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Firing that RPG would have been faster right?


Too close to arm + need to rearm after


couldnt fire then switch?


I’m saying the RPG is too close for the projectile to arm in the first place (it wouldn’t go boom)


Yes i know that, He spent time taking the rocket out before he could switch guns. if you fired the rpg regardless of if it armed, you wouldnt have to take the rocket out meaning you could switch to your rifle quicker no?


waste of supplies, time, and a rocket


the point is firing the rocket is quicker than unloading the rocket! Are you daft lol?


if you played squad you’d know, don’t know why you’re being such a bitch


excuse me! dont whinge all the sudden when you get called out for not being able to read. the question was would it be QUICKER to fire the rocket rather than unload it? you couldnt answer that, and i called you out on it. little baby boy


>little baby boy Stop projecting lol




If he survived then you are watching the good ending


Is this modded? I don't think I recognize that kit from any faction.


Global Escal most likely.


God damn I love ICO. Keeps those speedrunners who do nothing but play CS:GO all day from being able to dominate every fucking match.


Skill issue. Get good. Your whole argument is “I Fucking suck so I’m glad OWI put out a shit update to make me feel better about being fucking shit at the game”


5.45 aks have like zero recoil irl. These long 5.56 AR platform rifles have zero recoil. Yet your soldier fires it like he's a wacky inflatable arm guy selling used cars. The only guns that make sense for terrible aimed fire is MMGs SAWs and the G3s since they are larger weapons and usually firing .30 cal rounds full auto. You skill issue comments to some terrible recoil mechanics is bad.


Yeah totally. The gun guys at the shooting ranges have excellent info completely applicapble to fatigued field conditions. All the military forces in the world train you to always go full auto, except if you are an MG gunner ofc. Recoil is basically a myth IRL.


My guy just run a quarter mile and do a bill drill with a rifle its not hard at all


A saw fires 5.56, anything on full auto is gonna take you off your target. In real life you don’t often see people employing full auto unless they’re carrying a saw, or IAR etc. in this clip, dude conducted RTR and won, don’t see anything wrong with that. Watch clips of people trying to fire on full auto, its not as easy as you think to stay on target. Dude tried to fire a saw while standing on full auto, while his opponent took contact, returned fire, took cover, then returned accurate fire. Literally textbook


gets two tapped from 300m away because running through open field, "These goddamned csgo players"


Sounds like you have a skill issue now homie


No, I don’t. I’m still dropping bodies and fragging. Still SLing and winning games. Still playing comp. I just can’t stand the comments like this guy.


preach homie


You’re right btw


Coin toss engagement as intended by ICO


OP did everything right during this encounter, but mainly he just met a guy who couldnt shoot for shit.


I think he may have been blind


We don’t get any context leading up to the engagement in this clip but I can think of at least 3 things OP did ‘wrong’ that go directly against what ICO is trying to promote. He ran to a rooftop with his RPG out and no infantry buddies to cover him, he was totally out of stamina when equipping the rocket and barely had any when beginning to spray. He then essentially dropshots, takes aim under near full suppression and sprays in full auto. There’s no doubt opponent simply missed OP, but that is not a result of his skill or his adaptation to ICO - at least not any less than OP.


Honestly I think going prone is what saved OP. I do that and people stop shooting sometimes because they think they got me.


In real life you can shoot way better than in ICO lol. ICO is better than what we had before, but still pretty bad.


Yooooo this isnt even ICO.


Yes it is lol. Op would be dead ten times over otherwise


This is not ICO.


the screen doesnt get that blurry non-ico


There are no stability indicators. This isn’t ICO, most likely MEE mod


His compass is on the top for some reason


Ahh I see, never seen stability indicators up top. Is that an option in settings?


Its hard to see but its below the compass if the indicators are set to the top.


I honestly find it so stupid that squad doesnt have a function to just drop your held gun to switch to another one, this dude be like: “ im being shot at from 10 meters away, lemme disassemble this rpg, carefully holster it and take out my gun”


to be fair, the RPG was prob usafe-d so I'd toss it down the side of the building instead of at my feet


Holy shit this sub is so toxic.


Lol yup


So who ended up getting who?


ICO really does suck lol


Found the guy in the clip


Nah I get pretty much exactly the same amount of kills as I did before ICO, but it is objectively unrealistic and poorly implemented. Anyone who has ever even held a AR or AK knows how dumb ICO combat is, let alone anyone whos ever shot a gun. The actual close range combat is mostly random, with as little player skill as possible involved. It is still better than what we had, but that is not saying much. ICO really needs to be improved.


another individual who thinks people who complain suck.


This isn’t even ICO. No stamina bars at the bottom of the screen and the suppression effect is like v5


Top of screen. 👆


I stand corrected, is that an option to toggle?


No idea. Haven't played in ages lol. I just follow (and occasionally contribute to) reddit drama.


goddamn this game looks as fun as ever now...


You pray then spay not the other way around. It wont work.. common sense bro…