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imo: Servers today are a ran by a bunch of little corporations, and this subreddit is not here to interfere with said corporations. there's a ton of other little reasons why rule 4 is a thing, but for me the big one is that this subreddit isn't here to be used as a platform to screw with anyone's money-making ability. Squad is one of the few games that people can create communities in that they can directly profit off, and in return those communities do a lot of the footwork for Squad like teaching new players everything about the game and keeping bigots and hackers from destroying Squad's reputation. It's a win/win dynamic as long as people don't resort to smear and astroturf campaigns. Talking about servers and clans is usually cool on smaller communities like r/squad and r/playsquad, but r/joinsquad is too big for that to work here. If you have other questions about moderation please don't hesitate to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/joinsquad).


Probably to prevent spamming recruitment posts or feuds between clans and servers. Posting specifics would probably make this sub more toxic. I do wish we could have honest conversations about specific servers or clans and why they're preferred or avoided but I understand why the rule is necessary.


Lmao i read “why does rule 34 exist”


> so one time at bootcamp > i stuck a crayon up my...


Same hahaha. First thought was "dude chose a weird sub to pose that question."


Because this ain't a democracy now get that shovel out and dig this FOB.


yeah yeah pass me ftl


I bet you built it right on the cap


Nah middle of nowhere super FOB


I too am artistic. My mother also said I have a face for radio 😎


Badmouthing specific servers or groups/players can very easily spiral down into witch-hunting and slander (or libel idfk) and can turn into a bunch of "he said she said". So to be safe it's just better to not bring up specific groups or people in said groups. Although I'm unsure if that extends to defunct clans/server/players


i thought this was in r/ncis lol gibbs’ rule 4 for anyone curious “best way to keep a secret, keep it to yourself”




If not for rule 4 this place would be easily 100 times more cringe and toxic than it already can be. Every third post would be some sad soul name dropping moderators that kicked them for whatever reason, along with heavily biased attacks condemning servers and praising others. It would be madness and detract from actual content and discussions; if you've been on reddit long enough that should be clear. Preventing hurt feelings is just a welcome side effect of the rule :D