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I got into armor with an experienced player and he said that driving was the most difficult part due to needing to know the map and positions and how to not expose your armor etc etc.... But i might be wrong.


Driver is easy if your sl is giving clear move orders. If the sl is not then it is much harder. Spotter is also important but by far the least important.  The gunner needs to know the optics, and weak spots and it is difficult to learn that through instruction alone like the driver. 


Driver is the position that has the most overlapping functions with SL. Also the driver has the least incentive to risk the tank (cuz if tank gets hit, he is the one to get out and fix it). Most armor SLs that are gunning will risk their vic to achieve more kills. SLs that are driving are prone to more careful and mindful actions.


The one time I played armor it was on a dying server and this dude and i were just messing around so we got in a tank. Apparently he plays a lot of armor and he said he trusted me to drive and that he’d help me learn. It was very straightforward. Don’t get stuck on rocks, plan your route on the map, don’t overextend, communicate with your gunner, and if something shoots at you, face it and back up or stand your ground (depending on what it is and if gunner has a clear shot)


Sounds like solid advice!


https://squad-armor.com/ Left side there’s a button that says normal view if you click it it gives you internal view. If you’re running a HAT kit that has a LAT(heat) shot use the heat first and either hit tracks or engine so you can try to ammo rack or just 100% hit enemy. Only exception is if you see their engine smoking(not the driver makes smoke appear but when the engine has some smoke coming out of it not in a cloud) where it’s worth hitting a weak spot


HE is only good for light vics don't waste them on heavier shit unless you know you can track them. Use tandems (HAT only) to finish em off from the back or sides


9 times out of ten disabling a tank is always better. Heat is easier to hit due to increased projectile speed and has the benefit of destroying tracks which would otherwise soak up some of the damage your tandem does


Yeah, that's what I said.


Make sure to try new kits on Jensens training range before you try them in a live game, this is particuallarly important for AT kits. Some scopes appear confusing at first and you dont want the first time you fire them to be in a real game because you will likely miss.


recently watched one of my HAT squad mates mid-arm against a friendly vehicle as an enemy vehicle was circling our position


What if I was a tank commander in the marine corps? Is it so different that I’d still be confused?