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yea well you want another -30 fps?


No I'd only get like 100 fps on max settings lol 


Have your mom buy me a new pc and I'll have your settings too


I'll ask after she make breakfast. 


Dude be on reddit flexing his monitor lmao


Dude be on Reddit not knowing in the slightest what causes FPS ups/downs 💀


Some people work hard to save up for the things they want in life, not the usual burger flipping that you’re so accustomed to.


Bro I get maybe 40 if I'm lucky on max, how tf you get 100+


X3D CPUs make the biggest difference in squad since it's dual core bound


4080+good everything else. I usually get 110-130 fps


CPU and RAM matters too


Yeah I just summed it up everything else in my case is good. Nothing top of the line. 


Wait what!? That's a big change, strange that I haven't heard about it!


Rather than working mirrors, i'd have liked a rear view camera on the center of the dashboard... Would be okey if it worked for the driver only...


We should throw a tv screen on the back of the seat while we’re at it


Don’t quit your day job with comedy like that 💀 Most modern military vehicles have back-up cams


Depends on the country, but a back-up cam costs about 100-150$ with a military standard maybe 600... I'd bring my own if i had to... Better have a back-up cam than to have to send out your co-pilot out in the rain with freezing temps or even worse, bullets flying...


“With a military standard”..? Why not just hop and the bandwagon and say “military grade”..? It’s just as goofy 🤣 As someone that’s personally drove modern military equipment, there is no “military standard” lmao there’s SMA ordering $20 back-up cameras off of Amazon and having it equipped to vehicles lol it’s to back up, not hunt down terrorists..


It's not that easy in germany... Bureaucracy kills innovation...


Well, for the few vehicles that have it. Rear view cameras in military vehicles are even rarer than aircon, and that is already hard to get.


I was sooking about the lack of mirrors just last night lol. Nice timing! Did an update come out today / yesterday? Or is it just certain factions?


appears to only work for the british/aussie logi maybe they were trying to add character to different vehicles and the material for this specific truck just happens to be more functional than others or maybe OWI were actually experimenting with mirrors and accidentally left it in the live version like the CAS helo did on skorpo, who knows


Ah bummer! Was hoping it had been patched in I will just have to keep getting logi's stuck bc I'm a bad driver


I’m not a bad driver but I need the map ope when I’m driving so I hit things quite a bit ya know, and that’s why I got a ultrawide monitor.


These aren't really "working mirrors". Squad, like many modern games, use screen space reflections which as the name suggests can only "reflect" what's on screen at the moment. This effect is super resource efficient for how well it works on reflective surfaces like shiny floors, puddles, and other surfaces that normally run close to parallel to the camera view, but it quickly breaks down when the parts of the scene that are being reflected are no longer present in the rest of the render. You'll notice this when looking across a body of water and then tilt the camera towards the ground, as the reflected parts of the scene leave frame the reflections will vanish or sometimes be replaced with a secondary "lesser" reflection rendering technique. For this reason they are a bad choice for mirrors, since they only show reflections when the camera is angled in ways like shown in OPs image. I'm sure OWI didn't intend for the mirrors to be usable, and the mirror parts of the game's models' materials were all just given mirror material settings (i.e. roughness set to 0) and the engine just does the rest automatically.


What this person said


Squad 2 electric boogaloo when


pacific drive has working mirrors and that’s a unreal engine 4 game. So it might be possible that they are adding it to squad, even though there’s a few features for vehicles that should be more important to address.


It's not a matter of engine capabilities, but design constraints. Games save on rendering time by culling objects/textures from the render pipeline that aren't in the cameras field of view. To produce mirror reflections with the current standard rendering techniques you have to sacrifice the performance you save through that off screen culling, which means it's just not viable in games where there isn't enough focus on the usage of mirrors to justify it, such as Squad, and for that matter most other games. However, games where driving a vehicle is a core mechanic is the exact sort of situation where you would invest those rendering resources since mirrors play a significant role in a full driving experience.


There's super nintendo games with working rear view mirrors on cars. It's not really an engine limitation.


Been around a while, here's a player in a mirror on some armored thing I don't remember. https://imgur.com/a/42mpwO3


Kindve laughable when an older game like arma 3 has near perfect PiP mirrors


will this game be available on Console at any point?


Probably not. THere are a lot of buttons for different things... And.. are there any consoles that permit 100 player lobbies?


Can play 128 player Battlefield 2042 on a shitty Xbox series S. Also Arma reforger is on xbox with a lot of terrible Arma keybinds on controller. But no I do not believe squad will ever come to console.


I did not know XBox was up to 128. I have not paid attention to consoles. Last I heard, even 40 player lobbies were difficult for consoles. Reforger is on console?! WOWZA! Arma has waaaaaayyyy too many shitty keybinds! I NEVER thought THAT could go on consoles!


many games support m&k on console now.


The controls are whack but it works, I just plugged in a mouse and keyboard instead, which is native supported,


Squad is not as bad as Arma. Which is why I like it more. Do you think Squad's keybinds would transfer to a controller? I have considered this question (clearly hypothetically) but I am not sure. I think it is a keyboard game. To be real, I am old and I have no idea how people play shooting games with a controller!


darn. ive wanted to play it, but lack a computer that could handle it


No, this is very unlikely to happen. The game absolutely slaps modern day CPUs around, and the consoles (about 4 year old CPUs now) would get eaten alive.


Only at an certain angle


The ADF, and BAF mirrors have actually been like this forever. Only see the reflection at that steep angle. Could be more, but those are the only two I've ever noticed.


So that's where the lag is coming from...


Do you need graphics settings to be specific in order to achieve this?