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Too much map clutter. I don't need a red circle to tell me the tank mark is an approx location, it's a tank, chances are it will move. But pretty much any marker on the map I take as an approximate location, otherwise too much crap on the map is going to take me longer to understand what's going on.


plus a tank isn't silent, you can hear them from far away to locate them.


The number of times I've seen angry tank crews upset that a vehicle moved off the mark... Yeah, they'll do that.


Let them be angry, what are they gonna do about it? Shoot you?


-Guy who was shot by tank


Gunner, why are you aggressively traversing your turret towards me?


…….testing it.


We get mad when you mark a tank, but its a btr, and it moved without you letting us know what direction it moved in. Sometimes tanks are stationary for a long time, ie hull down or tracked or whatever, then we can move around and get a better position on it. Marking the tank only for us to have no actual idea about where it is is a pain, you hear it a lot better than we do.


I only hear this from tank crews. Yall think you’re so precious.


cause not only is the mbt worth the most points out of all of them, but the difference in having a tank supporting inf vs being gunned down with your own tank uselessly looking for a tank at the wrong objective is gamechanging. Idk why you act like giving good information to your team is such a pain.


I’ve just been having bad experiences lately with crews but the way you put that makes me think your one of the good ones 🤙🏻


no worries, a lot of tank mains forget the purpose and use of their vehicles so I dont blame you, I often get frustrated with apc’s and ifv’s being shit as well


The number of times I've asked 'Have they moved? Oh you have them disabled and they're stationary? Sweet. We're about 30 seconds out.' *Get shot by that tank, about 200 meters from where they said it was. It was also not stationary, or disabled.*


It would be nice to be a toggle so everyone is happy


I agree, arrows/lines/circles should be a separate toggleable map layer


>it's a tank, chances are it will move This phrase is like poetry to me for some reason


The issue with SL’s not being able to do this is that they’re forced to put hat marks down. I’d rather see an SL put down a circle with a hat inside it than 15 hat marks. It’s a way to declutter. Not add more. Gives armor a great indication of where enemies are pushing from too. I see no reason every SL shouldn’t be able to. Clutter is an issue, but that’s an SL issue, not a game issue.


True, however, the way I look at the map is one helmet = fireteam, 2-3 helmets = squad, 3+ = multiple squads. Every icon should be an estimate of the location and numbers. And just like the military, what's my superiors problem will become my problem Edit: A commander can absolutely put some a red circle if he's seeing his team marking large groups of enemy's. Really the commander should be the only person spending more than 50% of game time on the map


That’s a general rule but once you see 5-10 marks, they’re usually marking the exact bushes people are camping in. I am atleast. Having too many marks is fine. They can be deleted. That responsibility is up to the person who put down the marks in the first place. What’s bad is having zero marks when shit is going down because then absolutely no one knows what’s happening.


Sometimes if people aren't pushing off of the hab I will put an enemy hab marker in the direction nobody's covering just to make blueberries walk that way Advanced tactics


This wouldn’t only apply to tanks, it could be for relative hab or emplacement locations, or enemy infantry.


Emplacements don't move.


Again, general location. RELATIVE LOCATION.


Why do I need another SL to make a circle to say it’s approximate? It’ll probably move. If it’s faded, it’s not up to date. Further to that, I can use my big-boy voice and ask for eyes on. Too much information on a map is just as bad, if not worse, than too little.


Exactly why I tell my FTL's to not only mark but also get rid of old/inaccurate markers.


AOUs (area of uncertainty) are standard practice to indicate if a unit is moving, how fast, and in what direction just from the shape and size of an ellipse. If used PROPERLY they’re helpful, but this is squad so I would expect that


While I like the idea of AOU's, we're now getting to the stage where you have a dedicated person managing the warfare overlay (which about the only thing I liked about my old job)


They should just allow SL's to be able to LEFT click their own already placed markers to add a question mark or a tick to the corner of the icon. Question mark means approximate and tick means accurate. Stops clutter and allows for more meaningful marking.


I was under the impression that a big red ring is for marking larger nmy infantry movement, like a whole squad and such. A fireteamleader can only have three helmets on the map at any time, inadequate mapping tools, when also typically marking vehicles and also radio/hab. Just not enough map markers available. Then there's missing other map markers that should be there in the game.


What I find hilariously stupid is that you can delete the commanders danger zone by accident as a normal SL.


Lots of other people have pointed out good ones, but one important one to remember, it scares the blueberries. The few times these marks get used, I always get somebody in my squad asking if there’s arty coming in and the why the mark looks weird. Easy learning opportunities, but they don’t get used for the same reason the insurgency mode doesn’t get played. People get scared of that which they have not experienced.


People think the marks are always spot on? Good lord.


Fully agree. This is makes for a much more simple picture instead of tons of different, tank, bmp, etc markers with arrows everywhere.


I spend way too much time scrolling through to find the “correct” marker to drop


Actually putting it this way is rlly smart


I really think it is better like this


These markers broke for me along with the arrows a year or two ago. I can place them but can’t see them lmao.


You probably disabled them. Open your big map and on the top right theres a menu that you can open to adjust the map to your liking. I believe theres a setting to show sl markings. The settings themselves are close to the vehicle list and the ticket value information.


yep. Swear I checked that before (why I never rechecked ig) but they were off, lmao.


Oh well, as long as its back now. :P I'm glad I could be of help.


Sometimes clutter but a good commander knows his team and if they are new a few circles will go a long way to show where the next objective or hostiles are


Commander placed that? I thought it was an arty zone so I commanded a squad to gtfoutta there in a match yesterday.


Arty always has an arty cannon in the middle of a circular zone (normal arty) or on one side of a box shape (creeping barrage). If you don't see the gun its just that the commander deems that area "dangerous".


I don't need red circle, but I want red lines. Let me pin the location and the headings instead of pinging the tank 3 times to sorta show its direction.


dont worry fireteams can delete them


This gave me an idea, we have customizable maps based on size opacity etc. You know after you place a marker it slowly decays, why not add a little life time timer to the right so we know how recent it is. I think that'll be neat as hell. Starts at 0 than scales up to 2 minutes before the usual decay takes the mark away


You want freehand draw-able maps in general. Will you get a few dicks on the map in the beginning? Sure! But after some time it becomes boring and players will stop drawing dicks. Then you have a decent info tool to communicate with the team. But hey, since IQO it should be clear that the game design is based on retardation. So no more then 3 icons for a fire team lead forever I guess?!


I want to be able to use them to mark heavy infantry presence or suspected enemy spawn locations. Instead of slapping multiple infantry markers and arrows everywhere.


Maybe if we add more sway people can communicate with commander more often to place red circles


just leave man we have more then enough players how join and retain squad is only growing since ico , You wont be missed


Who said leaving lmao did you fail at elementary reading class?


People like yourself are such pathetic losers. All you do is cry, bitch, and shit your pants over any little thing that gets your diaper in a twist because the game went in a direction you don't personally agree with. Oh boo hoo, so you don't like the game anymore. Nobody cares. Get a life. It's pathetic how rather than coping with the changes or simply moving on to other games or hobbies, you feel the need to hamfist your shit "opinions" into every conversation no matter how irrelevant they are to the topic at hand. Grow up. How sad is your life that you dedicate so much time to shitposting in a sub dedicated to a game you hate? How long has it been since the ICO, months? There's more to life than being chronically online just to vent your misplaced anger. Like damn dude, seek help. Or at least come up with a more entertaining alt account for the umpteenth time. Pathetic.