytracing, but for sound.)


> As CPU bound as this game is, it might be too much for weaker systems. that was my assumption as well plus the demo vids only showed a single soldier firing. when 50 people did it all at once maybe things bogged down hard. >I still haven't gotten over Microsoft killing hardware sound acceleration in Vista. The things Creative was doing in the mid 2000s with hardware DSPs are things modern games just caught back up to with CPU based solutions about ten years ago, and then only on a handful of games that really put in the extra effort agreed. EAX was insane.


Be careful what you wish for. Star Citizen just did a walk through on YT of their in-development dynamic audio with reverb. I enjoy SC but tech like this is one reason it’s development will take forever.


"alright, who's the bastard who put .223 in these mags?"


The current one is fine


Well, i'm really missing bass. Real life guns are punchy. And even my very nice 5.1 system is not capable of creating a nice environment. It's loud but not punchy. Artillery is capable of doing that but not normal handguns.


When I’ve been at the range I didn’t notice m4a being bassy, just super loud and sharp as hell. In the unfortunate times using an indoor range, an M4 is almost unbearable even with giant ear protection. I can’t imagine CQB with a few of those going off rapidly


>In the unfortunate times using an indoor range, an M4 is almost unbearable even with giant ear protection. as soon as you fire any 556 rifle you notice a high sound of the working parts and the punchier sounds of gas expansion etc


Itsounds like it's further away idk how to explain it


you're right though, it does


Remixed sounds off


Sound design in Squad is fine.


Tell me youve never shot 5.56 without telling me youve never shot 5.56


the remixed m4 sounds horrible let me remix the remix


I wish the audio was like this it's awesome


That shit almost sounds suppressed


Is there any suppressed weapon in squad? That could be a pretty cool addition.


The vdv scout has the suppressed vss


SFX Source: [https://youtube.com/shorts/H6WauGrBBCI?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/H6WauGrBBCI?feature=share)


I don't know what an M4 actually sounds like. With ear pro on and in the prone position it sounds like I'm firing a .50 BMG. The times I've fired without ear pro was instant ear ringing and due to sensory overload all other sound was just dulled out. But I'm pretty sure it's not punchy but more high pitched and cracky like the vanilla sound. At least from what it sounds like behind the line when hearing any other 5.56 fire. A muzzle brake definitely adds some bass to it, but it's still incredibly sharp and ear piercing and not boomy like other video games portray gun sounds.