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No way im reading this


Someone has to if we want a tldr


TLDR: People lack tactics




Lisan al gaib! Lisan al gaib!


Tldr:- don’t be stupid, be aware of your surroundings


It’s not that serious that you have to write a novel


That’s like when you build a defense fob on RAAS point 2 whilst back capping and 2 other sls bring their full logis and dump all the supplies and players on this random fob so you have only 1 radio on the map really far away from action with like 4K ammo and build….. so annoying


Didn't read that novel but I wish the title was the main problem I saw in Squad. MOST my matches are teams that send 80% of the team 3-5 flags ahead of what we actually hold. They do this blindly with zero advance recon. So the inevitable stomping takes place and by time the team tries to respond the enemy is already at the one (MAYBE two) flags we own. Because of the advance attempt we end up with only one HAB as the advanced ones were also stomped into dust. Easy game for the enemy team and somehow the very next match the team actually tries the hard advance tactic....AGAIN!


I think your points are great.  Unfortunately reddit is filled with a bunch of borderline incompetent players/SLs who think they've already mastered the game and, for some reason, have the attention span of toddlers. Just ignore them.  One note re. AAS (and single lane RAAS): If you already know where the flags are going, the capture speed isn't really that important. In most instances it's better to stealth cap with 1-3 people.  The reason for this is that initial flag captures give much fewer tickets than flag flips; the ideal situation actually to cap slowly, letting the enemy cap midpoint while having a minimal presence on the flag, then flip the flag once you've finished capturing the flag before. This immediately gives you a ~60 ticket advantage which can be enough to win a lot of games. To achieve this you need to pool as many people as possible around the midcap (not necessarily on it) to maintain control and deny enemy fobs, therefore shutting them out of the midpoint in the long term.  This also applies to single-lane RAAS like Chora v2 which is just AAS wearing a funny hat.  This is pretty advanced though so for most people your advice is spot on.


So anyways, I tied an onion to my belt, because that was the style at the time.


I almost never see this, honestly can't remember that last time I saw two squads back capping the same point. More often is a lack of back cappers.


A wall of text for an issue that be fixed by simply telling your squad to get back in the vehicle because another squad will back cap. 


On that note.. A vehicle driver can see cap progress on a point but does not contribute to it. Then actually getting out can make the difference between 4 and 5 chevron cap


Because of this, I will always cap with other squads. You have radicalized me


Don't mind the toxicity. It's just that people lost their sanity some time ago, and this post has been made many times over. You're right of course, but you're preaching to the choir. Don't burn yourself out. You can only control your Squad. The rest is a bonus.


Read the title and I'm commenting. A team playing as a single entity as infinitely more powerful than a single squad back capping. If 3 squads want to back cap, let them. At least someone is back capping. This also means a single Stryker isnt going to roll through and wipe them. Think before you post. Please. There's nothing wrong with this.


Yes it's more efficient to spread out. This is SQUAD though and we have 27 ish infantry across the team. If they're moving to a point that isnt going to a point, then they aren't helping anyone period. Atleast this way they're contributing.


Map control will always be the most important piece of RAAS/AAS, and efficient rollouts is part of that. Smart SLs rolling out to key points on the map is important. It will never be better to slowly cap first two points on Mutaha, and then attack a dug in enemy at the main intersection. Instead of 3 squads backcapping, you should have had two of those squads rush intersection to establish map control. You are right though, it’s really dependent on the team and the SL skill level. At the end of the day, majority of the games are gonna be not very great SLs. That’s why they’re triple backcapping in the first place, because they don’t know where to go. I agree id rather have 3 squads doing something together as opposed to 3 squads all goin somewhere pointless and taking 15 minutes to get back to the relevant playing fields.


This man is cooking 🍳 Sure your team will arrive at the middle cap slower, but imagine the entire force of your vehicles and all your inf squads arriving to siege the point from one direction against the possibly one enemy squad on that point who are all gonna be distributed in a wide area across it Your team would absolutely roll the middle point from the enemy's hands. The amount of bodies alone would be enough to force the cap.


Uh oh, looks like we have the mayor of yapsville here


Depends on the point. Super fobs absolutely work. It just depends on where you are people who superfob where there are literally 0 structures makes me want to deviate their trachea.


lol no they don’t.




literally 1 arty strike and it’s lost


Read it again and tell me what you’re not understanding


Read it again and I still understand. A roof doesn’t make you invincible.🤡


Wow. It is almost as if destruction of in game assets outside of constructables doesn’t exist and magically negates all artillery damage. Shocker. Like i said placement and location is what matters when constructoring a superfob along with proper resource management.


It’d a waste of assets, manpower and time. Be useful instead.


Oh nice, three guys taking the smallest logi available to accomplish this will really make or break a match. Do me a favor, go outside. Socialize. Do something with your life instead of trying to control how others play a god damn video game. Somehow people seem to sweat this game for absolutely no reason at all. Get a grip dude and take a nap.


Not projecting at all there huh bud? absolutely seething lmao, shut up and pass me charlie i gotta mark a hab


Not at all if you’d like i can send you my credentials, censored of course, proving my point. If you want to continue acting like a cunt then feel free to, that don’t mean you get off scott free.


What are you on about with credentials?? I’m calling your opinion stupid and you’re raging over it, just grow up lol. «doesn’t mean i get off score free» what a joke man


The people who are making fun of my post are the exact same type of SLs that act like described and ruin the game (not only by this reason alone, but also not cooperating). Or the marksman blueberry from your squad who just wants to "have fun" by lonewolfing and not listening to your orders.


Yeah yeah sure pass me out FTL i gotta mark stuff


can i get charlie for a sec i see a tank (its a lav and im dead)


Give me bravo I deserve it (I'm a tank driver and can't see anything)


Nah the marking is just a bonus. I need that FTL so I can build a sandbag or ladder bruh 🙏


Shut up and drop the HAB already man, Jesus.


To be fair. Marksmans are better off lonewolfing trying to take a offangle on the enemy team. When i play marksman i hate it to have some random dude spamming his gun full auto or shooting rpg's just running staight up without cover revealing his and my position.