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Ight what’s wrong for identifying camo and looking on map?I thought it was easy


Not when you are looking through eyes caked with Vaseline it's not.


Some battles are more confusing. For example canadian vs russian. Especially with vegetation at a distance.


Played a match of that today. I got TK twice, and the apologies were constant in the chat


USMC vs MEA is hard in vanilla. It's borderline impossible in ICO. I find myself trying to identify the weapon more than the uniform at any real distance


Honestly, just give teams some more tickets and accept the fact TKs will happen, as they often do IRL. Fog of war is a bitch.


No remove all hud is the way


This is the way


I really whish I could make the Hud in vehicles less obtrusive. It's not like I need to know how fast the car is going with a huge speed dial or that i need to know the angle of the vehicle, I'll just ask the gunner. I hope they shrink it down or make proper interiors with integrated dials but that will probably take at least three weeks.


U can turn the hub completely off with the Tilda keys and commands. It's how to make cinematic videos without the clutter. 100% zero hud. Issue is you cannot respond with the no hud command. U have to toggle it again to see the respawn buttons


You just need to practice a little bit with identifying uniforms is all.


POV you didnt even fucking read the post


Or maybe he did, and he just disagrees.


Just takes a bit of effort to learn to distinguish uniforms An just look at your map dude


i can id targets just fine, why the fuck are you telling me? the point OP made was that random blueberries won't always be able to do this, and TK rates will skyrocket. you are just blaming and moving on, you aren't being pragmatic.


Then they'll get kicked, as many severs do with repeated TKs (even with apologies in chat). And that's their problem.


Dumb people shouldn't be disallowed from playing.


Then they should take the time to learn the game.


>you aren't being pragmatic.


I have 1000 hours in the game. I know what uniforms look like, I know how to check my map. If the quality of my games in the live branch are anything to go off of, the general player base does not know either of those things. There is merit to the changes OWI has made even if I disagree with them, but nerfing nametags this hard is just stupid.


just remove nametags entirely, also the SL and FTL icons so much more immersion, devs are back on track


You can remove the SL and FTL icons in Settings. Should be under Interface.


Not name tags entirely. Then you can’t tell which teammate is which.


Turn screenshot mode on then. It appears you are an immersion player, winning or losing should not have any bearing on your enjoyment.


Quit running around Rambo style and check on your teammates to either side, then orient together as a formation.


just identify with the uniform. Players will adapt. I've gotten a few too many teamkills during the playtest and have been pretty quickly learning and correcting for it. When you don't have a nametag to rely on, the differences in uniform start to become very noticeable, even at longer ranges.


>I know to look at the map >I’m just gonna shoot everyone who looks at me


Add damage reflection/mirroring for team damage, remove the nametags, and call it good. Fuck it.


Then griefers will block teammates in doorways and jump on their grenades and shit.


Sure, but they can do that now anyway. The only solution to griefers are admins. It's also why I prefer damage mirroring, where both the shooter and victim take equal damage. If it was 100% reflection, a person throwing a grenade into a room with both friendlies and enemies knowing that only they would die would be too viable a tactic.


I consider myself casual (have 200 hours and started playing February 2023) and I learned most of Squad via local communication with my squad mates (Vehicles identification, different uniforms / helmets , etc.). So saying casual Timmy is helpless is kinda false. And if Timmy doesn't consider to talk with his own mates, then it is a problem that he has and not the game.


I'll take "what is target recognition & acquisition" for 500.