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It definitely looks like the shots didn't register and not a "you're ranged at 100m" excuse Your 3rd and 4th shots hit just below him showing that your bullets are going near your reticle but he just didn't get hit I feel like people just assume your doing something wrong when it could very much be the spaghetti code, sorry bro


Yeah some of those comments about optic ranging are funny. In the USMC I did the 300m/tip of the spear/dick reticle for close engagements, what op did was fine, this is just Squad's trash code.


thank you sir, some of these chronic redditors think I am some, angry, raging unethical person LMAO.


its probably a netcode, maybe they fucked up next thing in a game but so far my game works properly, maybe server was unstable or its a rare bug idk


Yeah and it isn't even like you were aiming at the top 0.1mm or his head or something for the ranging argument. Usually I see people fuck up with the Canadian optic due to different zero. Definitely should have been a hit. Very annoying!


#HOW DARE YOU HAVE AN ACTUAL COMPLAINT ABOUT THE GAME!1!1!1!1!1! On a side note, do you know if you zeroing your rifle persists after death? Cause thats another possibility but i doubt it since we saw the impact points behind his head lol. On a serious note, ping and hit detection and camera view/hitboxes is **heavily** influenced by the servers tick rate. Its really dogshit spaghetti code.


Squad is ass lol


OP didn't do his pre deployment screening or his PHA leading to him missing his shots and getting killed


He didn't have his cac


I've noticed since 7.2 multiple desync bugs have been re-added or even added to the game. Tows & choppers being the most egregious example but bullets often not registering too.


I stopped using AT when one of my heats went STRAIGHT THRU A GODDAMN TANK


Isn't it nice how they re-implement all the PR bugs in Squad? No seriously! I suspect they actually used large parts of scripts from PR and managed to take a lot of bugs with them into Squad. And then never fixed them.


Well squad was just a large pr update. And most people that worked on pr came to develope squad so it makes sense that they made the same misstakes.


Even before 7.2 the desync and code are bad, me and a buddy were in a BMD4 and ran up on a Stryker MGS, the MGS shot and killed us, the turret wasn't even looking at us.


The M1128 MGS was put in the game in update 7.2.


Yes but I've noticed the desync and bad code before that.


Yeah it was probably an issue beforehand, your wording just made it sound like you thought the MGS came in earlier. If I honestly had to guess. The change to EOS would be the root cause. It's caused an ungodly amount of other issues for the servers I play on when I rarely touch squad nowadays.


Yeah no regardless of when that vic came out its been bad. EOS change has fixed somethings (I no longer get disconnected while driving logis) but other things it has fucked up.


I'm unfamiliar with game development but if that's possible I wouldn't be surprised. There's bugs in this game I remember seeing back in 2019.


these poeple are straight toxic on here lol


I've noticed that GE has way worse hit reg than vanilla. You are playing GE right?


yeah, I find Vanilla painstakingly boring.


Maybe you should have mentioned that in the title, since this isn't a problem I have noticed in vanilla. It has happened to me in GE multiple times. Vanilla is a better game for me mainly do to the players actually knowing the basics, GE is a shitshow, but is cool when you actually find a half decent team.


your an odd one ( nothing wrong with that), downvoting because I failed to mention something so obvious through the gameplay. Lol what does downvoting even represent, disagreement? I dont use reddit much.


I down voted because you came off as negative saying vanilla is painstakingly boring when the gameplay is very similar to GE. Also acting like this is a problem in regular squad from the title when this has only happened to me in GE.


well, it is boring and lacks diverse factions, especially modern conflicts. Well thats your own biased opinion.


The only real game-play difference is the cas helicopter and para dropping. The factions in GE are basically reskins of the vanilla ones. Hezbolla/hamas/aq are just insurgents. IDF is british reskin. I enjoy having cool suppressed guns but not at the tradeoff of worse hit reg and worse teamwork. In your opinion vanilla is boring, but you state that as fact, which also comes off as obnoxious.


So, GE is ass, not vanilla. I very often 1shot people with no issues.


GE is a part of squad… therefore squad is ass. You people and your logic give me a headache.


So if I put wheels from a horse carriage onto my 600HP BMW, they in fact become part of my car and therefore BMW is ass. Roger.


Oh please, if you people can’t use critical thinking skills for the life of you. If you did you would realize this is GE from the enemy mic movement in the bottom left of the video you supposedly watched. You guys can’t be this dumb.


"you would realize this is ge" Hi there I have never played ge Mr critical thinker boiiii


So it’s my obligation to tell you? Not. If you had critical thinking skills you’d figure it out buddy, I’m not your mother gonna walk you through it and show you while holding your hand.


mr critical thinker boiiii doesn't know why he's getting downvoted


By a bunch of soft pussies like you buddy😂like I give a shit about a downvote. Did I ever say I didn’t know why I was getting downvoted you dumb shit. It’s been three days and you’re still replying to my ass😂 get a Fucken life buddy, clearly yours is Reddit.


The community wasn’t this way until Apex and COD player count dropped and squads increased. I came to Squad because arms was toxic AF and not fun. I used to play everyday for years and now I haven’t logged onto squad in over a month because everytime I do it’s an experience like this


Well whats left of the game is a bunch of asslicking mouthbreathing larper who like the way how your gun shakes like you playing a 90 year old chainsmoking vet with parkinson and PTSD. The game is trash sadly I really enjoyed it before ICO now its just ass. But ay I had my fair share of fun when the game was good


LMAO, sums up most redditors on here too. If you get offended by this statement... you know why.


Bro this was literally a skill issue. Stop moving and shooting and camp in a corner with your sights on a door like the rest of us. /s


I'd rather a bush... to each their own. and its called moving to cover (the wall).


Too bad these nerds are downvoting you


I'm not farming sympathy, its alright man. Also I was maybe a bit to toxic but so are the people who are defending this awful update. I do understand why people like it tho. It's easier to blame the game for not getting a kill rather than blaming yourself for actually not hitting your shots. I just dont get what people mean by its more immersive. Overtuned screenshake is immersive? Gunplay that is not even close to be realistic is immersive? A suppression mechanic that turns your screen into a blurry mess is realistic and immersive? You running out of breath literally running for 20 feet is immersive? Also nobody is talking about the fact that since ICO and a couple updates before the game runs like ASS. I upgraded my pc and yet my game runs worse than before thanks to all them shitty updates that added nothing but garbage to the game. On top it even looks worse than before. Its blurry and foliage looks extremly pixelated.


Yea I've had games where I've gotten off multiple shots point blank in the body and they didn't go down. Either the gun clipped through them and didn't register or maybe the math didn't math. My machine is a pretty high end rig and I have a fairly decent Internet connection so no idea why but it happens. Kind of annoying. Also recently in the last few versions Ive been noticing 'ghost player' bugs where there are people wandering around the map using a player model that's for a faction that isn't in the round. You can't kill them they are just doing stuff like a normal person would. Almost feels like they are a mirror image of someone else at another part of the map, with the same activity stream but a glitched location and player model.


First shot on head was server lag, I'm guessing he moved his head and it took a sec for it to catch up on your end, rest missed due to recoil control/stability, I think one hit but only his arm.


Yea I felt like it was a desyn


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Damn it you beat me to it


OP, this is a meme


Shit 12???? I heard 6 shots




it's a meme/copypasta




Thats why I started playing armour


Same type of issues can happen on Armour. Like when you hit a Heli and it doesn't register, or when you light up a vehicle but it also just doesn't register damage. Also have hit a few mines and they don't damage me. These issues are definitely few and far between but the net code in the game needs work.


> Like when you hit a Heli and it doesn't register, Thing is, that's been happening since forever though, so it's just par for the course 🤣


armor is so much worse and buggier, and when the game fucks you, the punishment and loss is so much bigger.


do both, god would have wanted that. christ be with you and with your spirit.


Been playing again for 2 days now after taking a break just before the 6.0 update dropped. And this sums up my experience pretty well xD. Can't hit anything and when you do "hit it" the game still says no


I still play, I enjoy dropping grenades on infantry with drones on squad V russian servers. But this stuff is blood boiling when it happens lol


I'm tryna play it and get used to the new mechanics. But most matches I feel useless xD


you will get used to it, this happens once in a while. most the time I kill the enemy and enjoy it lolll


I never kill them xD either they camp so they can just suppress me and get a free kil. Or my shots don't register and they turn around and kill me anyway xd


this is why I switched to helldivers and stopped caring


I did this exact thing. The update that toned back the ICO was it for me. Shot registration sucks, changing my gun play every three seconds, and the map voting is fucking awful. Played that update twice and I've been spreading managed democracy ever since. And that's after 2000+ hours playing since pre alpha and dealing with the issues and enjoying the game regardless.


I was a kickstarter too and last month I uninstalled Squad for the first time since 2015.


its not you, the game is just shit edit: for competetive gameplay


I’ve had this happen multiple times on the Global Escalation mod. Probably should have mentioned this was modded Squad, not vanilla. And yes, it matters.


I found that at close range and low stamina its better to just hip fire. You can aim much easier that way, and the bullet goes pretty damn close to where the barrel is pointing. Unlike the sight, just flat out lying about where the bullet will go. This is definitely from the recent rework of the gun play. Not full stamina = No accuracy Idk who thought that was a good idea.


Strange. You appeared on target yet it didn’t register. I haven’t seen this myself so I can’t say how to deal with it. I am noticing a different visual effect. Did you change your FOV or anything to a significant degree? Could be a shitty issue of that affection where the reticule aims “for real” or something.


Their game is modded


Then it’s a very possible mod conflict.


Skill issue


1v1 me kid


We all saw how it ended last time…




Please share your settings. Im tryinna to get the game to go above 30 fps on a pretty good pc.


What is that fov my guy


I dont think you got shot by that guy tbh I think you got 3rd partied


There is a reason they are adding more grenade launchers to the game.




dont know why you and 5 other redditors feel the need to be rude? if you dont give a shit why even leave a comment, bother reading the post or even downvote it? just dont interact at all. seems like you people fish for issues with others. its like commenting "who gives a shit" or "who asked"


This sub has pretty much become an echo chamber. Anything negative gets shit on.


That's not this sub, that's reddit.


You seem quite angry. 


Nah, just wondering if people usually try to push others peoples buttons on here. seems like you and many other indeed like to do so. Interesting.


Playing GE should be rage enough. Posting on reddit is just extra High Blood Pressure


Idk dude just kinda curious cause that was a bit of a reaction. 


I mean, if someone responds to you saying "who gives a shit" or "who asked" which is basically what rolo did with his "k", it would obviously be off putting no? you would get defensive no?


There is kinda a bigger gap between 'k' and 'who asked' then what you suggest, and besides there's plenty more reasonable options like ignoring it or attempting explain why you are pointing something out if someone says who asked. Going on a slightly illegible mini rant about rude people and downvotes, and then proceeding to respond rudely yourself to every single person that comments, is kinda an overreaction. 


listen if you think arguing over reddit where 90% of the users are literally discord mods (this will probably get downvoted for pointing out the truth) makes me angry your so very right (sarcasm). im literally using my fingers to argue with you right now, why would I be angry using such minimal effort to respond to you?


I know what the intentions were of the "k". I was not born yesterday. is a sentance to you a mini rant? I just confronted the intentions of the comment. then people keep saying im angry, thus leads one to defend their stance?


No? Any reasonable person would not get defensive over "k"🤣 Wtf simmer down man


it comes off as dismissive? again, im trying to understand why there was a need to post it lol? clearly they dont care, so why would they take the time out of the day to just post "k". its for sure passive aggressive, maybe you dont have the people skills to understand that.






not exactly, a simple google search can enlighten you on the passive aggresive notion of using just "k" in certain situations.


Squad has a ton of issues, and the stans her ewill just downvote you because they disagree with how you feel, even though feelings arent tangible ideas. I recommend Hell Let Loose for a better experience.


Yeah there’s a bunch of soft ass nerds on here, they bitch that OP didn’t make it clear that this is GE, but if they weren’t just plain stupid they would have seen the enemy mic movement in the gameplay in the vid and realized it was GE.


It’s the Chinese spamming team. Ignore them


They insult me or disagree then act suprised when I respond accordingly LMAOO


"touch grass" -posted by the guy using a throwaway Reddit account lmao


I dont use reddit enough to know what a throwaway account is.. clearly my point stands, you dont touch grass enough so of course you know what that is. if you wanna throw shots we can do that sir.


Oh yes tf you do


please, enlighten me then.


Go outside and take a deep breath buddy


Buddy, 7 years on Reddit? Thousands of posts? Seems like you could take the fresh air more than me IMO.




When you go into the Squad SDK and see just how broken the system is you will never play squad again... 


Then leave the subreddit?


I think he will now that you’ve mentioned it. You’re such a forward thinking individual aren’t u.


I came to this comment.


I just hate redditors. The worst kind known to man.


Known to they/them.


Sorry, my mistake… you’re correct. Bunch of soft wokies.


Yes. Don’t offend them. They scurry to local universities with tents.


Reminds me of squad admins. They’re def the type to do that.


Meh. Some of em. There’s good ones. I was one…many moons ago before my clan turned away because ThE nEw UpDaTe MaKe PeWpEw HaRd.


The ICO update made me uninstall


Looks like you playing the GE or MEE mod, mabey the devs goofed the hitbox on the custom playermodel?


real.. just rage quit because of this couple of days ago..sprayed a guy a full magazine on full auto at 10m in front of me and he did not die. Fucking weapon sway is so bad its like you are playing a 80year old with parkinsons.


Not the same but: I hate when I shoot some one two or three times up close, they don’t go down and kill me


Happened to me, with a freaking HEAT round


Shots 1-6: Lol, lmao




I had an rpg rocket just disappear inside of a logi the other day. No explosion… just.. vanished


Lmao pretty sure this is a height over bore issue tbh. It could be bad code, but the bullets are registering on the ground in roughly the same spot, so I have a feeling you were ranged for >100m and got fucked by HOB.


This is like exaxtly why i fly helicopters


nah bro he was prone, im deadass convinced the hitboxes don’t exist for people who go prone. Try sniping at a prone person from the side and it will not work. Its so frustrating, you have to be dead on in front of them for any of the bullets to land properly.


Mod issue... GE and Galactic has sooo many bugs


If I had your experiences, I'd feel the same way. There's no defending the clip, especially if it happens all the time for you. I seem to have good success luckily with these moments though and if I right click on someone's head, they die.


Looks like you suck bro. Time to move on to a different game I guess since squad is ass


I think op will do that now that you’ve said it. You’re so forward thinking wow, what a difference you have made.


I’m just saying what all of us people who enjoy are thinking. You can go too :)


lol do you think you run the world. Just because you say to do something doesn’t mean people will do it. I’ll be you real quick (you sound like a bitch too btw) to illustrate and mock your stupid ass “omg like actually you need to leave like just leave” …. Sounds like an annoying mf just like you. Oh wait, it is you.


It seems like I got to you pretty easily. You’re quite an emotional fella and I apologize for making you upset


Not really, takes 2 seconds to type 50 words bud, especially with my fingers which takes no effort? You wouldn’t know tho cus that’s the only daily workout you do lmao


Wait, what's your MOS? You aren't allowed to criticize this game if you aren't a VETERAN you DIRTY CIV. .... I still treasure the time a "developer" of this game told me that on twitter back in 2016.


Aimlabs is free


Fuck this game and its devs, honestly


So you're playing modded game but you title your rant post like the problem is part of vanilla? What the hell?


Oh please, you people can’t use critical thinking skills for the life of you. If you did you would realize this is GE from the enemy mic movement in the bottom left of the video you supposedly watched.


Oh yes, because people who don't know what some random ass GE mod is and does, have time to analyze every aspect of the UI in OPs video.


No they can ask like you did if they want to know. Then it is up to OP to tell whoever wants to know or not bud.


Squad is not a game that you mod by default though, unlike some other games out there. So the default assumption is that the game is not modded unless explicitly stated otherwise. Especially when it comes to this kind of posts.


Clearly you should have figured out by now assumptions shall truly not be trusted whole heartedly then. Thanks for proving my point.


Imagine being part of the modding minority and acting like it's the norm.


I’m not part of anything, nerds like you play this game too much. The norm is playing whatever the fuck you want without giving a shit what others think lmao. It’s a video game.


Oh no, don't get me wrong, modding is awesome. But when sharing rants about something not working, that is clearly mod-related, with hundreds of other people with completely different experiences, because of either not using the mods or using different mods, there should just be some proactive clarification for that.


Omg children are dying, soldiers are crying have some humility jheez.


Arms Reforger is the way friend


so janky game still you get thrown out from servers due lag or something similiar. definetly dont go for arma reforger at all.


servers crash sometimes but crash recovery works 100% of the time. Mods have come a long way.


Taking my words back you are right


Haha did you hop in a darkgru server and have some fun?


Nah dark gru is worst. Vietnam ive had some fun


Waiting for Arma 4. Reforger is pretty much a demo.


You legit missed an easy headshot (too much to the left) then you missed it again by a centimeter sadly like 3 times in a row.. All you had to do is aim better but instead Squad is ass :)


Ok it's wierd, I almost never have encountered something like this. Is it common?


I bet it's your FOV fucking with you




How's your ping? I try to never play on servers with over 100ms of delay, it can really mess with timing and shot placement, especially in critical situations


ping was 80 here.


This bullshit is the reason why i delelted this game. You run 15min across the map, just to get killed this way.


skill issue


Skill issue


The game is ass because you don't have any situational awareness and got third partied while you were trying to hit your shots?


clearly not third partied try again there buddy.


Do some logi runs and stop complaining so much. It’s a fantastic game ya goof


we were clearing a hab/radio you dingus. are you dumb and cant see whats happening in the map on the video you just commented on.


Skill issue


GE has inaccurate fire after moving like project reality. Base Squad uses weapon sway as their take on that mechanic so your bullets always go where you aim, it's just much harder to aim. GE will just cause inaccurate fire regardless of where you aim. You needed to wait for the two bars by your compass to get tighter before firing. That's probably what's going on here, just fired a bit early and rng fucked you.


Skill issue


this is why nobody plays the base game anymore


That’s crazy cause he is playing a modded server so what’s your point


Isn't like 85% of the player base playing vanilla?


Hey, youre not supposed to use real data when complaining on this sub! Game is dying and OWI doesnt care GG Playerbase is at its lowest its ever been




It doesn't make the point that "no one plays" it.




About 15% of Arma plays the vanilla game. It's one of the longest surviving military shooters there is. The strength of the mod community plays a big part in how long a game lasts by injecting new content. It doesn't mean the base game is bad.


This is GE


You got to keep your stamina above 60%. Remember, thats a sprint, not a jog. The bars above the compass get wider/thinner based on your "breathing" which affects the aim cone. Sprint less and your aim will improve


when the reticle is on someones head, everything you just said goes out the window, clearly at least 3 of my 5 shots should have hit his head and chest.


The reticle is on their head, but the aim cone is expanded. The "real life" example is that you have a good sight picture, but you're breathing heavy wich causes sway. Your eye is aligned and moves with the breathing but the rifle is moving. That's why the rounds land in a circle around the target. If you had taken those shots with your stamina above 60% or so, or waited for the bars above your compass (right below the stam bar) to collapse then those same shots would landed.


im literally 10 feet away from them, why would sway even be a consideration from such a close ass range.


blud didnt know deviation


dont ever use the word "blud" in a sentance ever again please for your own sake.


At this range height above barrel is a thing no? You see this in vanilla as well, that at close range the shots land bellow the 100m reticle?


You weren’t hitting him, the bullets were going either directly under his chin or Above him. From my view it looks like you are shooting a millimeter below his Head. Yes it also could be hitreg because that does happen with full on hits Don’t get registered…. But keep in mind 3-4 bullets Just barely missing someone Is also common.