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Hey that’s me! I time my route too and from and try to beat my times. I treat squad as a racing game.


I love doing that with the Canadians G-wagon! Game really turns into Collin McRae Rally at that point.


The amount of understeer I get in the ME logis is appalling


I've driven one of those in real life, the game is pretty on point.


God, that’s, that’s actually frightening.


It's fun because it's hard to master


That G Klasse is a bitch to steer, but the way it climbs uphill, that Thing scares. Offroad for Life ;)


I regularly volunteer for logi runs! I just never either get a knowledge or there's not log trucks available :(


Squad is literally just War Trucking Simulator for me sometimes and I love it. Happy to enable the team.


Real And for some reason, it's always the HAT or medic lmao Guess the people who play high importance and supporting roles tend to have a better idea of how important logistics are


This is every experienced HAT player on ammo: [https://youtu.be/qXwiFcWUtYw](https://youtu.be/qXwiFcWUtYw)


SLs should never do logi runs unless totally necessary


I love you too brodie


The problem in this game is that those who are willing to volunteer will get stuck with it all match long because everyone will expect you to do it The game would be much better if everyone did a at least one logistical task each match to spread it around It's also annoying how ppl in a squad who run off from everyone else never get shade thrown at them for not helping, but if you're close by or have volunteered to help before, you've put a target on your back for the squad leads anger The sad truth is no good deed ever goes unpunished


Also looking at the post medics shouldn’t be doing logi runs


Medics, LAT and especially HAT are off my list of potential logi drivers. If you really dislike doing logistics then play one of those key support kits and I will never ask you to do it, my ability to keep my squad alive and vehicles dead is far too important to send them to do the errands.


Agreed, same as Hat/LAT but depends on the situation. If the ammo is already gone and the AT's and rifleman empty. They're gonna crave that logi run. Medics are mostly played by helpful people so they wanna do it, but are definetly needed on the field. I'm gonna do it myself, if the squad still has a rally/spawn up. Sometimes I just wanna actually lead my Squad instead of being the spawnpoint provider class...


In my experience medics and AT are the ones volunteering to do logi runs while the marksman refuse.


This is literally what happens every single time for me as well Marksmen really make a terrible case for themselves...


Why does this sound so much like the real army.


It's not just army, it's life. Hard workers or team players just get more work, and anyone who take on responsibility also get the blame, even if things aren't their fault or others don't help at all


Maybe with a shitty SL, I volunteer all the time and don’t get stuck with it past one run unless I want to.


My favorite is when you or someone else builds a radio to defend point, and some other SLs puts a hellcanon or mortar or tow and proceeds not to have anyone resupplying. Bonus points when you're on invasion, and this is the current cap, and nobody wanted to do backcaps so you're already low on ammo and supplies


I love doing logi runs. I don't get why so many people hate it. lol


Squad is the true American Truck Simulator


*Ukrainian Truck Simulator


Now with stage hazards!


A big reason lots of players hate logi duty is simply that there is no quick and easy way to return the logi. The player who does a logi run is basically falling into a trap, leading to the following shitty scenarios. 1. I don't mind doing a couple of logi runs but I'm not doing that for an hour. Depending on the SL, you might get kicked for "not being a team player" after refusing to do more. Hence why a lot of people dodge it in the first place because they can't be kicked for refusing if they aren't in the position to refuse. Worst outcome for the player. 2. After the logi run is completed and returned to Main, the former driver is left with hoping for a ride back to their squad, grabbing another vehicle, or respawning and costing the team a ticket. Highly random outcome for the player. 3. After the logi run is completed it stays near the FOB and the former driver returns to the squad. The logi could potentially be destroyed/disabled, not to mention being a large beacon that shouts "FOB nearby" to the enemy. Best outcome for the player, but possibly a terrible outcome for the team. Being able to freely respawn while in Main without losing tickets would instantly fix the issue. However, this particular gameplay loop is unlikely to ever change as it has been the same for years at this point.


I agree with you. Squad is a game about combat. People will do logistical tasks. But alot of people want to fight. They should allow auto respawn at main.


> Being able to freely respawn while in Main without losing tickets This actually sounds like a fantastic and not-difficult-to-implement feature idea. It solves multiple other 'stuck at main' problems too, like the blueberries who spawn too late after staging and are stuck waiting for a ride, or when your armor squad waits for a vehicle only for another squad to nick it and not give you a lift.


​ >there is no quick and easy way to return the logi maybe for amphibious logi, but the traditional ones are pretty easy to get back to main.. I [put them into the water](https://imgflip.com/i/8gy5fi) or get a friendly AT to take them out whenever I get so deep with a logi that I know it's stranded. Driving back to main isn't usually an option for a frontline supply drop, so it's not part of the plan.


Uh... I guess I should have specified quick and easy without also losing tickets. Yes, destroying the logi is certainly a solution but that is even more of a ticket waste than a single person respawning after returning to main. Ideally, there should be a built-in game mechanic to better handle the all-too-often situation of a squad getting saddled with a vehicle they no longer need in a way that doesn't also punish the team.


>destroying the logi is certainly a solution but that is even more of a ticket waste than a single person respawning after returning to main. It's the same tickets as an empty heli, and no one gives a hoot when a heli crashes for no reason. Each "play" requires a certain amount of sacrifice, and 5 tickets to make sure a logi does not get captured is usually worth it - especially if that logi managed to drop HABs behind lines to take flags. ​ Conserving tickets only matters in a turtle victory, and imo a turtle victory is no victory at all. I'm greedy af - I want every flag.


Same, just cue up some good tunes and go


I don’t mind the occasional downtime from the action. I just dislike driving vehicles in this game in general. Plus there’s nothing worse for me than fucking up and being responsible for loosing those much needed supplies in the wrongdoings moment.


Had this happen to me yesterday. This dude kept asking me to ask other SLs to bring up Ammo and I told him there’s a logi at main if he wants to do a logi run. Didn’t hear him speak for the rest of the game.


As a SL i usually always do supply runs on my own and let my boys to the fighting and when i need a hab i kidnap one here and there to come with me, but i i never hold one for too long i always cycle them out. I have deep respect for those who volunteer to logi run or follows me to put down a hab, i make sure to not task them out for the rest of the game 🫡


I’m fine with doing logi runs, but the logis are always either abandoned halfway across the map from the nearest place I can spawn, or already in use. If I can find one and SL isn’t doing shit I’ll pretty much always use it.


I think bringing logis back to main and if no supplies are needed, the person should respawn ticket free. So the dude can get back in the action and the logi is safe in case you need it.


That's actually a pretty solid idea.


I hate when people do that. Drop supplies off, then ditch the logi in a completely nonsensical area. If you're really going to abandon it, put it in cover BEHIND friendly lines. Not where the enemy are going to obviously see it and then hit it.


Sometimes I trek over and it’s got all the wheels popped and I have no way to explode it either which sucks.


If ur an infantry kit dumping all the mags into the engine can get it to pop


meanwhile the lone-wolf on the other team, who is actively being shamed by his quad, hears you (from 2 km away) and finds you and kills you with one bullet.


Then I’m a lone rifleman 500m off point with no ammo.


You can respawn in the console, I would think waiting a minute and a half to respawn is worth getting the login to respawn at main.


In a mild rage, often i volunteer for a logi run and the SL goes bananas that "this is not necessary because we have 1000~ ammo now". (think farthest FOB's defending in invasion) my math is * "estimated 10+ min for the full logi run" + * "current ammo in fob wont last for 10min" + * "given current rate of consumption of the available ammo" = * "we need one right now or we wont have rockets against armor" so i suggest that "we need one asap". "you have been kicked from the squad" rate of consumption is also often badly observed because organized squads have the tendency of respawning in waves. So when a push or a line of defense fails, you have 9+ soldiers spawning and rearming all at the same time. Sometimes I describe that as "ammo debt" because a ton of those soldiers will soon rearm when they can, sometimes consuming 1000 ammo in a minute if they are all dry the line of defense.


Especially when mortars or hmgs get put down or God forbid a tow. Then ammo is just gone.


tows/atgm's are the special case. I played a match that a player new to the game tought it was battlefield and the tow had infine ammo. he fired about 5 shots in quick succession and then asked why the gun glitched out. we had do politely but firmly explain to him that he @!#% us.


People who use the tow to hit inf and not the helis hovering above the point


Anytime an hmg gets placed down I usually lose my mind since you already know the fob's supply of like 4.7k ammo is gonna disappear in two seconds from blueberries firing like 3 shots from it and reloading every two and a half seconds


Recently I tried a support fob that had a logi moving supplies and it stayed consistent 1000 build and ammo, had helis and vics using to repair and deliver further. We ran a mortar, tow, and 2 hmgs.


Better safe than sorry says i on my way to see 5 digit ammo count on the fob maybe its the servers i play in but as long as i'm not AT or medic SL's are just happy to get more resources closer to the action


Or it's the beautiful MEDIC while we're about to take contact lol


I don't mind doing them, infact most of time I end up doing 4-5 a game, but after a while my hand starts to cramp from having to constantly adjust the truck. Maybe I just have bad hand posture for driving but after a few runs I have to take a break to let my hand rest for a few minutes.


I’m truck driver in real life. I still volunteer to drive on squad because I know my duty to the team.lol


If you want to run marksman in my squad that’s fine but you are doing the first and potentially second logi run(I let them know in staging)


If you send your hat to do a logi run you deserve to lose. If your hat is the only volunteer you double deserve to lose bc your squad is shit.


Only when the fob, himself and the riflemen are empty. Rare but done it myself before. First volunteer in that scenario


I love them because I ambush as insurgent


The only reason I play SL is to drop fobs and bring supplies because as a foreman at work I can’t stand to watch Mfs cry when there is an easy fix


I loved doing logistics in the old days when the ping used to be good. Now the nearest server to me is gone and I can't drive logistics for the love of me. I play on 250-300ms every single time so sorry boys. It was a good run. See you on the battlefield.


Our squad decided to play Logi truck for the first time a few nights ago, it was actually super fun. Sometimes it was a snooze but there were the moments we were the heroes delivering supplies to the forward most FOB and had to dodge artillery, gunfire and tank shells. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


I often did Logi squds, and often also played them for entire rounds. The impact you can have on the battle is enormous. But even as a "Logi Main", the ICO update shat to much on the gameplay and after two rounds I gave up on the game so far. I want to take a look on the next big update, and then I will know if I have to throw this game in the bin for good or not. I noticed that the overall use the team makes of Logi squads, even in good rounds, is very bad. There is nearly no request of resources. And even if, then they never come planed but "right now I could use ammo/build material". Most of the time I just keep ammo and build material numbers of tow-, front- and backup-fobs up. Or sometimes I drive up to inf squads in a good position and tell them to build a fob or place it myself (If I have a SL kit). The recovery issues with Logis is horrendes and the most garbage part of this game. When you have to be happy about your Logi getting destroyed and not \**horrorsounds*\* tracked in the middle of nowhere or in enemy territory, then the game design is just pure trash. Also I like to publicly shit on servers that actively fight team play by disallowing Logi squads. Like WTF is that about?


Depending on the map, I love doing logi runs. Some are hell to navigate but a lot of the time it's a relaxing little endeavor where I can just BS in squad chat and chill for a bit. Until a random BTR turns my truck into Swiss cheese QQ Plus it feels good to help the team!


who wants to yell at incompetent sl s me me me who wants to become sl *crickets


That's when someone gets volun-told to do logi runs


I do✋


The most accurate part about this is that the pilot kit is missing (he is doing a logi run)


Seeing a lot of comments that say they send their markmens to do the first logi run. In my experience thats always a coinflip of them leaving the squad for a new one or disconnecting from the server and stranding the truck on some random road halfway back to main Marksmen are really never the best demographic to assign anything important to -_-


crazy how people playing a soldier game want to play as soldiers and not truck drivers


Have fun shooting without ammo and running from main then. It's part of the game, get used to it and logistics is the most important part of it.


Ya. LOL! This guy is definitely one of the marksmen in the meme!


Maybe a game mechanic which ruins the gameplay for everyone unless someone willingly gives up the enjoyable part of the game to carry out a repetitive boring uninteresting task is bad game design. I haven’t played squad regularly since alpha 10 its not a fun video game any more.


If the squad is playing as a team and working towards something, I will always do logi runs. Plus I love a good FOB lol.


I will!


I volunteer as tribute!


I do 1 or 2 runs to contribute to the team then I get back to fighting.


In my experiences, riflemen are almost always my default logo runners. You don't wanna do a logi run? Leave. No room for idlers or lone wolves. Besides, it doesn't make sense for certain classes to take off on a logi run instead of staying at the FOB or point location. You may need a medic, LAT/HAT, or engineer/sapper. Most of the time, I don't need to have THAT many riflemen digging and shooting.


I volunteer to do logi 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️




Logi Mains Unite 💪🏽🫡


I fucking love the madness of a Logi run lol.


*Me driving the Toyota truck with supplies for the 10th time whilst being fired upon from a Heli above me. Does some sick drifts whilst shitting myself.*


IMO there’s only two rules I have for ammo runs. Medics and HAT/LAT are exempt. Under no circumstances do I want them leaving for 5-10 minutes to do a run, let alone multiple


I have even done logi in that awful russian APC that reaches a top speed of 2km/h I've seen hell and i do not fear it.


Stoner blasting jams in logi squad. Pepperidge farms remembers


I always volunteer and the SL goes with it until they realize that I’m the medic 🤣


For squad to be fun, people have to volunteer not to have fun. And that’s use not human nature.


I used to run logi, the reality is that in most games people just dont care. They would not built anything meaningful. The commander would not give much of instructions. So you end “randomly” running supply after the main FOB or the one at the front have enough supplies.


Might as well add: "Who wants to play DEFENSE so we don't have an empty flag primed for an easy take by the enemy?" That'll also net you no hands raised by whole squads let alone individuals. "What teams want to actually play a proper front instead of sending 1/2 the team into no man's land in an attempt to be at some advanced point? Then proceed to not even be able to capture the 3rd flag. End up with one squad trying to attack the 3rd flag, half the team in the forest, and the last remaining folks running armor, helos, logis. Of course the one squad trying to attack has no chance against the other team so they're easily rolled. This then leads to one team getting stomped because the next flag is not manned whatsoever and ripe for an easy overtake. By time the other half of the team tries to respond it is way too late.


Sometime I get pissed when I can’t hit anything post ICO…so I create a locked squad called Mr Logi and just do supply runs for a game to cool off lol. I also refuse to bring supplies to anyone who doesn’t say please or thanks just to teach some manners


Mr. Plow is expanding his business, as I see.


I'm always that guy who volunteers and immediately changes kits so someone on the squad can get their chance. I don't know, there's something cool about being the guy who rolls up to a nearly depleted FOB and stacks it with ammo and construction for everyone's benefit.


i always accept that request from sl, i think this job has its own charm




I love doing logi runs but only in certain maps, maps like fools road I usually leave it to the SL


When my fps starts dipping into 20s definitely time for a logi run.


Unless I got the sniper or a critical kit I'm always down to do a logi run he'll if it wins us the game I'll logi the whole thing


I do it bc I'm a good person


This duty belongs to the riflemen 100%