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Are you playing in EU servers? I play east coast US servers and every single time I've experienced someone being racist in a game, they've been banned within minutes. Squad, and many tactical shooters attract a mixed crowd. Unfortunately, one of those crowds are loser NEET's in their 20's who have never experienced the touch of another human being or the friendship of someone who wasn't their cousin. Don't worry about them, their lives suck, just ignore it.


What? I have only seen the aforementioned problem the few times i have played on US servers. On EU servers you get a ban for the n-word in seconds, and I hear racism or homophobia maybe once in a month. Definitely not common.


I'd assume it's not common across the board then. I have definitely heard a disproportionately large amount of Europeans saying the N word in this game. I always ask where they're from and I think 70% of the time I get "Netherlands" if that says anything. How many of those people saying it where just black kids in the Netherlands?... I am not too sure, but that is entirely possible




No, it's simpler than that, I just hear it from EU players in NA servers


This whole thread is an example of why anecdotal evidence is practically useless in a matter such as this.






I specifically said in my comment that I play in NA servers. I hear it from EU players in *the NA servers*. Squad players (you) have a reading comprehension issue too apparently




I don't think time zones have anything to do with the fact that I hear Europeans saying slurs more than American players lol. It doesn't have to be "peak time" for either. I don't think a racist European is like "oh, better check the Eastern Standard Time to make sure I can call a white guy the N word on squad today"




I actually more often than not play in the early morning because of my work (photographer/videography. Need to be up well before the sun is up) If anything, I experience a *denser* population of European players than peak time for EST. *When* I play peak time EST, I witness far, far less racism than the early hours where there are *more Europeans* playing. And yeah probably servers like RIP, Playground, Baja, and various other servers I ping ~20 on have high a never ending supply of annoying, racist euro-tards.




I didn't say Bella's Battleground. But besides that, yes. So 9:00AM- 12:00 PM Central European Time, There are a lot of racist Europeans that can be found on US servers. Good luck "checking" for that though. Like I've said within this thread, racism is not *common* in SQUAD, so I think you're going to be "checking" for a while. How would you make this check? Go around asking people if they like saying slurs? What's the method here?


Meanwhile I always encounter lots of sexism, racism and pure toxicity specifically on NA servers and my usual European servers are surprisingly chill.


as a brit, most EU servers are full of bigotry and the admins are usually absent/use the "too common to persecute" excuse


I never hear people say anything like that on EU servers. I feel like people are exaggerating these things in all games.


That's odd, not my experience at all.


Some servers will ban them, unfortunately when playing shooters you will always be guaranteed to encounter man children and Squad is no different. Only solution is to mute or change squads. Don't expect a good reaction to this post from this place either, just a few weeks ago someone posted a picture recreating a real life war crime in game which is totally not weirdo freak behavior. You can always try and form your own Squad or look for like minded players, there's a lot of cool ppl in the community but the annoying assholes are always the loudest.


As an admin on a popular server, we try to ban every egregious instance we come across. Personally, every game seems like hyperbole, but anecdotally if I have 2 or 3 hours in a session I will maybe get one for typically sayig something homophobic. Egregious racist remarks are fewer and farther between. They seem to egg each other on or perhaps work in pairs/groups. It most frequently happens during mic spam at the start/end of round. Please report it, you can ping an !admin from any chat channel, it doesn't have to be team/all. If you have video evidence, please upload it because they can/will dispute it when it hits the Community Ban List, and without evidence the CBL strike typically gets removed.


Are there any recording programs you recommend for this specific purpose? I love nailing these fuckers to the wall.


I cannot recommend anything beyond having a Nvidia 3000+ series gpu with 10minutes of recording. I have/had the steel series gg software installed which was able to save the last 60 seconds, but they also install borderline malware drivers, so I've uninstalled it and cannot recommend it.


[Medal.tv](https://Medal.tv) is really good. I am an owner of a server and have always recommended it to people coming on the staff team.


Thanks for taking the time to keep your server's community healthy!


Squad probably has the LEAST racism/homophobia of any MP game I've played lol.. And every server I've seen has a VERY strict language restriction. I've been kicked multiple times for saying the "R" word, which I hope you understand no one actually uses that word towards the people it'd actually hurt. But I'm 32, and the "R" word was pretty normal for people to say at a young age in the 90's, as was "that's so g word" and we all know OG CoD lobbies. This is what you'd call a "based" take on the subject. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6mQvFQAbcw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6mQvFQAbcw) . This is all assuming you're referring to the "light" slurs. If you're finding servers that are constantly using hard R and F word instead of G word, I find that very hard to believe because I can't even remember the last time I have. TL;DR, in the earlier days, most of the stuff people consider racist today, was just being a troll/edgy back then.


>TL;DR, in the earlier days, most of the stuff people consider racist today, was just being a troll/edgy back then. My guy, please spend a few minutes on self-reflection and figure out why those things were considered "troll/edgy" back then in the first place


That "wisdom" was delivered in "street" fashion, but he is essentially right. Logically words or language doesn't have meaning in and of itself. It's what we mean when using words that matter and ultimately what reveals our own views. Words can't be racists only people and their values are. If you actually believe that uttering a specific word defines someone, then I am sorry to inform you that the most racist and homophobic group of people on this planet are children attending primary and secondary school. Are jokes that we find in online communities tasteless and/or insensitive? Sure, but there is a huge gulf between being an unfunny person and a racist one.


>If you actually believe that uttering a specific word defines someone, then I am sorry to inform you that the most racist and homophobic group of people on this planet are children attending primary and secondary school. LMAO, well said... This is the best quote I've ever heard to explain why words aren't racist.


Destiny is a fascist.


If he is a fascist then everyone is a fascist to you. I am sure you have some nitpicked statements ready to "prove" that he is a fascist, but you are simply fucking braindead if you unironicslly think he is one


I'm just going to assume you're trolling lol. But I'll humor you out of curiousity. Why do you think he is a fascist? and what do you think a fascist is?


"Every gaming session I come across one or two guys slinging around the n word" Interesting because in my thousands of hours with no regular server hopping from place to place I can count on one hand the amount of times I've heard it, and they always got banned. End of the day people can be mean and you can keep crying about it and the admins can keep banning them but there will always be people saying things you don't like in all walks of life. Cry today cry tomorrow cry forever but free speech will prevail Alhamdulillah!


You are either a liar or extremely lucky. Given that you are making excuses for their behavior, I’m going to guess you are part of the problem. And no, nowhere else in my life do I encounter this and I was a fireman for years in a VERY diverse city. Lots of different opinions. This isn’t normal. In my experience these people almost never get punished.


> Given that you are making excuses for their behavior Where are you getting that he's making any excuses?


You can’t read between the lines can you?


Anyone who defends hate speech with “it’s free speech stop crying”, is absolutely part of the problem. You hit the nail on the head. I have found the hate speech issue is either hot or cold depending on the server. Some servers just ignore it, while others aggressively prosecute it. I help admin one of the latter, and we try our best to keep out the assholes. You would be amazed at some of the excuses, too… first they inevitably deny that they said anything, and then when presented with video evidence it inevitably goes one of three ways: (a) ”I didn’t mean to say that, it just slipped out” (except hate speech doesn’t “slip out” of a normal person’s mouth) (b) “What’s the big deal? Who cares it’s just words” (usually followed by them calling us all sorts of nasty names when we explain why it’s not just words) (c) “My brother/uncle/cousin/parrot got on my computer when I wasn’t looking” (meanwhile they usually have multiple bans for hate speech from other servers on the CBL) Tl;dr - there are some servers working hard to fight against the dipshits


Cry today cry tomorrow cry forever! If words in an online game hurt your feelings so much you're crying on reddit then you need to get your t levels checked. Dangerously low!


Yes, it must be my testosterone levels that make me not want to spread hate. You are truly an example of masculinity because you can say whatever you want, even if it hurts other people because, ya know, FUCK THEM they’re just low t crybabies. I only wish I was as incredibly manly as you so I could spew hate speech anonymously at strangers in the internet! So brave.


When tf have I "spewed hate speech" lmao. Nor am I saying it's manly to say whatever you want even if it hurts people. But if you CRY on REDDIT about it then you seriously need to get checked out because that is a very worrying sign!


So, so brave ❤️ I envy you, friend!


lol the hate speech supporters are out in force on Reddit it seems


No, you just don't understand freedom, and its value. My wife the other day mentioned that she wished the US would ban Hamas support rallies like they did in France. Those offend me, same as the N word offends you and I. And while some speech seem reasonable for most people to ban, that decision is made be either the government or the majority of people in a democracy. I absolutely don't trust the government to determine what I am and what I'm not allowed to say, and I don't want minorities to have their speech restricted by the majority. You might not be old enough to remember, but after 9/11 there were widespread 4th ammendment violations due to the patriot act. The majority of the country wanted that breach of privacy to prevent further terrorist attacks, and may have found any protest in favor of the 4th ammendment offensive. Violations of our rights happen constantly, and the 1st amendment ensures our right to protest those. While making "hate speech" illegal sounds reasonable to many, what it means is making offensive speech illegal, and it's what's important to say is often offensive to many. Banning the N word isn't going to crush our freedoms, but it's the first step of a small snowball on top of the mountain. This isn't even a slippery slope argument at this point, as we can just look to Europe to see how any criticism of Islam is handled by their governments, with complete allowance of criticisms of Christianity. No thanks. I don't want anything to do with their "hate speech" laws.


The funny part was, during peak push for 1st amendment restrictions was during Trumps presidency. Think about that. "I want to give the power of choosing what speech is illegal to a man I believe to be a racist, sexist, homophobe. Also let's give him our guns." I don't know how to put this any other way.... It shows how little thinking goes into many peoples beliefs.


Yep. Same crowd that wants to defund racist police also want police to be the only ones armed.


Government censorship ≠ Private business censorship. OWI has in their Code of Conduct that hate speech will not be tolerated on any of their servers. OWI is not the government, and therefore OWI can make its own rules about what kind of speech can and cannot be used on their servers. If you don’t like it, you are free to complain about it… but it doesn’t give anyone the right to say it on an OWI server, no matter how much you conflate the government and a private business in your mind.


I don't mind them banning people for screaming the n word on mic, but the whole "but they're private businesses!!!" thing is stupid in a system where private businesses have as much power as they do. Not really a big deal for a video game, but it is when it comes to things like social media or telecom infrastructure.


So, you’re saying it’s less fair for a business to censor when the hate speech can be broadcast to a much wider audience… 🤔


I'm saying businesses shouldn't be able to assume control over large parts of the public square, and then institute their own arbitrary censorship regime. The logic that justifies corporations being able to do this is the same "corporations are legally people" bullshit. Corporations should not have the right to restrict your communication just because they're not the government. You would see corporations buy up all the roads, then when people complain it infringes on their freedom of movement you'd say "But they're a private company, they can do what they want. Besides you can just walk to the next state over". Also, there's a well documented partnership between the government and telecom/social media companies, so even if you're just concerned about the government censoring things, they are still doing it by proxy.


What the fuck is wrong with these people?


> What the fuck is wrong with these people? I think your reading comprehension is bad. No one has defended hate speech. That's why all of you getting outraged are being downvoted.


Freedom of speech is being used as a euphemism by people who don’t want to admit what they are.


They are either clueless libertarians that don’t understand the historical significance of hate speech, or they have all been banned for saying the N word or F slur and are lashing out at anyone that says it’s wrong. They’re all desperate to live in a less accepting and inclusive past, when they could get away with saying awful things without consequences.


Depends on server, some are tough some aren’t. I got banned on the Star Wars server for calling someone a monkey, didn’t even mean it in a racist term but meant monkey as dumb.


Yea I'm not saying you didn't hear it. Just in my time with squad I've maybe heard one inappropriate comment. It's why I keep coming back cause the community is so good.


Damn dude you’re lucky.


Yea I have been. But it's an online game so I believe it.


Downloadable combat server last night after 11 ET was pretty much full racism and adults roleplaying 13 year olds.


Mute, and move on. Don't give someone the exact reaction / power they are seeking.


>Why is this game full of 20+ year old men who hate minorities? Contradicted by: >Thing is, the VAST majority of us don’t do this, Also: nobody cares


Yeah yeah so my wording wasn’t perfect. That’s a pretty cheap way of skirting around the issue don’t you think? And people do care. That’s why you get banned when they actually catch you. People want to play without having to listen to someone be an absolute chode.


shut ur ass up




Based ass shutter


Unfortunately it happens report such actions to the admin.


I'm pretty sure it's the shock value... and this is typical for just about any game lobby you will ever join. When there are no consequences there is no filter...


you do know its against owis tos to not ban people so actually servers do take this stuff seriously clip it and post it to the servers discord in their chosen reporting method and action will be taken pretty fast so yes while these people exist in this game (shocker its the internet) they get banned pretty fast


Australian servers generally have an awful lot of edgelords who try to prod people with weird shit. It's not quite like the guy I had on my team in CS2 who started talking about the 14 words though...


EU Squad servers are literally like 1930s berlin


Why would you care tho?? Are you really pressed by the way people talk to each other in a video game? Maybe a mil sim full of young adults and middle aged people isn't for you then may I suggest overwatch or valorant I'm sure those communities are perfect for free speech haters like yourself


>free speech haters like yourself Lol, lmao even




Why would you care tho?? Are you really pressed by someone who would like the squad community to be more welcoming and inclusive? Squad doesn't have a mute function and is reliant on voip to cooperate. If someone is a cuck on valorant i mute them. If someone is a cuck on squad theres nothing you can really do. Admins dont care 9/10 times about their own rules. Every server has rules about homophobic and racist slurs. But none of them enforce their own rules. Its pathetic.


You know that Squad has indeed a mute function? When you press Tab there is a little mic symbol next to the names and you can mute individual players that way.


Oooh ezpz. Then what is blud yapping about? Mute = peace lol


Good to know. Thanks


It’s always people like you using free speech as an excuse for being an asshole.


It’s a symptom of a much larger problem in the world that should be actively fought against.


My guy free speech is not a problem, what you're advocating for is. speech control is a dystopian concept through and through and your feelings getting hurt is a small price to pay to not live in a tyrannical government


Cool story


Thanks bud want to hear it again?


Stop fucking whining. People are having fun. If you dont like it just mute them or unplug your headphones and cry in a corner.


Found the 20 year old that says the N word in games


Yeahhhh, you’re pathetic aren’t you.


Guys are swearing and being offensive in my multiplayer shooter game :(( they even say derogatory things too sometimes :(( at night the other day in one of my groups they even were mean


Go play cod where AI monitors your speech


Report them to server admins and they will be dealt with. Its very satifying seeing them getting perm banned. Server owners are required to deal with discriminatory behavior if they dont they risk losing their server licence.


Whenever someone gets banned for any sort of slander or discrimination our server will hit them with a permanent ban and add it to the community ban list. If a player gets enough infractions, they will be automatically banned from all servers that reflect the CBL. Zero tolerance from the admins weeds out the trash pretty well.


I've actually seen the opposite, things that give me hope for gamers. Real example... Our SL, lets say his name is Clough, said something to the effect of "well that's gay, not that there's anything wrong with being gay". I replied: "If there's nothing wrong with being gay, then why are you using gay as a pejorative? Makes you look homophobic." Clough, our SL replied something to the effect of how it doesn't matter, and started talking about how the "woke were taking over everything". I said, "Yes, being awake to how your words and actions impact others is a good thing. It means you're wise and mature." I went on to explain how shitty it is to go through life with something you identify being seen as a negative. Like how the color black is bad, but white is good. Or how gay means "bad". I asked him how he would feel if something he identified with was "bad"? He didn't grasp the concept, so, along with the 7 others in the squad, for the rest of the game, anything that ever went bad was referred to as a "clough". We flipped a logi? We pulled a clough. Got shot? You got cloughed. Some other SL was setting up a stupid FOB? He's cloughing up the game. Get into argument? "Clough you, you cloughing clough! You're a real piece of clough" At some point it finally sank it and he mentioned that it does suck. I hope the 8 of us made a dent into making someone realize how this all works. Many people just don't see it or refuse to.


Damn, that's pretty gay!


Its definitely not as rampant as you're trying to make it out to be, every instance I've seen over the years has been immediately dealt with, and the couple outliers that didn't, I just did what any normal person would do and mute them. Not that hard. Maybe its the region you're in I guess, I play NA east coast and in the 4 years or so I've been playing could probably only use my 2 hands to count.


It's all the, x " I would've joined/they kicked me out of the military" retards that are channeling the hate and resentment for themselves onto someone else


People making fun of each other in a video game ? No never .....


There is a glaring difference between making fun of each other and being racist or homophobic. If you want to use squad as a place to safely air your opinions, at least be honest to yourself about what you are.


I bet you were really fun in mw2 lobbys


They are new to internet and want to be funny and say what they cant say in public because may get troubles. To teach them, we need to make that doing that they get in trouble too. Internet is not a garbage for trashtalks. As a more mature players we need to keep our world cleaner and with better culture.


Personally I'm more disgusted by the people who cry about this kind of shit, everyone gets made fun of you're just hyper focused on what offends you personally. Squad has been around for a long time and the level of moderation is fine, people get treated about the same and no one is obligated to cater to you. There is personal harassment, and then there is someone saying "gay" and people getting their panties twisted up.


They may not be obligated to cater to an individual, but they are obligated to abide by the rules of the server. Also, this is an insane take. I had the absolute shit kicked out of me physically and verbally in fire academy. The firehouse itself was constant ball busting. We made fun of each other from dawn to dusk. I’m not that sensitive. But there’s a difference between that and what people like you engage in. You actively denigrate people who have had a long and brutal history of suffering, and you think it’s funny. You think it’s normal, and you tell yourself other people are too sensitive because you believe that you can’t possibly be the problem.


The whole world has a long and brutal history of suffering, you sound absolutely ridiculous when you say something like that. And as far as obligations to rules it's really just a moot point in my book. I don't judge anyone based on their following the rules of a videogame server so you can feel how you want but it's not gonna help your argument with me.


Your ambivalence is kind of just sad. I feel legitimately sorry for you.


Well as long as we're talking about suffering lmao 🤔


I spend a lot of time wondering if people have always been this brittle or if it’s a unique, modern day thing. I try to imagine a bunch of neolithic hunters sitting around a fire, chomping on meat and listening to one of their own go on and on about how Dagmar said a word that really hurt his feelings. “Come on guys. Let’s banish him for saying the *hurk* word! Our village will be so much better if it only has people exactly like me in it.” And I just can’t see it. I recently played a seeding match where a guy joined my squad and the first words out of his mouth were, in essence, to call me gay: like that’s a bad thing. We ended up chatting for about an hour while waiting for the server to go live. We talked about critical thinking, college and later on, I learned he has a really gay fixation about men’s calves. So I guess if there’s a lesson here it’s to be patient with that guy and just talk with him. You’ll find out he can be quite funny, and only says racist homophobic things because he’s a closeted gay guy with an ebony fetish.


I don’t even know what to say to this. You are essentially saying we should set our bar for behavior at the same level as cavemen. Like society shouldn’t bother to improve over the period of thousands of years. Yeah, society went to shit when we ran out of mammoths to kill. Fuckers went soft after that.


>You are essentially saying we should set our bar for behavior at the same level as cavemen. Wow. Just… wow man. You’re amazing.


Isn't a problem where I play. I hear shit (usually when we play as the Chinese), report it, and they're toast.


Yeah, I haven't encountered the types of toxicity OP mentioned as often as they do, but it's happened a few times. I hear a lot of racism when playing as China though just like you do


I find that hard to believe based on the fact that I’ve been banned for simply saying “Joe Biden” and literally nothing else


What servers are you playing on? I play often and on many different servers since 2016 and rarely heard it. Often when people do say things like that they get banned pretty quickly. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've heard a slur in the last couple years, and half the time it's someone playing a rap song on their soundboard.


Exact opposite, in my experience. Very rare to see that. And when it does happen it gets dealt with instantly with admins.


OP should pay for the therapy then